All Chapters of The billionaire's bodyguard : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
158 Chapters
Plan In Ruin
**ANTONY SANTOS**. Noise.Incessant ringing at the back of my ear.Louder than a bell ringing.More annoying than an alarm clock on a Monday morning.It won't stop. It won't go down. It won't go away. Shit.My eyes fluttered open on their own accord.Shit.A massive puff of smoke hit my lids, forcing them to shut back.I got thrown off balance by the wind or smoke.Maybe both.What the hell happened?I heard a groan.Tracy Shit.I forced my eyes open again, desperately trying to locate her in this sand storm or whirlwind."Tracy."I croaked, coughing. Something hit hard against the back of my throat, I coughed harder trying to get my voice back"Tracy"I croaked harder. I could hear her moan in pain, but my sight was poor. I couldn't see anything. No damn thing.I heard the first and second explosion before ours went out.They knew exactly what they were doing. They knew that we'd make a run for it, but they couldn't calc
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We Have A Runner
**MR SCOTT**. The clock keeps ticking and I can't tell if it's just me, but the sound is so much more annoying than it used to be.I can hear my watch, or my senses are heightened due to the fact that I am terrified, worried, and curious.That's three diverse emotions all at once.Terrified for what went wrong during the operation. Agent Michael knew all too well that something will go wrong, this was his fail safe but I prayed that I won't have to use it.I guess I did.With almost three hours gone since they left, I'm left to wonder what the contents of this bag are.It's light as a feather, if it's empty I'll lose my shit.I'm worried about their safety.If there's anything this entire journey has pushed me into learning, it's the fact that we are all equals.I might be richer or more famous than the rest, but at this point I'm no different from either one.I can't worry for the safety or Tracy Scott alone, it's the a
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All Is Fair In Kisses And Battles
**MR SCOTT**. "Sir, there is someone here to see you."My male secretary walked in snapping me out of my short nap."I'm sorry.""It's fine. Who is it?""He didn't say his name. Just one word. Omega."The sleep fell off my face.That's not a coincidence."Let him in!"I exclaimed, adjusting my clothes.A young man strode in not too long afterwards.He and Antony are about the same age.He placed a device on the desk and turned it on."That disables all Comms that might be implanted in your office. I don't have a bathroom."He picked the briefcase by his side and unlockedit. "You initiated protocol omega roughly twenty minutes ago..."He trailed off which I expected to get a response from me.If I only I knew what the fuck that was.Regardless, I nodded since I did in fact send those emails."You are a civilian, so I assume with the case in question you are Mr scott. Her father. Am I right?"He brought a little iPad out from it, pressed the power button, got the pen from the side
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After Maths Of The Explosion
**MR SCOTT**. Is this stupid? Yes.Is there a chance I'll get caught and killed? A bigger yes.Will I dive into it regardless? Hell yes.Picking my keys from the desk, the set jingled around my arm while I typed the address in my cell for safe keeping then opened the door to leave."Highly predictable Mr Scott . Agent Michael suspected that you'll pull a stunt like this in the event that something went wrong.""Good. Don't try to get in my way or stop me. It won't end well."I seethed, clenching my fist by my side."He gave me the orders not to let you pursue him. I can't let you leave, I'm afraid."He crossed his hands, placing them in front of him while blocking my path.I rolled my eyes."You're joking. Let me pass."I demanded sternly, looking around for my secretary or anyone that could help me."I'm afraid I can't do that, Sir. I assure you that the bureau is doing everything possible to ensure no one gets hurt or dies, they will do their best to return everyone back to the
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The Rain
**TRACY SCOTT** Shut up. Shut the fuck up.He's kissing me. His actual lips are pressed against mine and his tongue is gliding over mine, wait a second he's trying to get in.That means I'm not responding or kissing him back.I'm too caught up in surprise that he is kissing me to respond to it.Then he pulled away."I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."He cleared his throat and pulled back completely.Why didn't I kiss him back?He's thinking I don't want to make out with him when in fact I do.I truly need to stop zoning off, I need to stay in the present and do things.Ugh."Tracy. Please say something..."He held my arm, I shook out of my trance and met his gaze.His eyes were blinking rapidly, I could tell he was frightened, when in fact I feel cold and empty since he cut the kiss short.But is this the best time to make out?The Russians placed a target on our back. Antony Santos being dead and all the problems which are still unsolved in my life.
