All Chapters of Stuck Between The Alpha And Rogue King: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
173 Chapters
Chapter 31
It was Sebastian, ordering his guards to get the dogs ready to chase me. I couldn't believe it. How did he know what had happened between Clara and me? Did someone tell him?I stayed there for a while, hoping that the place would clear. My heart was racing and I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead. I was scared and confused, and I didn't know what to do next.As I hid there, my mind raced with questions. Who could have told Sebastian about Clara and me? Did they know about the fight in my room? I felt like I was being watched and my paranoia began to take over. Was someone watching me right now?I knew I had to move, to get out of there before the dogs were released. I took a deep breath and tried to steady myself. With a final glance through the gap in the wall, I took off, running as fast as I could, praying that I wouldn't get caught.I crouched behind the bushes, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. Fear had seized my entire being as I realized the gravity of my s
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Chapter 32
The guards continued to walk towards me, clearly cut out to deal with me even if it meant killing me. I knew that I couldn't take them all on at once, so I focused her attention on the guard closest to me. I delivered a swift kick to his gut, causing him to double over in pain. Before he could recover, I followed up with a powerful uppercut that sent him crashing to the ground.The other guards circled me warily, their eyes locked on my every move. I took a deep breath and prepared to fight back with everything had. I knew that this was my only chance to escape, and I wasn't about to let it slip away.As the guards closed in, I launched into a flurry of punches and kicks, each blow striking with deadly accuracy. I felt a surge of satisfaction with each hit, knowing that I was finally taking control of my own fate.Despite their numbers, the guards were no match for me. I moved with an almost supernatural grace, my movements precise and deadly. I struck them down one by one, my fists
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Chapter 33
I got up from the ground and dusted myself off, taking one last look at the place where I had been hiding for so long. The place where I had almost met my end. My eyes lingered on the blood-stained ground, the broken twigs and branches that had been trampled in the struggle.But I couldn't afford to stay there any longer. I had to keep moving, keep running. I knew that Sebastian and his men would be coming after me, and I couldn't let them catch me. Not now, not after everything that had happened.So I started running again, pushing myself harder than I ever had before. My lungs burned, my muscles ached, but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I had to keep going.As I neared the pack, I could feel my heart racing in my chest. Something was wrong. The air was thick with an eerie silence that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I slowed down, my senses on high alert, trying to figure out what was going on.Normally, the pack was a bustling hive of activity, with wolves running a
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Chapter 34
I walked away from the gruesome scene, my heart heavy with grief and my mind reeling with shock. The images of my pack members' lifeless bodies were etched into my mind, haunting me with their brutal and senseless deaths. I couldn't believe this was happening, that our peaceful and tight-knit community had been torn apart in a matter of moments. As I walked towards my home, my feet felt heavy and my body numb. My eyes searched frantically for any signs of life, any evidence that someone had survived this massacre. But the eerie silence continued, the only sound being my own footsteps echoing through the empty streets. When I reached my home, I saw Dolph lying on the floor, bleeding and barely conscious. Fear gripped me as I rushed to his side, tears streaming down my face. I kissed him softly, praying that he would be okay. And miraculously, he began to heal before my very eyes, his wounds closing up and his breathing becoming steady. I watched in amazement, but also with a deep sen
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Chapter 35
I was consumed by rage, anger and a deep sense of pain. The death of my pack members was an unbearable blow to me. I couldn't help but feel guilty for not being there to save them. The thought of Sebastian being behind this horrific attack made it all worse, and it was like a fire burning inside of me. The fury that consumed me was so intense, I knew I had to do something to release it, and I started destroying everything in sight.I was in my room, and it was a mess, to begin with. My clothes were strewn all over the place, and my books were haphazardly piled on top of each other. I walked to the pile of books, grabbed one and flung it across the room. It hit the wall with a thud, and I felt a brief moment of satisfaction. But it wasn't enough, and I continued.I moved to my dresser and started throwing my clothes everywhere, ripping my shirts, and throwing my shoes at the wall. My anger was increasing, and I couldn't control it anymore. I grabbed my nightstand, flipped it over, and
