All Chapters of Being Yours : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
239 Chapters
Jill took Joey’s wet clothes off in the laundry room. Some pajamas she’d folded were lying on the dryer and Jill snatched them up, deciding it wouldn’t hurt if he ate breakfast in his Bugs Bunny jammies just this once. Not taking him upstairs to dress now would mean she could sit at the table with him and finish feeding Holly while he ate. That way she could be with both of them at the same time.Joey seemed to have forgotten last night’s troubles as she swiftly dressed him, then led him back to the table.‘Can . . . can we watch cartoons?’‘I don’t see why not.’ Jill flipped on the TV and settled pn the plank seat with Holly. Joey dug into his cereal, completely imconcemed. She sighed with relief. Truthfully, she’d worried how he would act when he foxmd his father had left. But he didn’t say a word, and she realized that Dustin was usually gone by daybreak so the routine was simply familiar to Joey. He didn’t ask what was wrong with his grandmother, either. Jill thought that since sh
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The house seemed still and too quiet without Joey. Eunice’s comforting presence was missing; the anticipation that flashed through Jill when Dustin might stride in at any moment was gone. It was just her and Holly now, and Holly was taking a nap.Jill took a shower and tidied her room, with one ear listening for the phone all the while. The fact that Dustin had not called worried her. She knew he was aware of her concern for his mother, so he would want to reassure Jill as soon as he could. Telling herself not to panic over the silent phone, Jill reasoned he hadn’t called because he didn’t know anything about Eimice’s condition yet. Though she couldn’t bear to think of it, Eimice might be worse off than they could have known. Jill’s stomach tightened at the thought. Eunice is in fine healthy she told herself, even as a shadow crossed her mind, ugly and ill-conceiyed. What if she's dying}Jill sighed, vehemently wishing that thought had not popped into her conscious. Losing Eunice woul
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Joey sat in Grandmother Copeland’s kitchen, hearing her voice carry angry tones all the way down the hall. The cookie in front of him lost its appeal. Whoever Grandma was mad at was in big trouble. He sighed and looked around the big kitchen. His stomach hurt, and he wished his father would come and get him. Grandmother’s cookies didn’t taste like Jill’s, and though he loved his grandfather, Joey was sad. Everybody in the house was making brows. If he could just go home, he thought everything would be much better.Swinging his legs, Joey wondered what baby Holly was doing. Sleeping, probably. All that baby did was sleep. He imderstood she was going to go home one day, but he sure did like having her arotmd. She made a lot of noise sometimes, and one time when she burped and he’d been sitting too close to her, he thought she smelled like a sandwich. That had made him laugh.She was soft, too. He liked touching her head because it reminded him of the velvet on Rooster’s nose. One day, m
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Jill heard Dustin’s boots on the stairs. He didn’t stop at her room as she’d expected. Instead, he went down the hall to his own room. For a moment it was quiet then she heard him talking loudly to someone.She knew she should get up and close her bedroom door. She should go downstairs and get something ready for him to eat. By the tone of his voice, she could tell the call was personal and one he probably wouldn’t appreciate her hearing.Gening up to make her way down the stairs, the sudden mention of her name caught her ears. Jill paused, knowing in her heart that what she was doing was going to hurt her. People who listened to conversations about themselves invariably got their feelings hurt.‘Jill is not the problem, for chrissakes. I’m not sure what Maxine’s whole problem is, Roger. All I know is, I was informed that the Copelands have decided Joey is in danger. Until Thursday, I don’t get a chance to tell my side of the story.’He was silent for a few moments. ‘Jill has done a s
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Wearing jeans and a T-shirt fit for loading boxes she had never unpacked at her parents’ house, Jill looked around the contemporary apartment where she and Carl had once planned to spend their newly married life. Sheets, towels, and other items necessary for starting a home filled the boxes. There was no reason to take them out now.She was surprised to see that Carl hadn’t moved out very many of his things. She had told him she was turning in the notice, which she had done the day after he’d paid his surprise visit to the ranch. In some ways, Carl was a strangely motivated person, but getting his possessions out of her hair apparently wasn’t something that motivated him greatly.She tried not to think about how depressing it was to have to look at all of his stuff. One phone message at Carl’s office was all she was leaving to warn him that if he didn’t get over here at a pre-arranged time and move out, everything he had parked in the apartment was going to the charity drop-off.After
