All Chapters of Bogus Billionaire: Chapter 1261 - Chapter 1270
1398 Chapters
Chapter 1261
Caroline wanted to try the tea to see if it truly did have such a remarkable effect, and whether it could help her fall asleep. At that moment, she truly needed a good night's sleep. Back at the hospital, Caroline went to the doctor for a check-up to ensure that everything was fine. Then, she returned to her ward. Meanwhile, the door of the room next door remained tightly shut. Caroline's heart sank. What on earth was happening? Just then, a nurse walked by, and Caroline hurriedly called her over, "Excuse me, miss. I want to ask if the patient next door has already been discharged?"The nurse glanced at the room. Kirk was the most well-known patient in the hospital, so she quickly remembered. "You mean Mr. Morrison, right? He hasn't been discharged yet, but he won't be in the hospital for the next few days.""Then where did he go? He hasn't healed fully yet.""I'm not sure about that. The doctor only mentioned that he would be out of the hospital for a few days. I don't
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Chapter 1262
Sean looked around at the expressions of everyone around him and found it quite amusing. "Charles is fine, but well …"Caroline's heart sank. "But what?""Forget it, it's nothing," Sean said as he glanced at Kirk. "Anyway, it's no one important."Caroline was speechless.Sean then pretended to be surprised. "Could it be that you called Charles, not because you worry for him, but because you're asking for someone else?" Caroline denied without hesitation. "No, I was worried because Charles couldn't be reached. I was worried something happened to him. I don't care about anyone else."However, Caroline's heart felt like it was getting torn into pieces. She really wanted to know what happened to Kirk.Fortunately, Sean still had some sense. "Kirk's also here. Do you want to say anything to him?"Caroline paused for a while before replying, "I have nothing to say to him."Feigning surprise, Sean said, "Really? Then I'll hang up now.""Wait!" Caroline cried out. "Where are you gu
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Chapter 1263
The booming laughter almost caused the glasses to fall to the ground. Kirk narrowed his eyes as he heard another man's voice from outside. "I thought Kirk Morrison would be different, but turns out, he's just a man who gets jealous because of a woman! Hahaha! How interesting, very interesting. More interesting than I could have ever imagined!"However, I won't help you just because you're interesting. I'll give you three days. Within these three days, you can't resort to outside help. If you can find me in a crowd, I'll help you unconditionally.""Mister," Sean piped up quickly. "How large is the crowd you're talking about?""Well, how about this city?"Before Kirk and the rest could respond, Nightshade said again, "That's settled then. From now on, if you can't find me within these three days, you won't be able to ask for my help in the future. I won't be so cooperative next time." As the voice spoke, it seemed to fade away gradually, getting farther and farther away.When Ch
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Chapter 1264
When she saw the person at the door, she smiled. "Mom."Sarah held a plate of fruits and said with a smile, "You've been working hard. How's it going?"Corinne held up the information about the Evans Group in her hand. "Well, the Evans Group has developed quite well under Caroline's management. If we take it back, we can reap all the benefits."When Corinne mentioned the name "Caroline", she was still uncomfortable with it. After all, that name used to belong to her. However, to get back at the Evans, even if she had given her name away, so what?"Hmph! That's good," Sarah said, satisfied as she sat beside Corinne. "Caroline is still useful. Raising her wasn't a waste."Initially, Caroline, who was now Corinne, had almost lost her life in a car accident. Dan had feared that someone else might take the title of Mrs. Morrison if Corinne had died. So, he adopted a child from an overseas orphanage to replace her. That child was now Caroline Evans.When he brought the child back
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Chapter 1265
If the plan worked, they could avoid a lot of trouble, and Corinne could finally reclaim her position as the heir of the Evans.Even though memories of her childhood were fading, she still wanted to be the daughter of the Evans family and not a poor office worker.…Caroline had a good night's sleep the night before, and she woke up the next day full of energy. For that reason, she'd even bought a box of chocolates to give Corinne."Thanks to the tea, I finally slept well last night."Corinne carefully observed Caroline's face and found that her complexion had improved. She knew that Caroline wasn't lying. The tea had worked."If it's worked so well, feel free to ask for more. I'll bring another box tomorrow if you need it!" Corinne said."Sure." After thanking her, Caroline walked to her office.As Corinne watched her leave, her eyes gleamed with determination. In the afternoon, Caroline received a call from Jack.On the phone, his voice sounded anxious. "Madam, somethi
