All Chapters of Being Yours : Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
239 Chapters
For one gut-wrenching moment Matt thought that the woman walking toward him was Adriana. Same dark curls and olive skin, same compact figure, same ridiculously high heels tapping across the airport concourse. He closed his eyes. When he opened them again, she was standing beside him while she anxiously scanned the crowd gathered around the arrivals gate.He scowled. He really must get a grip. Close up she was nothing like Adriana. The curls were softer and shot with chestnut streaks, and her skin was honey-colored with a tiny smattering of freckles across her nose. What was the matter with him that he thought every small, dark-haired woman was his wife? Why, this one wasn’t even dressed like Adriana. Instead of high gloss and sparkle, she was wearing varying shades of beige. The slouchy trousers and T-shirt, as well as the thin sweater tied around her shoulders, were obviously aimed at travel comfort rather than elegance. Only the shoes, copper- colored sandals with a four-inch heel,
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Crash pad just about described it, Alex decided fifteen minutes later as she followed him up two steep flights of stairs to a cramped attic accommodation at the top of a square, white-painted building on the outskirts of the town.The offices of Miguel & Anderson occupied the first two floors. Although not at all grand, they were cool and professional. Marble tiling in shades of cream was complemented by dark wood and modern desks. The four computers, each with a webcam, were recent models, all of which Alex found encouraging.A pretty, dark-haired woman in her midtwenties had greeted them when they arrived. She had tried not to stare at Alex as she relayed a series of messages to Matt in Spanish. He listened intently and then, with his cell phone already clamped to one ear, had made hasty introductions in English.“Conchita, this is Alexandra Moyer, our new designer. Alex, this is Conchita Eberardo, Miguel & Anderson’s office manager. Without her, we couldn’t function! She’s related
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Much later, replete after a meal of fish served with a green salsa, tiny baked potatoes, and a tomato salad, Alex sipped the last of her wine and listened to Rufino and Cristina reminiscing about a touring holiday they had once had in England.“We ended up in the Yorkshire Dales,” remembered Rufino.Cristina nodded. “Yes, and the scenery was beautiful—all soft curves lit by pale sunshine and shadow—and so many sheep! Even the food was good most of the time,” she added in her attractively accented English. “It wasn’t at all what we expected. We had heard so many bad things about England and its weather.”“You were just lucky.” Matt held his empty wineglass out for a refill. “Usually it’s gray and wet, or cold and wet, or windy and wet, or just wet. Why do you think I've settled over here? What’s to choose between wet and continuous sunshine?”“That is such an exaggeration!” Alex protested as Rufino topped up her gla^s. “We have loads of good weather. Think of all the poets who’ve writt
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Awaking early the following morning, Alex lay in bed and listened to the sounds of the house. She heard the murmur of Cristina’s voice and then little fluting sounds like birdsong. It took her a moment to realize that it was the twins, who had woken and were calling. Soon the sounds grew louder, and then she heard the patter of small feet on the wooden floor. Slowly her door was pushed open, and two sets of sparkling black eyes peeped in at her.“ Hola she said, guessing that they probably understood only Spanish.Immediately they disappeared to the sound of much giggling. Smiling, she swung her feet onto the floor and welcomed the new day with a luxurious stretch. She felt more rested and relaxed than she had in months, and she was looking forward to settling into her new home and starting work.Twenty minutes later, showered and dressed in casual clothes, she gave her hair a final brush before descending into the kitchen. There, ensconced in matching high chairs and covered from chi
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Alex arrived at Miguel & Anderson’s office at eight thirty the following morning after an evening spent settling into her new home. She had refused Cristina’s offer of an evening meal but had agreed to meet up again later in the week.After unpacking her clothes and putting the food she had bought at the market into the kitchen cupboards, she had made herself a coffee and taken it onto her balcony to enjoy the last of the evening sun. When it turned into a spectacular sunset that bathed the roofs below her in pink and gold, she congratulated herself anew on her good fortune and decided that she would make the most of this unexpected chance to stay in such a beautiful, sunny place. She would use it to provide the energy she needed to restart her social life. She would forget people like Rory and his friends, who had all sucked her dry. Any liaisons she enjoyed in Tenerife would be casual and fun and conducted solely on her terms, while she concentrated on making a success of the Alcasz
