All Chapters of The Pretend Wife: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
164 Chapters
Chapter 101
As I lay beside her, she confessed, "I want to wait until our wedding night. I have never-" I was stunned and interrupted her, "You've never been with a man?" She nodded, and I could hear her breathing heavily. "You're my first," she added. I was taken aback, and I rolled off the bed to sit up. "Oh," I muttered.She sensed my discomfort and asked, "Are you mad at me?" I assured her I wasn't and asked why she thought so. "I don't know, I just thought you might be," she replied. I told her I wasn't upset and she seemed relieved.I got up and dressed up, and went straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water. I needed to cool off and gather my thoughts. When she emerged, fully clothed, I couldn't help but admire her beauty. "You look great," I complimented her. She smiled, and we spent some time catching up on our day, forgetting the earlier awkwardness. Just as it struck 8 pm, the girls arrived to take Cassandra ."I want to make this clear, Jane," I said firmly. "Don't pus
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Chapter 102
"Not yet," Jane responded, as she opened her neighbor's balcony door slightly. I gasped, attempting to persuade her to stop, but she was too far gone. All of a sudden, Jane's neighbor stood up and stretched.The sight of his enormous belly made us almost sick to our stomachs. He had his back towards the balcony door, while Jane was crouched just inside it. Suddenly, without warning, her neighbor took off his shorts and flung them over his shoulder. They landed right on Jane's face, causing her to nearly pass out. Then, in a shocking move, he removed his underwear and threw that too. The underwear landed directly on Jane's head, and she snatched it up in a fury before her neighbor turned around. We all held our breath, and let out a sigh of relief when he didn't completely turn around.Chloe was gripping my arm so tightly that my limb had started to go numb. Adriana whispered, "What if she gets caught, what will she do?" I reassured her, "She'll figure out a way out."We waited as her
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Chapter 103
Jasper's POV:I pushed her off me, but she didn't even stir. After getting up and hastily dressing myself, I barged into Alex's room to wake him and Kenny up."I think I cheated on Cassandra last night," I blurted out."What's wrong?" Alex sat up, wincing."I woke up next to a naked girl in my boxers," I explained."That's not possible," Kenny responded, clutching his head. "I personally warned all the girls not to give any special favors.""Kenny ! I woke up next to Julie !" I exclaimed.Both Alex and Kenny bolted out of bed, and we rushed to the room where I had been sleeping. Julie was now awake, dressed, and had a huge smile on her face."Jaaasssspeeer! Jasper, Jasper, Jasper!" she sang. "I told you that you still loved me.""Shut up! I was drunk!" I retorted.Julie laughed and said, "You think that matters? What will your precious Cassandra think when she finds out you've been cheating on her?"As I gazed at her, I yearned to possess the savagery to strike a woman. My fists wer
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Chapter 104
"No, not at all. I was going to tell you right away," I assured her, but she didn't seem convinced."What if I had done the same thing to you, Jasper? What if I had cheated on you? Would you be okay with it?" Cassandra's voice trembled with anger and hurt."No, of course not. But I didn't cheat on you," I replied, hoping she would believe me.Cassandra didn't seem convinced, and she waved her phone in front of my face. "Seriously?" she asked, her tone accusatory.She continued to rant about cheating and how she would react if she were in my shoes. As much as I wanted to defend myself, Cassandra wouldn't let me get a word in. It was frustrating, and I could feel my patience wearing thin. I couldn't help but think that if someone had cheated on me, I would have taken drastic measures to make sure they paid for it. However, that wasn't the issue at hand, and I needed Cassandra to hear me out.I acted on what I believed to be the best course of action, and took hold of her, planting a kis
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Chapter 105
"Yes," I replied, grabbing my bag. Before leaving, I went over to Jasper and kissed him on the cheek."So, you heard about Julie , right?" I asked."Yeah," Kenny replied. I have a plan, I said to kenny. "What do you mean?" He asked Excitement bubbled up inside me as I told him about my plan. This was the last time Julie would mess with me.But first, we stopped by the beautician. After checking my skin type, she recommended several treatments for me.I surrendered myself to their capable hands and allowed myself to be pampered. The aroma of fragrant oils filled the air as I lay back and savored the gentle massage on my back. The hair spa treatment left my locks feeling nourished and rejuvenated, and I luxuriated in the various soothing scents that surrounded me.I wasn't sure where Kenny had gone, but I was content to stay put and let the experts work their magic. Afterwards, I soaked in a tub filled with warm water and rose petals while my hair was washed and conditioned. A facia
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Chapter 106
"Wow! I can't believe that just happened!" Kenny exclaimed."I know, right? Neither can I!" I replied."Awwww, Jasper is going to be so proud of you!" he teased."Shut up!" I retorted, feeling a mix of anger and embarrassment.Jasper’s POV:After Cassandra and Kenny returned from their therapy session a few hours later, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated. Kenny was rambling on about something exciting that Cassandra had done, but she kept telling him to be quiet."What are you talking about, Kenny?" I asked, curious."You'll find out soon enough," he replied, while Cassandra rolled her eyes.Shortly after, Alex arrived and Cassandra went up to him and asked, "Did you do what I asked?""Yes, Ma'am!" he mock-saluted her.Feeling bewildered, I asked, "What's going on?"Suddenly, I heard voices from behind me."Stay away from my guy!"Alex and I turned to see Kenny snickering. We then turned back to the laptop, where a video was playing. My eyes widened as I saw Cassandra slap Julie ."