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Chapter 1266
Caroline got out of the car and saw Jack in the crowd. The people were specifically targeting him, or more accurately, the person in his arms—Cheryl.From their expressions, it was easy to guess that they were from the Hacketts, and they were yelling angrily at Cheryl."Cheryl, are you even human?""Selling the data we worked so hard on, what are you planning?""Do you know how much effort we put into the game?"There were vulgar remarks and even physical altercations. Caroline managed to squeeze into the middle of the crowd, but in the process, she was bumped into and hit by others. By the time she reached the center, her hair was already messy.She looked around at the angry faces and knew it was impossible to calm them all down. So, she had no choice but to raise her hands high and attract their attention. "Stop! Stop it! Don't you all know where this is?"The crowd paused for a moment when they saw Caroline. In their eyes, Cheryl and her were vastly different. Cheryl w
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Chapter 1267
Caroline still couldn't believe that Cheryl would do such a thing!"Proof? Don't you know," Flynn said mockingly, "Even the competitors couldn't stand it and voluntarily admitted that it was Cheryl who gave them the game data!"He continued, "Besides, the errand boy admitted that Cheryl told him to do it! The account used to wire money was her account!"Caroline asked, "Can I see the evidence?""What, so you want to destroy the evidence?" Flynn sneered. Caroline ignored him and turned to the chief police. "No problem," he replied. "I'll have someone bring the evidence over."Shortly after, an officer brought the evidence over. The more Caroline looked at it, the more grim her expression became. The account for the transfers was indeed Cheryl's. Furthermore, the account numbers matched perfectly, and it didn't seem like it was manipulated. In other words, was it possible that Cheryl really did it?Caroline looked at Cheryl. Then, she asked the chief, "Chief, can we talk
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Chapter 1268
Glancing up at Caroline, Cheryl asked, "Caroline, do you really have a way to prove my innocence?"The evidence that was used against Cheryl was complete, and it seemed like there wasn't a single flaw in them that Cheryl could use to turn the tables. Besides, the Hacketts were very keen on trying to kick her out, so they wouldn't give her the time to prove her innocence. Caroline lowered her head to look at Cheryl. "In fact, I do." A smile spread across Cheryl's lips. She said, "What can I do to help?"Jack was glad to hear that too. "Madam, I'd like to help too." Caroline smiled at the two of them and said, "No need. I can do it alone. You only need to buy me some time. The more you dally, the better it'll be for me. I'll meet up with you guys once it's done." Despite having no clue about what Caroline was going to do, Cheryl nodded and said, "Okay!" After seeing Cheryl and Jack off, Caroline wasted no time in rushing off to Gwen's company. She tried calling Kirk, but
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Chapter 1269
Sean instantly knew what Kirk was thinking about. "It's only been a couple of days," he said. "But you miss Caroline already? Bear with it, will you? You can return and meet her once we catch Nightshade tomorrow." "I'm not thinking about her," Kirk said.Amused at his denial, Sean laughed. "We've known each other for a long time. I know that you miss her." "It's not that I miss her," Kirk said, his face grave. "I'm not sure why, but I feel like something's happened to her.""No way. What could happen?" Sean dismissed the possibility right away. "Kirk, we've known each other for so long. She's always on your mind, so stop pretending that you don't miss her.""Speaking of which …" Sean took out his phone. "I miss Gwen. I wonder if she's thinking of me."As the only single gentleman amongst the three, Charles could only stare in jealousy at them both. "Dr. Yates, didn't we agree that we're going to come up with a plan to capture Nightshade?" he asked. Sean tossed him a look of
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Chapter 1270
Just when Nightshade thought that his car would collide with Kirk's ahead of him, Kirk's car abruptly swerved to the side. Realizing that something was amiss, Nightshade quickly turned his car around to leave. But unfortunately for him, the cars nearby started closing in on him, as if they were trying to surround him. Now, they were so close to his car that he had no chance of escaping. He narrowed his eyes and snorted in disgust. Kirk was much too naive to think that he'd catch him just like that! The next instant, Nightshade let go of the steering wheel and leaped into the air, breaking the roof of the car. But just when he thought that he'd be able to escape, a huge net fell from the sky, trapping him in it. Nightshade froze momentarily, his eyes staring right ahead at the car right as Kirk slowly got out of it. Only then did Nightshade realize that he'd fallen into Kirk's trap. "You liars!" he cursed. They said that they wouldn't continue their search anymore. I
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