All Chapters of Darkest desires: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 Chapters
The endpoint
Arya ran into her room and jamming the door close and leaned on the it crying her eyes out.Seconds later, she heard loud footsteps rushing noisily towards her direction and then stoped right at her doorstep."Arya," came his soft voice calling out to her."Lets talk about this please," Arya sniffed in softly refusing to say a word to him."Arya, can hear you crying, I can also feel your weight on the door, I know you can hear me, please say something," Ronald pleaded yet nI response from her."Can you atleast open the door?""So you can lay your magic hands on me and make me dance to your tune?" Arya cried in her head making sure to fist her palms tight to avoid any contact with the doorknob."Fine, I'm going to sit here, lean against you too on this door, and listen yo your cries until you decide to talk to me," Ronald said crouching down to the floor and leaned his back on the door.They could both feel eachother's weight on the door and their heavy heart beats thumping uncontroll
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I have moved on
"We are home, sweethearts !!! Mr and Mrs benson chorused loudly like high school kids returning home to their parents after a long trip."Where are you two pumpkins !!! Mrs benson screamed as loud as she could get, and that meant shaking up the entire building.Arya and Ronald jumped off the comfort of their beds and scamppered downstairs."Mom! Dad!!" They screamed excitedly rushing down towards them, Arya jumped on her dad while Ronald rushed into his mom's arms."Oh, my baby," Mr benson cooed stroking Arya's hair as she weapped her arms firmly around him.Seconds scaled by and Ronald and Mrs benson disengaged from the hug but Arya clung tightly onto her dad, shortly they could hear her sniffing."Arya? Are you okay?" Mr benson asked forcefully breaking free from the hug and stared into her face, all swollen and red, she was sobbing uncontrollably now.Ronald chuckled lightly as they all watched the drama queen, he knew what was wrong with her, and he couldn't help but feel bad for
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I have a girlfriend now
An extremely rough couple of weeks it has been for Arya.Ronald was still being nice to her and acting all ignorant about everything that happened between them.He had went on with his usual big brother's duties to her except less flirtious like he has always done, this time, he totally cared less about other guys hitting on her and making passes, he was totally okay with it.Arya was cool with every other thing but stopping his usual lips kiss was one thing she couldn't take, not when she was beginning to get used to it, on many occasions she had tried to initiate it, but Ronald would carefully and politely avoid her lips and end up giving her a peck on the cheeks."Siblings don't kiss each other on the lips," he would always politely turn her down.And to finally crown his many tortures, Ronald had returned to being a chronic playboy, Arya hadn't taken time out to acknowledge how extremely faithful and committed he was when they had something going on, it was almost like no other gi
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All you both do is engage in sex
"Oh, Arya, you are pathetic," Arya cursed at herself as she stood in front of Ronald's doorstep in the middle of the night eavesdropping to his love making session with Eleanor.One of the hidden talents she had discovered about herself ever since Ronald and Eleanor started dating, snooping around in the middle of the night when she was sure their parents were asleep only to lean on Ronald's doorstep cursing and swearing in rage as they made love.Ronald wasn't particularly taking it easy on her, he brought Eleanor home every night and their parents weren't saying anything about it."If you aren't standing here right now, how would you know they are having sex?" Her mind screamed at her."Yeah, right," she mumbled dragging her feet back to her room.*Next morning*Arya ran out of her room in a rush and almost fell to the floor as she collided with Eleanor."Hey, watch it!!!!" She yelled angrily, her eyes burning with rage."I'm sorry Arya, I didn't see you coming," Eleanor apologized.
