All Chapters of Bogus Billionaire: Chapter 1241 - Chapter 1250
1398 Chapters
Chapter 1241
Therefore, Caroline had to find out. Otherwise, things would be troublesome if she ended up hiring an heiress.She wasn't worried about the woman's business capabilities. Rather, she was worried she might be a member of the Hackett family.Stephanie seemed to know what Caroline was thinking and explained, "Blake Harris from the HR department asked the same question. During the interview, she said that her family spent all their money on her treatment. Since she's better now, she decided to work to repay her family's sacrifices. "Oh, Mr. Harris also investigated her family situation, and things are as she said. Her family was in the metal business and were well off, but later on, their company went bankrupt. Many were surprised and wondered why the company closed when it was doing so well. It turned out they did it to treat their daughter."Caroline took the information Blake had found. After looking through it, she didn't find any problems with it and said, "So, she has zero c
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Chapter 1242
At that moment, Kirk was waiting for Caroline downstairs and was surprised to see her leaving the building with a man. When he realized the man was Adrian, he was utterly pissed. That punk Adrian finally came out of his hiding hole.Charles observed Kirk's expression cautiously, not daring to say anything. After all, Kirk had spent the entire morning sulking about what had happened earlier.However, Charles was a little gleeful about his boss' misfortune. He'd spent so much effort to help Kirk just now, but not only did he not appreciate his efforts, he was even jealous of him. Well, his true rival in love was here now."Sir, should we go back?" Charles asked.Kirk said with a cold expression, "Go back? As if! Follow them!"Charles glanced at Caroline and Adrian, who were already on the opposite side of the road. He had no choice but to follow them in his car. Soon, Caroline and Adrian entered a Jasmorian restaurant."Sir." Charles turned back to look at Kirk."Stop
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Chapter 1243
Charles noticed Kirk was about to shove his head through the wall to hear the conversation next door. He wanted to tell his boss to go to Caroline's private room if he wanted to hear what she had to say, but in the end, he didn't dare to."We …" Caroline's smile visibly faded at the mention of Kirk. "Do you know Kirk is Eddy's second uncle?"Adrian avoided her gaze.Caroline was shocked. "D-don't tell me you already knew about his identity."Adrian explained, "I didn't mean to hide it from you, Caroline."Caroline froze for a moment, but then, she smiled slightly. "I got it. Did you guys already know his identity?"Adrian didn't want to answer her, but he didn't want to keep deceiving her either. "Yes, we knew his identity long ago. Everyone may have had reasons for keeping it from you, but we all had one reason in common—your wonderful relationship with Kirk. We couldn't bring ourselves to ruin it."Caroline said bitterly, "Our loving relationship was filled with lies. Do you
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Chapter 1244
Adrian explained, "That's definitely possible. Think about it. After the Evans Group went into decline, they only managed to stay afloat because of Morrison Corp, and the only reason Morrison Corp was willing to help them was because of you. "No, to be exact, they helped the Evans Group because of the real Caroline Evans. But if Mr. Morrison Senior knew that she'd died a long time ago, he wouldn't have supported the Evans Group."Caroline narrowed her eyes. "So, Dan found another child to replace the real Caroline Evans so he could keep getting Morrison Corp's resources …" She felt chills running down her spine as she talked."But if I'm not Dan's daughter, who are my parents?"Adrian looked at Caroline and said, "I'm afraid only Dan and Sarah know that.""Since they're back in Easton, I'll ask them myself." Caroline decided.Adrian nodded at her words. "Do you need help?""No, it's fine." Caroline smiled. "It's been a while since I went to their home anyway.""Let me know if
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Chapter 1245
No matter which room Caroline moved to, Kirk could move next door in the next second."It's fine. My current room is pretty good. It's getting late, so I'll return to my room and get out of your hair, Dr. Fowler.""Okay." Jared watched Caroline leave.After Caroline left Jared's office, she walked to her ward at a snail's pace. When she walked into the corridor, she saw Charles snooping around at her door. She didn't know what he was doing.She walked over and asked curiously, "What are you doing, Charles?"Her voice startled Charles. "You're finally back, Madam! Please help me!"Caroline was perplexed. "What's wrong?"Charles pushed her toward Kirk's room and whispered, "Don't ask any questions for now, Madam. You can help me by having dinner with Sir."Caroline found his words baffling. She could help Charles by having dinner with Kirk, he said?"Charles, what on earth are you doing?" Caroline was confused.As he talked, Charles had already brought Caroline to Kirk. "Sir,
