All Chapters of The Pretend Wife: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
164 Chapters
Chapter 121
Before reaching my store, Jane called me multiple times, eagerly inquiring about Noah's call. I responded negatively, explaining that he had arranged for a car to pick me up at the store. Upon finally arriving at the store, Joe and other workers greeted me with excitement and admiration, preventing me from entering my office until they had the chance to capture photographs of me in my stunning dress.Once settled in my office, my phone incessantly chimed with messages from my other friends, curious to know all the details about my lunch date, as Jane had already filled them in. I decided to share some of the pictures taken by my PA, which resulted in a barrage of voice notes from my friends, expressing their enthusiasm and affirming how incredible I looked. Any lingering apprehension I had earlier quickly dissipated as my friends reassured me that I deserved this captivating interlude in my life.Time seems to effortlessly slip away as I find myself engrossed in my work, when suddenly
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Chapter 122
As Noah leads me through the house towards the dining room, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. I had secretly harbored hopes that he would guide me to his bedroom instead, where he would sensually undress me, and we would engage in a passionate encounter akin to those portrayed in romantic movies. We would lose ourselves in each other's embrace, passionately making love and eventually drifting off to sleep, entwined in each other's arms.However, reality paints a different picture. We find ourselves standing before the dining room, adorned with a grand table and regal chairs. It's evident that a sumptuous meal, skillfully prepared by a professional chef, awaits us."Please, have a seat," Noah courteously offers, pulling out one of the chairs, elegantly embellished with gold accents, for me to occupy."Thank you," I respond, mustering a small smile to express my appreciation.At that moment, a young man dressed as a waiter enters the dining room through a nearby door,
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Chapter 123
With a firm grip, Noah guides me out of the dining room, akin to an experienced adult leading a child on a thrilling escapade. Anticipation fills me, tinged with a hint of apprehension. The wine I've consumed has managed to loosen my inhibitions, fueling my eagerness to discover what awaits us in the coming minutes.Ascending one of the grand, winding staircases that stretches towards the uppermost level of the house, I can't help but be taken aback by the sheer number of steps. "This staircase seems to stretch on endlessly," I comment as we continue our ascent.Noah chuckles briefly in response. "You'll grow accustomed to it," he reassures me.Though uncertain of his meaning, I deem it inappropriate to ask trivial questions at this moment. My sole desire is to witness if the upstairs area possesses the same breathtaking beauty as the ground floor. Upon reaching the top, an astonishing sight unfolds before my eyes—an exquisitely adorned living room, the epitome of opulence. It surpas
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Chapter 124
When I arrived home around 4 p.m., the girls were just waking up from their nap. Mrs. P seemed surprised to see me back home "so early," as she put it. The encounter with Noah had left an awkward atmosphere, so we returned to the dining room to have our meal.Our conversation consisted of forced small talk, which made the situation even more uncomfortable. Thankfully, having food in front of me gave me something to focus on when we ran out of things to say. We both knew it was best to avoid personal topics such as family, as it would only add to the awkwardness.I couldn't help but blame myself for how the lunch date turned sour, but there's no use dwelling on it now. Noah didn't mention anything about a second date or visiting my store again, which indicates that our connection has come to an end. It's difficult to admit, but I feel a sense of sadness knowing that our moment together ended so abruptly.Anna observes my somber mood and comments, "It doesn't seem like you had a good t
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Chapter 125
I could hear Najite take a deep breath before she began to explain. "Well, it seems that some paparazzi managed to capture pictures of you and Noah together at his place. They're referring to you as 'the mystery woman'. Although your face isn't clearly visible in the images, anyone familiar with you would recognize you instantly. These pictures have gone viral. Every blog out there has posted them on their websites. Darling, you've become famous!"My head starts spinning abruptly, as if I've been caught in a whirlwind that's swirling me around at an incredible speed. Someone managed to capture photos of me and Noah together, and now they've leaked them to gossip blogs. Who could have done such a thing, and what could be their motive?"Oh my goodness, Clara, please tell me this is just a joke," I urgently pleaded into the phone, hoping for some reassurance."No, I'm serious. You should check out the FameFamous Blog on Instagram. It's all over there. The pictures have also made their wa