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Hidden Secrets
**TRACY SCOTT** After getting wholly drenched by the rain, I reached the car first and got in, Antony followed with a second or two behind.We were both panting, struggling to catch our breaths, but it's already raining heavily outside."What are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay there?"I pointed a finger towards the driver's seat and nudged my head forward.He arched his back, chuckling a little and so did I."I can just stay here a while then go back there because I'm exhausted."We shared another laugh. I looked around and the downpour intensified by the second."Lock the doors."I motioned to his side. He locked it and j secured all the windows, reached over for the jacket laying on the chair, tugging to it in search of what to do that'll keep me busy for the duration of this not to mention having to endure having Antony so close and being unable to do a damn thing with him.It's torture with him just sitting there, I can't kiss him. I
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Jealousy In The Battlefield
**TRACY SCOTT** "You took a phone in here?"That's a dumb question to ask, if he had a phone he would use it to call for help or something, yet I found myself asking."No. I didn't. I didn't even think there was cell service here considering the fact that the gas station I passed before getting here didn't have any. I figured that's how the entire area was. I guess not."He stood straight, slowly approaching the pigeon hole where the sound was coming from.As he opened it, the call ended almost immediately."It's an Android cell."I lifted my head above the seats to catch a peak of the cell phone."It seems as though it belongs to Shawn."He revealed, coming back to the back seat.I moved closer, having to raise my head a little or risk not getting a clear picture of what was happening."Password protected. It's a pin."He announced."Well. We can always do it. One two three four."I narrowed my gaze wondering if he thought Shawn was that stupid.He typed t
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Every Man For Himself
**AGENT MICHAEL**"I do not care the amount of pain I'm in at this moment, if you don't shut up and do exactly what I tell you to, I will find a way to get up from this bed, head over there and slap you so hard you'll fall unconscious again."I threatened, squeezing my eyes further."Be useful and check this entire room for a first aid kit or anything, get me painkillers then after that I want you to go into the bathroom and get a bowl of water so I can try to "wash" my eyes if that's a thing. Hurry because as soon as they come back, they will try to ask questions and we have no clue what's happening. Then it's dead. Dead. Dead. Better step on it."I ordered. That seemed to get him back into gear. I heard his rushed footsteps scattered all over the room, I heard him drag cabinets in search of what I asked.It's too much to check if the door was left open then order him to go outside to see if there are any pain meds. That's too much, right?"Found it!""Holy Christ! Are you trying to
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The Taste Of Sweet Freedom
**AGENT MICHAEL**"You truly don't have a plan? All my bravery amounted to nothing?"I rolled my eyes since I could, it hurt a little but I had control of my eyes with the painkillers serving as it's supposed to."I didn't mean it that way, you can't expect things to just pop out unexpectedly, I will come up with a plan if you'll just give me time.""I recall you saying we didn't have time a few minutes ago, now you need time to think!""Yes. I need time to think."I snapped all too harshly."If I do not think about this carefully, we are going to end up with a huge mess on our hands. We might get shot as soon as we walk out of this place, I need a solid plan so if you would shut up for a second, maybe I can actually think then come up with something!"I raised a palm gritting my teeth in anger."Fine. I would just look around to see if there's anything in the room we can use to escape or aid us on the outside."Finally, He thinks.I breathed and Ethan scowled before standing up.I sh
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Blown To Bits
**TRACY SCOTT** "Ma'am, I'm unable to hear you clearly due to the poor signal of your current location, but I can understand that you are in danger, could you please keep the line going as we attempt to trace your location with our equipment.""She said, I looked at Antony and he gave an approving nod.That doesn't seem like a normal response to a 911 call.They are dirty. They're also tracking our location meaning they will arrive soon.If they are making use of satellites as Antony predicted, then they will be caught by the F.B.I it would mean the plan hasn't gone up in flames just yet.Terrific."Could you confirm your name and provide any detail that might help us ascertain your current state. Nothing is too small as we'll be able to use anything you provide."She halted waiting for a reply.I cleared my throat within myself preparing to tearup again."I am not certain, but a bomb went off and because of that I got separated, I ran and I got here and
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