All Chapters of Rebirth For Him: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
229 Chapters
Chapter 171
Leonard Grey was not expecting Stephanie Comrade in the country at least not for the next 3 months. She was quick to hug him, but Leonard broke free from the hug as quickly as he could. Arielle had never heard from her or about her, not like she knew much about him but the little she was aware of she sure hoped this was not some secret relationship she had stumbled upon. “You didn't tell me you hired a new Assistant Leo, Karen is doing a good job and I just spoke to her when I came and not only did she help me with everything I must say you have improved this place since the last time I was here, it is beautiful”’ Leonard Grey was quick to hold Arielle even closer. “Who said I got a new secretary, Karen is handling everything perfectly like you said, I got myself a wife and not only a wife but also a companion.’’ “‘WHAT?? YOU GOT YOURSELF A WIFE, HOW COME WHAT ABOUT US…..WAIT YOU MARRIED A NOBODY?”’ Stephanie’s voice was so loud that all the staff overheard her, they were all shocke
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Chapter 172
Arielle drove around in her new car, she felt happy after so much struggle. Her last car was still good but she was going to cherish what she had not, a thought came to her mind but she quickly dismissed it. She drove over and Mrs. Alpphia was already waiting for her at the front door, she was not alone, she stood there with a man who looked more like the younger version of Leonard, and they chatted very koozie with each other. Mrs Alphia got into the passenger seat while the young man got in from the back. ‘’Well, mother you said sister is beautiful but you didn't say just how gorgeous she is. Hi, I am Daniel Grey, I know my elder brother has not mentioned anything about me, but it's not like I am surprised he is not just the talking type…oh, I see he gave you the ring already, he couldn't wait for the wedding night could he”’ Mrs. Alpphia’s attention is drawn to Arielle’s fingers, she knew that design, Leonard has been obsessed with it for a couple of months now. She took Arielle's
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Chapter 173
Leonard Grey has known Stephanie for 10 years, he did everything for her, from school stuff to visiting another country when she was sick and taking care of her. Her family gave him an opportunity to invest in his company not because he needed the finance but because he felt she needed some help and family status to help her back her modeling career he has been the backbone for all these years. She has never been up to the standards of models hired by Grey Corporation, she has not only gotten the chance to work with them but also has been around and he has always treated her like the sister he never had. ‘’’ They have been speaking with each other all this while?’’ Leonard Grey growls, like an angry lion. He has been in the dark for 10 years, he loved that family, he loved them so much that when the first daughter cheated he still stayed around and did not let the spoils of the relationship affect their relationship especially the career of Stephanie as she was just a kid back then a
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Chapter 174
Arielle had a great chat with Mrs. Apphia and Daniel Grey, they went shopping at Gossi mall and visited top designers for the wedding dress, wanted just a simple wedding dress, but Mrs. Alpphia had other plans, she bought every bag and shoes that fitted her daughter-in-law, daniel who has tac along on the hopes of getting his mother to by him the new role 2012 edition, became the person carrier. He had to carry every item back to the car and not only place them order but make sure they were in good shape for his mother will have his head if anything should go wrong with the precious items she had bought for her daughter-in-law. As used the elevator to the 3 floor, arielle saw a glimpse of Anabel just shifted it at the back of her mind, she was aware they were out shopping for her wedding as well, and she did not want to get entangled with her. Her legs hurt from all the walking and trying of clothes and shoes but the look on Mrs. Alpphia’s face was enough to let her know they were ve
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Chapter 175
Claudi could not say much but shut her mouth and went ahead to help Anabel in the dressing room. Anabel was soon done and walked outside to meet Edward he had chosen a tux matching the wedding gown, and as she walked out Arielle was out at the same time, she was helped by the sales staff. ‘’sister I must say brother will have his jaws dropping to the ground if he saw you right now’’ Arielle blushed, she was not expecting to be praised by Daniel as soon as she walked out. The dress looked very good on her and she liked it. But looking at Anabel in the same dress as her did not make her very comfortable. She was not liking it. ‘’Oh my dear, you look so good, since this was your first choice it is believed the first choice is the best choice. We will take this one. Now we have to get something for Leonard, he is very busy at the office and won't have time to come pick up something for himself. Anabel turned to Edward who just worked out of the fitting room, he was dressed in a blue tux