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Chapter 1246
Kirk didn't mean anything when he said that. He was just jealous that Caroline was out with Adrian, but Caroline ended up reaching a different conclusion after hearing his words."Hey, who I have lunch with doesn't concern you. Remember, we've already fallen out. If it weren't for Thomas, I wouldn't even want to see you right now."People tended to be irrational when they argued, saying the most hurtful words to upset the other person. The same was true for Kirk and Caroline at this moment. "Do you really not want to see me that much?" Kirk held his chest. His injuries hadn't fully recovered.Caroline turned around, not wanting to see his face. "Yeah, I don't want to see you at all. Every time I do, I remember being played by you like a fool.""Fine! If you don't want to see me, then leave! Get the hell out!""Fine! I don't want to be here anyway!" Caroline yelled. Then, she stormed out of the room. But when she reached the door, she heard Kirk coughing violently. She paused
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Chapter 1247
Kirk got out of bed, opened the door, and walked to the room next door.The door was still closed after Caroline had slammed it shut. It was quiet inside, and he couldn't hear a single sound. She was probably asleep."I'm sorry," Kirk whispered through the door. Only at this time could he be frank about his feelings.At this moment, Caroline wasn't asleep. Instead, she was sitting by the window, looking at the moon. Kirk's apology was too quiet, so she didn't hear him.Moreover, all her attention was on that bright moon, so she naturally wouldn't notice anything else. She just looked like the moon quietly until her eyes hurt. Then, she slowly lowered her head.A tear rolled down her cheeks, and she forcefully wiped it away, as if she wanted to get rid of the proof that she'd cried."Kirk, you bastard! To you, I was just …" Caroline hugged her knees, her body trembling even more. The leaves on the trees outside swayed in the night. And just like that, morning arrived.Carol
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Chapter 1248
Corinne was polite and cordial, and she didn't look hostile at all.Caroline calmed down. She was surely having such ridiculous thoughts because she hadn't rested well last night.She'd already asked the HR department to investigate Corinne the day before. And Corrine had to be in the clear for the head of the HR department to ask her to come to work."Hello, I'm Caroline Evans.""I already knew your name before I came here, Ms. Evans. What a coincidence. My name's Corrine, while yours is Caroline.""Yeah. I hope you'll enjoy working here. If you have any questions, you can call me any time." Caroline gave Corrine her private number. It would be easier for Corrine to contact her if she had her private number, after all.Corinne looked at the number in her hand and smiled slightly. "Do you have any other questions for me, Ms. Evans? If you don't, I'll be leaving.""Okay, go ahead."Corinne nodded, but when she walked out of Caroline's office and entered the elevator, her gaze tu
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Chapter 1249
Caroline glanced at the documents Corrine was carrying.Only then did Corrine realize that Caroline had asked her a question. She quickly explained, "No, today's just the handover, so I don't have much work. But since I've joined the Evans Group, I have to know more about the company. So, I asked the heads of the other departments for some documents like the reports from the previous quarters.""I see." Caroline looked away. "We don't encourage working overtime. Since you're done with your work, you should go home. As for the company's situation, you'll gradually understand it after working here for a while.""Okay." After Corrine said that, she kept looking at Caroline.Caroline felt strange being looked at like that. "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?""No, I just think you're a wonderful person, Ms. Evans.""Wonderful?""Yeah. When I came in for work, everyone spoke very highly of you when they mentioned you. Honestly, this is my first time seeing a boss like you
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Chapter 1250
"Here's the thing. I still haven't keyed in a bunch of medical records. Can you do it for me?"Caroline glanced at the huge stack of medical records and agreed without hesitation. "Okay.""I'm going to make the rounds," Jared said goodbye to Caroline before leaving the room with his card.As soon as Jared left, the room fell silent.Caroline looked at the pile of documents in resignation and began to help Jared key in the records. However, just as she was about to type the data in, the computer shut down.Caroline pressed the power button several times, but the computer wouldn't boot up. She then realized there wasn't a problem with the computer. It was a blackout.Caroline was speechless. A power outage in a hospital was a big deal, so there had to be a generator somewhere. She just needed to stay put and wait until the power was back.Meanwhile, at that moment, Jared was hiding in the corridor. When he saw that his office was silent, he and Charles looked at each other.
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