All Chapters of Stuck Between The Alpha And Rogue King: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
173 Chapters
Chapter forty one
SEBASTIAN'S POV.As I sat in my room, trying to make sense of what had happened in the dungeon, my mind kept circling back to Hailee's escape. It was impossible, I told myself. No Alpha rogue could control an Alpha's pack, and yet that's exactly what had happened.As I tried to wrap my head around the situation, a sudden thought occurred to me: what if Hailee was a witch? It seemed far-fetched, but it was the only explanation that made any sense to me. How else could she have manipulated my guards so easily?I decided to confront her about it, and I found her working in my room. As soon as she saw me, she looked up, her eyes wide with fear."What are you doing in here?" I demanded, my voice cold and accusatory."I-I was just cleaning," she stammered, looking down at her feet."That's not what I meant," I growled, taking a step closer to her. "How did you do it? How did you control my guards?"Hailee's eyes widened even further, and she took a step back, her body trembling with fear. I
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Chapter 42
SEBASTIAN's POV.. Clara had just mindlinked me with a growl, demanding to know where I was as she seemed to have a hint of what was going on. It was a jarring interruption to the peaceful thoughts that had been running through my mind just moments before. We had been kissing, and it was passionate and intense. I couldn't get enough of her, and she seemed to be enjoying it just as much as I was. I didn't want to stop, and I couldn't stop. But now, with Clara's mindlink jolting me back to reality, I knew I had to shut her out. I focused on blocking Clara's mindlink, shutting down any connection she had with me. I knew it wasn't fair to her, but I couldn't let her know where I was or what I was doing. I couldn't let her see what was happening between Hailee and me. It was private, intimate, and not something I wanted to share with anyone. As I pulled Hailee towards me, I felt a surge of desire coursing through my body. My lips crashed against hers, hungry and demanding. I could taste
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Chapter 43
SEBASTIAN'S POV. As I struck Hailee again, the anger that had been simmering inside me boiled over. How dare she try to blame Clara for something that was clearly her own doing? I could feel the heat rising in my chest, my wolf snarling with fury.But as Hailee slumped to the ground, unconscious, a wave of guilt washed over me. What had I done? How could I have let my anger get the better of me like that? I had never hit a woman this enraged before, and the fact that I had just struck Hailee, someone I cared for deeply, filled me with self-loathing.I knelt down beside her, feeling the anger welling up in my soul. What had I become? I couldn't even recognize myself anymore. All I knew was that I needed to get away, to clear my head before I did something else I would regret.Without a second thought, I stormed out of the room, barely registering the sounds of Hailee's labored breathing behind me. I was consumed by my anger, my confusion, my guilt.As I made my way to Cl
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Chapter 44
HAILEE's POV...I opened my eyes to a blinding light that made my head throb like a hundred hammers pounding inside it. Groaning, I tried to sit up, but my body was heavy and unresponsive. I felt like I had been drugged or hit with something, and my limbs were weak and shaky.As I tried to clear the fog in my mind, I realized that I was lying on a cold, hard surface, and the room around me was dimly lit and musty-smelling. Panic gripped me as I struggled to remember what had happened to me.I remembered Sebastian hitting me, and I winced at the memory of the pain that had ripped through my body. I had never felt so betrayed and hurt in my life. I trusted him, and he had turned on me without any evidence or explanation.The more I tried to think, the more my head pounded, and I realized that I needed to get out of this place. I slowly pushed myself up, wincing at the pain in my ribs, and looked around for any signs of an exit.The room was small and dingy, with stone walls and a single
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Chapter 45
The maid entered Hailee's room, carrying a tray of food. She gasped when she saw Hailee lying on the floor, blood pooling around her head. Without thinking, she dropped the tray and ran out of the room, screaming for help.Within seconds, members of the pack were rushing to Hailee's room. They carried her off the bed and to the pack hospital, where the physician immediately began to treat her. Hailee was unconscious, her breathing shallow and labored. The physician examined her carefully, probing her wounds with gentle fingers."Her injuries are severe," the physician said gravely. "She's lost a lot of blood. We need to get her stabilized quickly."The pack members nodded, their faces grim. They watched anxiously as the physician worked, administering medicines and suturing her wounds. They held their breaths, waiting for any sign of improvement.Meanwhile, the maid had run to Sebastian's room, knocking frantically on the door. Sebastian, who was with Clara, opened the door angrily."