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Chapter 176
Claudia cried loudly, ready to show the world she was a good mother and had done nothing wrong. “Arielle, I know it was my mistake, I had no idea your father was married, I had to stay away for the sake of Anable, just take a look at her, she grew up without a father, she was bullied and had no experience as a wealthy lady from a good family. I know you are angry but it is not my fault, it is not my doing, I did everything possible to see you got up well, and I made sure to take care of you the same way I did with Anabel, Arielle you can not hate me, you cannot hate your sister, she loves you very much”’ Arielle scoffed, yes she knew from the start Anabel treated her with love, but it was no longer the case, she knew she has so much jealousy and hatred wrapped up inside her. Claudia was not her match and she was not looking forward to having a confrontation with her. “‘Clauida i wont be the one to wash your dirty lining in pulic, you know your fault but please, all i want today is
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Chapter 177
Its been a couple of days with so much information and organisation with very little time to handle everything. Arielle had to move back home to spend as much time with her family, not like she wanted to but it was expected of a bride to stay closer wit her family and spend her last days before marriage with them. She had been staying out of the house and will only return home late in the night when everbody has gone to bed. She walks in expecting everyone to be asleep as usuall but the light of the living area was on and Mary called her from behind after opening the door. “‘Arielle, you father wants to have a chat with you and he has been up pass his bedtime waiting for you”’ Mary;s voice was polite and soft, she was not the type to hide her disgust of her and Ariele nodded it down. “‘Okay”’ she walked in to find Anable sitting with Sir Lucas and Cluaidia all watching a movie. She walks up to the and took a seat. She has been on her feets all day and it hurt to be in heels. She rea
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Chapter 178
Arielle turned to Anabel, she knew what they wanted but she was not ready to give them that of talk about that. She focused on her father, he is her father, and despite the rift between them she wants to have her father in good health and living well. “Dad, the wedding will be held in the courthouse of Mom, I know I was against it from the very start but I love the idea. I know it has been a very long time since we spoke like this and in calm voices about her and it will make me feel even closer to her on my special.”’ tears could be seen in her eyes as she spoke, the room went down with a sudden silence before Claudia broke it. “‘Arielle I have not been the best mother to you and I am sorry about that. You know you will be marrying into a wealthy family and that is not the case with your sister. She is the daughter of a mistress and everyone looks down on her, if you dont pity her she will be treated badly in the Richards mansion and I am scared she will be subjected to the positio
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Chapter 179
The Cowell residence shined in all its glory, influential men and women from far and new walked in with expensive gifts for the couple. Clair, Raquel, and other stars walked and spotted Claudia attending to the guest. She quickly walked up to her and asked after Anabel. “Hello Auntie my friends and I are here, please where is Anable so we can go get dressed and prepare for her big day”’ Cuadia smiled at her and directed them to the room of Anabel. As they walked through the huge hallway leading to the room of Anabel, Clair could not help but ick into that of Arielle, she was up and was getting ready, she had made MarkLogan in the past and knew just how close he was to Arielle. She had ones who had a huge crush on him but he won't just look his way. “Oh, my cousin you are getting married too. You know I have been so busy with signing with a new company and the airing of my latest movie is around the corner. All I can say is I am a busy bee and it is very difficult to catch me around
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Chapter 180
“‘Mr Lambad, as long as our Arielle wants everything then we have no objecion. Marrying her into or Grey family is a privilege I must say and I will make sure it remains this way. Everything that is hers will remain hers, and none of her properties will be converted by the Grey family unless she requests for it. I am very happy, she is well respected, and aside from that I am happy my son is privileged to marry her, she is not only a woman of great virtue but an outstanding beauty as well”’ Mr. Lambad smiled back at Mrs Allphia, the Greys leaving the Richards family behind. Mrs. Richard was not pleased, everything that was happening was not what she expected. She knew Arielle had lost the reason why her son opted to marry the second miss of the Cowell family, now eerythng seemed to be falling apart. Anabel had nothing from the company, the 2% shares were next to nothing. The deal they had with the Cowell family was marrying their daughter and having her handover to the company when
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