All Chapters of Bogus Billionaire: Chapter 1271 - Chapter 1280
1398 Chapters
Chapter 1271
It occurred to Caroline that she hadn't eaten anything the night before. After grabbing something to eat, she felt that she had regained a bit of strength. She asked, "Any news from Jack?" "Nope," Gwen said. "But all the Hacketts summoned all their relatives to their family chapel. With the evidence they have, they'll probably try to drive Cheryl out of their family." Gwen plopped down in the chair beside Caroline and said, "You could just let Cheryl leave the Hackett family. The Hacketts don't like her, anyway. They'll come up with another excuse to drive her out of their family if she continues to stay with them." Caroline stared blankly at the wall and said, "But now, it's the safest for her to stay with them. Thomas could harm her if she left the Hackett family." Gwen fell silent. "If Kirk's willing to talk to the Hacketts, I'm sure they won't make things tough for her anymore," Caroline said. "It's a shame that I can't—""You're right. Why did he go missing at a tim
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Chapter 1272
Caroline helped Selena steady herself. "Mr. Hackett," Caroline said. "Can I head inside?""Ms. Evans …" Aiden stared at her. He couldn't find the words to continue, but Caroline knew what he meant. The Hackett family wasn't willing to accept Cheryl as part of their family because her return resulted in the loss of their interests and benefits. Caroline was also part of why they were so adamant about driving Cheryl away. If Caroline and Cheryl weren't friends, perhaps the Hacketts wouldn't have mistreated her. Therefore, things would only escalate if Caroline went into the family chapel with Aiden and Selena. "I know that it's your family business, but I'm sure you're well aware of something …" Caroline said. Aiden and Selena's gazes fell on her as she calmly said, "Maybe what I'm going to say can make them change their mind and let Cheryl stay with you." Selena's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope upon hearing those words. She glanced at Aiden, full of hope.Aiden's re
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Chapter 1273
All of the other family members agreed to it, and the reason they gave was valid too.If Aiden disagreed, it would mean that he was going against all of them. However, none of them thought that he'd have the guts to do something like that. They simply stared at him gleefully.Now that his objective was achieved, the elder was as calm as ever. "Aiden, I get it. It's only natural that parents love their children," he said. "But Cheryl made a mistake. She has to be punished."He continued, "What would the people out there think of us if we let her stay? You wouldn't want her to ruin our family's reputation, right?" "Cheryl would never do something like that!" Aiden's voice boomed. Startled, Cheryl glanced up at him. His voice was loud as it was, but he repeated his words as if he was afraid that those around him didn't hear him the first time. "Cheryl would never do something like that!" he said. "She has a kind heart, so she'd never do anything to harm any of us!" This was
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Chapter 1274
The elder sneered at Caroline's words. "Aiden?" He snickered. "He cast us away just for his daughter and even stopped working with the Morrisons because of this. Now, he's taking her side after she'd committed a crime."He added, "Are you saying that he did all this for the good of our family? If things continue as is, our family will be doomed." "Oh, really?" Caroline took a step in his direction. "Well then, do you know why he stopped working with the Morrisons in the first place?""Wasn't it because Cheryl blackmailed him into doing so?" The elder spat. "Has your family stooped so low as to pull this kind of trick now?"Unfazed, Caroline let out a bark of laughter and said, "Cheryl, why don't you tell them just who's the person who's backing me up?" Cheryl glanced at Caroline with a look of uncertainty. "Caroline …""Just say it. It's not a secret anymore, anyway," Caroline reassured her. Cheryl nodded and raised her eyes to meet everyone around her. "Back then, the Hacket
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Chapter 1275
A moment later, someone stood up and raised his hand in the air. "I get it now," he said. "Caroline doesn't want her spy, Cheryl, to leave our family. That's why she's spouting nonsense. She's saying that we Hacketts didn't dare to go against the Evans Group because of her husband."But then, she told us that Eddy's dead! We can't be fooled! Remember, everything she says is just so that Cheryl can stay in our family as her spy! Don't believe anything she says!""That's right!" Someone agreed with him. "We can't get fooled! There's no way Eddy's dead! He was as fit as ever!" "If Eddy's dead, the Morrisons would be fretting already. Yet, they seem just fine so far …"Caroline interrupted them by asking, "Well then, why don't you tell me when was the last time you saw him?" The room was consumed by silence once again. Those who were of a lower status in the Hackett family didn't get to see Eddy much. Still, there were quite a number of people there who held high positions in Ha
