All Chapters of Rebirth For Him: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
229 Chapters
Chapter 161
Edward and Anable had made their way to the front, she looked beautiful under the limelight. Everyone heard the voice from earlier, Arielle who was so deep into frustration gently raised her head with tears in her eyes. It's been a very long time she cried genuinely. Ever since she came back it has always been for show and making Claudia and her daughter look bad infront of others, but this was not the case. Her tears flowed without her control, she had been stained in blood and so were her lips. The dress which was beautiful from earlier had stains of blood all over it. He stood up trying so much not to lose her balance and fall off. She needed to find Leo within the crowd. The crowd patter way as Leonard Grey walked in, he was dressed in a black tux with an implacable design. Everyone knew that suit was not cheap, for those who did not know him, they could tell he was no ordinary man. Anable scoffed, he knew he had only worn a borrowed suit to impress others. She had not forgotten
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Chapter 162
Sir Lucas could not afford to lose so much money, the company had been financing his expensive lifestyle and he was not going to let the only backbone he had to finance capital walk away just because Anabel wouldn't sign some prenup. He paid close attention to the details of the contract. Claudia wanted so much to protest but she could not utter a word, the prenup had despicable clauses. Anabel did not leave the marriage with a dime in case of divorce caused by her, Edward was to keep the children if the financial situation of Anabel was not stable. She had no rights over his inheritance or wealth acquired before the marriage, she had a 50% compensation on jointly acquired properties and assets. Edward was to get anything if she cheated on him and the full custody of the kids without visitation rights. Claudia read each and every one of the clauses. Anabel could not hold back her tears, there was nothing more she could do. Her father was shameless enough to give her out without a se
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Chapter 163
Anabel did not join her parents in bidding the guest farewell, she stayed in her room pondering what next to do. The necklace given to Arielle is her mother's most precious jewelry, it is not just some remembrance but the gem within it is the key to open the vault. The vault is believed to have millions of dollars saved by Mrs. Laura for Arielle’s bridal gift and inheritance for her grandchildren if Areille has a child. The owner of the jewelry takes everything. She has always believed the jewelry to be missing but who would have thought the old man had it in his possession all this while? She is distracted from her thoughts by her mother who walks in and closes the door behind her. “‘Anabel, come eat something, you haven't had anything to eat all day”’ Claudia placed the food on the table. Anabel turns to her mother with so many tears in her eyes. “‘Why are you crying? Is it about the prenup? Don’t worry you will have everything and even if the Richards family won't let you access t
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Chapter 164
Anabel rode in and listened which was too odd, she is the chatting type and especially when she is with Edward she makes sure to have something for them to chat about. Anabel soon arrives at the phone shop with Edward, they walk in and hand the shop staff the mobile phone who goes to the back and returns a while later. “Madam, the phone can't be fixed, it is damaged and even if we succeed in fixing it which is something I have tried, we won't be able to get the data on the phone”’ Anabel stared at Edward with a worried look. She was not worried about not helping her sister which Edward was thinking, but rather worried she could not access all the data in the phone which was now at her disposal. “‘Ok but I do have an option. Cant we try connecting the phone to another device like a laptop to tap in the data, I mean I have done that multiple times with my own phone?”’ the staff thought for a while and returned to the back, he stayed for over 30 minutes before returning back with the p
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Chapter 165
Arielle woke up in a room not familiar to her, everything was a blur, and she could barely piece out the happenings of the previous night. She carefully glanced over trying to recall what happened but not too much came. Her surrounding was not helping in her situation. The door opens and she pulls the duvet over her face. “‘Miss your food is ready, Mr. Grey has left for work and will return in no time. He asked me to see you are comfortable so if you need anything please let me know”’ Arielle pulled the duvet from her face, and there stood a maid, she was well-dressed and mannered. The name Grey sounded familiar she remembered she had to go in search of Leo because she didn't want to marry the old man who thing having all the money in the world translated to him having any woman not to mention her. She looked under the duvet and realized she was dressed in a man's clothes. “‘Please can I have something to wear, I mean female clothes”’ the maid walked over to the walk-in closet and w