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Chapter 107
Cassandra's POV:It had already been two days since I moved in with Jane, and time had flown by. Unfortunately, Jasper 's mother had paid us a visit and forbade Jasper and me from seeing each other until the day of our wedding. She had taken me away, leaving a sulking Jasper behind.Although I also felt upset about being separated from him, I understood why his mother wanted us to follow tradition. However, Jasper couldn't accept it and threw a fit."Why are you taking her away?" he protested."I've already explained this to you, Jasper . I won't repeat myself," Mrs. Benson replied firmly.I shrugged and followed her lead. Although she wanted me to stay with them at their country home, I declined and requested to stay with Jane instead. It turned out to be a great decision, as the last two days had been filled with exciting activities and unforgettable memories.Kenny and Alex had planned to visit me, but unfortunately, Jane had forbidden Jasper from coming along. Jane had always t
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Chapter 108
Jasper's POV:My mind was in disarray since Cassandra had reminded me about the vows. How could I have forgotten such an important detail? I was at a loss for words and didn't even know where to begin.Restless, I paced back and forth on the living room floor, and out of frustration, kicked the couch. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and I rushed to answer it, finding Kenny on the other side."Why did you take so long?" I asked him, somewhat agitated."Cassandra reminded me about the vows, and I'm struggling to come up with something to write," I explained.Kenny's eyes widened, and he replied, "What? Why would you forget that? You need to get your act together!"Feeling even more overwhelmed, I pleaded with him to help me write my vows. But Kenny refused, reminding me that it was my responsibility to craft my own words and express my love for Cassandra in my own way."I don't know what to say for my vows," I complained.I replied, "I'm not a writer or poet. How can I write something mean
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Chapter 109
We scrambled to get ready, with Alex urging me to hurry up and take a shower. The urgency was palpable; Kenny was prone to panic attacks, and we didn't want him to spiral out of control. After a frantic scramble, Kenny dashed out of the door and headed straight to Cassandra's, while the rest of us finished getting ready as quickly as we could.Kenny's POV:I drove recklessly to reach Jane's place, where I was greeted by a disheveled and half-dressed Jane who seemed agitated."Why aren't you ready yet?" I demanded as I stepped inside."It's Cassandra!" She exclaimed in response.Confused, I pressed her for more information."Well, she was really nervous," she said, hesitantly."And?" I prompted."Jasper didn't know..."I still didn't understand what she was getting at."Didn't know what?" I asked, growing impatient."Ken!" Cassandra's voice interrupted our conversation, and I looked up to see her walking towards me in her wedding dress.Her hair was done, but her makeup was still incom
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Chapter 110
Cassandra Levine, I cannot make grand promises to you. I cannot guarantee that we will never have disagreements, but what I can promise is that if we do, I will not let our arguments go unresolved. Although I cannot guarantee that you will never shed a tear, I can assure you that I will always be there to comfort you and wipe them away. I cannot promise that you will always be happy, but I vow to do everything in my power to turn your frowns into smiles.It's not within my ability to guarantee that all of your dreams will come true, but I promise that we will make new dreams together and strive to achieve them. Although I cannot prevent you from falling ill, I vow to take care of you and support you during those times. Above all, I cannot promise that we will never have disagreements or that you won't get angry with me, but I assure you that I will always work to make things right and express my love for you through simple gestures like kissing you until you are no longer upset.Cassa
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