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Chapter 126
My conversation with Noah didn't go as expected. It turned out that one of his kitchen staff members called in sick the day before. To fill the gap, Noah sent a replacement who, unlike the rest of the staff, was unaware of the identity of the house owner until she emerged from the kitchen with Draco and realized it was the renowned EN Taylor. Filled with excitement, she secretly took pictures of us through the kitchen window while Noah escorted me to the car. Later, she shared these photos with her friends, proudly boasting about working at EN Taylor's house.Unfortunately, one of her friends decided to sell the pictures to gossip blogs, causing an unwanted situation. "She has been dismissed," Noah informs me. "Moreover, I will be issuing a formal warning to my personal assistant for failing to ensure that the individual in question signed a non-disclosure agreement before commencing her duties yesterday."Every individual who collaborates with me, regardless of their employment dur
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Chapter 127
Suddenly, my phone began to ring, catching me off guard. Without even checking the caller ID, I unintentionally pressed the answer button and found myself speaking to Joe, my receptionist. "Hey Joe," I greeted him casually. "What's going on?""Cassandra , I anticipate that you'll terminate my employment or perhaps even harm me for what I'm about to confess, but before anything else, I want to sincerely apologize," he says, his tone tinged with foreboding.I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Joe has a tendency to exaggerate and make a fuss about even the most insignificant matters. "What's the matter, Joe? Will you be absent from work tomorrow because your boyfriend is unwell, or is it your grandmother this time?"He lets out a sigh, and the unease in his voice immediately catches my attention. "I wish the situation were that simple right now, but it's not," he admits, his nerves palpable.Concerned, I inquire, "What's wrong? Are you alright?"After inhaling audibly, he proceeds to spea
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Chapter 128
The store experienced an unprecedented surge in customers on Monday morning, which I found surprisingly gratifying given the scandal surrounding my leaked photo with Noah. Curiosity led me to check online blogs last night, and I was relieved to discover that 70% of the information circulating about me was inaccurate. According to the blogs, I am portrayed as an unmarried woman operating a clothing store, living a comfortable life with my affluent parents in the City.They claimed Noah and I met discreetly at a friend's wedding in Tacoma just last month, trying to keep our relationship a secret ever since. Thankfully, they made no mention of my past marriage, recent divorce, or the fact that I have twin daughters. I am truly grateful for that omission.As anticipated, a few envious trolls, predominantly female, resorted to posting spiteful comments beneath the blog posts, suggesting that I am not up to Noah's standards and even comparing me to a baby panda. Some of them even had the
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Chapter 129
"You really don't want me as an adversary, Cassandra ," she warned, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. With an air of indifference, she turns around and saunters out of my store. Joe and I were left speechless, merely observing her departure, as though she owns the place and we are her subordinates. It's incredibly frustrating!"What just happened?" Joe finally manages to ask, his voice filled with bewilderment."I have no clue, but I won't tolerate such nonsense here or anywhere else. I'm going to confront Noah and make it clear that this behavior is unacceptable," I assert, determined to address the issue.Leaving Joe and other workers to tidy up the store and prepare for closing, I march angrily to my office. Once inside, I snatch my mobile phone from the desk and dial Noah's number. He answers immediately, almost as if he's been anticipating my call."Hey, Cassandra ," he greets with a cheerful tone. "I've been contemplating the right moment to reach out to you. I'm genuine
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Chapter 130
"I have no regard for the court's decision. I am determined to take my granddaughters from the clutches of this immoral woman!" John Benson, my former father-in-law, passionately declares. His sentiment is met with a nod of agreement from his wife, Josephine Benson, and his brother, Jude Benson."Mr. Benson, please listen carefully. If you persist with this course of action, you risk losing your visitation rights entirely. What you are contemplating right now is classified as kidnapping, and everyone present in this room understands that it is a criminal offense," explains my lawyer, Grace Mac. "The court of law has granted my client full custody of her children. Therefore, if you have any reservations about that judgment, you should address them through legal channels, as responsible and law-abiding citizens would.""I will definitely bring this matter before the court," assures John Benson with determination. "However, for now, I am taking my grandchildren away from this woman of qu
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17 Protection Status