All Chapters of Bogus Billionaire: Chapter 1281 - Chapter 1290
1398 Chapters
Chapter 1281
"Besides, it's been a long time since those two took orders." "Do you know where they come from?" Caroline asked. Caroline hadn't spoken a lot to him for some time, so even if Kirk didn't know much about the two assassins, he wanted to seize the chance to prolong their conversation. "No, I don't," he said. "But I've heard things about them." Caroline instantly caught that something was off and said, "You've heard of them before? I thought you never bothered to gossip." Kirk cleared his throat awkwardly. "They're legendary assassins, after all. Do you want to know more about them?" Caroline nodded. "Sure."Finally, Kirk's frown disappeared as the gears in his brain started working to come up with a story. He started, "It's said that these two assassins are husband and wife that were childhood sweethearts. They lived in poverty when they were young and resorted to stealing to make a living. "One day, they were caught, and the boy was beaten half to death."Later, they r
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Chapter 1282
Caroline looked at Corrine strangely. "I just… That's not what I meant." Corrine froze when she realized that she'd overreacted. Then, she laughed it off and said, "Thank goodness. My superiors when I worked abroad were highly sensitive about their private affairs. They'd get annoyed if someone showed too much concern for them."She continued, "I'm sorry for overreacting. You can tell me straight away if I'm going overboard. There's no need to hide your discomfort from me." Caroline smiled. "No, I think it's fine this way. It makes me think that there are still thoughtful people in the world." Corrine secretly heaved a sigh of relief after making sure that Caroline wasn't taking things too seriously. She then smiled and walked out of the elevator. However, the moment Corrine left, Caroline stopped putting on a show. A grave look fell on her face as she headed to her office. She then took out the documents containing Corrine's information. After scanning it a couple of tim
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Chapter 1283
Caroline couldn't focus on work the entire evening. When it was time to get off work, she dashed out of her office on time.The staff were surprised to see her leave so early. "Ms. Evans' getting off work so early today." "Yeah! Maybe she's going on a date." "A date? Isn't she married?" "Married? I think she's getting a divorce. Why haven't we seen her husband pick her up after so long, then?" "You're right. I remember it now. She sure seems rather odd these days. Maybe she's really getting a divorce. It's fine, though, since she's a big shot now. It'd be such a shame if her current boyfriend was just an ordinary staff in a random company.""Wouldn't it sound strange if our boss' husband was just an ordinary corporate slave?" Some people started frowning at the thought. But just as they were in the heat of the argument, they heard someone's voice come from behind them."There's nothing wrong with that. Sooner or later, Caroline will turn into an ordinary person just l
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Chapter 1284
The chauffeur was so caught off guard that he was stupefied. Thankfully, Caroline hadn't lost her wits. She knew that the man on the roof was after her the moment their gazes met. She didn't think twice to open the door and leap out of the car. However, she wasn't quick enough because the man already had a cool grip around her neck before she managed to open the door wide enough to slip out. Pain shot through Caroline's neck, and she stared up at her assailant, who had reached down to cover her eyes with his other hand. "Don't look at me like that. I won't have it in me to kill someone as pretty as you if I continue looking at those eyes of yours," he said. "But the mission this time… It's—"He hadn't even finished his sentence, but Caroline felt something flow down onto her face and body. It was blood, and it was still warm. But it wasn't Caroline's. She wasn't feeling any pain at all. The next thing she knew, the man dropped dead beside her. Caroline quickly snapped
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Chapter 1285
Was Nightshade wrong? Wasn't he pointing out the truth? Kirk and Caroline were head over heels in love with each other and weren't shy to show affection for each other all the time. Once the two of them got into the car, Caroline asked, "Should I call Cheryl and tell her that we won't go to dinner with her this time?" Kirk checked the time and decided that they still had time to prepare. "There's still time to spare." "Really? But I need to freshen up—"The car came to an abrupt stop, and Caroline looked at Kirk in confusion. "What's wrong?" "We're here." Kirk clarified. Caroline then turned to look at the building behind them. She froze as a wave of memories came rushing back to her. This was where they'd lived back then. Caroline opened the car door and got out of the car. A sense of familiarity washed over her although she hadn't even reached the door. The memories the sight brought back to her overwhelmed her so much that it almost made her suffocate. There
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Chapter 1286
Caroline's heart missed a beat. Somehow, she wasn't disgusted or annoyed at him for doing that. And to be honest, she was kind of looking forward to what could happen. Soon, she heard Kirk say, "Your hand's cold. You should take better care of yourself." Caroline was speechless.She then left the bathroom about five minutes after that. …Although the blush was gone from her cheeks, the tips of Caroline's ears were still a little red from blushing earlier. Caroline turned to look at Kirk in the driver's seat and found that he seemed calm and nonchalant like usual. It made her even more embarrassed at what had happened when she was in the bathroom just now. Perhaps Kirk had let things go a long time ago, and she was the one who still wallowed in the past. Her mind and heart were both still a mess when they arrived at the hotel. Aiden, Selena, and Cheryl were there already, and all three of them stood up to greet Caroline and Kirk when they entered the private room.