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Chapter 36
As I entered the room, I could see that Dolph was already awake. But instead of the usual warm smile I usually received, he had a frown on his face."What's wrong?" I asked, already feeling a sense of unease wash over me."You slept with Sebastian," Dolph accused, his eyes narrowed."What? No! How could you even think that?" I protested, my heart pounding with anger and confusion."Your scent has changed, Hailee. I can smell him on you," Dolph replied coldly.I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could Dolph think that I would betray him like that? I felt a deep sense of hurt and anger as I tried to defend myself."I swear to you, Dolph, I did not sleep with Sebastian! He attacked our pack, killed our people, and you think I would betray you like that?" I said, my voice rising in frustration.But Dolph remained unconvinced, and our argument escalated into a full-blown fight. I was hurt and angry that he would even think that of me, and he was hurt and angry that he couldn't trust
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Chapter 37
As I stood there, surrounded by Sebastian and his gang of rogues, I knew I had to be careful. I could feel my heart racing, my muscles tensing up as I prepared to defend myself against any potential attacks. I growled at them, making it clear that I was the Alpha of the rogues now, and I would not be intimidated.Sebastian stepped forward, his eyes dark and dangerous as he looked at me. "How old are you?" he asked, his voice low and gravelly.I didn't respond, refusing to give him any information that could be used against me. Instead, I spat on his face, feeling a sense of satisfaction as the saliva dripped down his cheek.But my satisfaction was short-lived as Sebastian slapped me across the face, sending me reeling. I stumbled, but managed to stay on my feet, determined not to show any weakness in front of these rogues."Take her," Sebastian ordered his men, motioning towards me.But to my surprise, his men hesitated, looking at me with fear in their eyes. I could sense their hesit
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Chapter 38
I was still in the dungeon when I heard the sound of footsteps. I looked up to see Sebastian's guards entering my cell. I stood up, my senses on high alert, and asked them what they wanted.One of the guards stepped forward and said, "We've come to take you to see the Alpha."I narrowed my eyes at them, suspicious of their intentions. But before I could react, one of them came to grab me, while the rest took out whips. My instincts kicked in, and I tried to use my Alpha powers to control them. But to my surprise, nothing happened."What did you do to me?" I demanded, struggling to break free from their grip.The guard who had grabbed me sneered. "The Alpha has done something to prevent you from using your powers. Now, come with us."They started to drag me towards the exit, and I continued to struggle. But it was no use; they were too strong for me. As we made our way out of the dungeon, I couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat wash over me. I had always relied on my Alpha powers to
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Chapter 39
I was left alone in the cell, my body still trembling from the pain of the whip. But as an Alpha, I have the ability to heal myself, so I quickly focused my mind and channeled my power to heal my wounds. In a matter of minutes, my body felt rejuvenated again, and I felt more determined than ever to take down Sebastian and his pack.As I waited for the guards to return, I started to perfect my plan. I knew that I couldn't take on Sebastian and his pack alone, but I also knew that I had an advantage as an Alpha. I decided to use my powers to infiltrate his pack and gain their trust, and once I had enough information, I would strike and take them down from the inside.I began to focus my mind, tapping into my Alpha powers and honing my abilities to control and manipulate the minds of those around me. I had never used my powers in such a way before, but I knew that I had to do whatever it takes to protect my pack and seek revenge for the harm that Sebastian had caused.As I perfected my p
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Chapter forty
SEBASTIAN'S POV.As I made my way back to the dungeon, my mind was racing with thoughts of Hailee and what she could be planning. I knew she was cunning and resourceful, but I never would have guessed she was capable of what I was about to witness.As I approached the cell, I could hear the sounds of shouting and scuffling. At first, I assumed that the guards were dealing with a prisoner who had become unruly. But as I drew closer, I could see that something much more chaotic was happening inside.My heart began to race as I reached for the key to the cell door. What could possibly be going on in there? Had Hailee somehow managed to overpower the guards and escape? Or worse, had she found a way to access her powers and was now using them against my men?I pushed open the door and stepped inside, bracing myself for whatever horrors lay ahead. And what I saw left me stunned and enraged.The room was filled with chaos and confusion, with my guards flailing about wildly and attacking one
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