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Chapter 46
SEBASTIAN'S POV.I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There she was, lying on the hospital bed, looking so pale and lifeless. My heart sank as I realized how close I had come to losing her. The guilt weighed heavily on my chest, and I struggled to hold back tears.I sat down beside her bed and took her hand in mine. It was cold to the touch, and I could feel the shallow rise and fall of her chest. I wanted to reach out and shake her awake, to make her open her eyes and look at me, but I knew it wasn't that simple.The physician had told me that she was stable for now, but the damage had been done. The wound on her head was deep, and it would take time for her to heal. I couldn't bear the thought of her lying there, unconscious and vulnerable.I sat there for what felt like hours, watching her, waiting for any sign of improvement. I felt so helpless, so useless. I couldn't do anything to make her better, and it was killing me inside.The longer I sat there, the more I realized how muc
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Chapter 47
SEBASTIAN'S POV.I wake up in a cold sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. It takes me a moment to remember where I am, to shake off the lingering tendrils of the nightmare that had gripped me. But as soon as I do, the memory of Hailee floods back into my mind, and I feel a surge of panic.I can't help but think of her lying there in that hospital bed, so still and pale. The memory of her bloodied body haunts me, and I can't shake the feeling of guilt that I carry with me. I should have been there for her, should have protected her from whatever had caused her so much pain.But instead, I had been with Clara, ignoring the outside world as if it didn't matter. And now, Hailee lay in that hospital bed, fighting for her life, while I sat here in my own room, helpless to do anything about it.I try to shake off the feelings of despair and focus on what I can do to help her. Maybe there's something I can do to speed up her recovery, to make the pain go away. But as soon as I start to think
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Chapter 48
I woke up feeling groggy and disoriented. At first, I couldn't remember where I was, but then it all came flooding back to me. I was in Sebastian's packhouse, recovering from a head injury. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief. The last few days had been a blur of pain and confusion, but now I was starting to feel like myself again.As I lay there in the soft bed, I looked around the room. It was simple, but cozy. The walls were painted a soft blue, and there were a few potted plants scattered around. The sunlight filtered in through the window, casting a warm glow over everything.I couldn't help but smile. It had been a long time since I had felt this peaceful. For the first time in a while, I didn't feel like I was constantly fighting for my life. The knowledge that I was safe here, at least for now, was a comforting thought.I stretched my arms above my head, feeling the stiffness in my muscles from lying in bed for so long. But even the discomfort couldn't bring me d
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Chapter 49
HAILEE'S POV.I was livid. How dare he track me like that without my knowledge or consent? And then he had the audacity to attack my pack? I couldn't believe he would stoop so low.I stormed into Dolph's office, my anger palpable. "What the hell is going on, Dolph?" I demanded. "Why is Sebastian attacking my pack?"Dolph looked at me with a mix of annoyance and concern. "Hailee, calm down. Sebastian has reason to believe that the rogues are targeting you and your pack. He's just trying to protect you."I scoffed. "Protect me? By attacking my pack? That's not protection, Dolph. That's aggression."Dolph sighed. "Hailee, I know you're upset. But Sebastian is doing what he thinks is best for you. And for the record, your pack defended themselves. No one was hurt."I grudgingly accepted his explanation, but I still couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. How could Sebastian do this to me? After everything we had been through?I made my way to his office, my anger simmering just beneath th
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Chapter 50
I lay in my room, staring up at the ceiling as my mind raced with thoughts of my upcoming birthday and my plans for the future. I needed to do something, to make a move before I turned twenty and things got even more complicated.With a determined look on my face, I got up from my bed and headed out into the night. I made my way to the library, hoping to find some evidence against Sebastian that I could use against him.As I searched through the dusty tomes, I suddenly heard a noise and looked up to see Sebastian standing before me."What are you doing here?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady."I could ask you the same thing," he replied, his eyes fixed on me.I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just run away, not with him blocking my only exit. So I stood there, feeling trapped and vulnerable."Why did you attack my pack, even after I told you not to?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly."It wasn't me, Hailee," he said, his expression softening. "It was my wolf. He was in c
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