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Once she was alone, Alex began to walk slowly around the courtyard, filling it with imaginary items as she did so. In her mind’s eye it became a place of light and shade. She soothed the lurid decor into warm pastels, painted the slim columns with fresh white paint, and introduced wooden tables and chairs and large urns of exotic flowers, making these its only decoration apart from the foaming fountain, which she would return to its former glory.Then, after allowing herself another moment to savor it, she moved purposefully back toward the entrance and began a systematic tour of the whole building, making copious notes on a set of plans that Matt had left with her. It took her a long time, and by the time she reached the topmost tower, she was thirsty and her feet were aching. She sat on the low stone windowsill, kicked off her shoes, and wriggled her toes. She really must stop this stupid predilection for ridiculously high heels. They might help her forget her lack of inches, they m
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Alex woke in the early hours of the morning, uncomfortably aware of the throbbing in her ankle. For the briefest moment she wondered where she was, but then everything came flooding back to her as she reached out and switched on the bedside light. Seeing pills and water on the table, she realized that Matt must have come into the room while she was asleep, and she was filled with embarrassment at the thought of such an intimate action. Somehow her plan to work hard and play hard while keeping all emotional involvement at bay seemed to be falling about her ears before it had even begun.With a sigh she swallowed the painkillers and, recognizing that she was unlikely to fall asleep again very quickly, used her one good arm to plump up the pillows behind her head. She looked around the room. All the furniture was carved pine, and the sprigged and ruffled curtains and bedcovers reflected the cream and blue bathroom, as did the square rug on the pale, tiled floor. It was a pretty room with
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Christina was in a bad mood when she returned Alex to her apartment an hour later.“I don’t understand why you must stay here when you could stay with me and I could look after you,” she complained.Alex smiled at her ill humor. “The doctor said I was fine, that I just need to rest my ankle for a week or so. He even said that I have to thank Matt for providing exactly the right treatment; so the best way that I can do that is to stay here and get on with my work. And it won’t be a problem. The apartment is all on one level, so I won’t have to strain my ankle; plus, I have enough food in the cupboards to last at least a week.”Although Cristina disapproved of the plan, she could see from the expression on Alex’s face that she had made up her mind, so she changed tack. “In that case I will visit you every day so that I can check on your recovery and make sure that you are eating properly.”“You’re a dear!” Alex told her, leaning heavily on her arm as she carefully inched her way down th
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On the sixth day of Alex’s forced incarceration, Conchita arrived as usual, except that this time she was hidden behind an enormous bouquet of flowers. A surprised Alex took it from her, wondering, for one heart-stopping moment, if it was from Matt. She had tried not to mind the fact that he hadn’t once telephoned to see how she was. Common sense told her that he was busy and that, anyway, Conchita would keep him up to date with her progress, so she was surprised at how disappointed she felt when she saw that the flowers were from Francesco Pascual. The writing on the accompanying card was black and bold and full of flattery as well as good wishes for a speedy recovery. He had printed his phone number under a flamboyant signature.“He came to the office to invite you to lunch,” Conchita explained with a twinkle in her eye. “So naturally I was forced to tell him about your injuries, and within two hours he had delivered this to your desk with strict instructions that it should be conve
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Alex was still in her robe when Conchita telephoned early the next morning to tell her that Matt and Rufino were both free at eleven o’clock and would come to meet with her. She gave an inward groan as they scheduled a meeting. Although she wasn’t going to admit it to Conchita, she was very definitely the worse for wear this morning, the result of foolishly drinking coffee far too late in the evening and then not getting enough sleep. She glanced at the clock above the kitchen counter. Ten o’clock. That didn’t give her much time to get ready.She hurried into the shower and, in an attempt to wake herself up, let the water splash over her until it began to run cold. Then she pulled on a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt and twisted her wet hair into a tight topknot. A quick glance in the mirror assured her that, despite her late night, she didn’t look too bad. Eating and working outside over the past week had tanned her skin to a smooth golden brown, so she needed only a dab of blusher
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