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Chapter 1287
Selena had an awkward look as she said, "Oh dear! You got me wrong! I wanted Ms. Evans to help Cheryl in selecting possible candidates!" When Selena said, this Caroline turned just in time to see Kirk averting his gaze from her to continue chatting with Aiden. "We need to decide for ourselves when it comes to finding ourselves a partner," Caroline said. "You're right." Selena laughed. "But you're Cheryl's friend. I'm sure your perspectives are similar. Maybe one of the young men in these pictures might stand out to you two." Caroline looked at Cheryl. Her lips were pursed, and her mouth was sealed. It seemed like she wasn't planning to come clean about her relationship with Jack. After giving it some thought, Caroline took the pictures from Cheryl to give them a good look. As they waited for the food to be served, Caroline made up an excuse and brought Cheryl out of the room along with her. "Why didn't you tell them about Jack?" Caroline asked once they were out of ear
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Chapter 1288
When they reached the hospital, Caroline turned so that she was facing Kirk. After some hesitation, she told him, "Thank you for what you did today." "For clearing up the mess, you mean?" Kirk asked. "Yeah. Do you know who that person was?" she asked. "Why did he try to kill me? Did Thomas send him after me?" Kirk stared at Caroline as he pondered the question. A while later, he said, "Eddy's death is no longer a secret. Thomas must've thought that we were the ones who spread the news. That's why he's taking it out on us." "Us?" Caroline's eyes widened. "Did someone try to strike you down?" "Yes." His reply was plain and short, yet it gave her the shivers. "Are you okay?" Caroline blurted out. Kirk's eyes glimmered with the hint of a smile as he looked at her and asked, "Are you worried about me?" Embarrassed, Caroline quickly added, "We're business partners now. How am I supposed to contact the top two assassins on the dark web if something were to happen to you?"
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Chapter 1289
"Consuming this tea for an extended period of time could harm the nervous system and cause dementia," Jared said. "I checked its dosage. It's no small amount," he added. "My guess is that a person would suffer from dementia just by consuming this tea for two weeks or so." A shiver ran up Caroline's spine. "You're saying that I'd get dementia if I drank this for half a month?" "That is correct. That was why I asked you if your friend really gave you this. But…" Jared paused to look at the directions on the printing before continuing, "The directions are in Sarcozian only. Maybe your friend couldn't read it." He added, "Oh right! Have you started drinking it?" "I…" Caroline couldn't continue because her mind was all jumbled up now. Corrine had grown up overseas. It'd be impossible for her to be illiterate in Sarcozian when it was an international language. There was only one explanation—Corrine knew full well what the tea was for, and it was why she bought it and gave it to
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Chapter 1290
Caroline hung up after giving Quentin her thanks. Then, she sighed when she recalled what he had just told her. When Caroline met Adrian after his return, she knew at one glance that he hadn't let things go. However, she couldn't free up any space in her heart to love anyone else.She had to refuse him. She could never reciprocate his feelings. When Caroline opened the door of Kirk's ward, she saw Charles standing close to the door with a bag of food in hand. "You're bringing Kirk food again." She stated.Charles stared at Caroline, his eyes wide with surprise. Then, his eyes locked on Kirk, who had just woken up.The look on Kirk's face wasn't as horrible as before, and Charles couldn't help but smile and say, "Yeah! Do you want to come inside and have breakfast together, Mrs. Morrison?" A soft smile hung on Caroline's lips. "Didn't I tell you not to call me that anymore? People might misunderstand."Charles immediately turned to look at Kirk. As expected, Kirk's face
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