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Dustin pulled his truck into the Copelands’ drive. He stared out the windshield, wondering what Joey was doing right now. It was nearly lunchtime on a cold and blustery December day. Taking a deep breath, he told himself to remain calm no matter what Maxine said to him.Ringing the doorbell, Dustin ignored the chill seeping through his jeans as he waited for someone to answer. To his surprise, Maxine herself answered the door.By the look on her face, she was just as shocked to see him.‘Morning, Maxine.’‘Wh&t are you doing here?’ Her voice was as brisk and frozen as the weather.‘I think it’s time you and I talked,’ he replied. Though his tone was mild, his jaw was clenched with the effort of playing it cool.‘You’ll excuse me if I don’t invite you in?’Maxine glanced over her shoulder. Dustin surmised she was keeping his visit secret from eitherJoey or David. It really didn’t matter. He could have his say just as easily out here on the porch.‘I want you to get your lawyer off my
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The cowboy hat looked familiar, as did the squarefaced, determined profile. Keeping the chain on the door, she cautiously opened it. ‘Marsh?’‘Hi, Jill.’‘What are you doing here?’ she asked, her stomach somersaulting.‘Uh, me and China were in the neighborhood and we thought we’d stop by.’She could see someone standing behind Marsh. Jill held back a groan. ‘I’m not really in a position to have company,’ she said, trying desperately to think of a way to keep the sheriff out of her apartment. She had a funny feeling he was here on business, courtesy of Dustin.‘Come on, Jill. At least let me say my piece. The old lady’ll be disappointed if I come home without talking to you.’At the mention of Eimice, Jill slid the chain off the door and opened it. Marsh made his way in, limping a bit. China offered her a sympathetic smile as she followed.‘How is Eunice doing?’‘Much better, I think. Ready for her life to get back to normal, anyway.’‘I suppose my mother told you where I lived.’ Jill
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Marsh’s blithe statement didn’t set too well with Jill, never mind how truthful it might be. ‘All I have to say to that is if you don’t turn aroimd and take me to my parents’ house. I’m registering a complaint with your supervisor. Then I’ll call a taxi from Dustin’s house to bring me back home, at which point I will send the bill to the Lassiter police department.’‘You’re kidding, right?’ The carefree smile slid off Marsh’s face.‘No, I’m not.’ Jill shook her head. ‘I’ll be very upset with you if you do this.’ She didn’t know if the threats she’d thrown out would worry the sheriff, but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t to go to Lassiter.‘You’d better go back. Tommy,’ China said softly.‘Aw, hell,’ Marsh complained. He turned the truck around at the next break in the intersection.‘I appreciate the thought. Marsh, but there are some things you can’t make happen, even for your best friend. Or his mother.'Didn’t he know it. ‘I guess you’d say the word if you changed your mind. I’d be ha
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Tiny pieces of popcorn lay scattered under the tree on Christmas Day. Joey had enjoyed stringing it, but then he wanted to eat it, so occasional tugs on the string had left little pieces of the stuff lying on the carpet. Jill smiled at the mess, glad to be here instead of in the pristine apartment Marsh had said lacked heart. There was plenty of heart here.Last night she and Dustin had performed their ‘Santa Claus’ duties, placing brightly-colored packages with fancy ribbons under the tree for Joey. His stocking bulged, especially the toe, where Jill had put an orange in the very bottom. She’d so enjoyed planning these surprises for the child; it was almost a miracle to her to be actually putting small toys and candy in his stocking. She had loved wrapping his presents.She heard the pattering of Joey’s pajamaed feet hurrying down the stairs. A smile automatically lifted her lips. ‘Merry Christmas, Joey!’ she called as he ran into the parlor.He ran to squeeze her with a big hug. ‘I
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'Are we getting divorced?’Rachel Gold kept her gaze focused on the tarot cards spread across the mahogany table in the traditional Celtic pattern, and considered the woman’s frantic question. There had been rare times over the past years that Rachel had regretted her decision to become a tarot reader, but when faced with having to give an unwanted answer she wondered if there wasn’t an easier way to make a living.Passing her hand over the Death card without touching it, Rachel felt tendrils of energy vibrate against her fingers. She lifted her gaze from the picture of an armored skeleton mounted on horseback to study her long-time, and troubled, customer. Anxiety pooled in Sandra Roberts’ blue eyes, deepening the faint crow’s feet fanning out from their corners.Drawing hard on her filtered cigarette, Sandra blew a thin stream of smoke through her trembling lips. Her complexion paled, sinking to gray in a room bright with festive light. In an urgent whisper so the other guests would
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