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Chapter 1276
"And you are?" The elder stood up when he saw Kirk. The aura that Kirk exuded was one of a kind. Even the elder, who'd been through a lot in life, was overwhelmed by Kirk's presence. "Kirk Morrison." Kirk entered the room, his eyes already locked on Caroline. Seeing that she was just fine, he averted his gaze to look at the Hackett family's elder. "You're Kirk Morrison?" Someone was unimpressed. "You're Kirk Morrison my arse—" That person barely finished his sentence when Kirk's glare made him shut up for good. "He's Kirk Morrison all right." Aiden cleared their doubts. "He's Kirk Morrison just because you claimed that he was?" someone mumbled in protest. "Have you forgotten that I've met Kirk before?" Aiden said, his voice loud and clear as he looked at Kirk. "The head of the Sorkin family has seen him before too. You can ask Damien Sorkin if you don't believe me!" Only then were those people in the room reminded of that time when Aiden met Kirk in person. All of the
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Chapter 1277
"I told you that I'm no longer the head of the family the moment you drove my daughter out." Aiden's voice rang loud and clear so that everyone could hear him. It was then that the elder realized that the issue regarding Cheryl wasn't settled just yet. He had to get Aiden back on his side, so he said, "It was a joke. Cheryl knew that Kirk had Ms. Evans back. She did us a favor. She's a part of our family. How could we chase her away?" He emphasized his point again by saying, "It was all a misunderstanding. Right, everyone?"The other members of the Hackett family didn't object. "Yeah! It was just a misunderstanding!" they spoke as one.Only Theodora and Moira were recalcitrant. Cheryl managed to catch a glimpse of them in the sea of faces and noticed that the two women clenched their jaws adamantly. However, their expressions changed as they smiled the second they sensed Cheryl's gaze. Theodora even pinched Moira to remind her to recompose herself. Cheryl smiled dryly at
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Chapter 1278
If it was discovered that she was the one who'd created the false evidence, Theodora and Moira would be driven out of the family for sure. Theodora's husband had passed away a long time ago, so she had no one to depend on in the Hackett family. If the Hacketts found out that she played a part in framing Cheryl, no one would have her back. The longer Theodora stared at Cheryl, the more panicked she became. "Great! We've cleared the misunderstanding!" the elder exclaimed as he approached Kirk. "You don't visit us often. Since you're here …" He then paused to check the time and said, "Why don't you have dinner with us? It's already half past ten." Kirk, too, checked the time. Then, his expression changed slightly, and he told Charles, "Stay here to clean up the mess." "Sir—" Charles started to protest, but Kirk was already nowhere to be seen. "What's the matter?" the elder asked, puzzled as to why Kirk had to rush off. Charles didn't feel like answering the question. Inste
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Chapter 1279
Nightshade continued stomping his feet as if he were a naughty child. Meanwhile, Sean had had enough of Nightshade's tantrums. Turning to Kirk, he said, "Kirk, I need to get some air. You need to find a way to settle this." With that, he headed straight for the door, leaving Kik, Caroline, and Nightshade in the room. Glancing at Caroline, Nightshade grinned and said, "You're Caroline, right? It's all thanks to you that Kirk left this place. You could say that I owe you one." Caroline approached Nightshade with her eyes trained on him the whole time. Her unblinking gaze made him frown uncomfortably. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked. But Caroline ignored him. Then, she walked in a circle around him several times and kept quiet as she did so. Nightshade was so confused that he asked Kirk, "Is something wrong with your wife? Why is she staring at me like that? Has she fallen in love with me?" The longer he talked, the more exaggerated his words became. Kir
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Chapter 1280
"I don't know," Caroline told Sean. "Ask her when you're home." Sean didn't know what to say anymore. Caroline had no intention of helping him, it seemed. After he left, Nightshade said, "I don't intend to stay here and be the third wheel. Don't worry, though, I'm a man of my word." Kirk and Caroline stared at him in silence, dubious. The suspicion in their eyes said it all. It made Nightshade panic, and he said, "I told you, I won't break my promise. What's that look on your faces? I swear you two look the same with that expression." Caroline and Kirk froze. Nightshade clicked his tongue and added, "My, my! Your faces look identical even when your expressions change. Forget it! Staying here won't do me any good. I'll suffocate from all your lovey-doveyness if I stayed here any longer." "We—" Caroline wanted to retort, but her protest was briefly cut short by Nightshade's inquiry. "Right. My pay for being your bodyguard should be quite handsome, right?" The question wa
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