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He keeps getting worse
"Everyone come out! I have something to say to all of you!!! Arya screamed walking from each person's room to another knocking on their doors.Ronald was the first to come out of his room and of course in the company of Eleanor.She practically live with them now."Arya, whats going on? Why are you calling everyone out? Can't you see it's late?" Ronald snapped."I'm sorry guys, I just can't keep it to myself anymore, it's really important that I talk to all of you," Arya replied."Well then, make it as fast and as simple as possible because some of us were in the middle of something," Ronald said winking seductively at eleanor."Ronald stop," Eleanor whispered staring down timidly. Arya rolled her eyes and looked away, deciding not to give them the reaction they needed from her.Almost immediately, their parent's room door creaked open and they walked out."Arya what's the matter?" Mr benson asked."Uhm, I want to talk to you guys about something really vital," Arya replied."We all
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I love you
Arya found her way to the kitchen only to meet Ronald already sitted quietly on one of the kitchen chairs with a glass of milk on his hand."It's their time of the night, why isn't he with her?" Arya thought inwardly as she approached him.He slowly looked up on hearing her footsteps."Arya, what are you doing still up by this time?" He asked."Just came to grab a glass of milk, I can't seem to get a good sleep," she replied."You are having one already, can't sleep too?" She asked walking towards the freezer and grabbed a cold jar of yoghurt and a glass."Nah, I just needed to cool off a bit before going back to bed," he replied and Arya muttered an 'OH'She had hoped he would say yes, then maybe she would have believed he couldn't sleep because he was thinking of her but he had utterly proved her wrong.They both sat there sipping their yoghurt in silence."Uhm, I should go back to sleep now, goodnight," Ronald suddenly blurted out and stood up turning around to leave."Hey Ronald,
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Torture continues brother
Arya woke up with a bright smile on her face reminiscing about the event of the previous night, she finally admitted her feelings for Ronald and also confessed it to him, though she got a rejection from him, but then again, she got a hug and God knows, its been like ages since they last hugged, Eleanor has been taking all the glory but its time to take back what is rightfully hers no matter what it takes.Her plans were to kick off immediately and she was more than ready to swing into action.She grabbed her phone to check what time it is, 11 AM "Geez, how did I sleep this long?! She exclaimed.It was a Saturday anyway, so she didn't have anything to worry about. Jumping off the bed, she ran all the way to her bathroom, did her usual morning routine and bounced out."Arya! Ronald, come out here now!!" She heard her dad's voice calling out to them and quickly rushed out."Morning mom, morning dad," She and Ronald chorused as they both stood in front of them."Morning babies, trust yo
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Still proving stubborn?
Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!" Ronald screamed repeatedly hitting the steering as he drove around the street, it wasn't Eleanor's closing time, he just needed to be out of the house that minute else he would compeletly loose it."How could she want to wear something like that for that jerk?" He yelled furiously overtaking other cars beside him."Does she even know how she looked?" He blurted out."Like a freaking p*rnstar, a fucking p*rnstar!!! Damn it," he continued speaking to himself as he drove around.His mind couldn't erase the memory of her image, from her pretty innocent face, to her flawless thick smooth thighs, her juicy boobs and erect nipples faultlessly vissible to his ogling eyes through the see through singlet, and her firm mouth watering ass perfectly encased in the tight skirt she wore"She is mine, her body, her heart, all of her is fucking mine!!! He yelled continuously hitting the steering."Are you okay man? A man in the car next to him shouted out to him."Fuck off!! Rona
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My room door is open
"I'm really happy for you Arya, you and Ronald finally get to stay away from each other, I'm so glad," Christie continued going on and on about it as they sat in the cafeteria."I know right? each of them now has their seperate partners, case settled, now I can finally stop getting worried about my best friend involving in such an act," Josh added.'If only you know Josh', Arya muttered inwardly."Arya make sure you are with Jeremy at all times, I know you said it didn't work the last time but now that Ronald has someone too, you both should occupy yourselve's with your respective partners and viola, everything will be okay and everyone will be happy," Christie adviced."Easier said than done," Arya mumbled."Arya, did you just said that? Wait, are you and Ronald still having something going on?" Christie blurted out.Geez! Did i say that out loud? She scolded herself."My goodness, Christie how could you even say a thing like that? Have you forgotten that Ronald and I aren't in good
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Shut up and kiss me
Arya laid on her bed with her heart beating in her chest.She was confident while talking to Ronald few minutes earlier because she didn't want him to spot her fear, if her plan will pull through then she needed to seal every trace of fear and nervousness in her.Twenty minutes rolled by and no sign of Ronald, her eyelids were becoming heavy not because she was feeling sleepy, but because tears had no more room in her eyes as it slowly started rolling down her cheeks.He made his choice already, he chose Eleanor over her, despite the efforts she poured out in struggling to win him back, it all went down the drain, at the end of the day, she lost him, now she had no choice but to move on also, she has Jeremy anyway, this was her clue to finally give up.Almost immediately, her door slowly cracked open and Ronald walked in."Ronald, you came!" She exclaimed cleaning off her tears."Hey, what's wrong?" He asked noticing her tears."Nothing serious, these are tears of joy, I was just remi
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