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Chapter 166
Leonard had no idea she had woken up, he stood up and walked towards her. “Youre the Mr. Grey from the very start, why didn't you tell me? Why have you kept me so long in the dark Leo.”’ Mrs. Alphia and the others knew it was time to leave the room for the couple, the hunger she had been feeling when she woke up suddenly went away. She stared at him dead in the eye, she wasn't mad, she felt everything but anger, she knew she liked him and was grateful he had come to her rescue when she needed it the most. Everything in the room now made sense, he knew her size so well for they had not only had a night together but had been acquainted with each other all this while. He bought her a new phone and had everything ready before she got up because he knew so much more about her than she ever thought. He was the one who came when her reputation was almost ruined, he was the one who came to her rescue when she felt all hope was gone. Everything made so much sense. “A contract marriage of a y
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Chapter 167
Arielle got a call, and Leonard Grey asked her to go ahead and answer it. She takes the call and walks a few feet away. ‘’Hello? Who is this?’’ the number was not on her phone but it looked familiar. “Arielle, are you this heartless? You now say you dont have my number?” Edward roar through the phone, with so much anger. He had not gotten the idea in his head about her safety and he wanted to make sure she was safe. ‘’Oh, its you”’ Arielle scoff. She was not expecting a call from him of all people. “What do you want? I dont think I have any business to do with you do I?’’ Edward could not believe this was the same woman who would do anything just some months ago to make him happy, she would cook, make him breakfast, wait for him to return for them to eat dinner together, always pray for his safety, took care of his clothes and made sure he got everything right on track and worked every day on time. He missed those days. Anabel was not ready to take care of him as areille did, she w
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Chapter 168
“Arielle you do not talk to your mother in such a way” Sir Lucas was furious, he had had enough of her lack of care and love towards Claudia, she was no longer just his mistress or a lady who stared at his home to help take care of his very ungrateful kid, but she was now his wife and woman to stand close to him. “Why can't I? She drugged me and when did I say I was getting married? You are my father and you walked up the stage before hundreds of people without asking me, you never for once asked who the finance was, and you never asked if I was ready to get married. Some woman and her daughter told you I said I was prepared to get married and the next thing you do is pick up a goddamn mic and say without even consulting me. Dad, what has happened to you, you used to love me, you cherished me, did all that love die when my mother died? Did your love for me go away just like your love for my mother?” Sir Lucas, was pissed, he was not going to stand by and let his daughter slander him
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Chapter 169
Mr. Lambad walked out from the back yard, he had been visible for a while but no own took notice of him, they were interested in what Arielle was doing, what she was up to, and where she was heading with the will testament of her mother. Sir Lucas knew he was through, he knew if Arielle left the house with those documents he and Claudia would get nothing, she would not stay by his side for he would be worth nothing. “Dad I am your own son, I came to you and asked you about everything, I asked you about the contacts, but you refused to give me any, Laura was my wife and Arielle is our child. As her father I should get everything, I should be the one who takes everything and hands it over to her. It is hers but I should control it. She will soon be married into the Grey family and our Cowell family can not let everything be handed over to Strangers.” Mr. Lambad, walked over supporting himself on his cain to couch, he had been standing for a long time and his health was not as healthy
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Chapter 170
Arielle walked out of the building with the document while Sir Lucas turned to face his father. If only he had told him at times, he would have been able to avoid everything. If he had informed me about the existence of all those documents he would have been able to avoid everything.“Dad, why do you do this to your own son, you know very well that Arielle is not a filial daughter, how can you let everything and give everything to her? Is Anabel not you part of the our Cowell family, Is Anable not part of your inheritance too?”’ Mr. Lambad walked over to him and patted him on his shoulders. “‘Know you are not as stupid as this woman has made you. I have shares in the company for the years I worked with Laura, yes everything has been spent by you and now the company is almost on the verge of falling. You have been living a life of Luxury, Anabel who is a designer is paid double her salary while others get regular salary. You have made sure to make everyone know she is special and she
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