All Chapters of The billionaire's bodyguard : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
158 Chapters
How To Work A Case [III]
**ANTONY SANTOS**. Focus. For Tracy. For her and only her. I may never get a thank you or an appreciation letter, I might not get anything, but she will be alive.Remember that Antony ."I can do this, my emotions will not get in the way, I assure you."I said definitively."I'm not bothering myself with talks about if you're feeling fine or up to it, you're not. You're going through shitty stops well aren't we all? suck it up and save the woman you care about or let that man right there, in that other room at the end of that corridor get out on the streets once again and take her from you. It's your choice."He crossed his arms."How are we keeping me away from the public eye or it's finally time to clean about my false death and Tracy's come back. If she's in the open, it'll be hard for someone to plan an attack.""I believe it's best that Tracy remains here but the director will be addressing the press. It's America, s
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Working A Case [I]
**ANTONY SANTOS**. "Level with me Antony , I need to know what you're thinking. It's the only way I can help."I paced around the car."They must have had an extraction point. An airplane or something. His men might be there as well. If we can get to them on time, then they can lead us to the next bunker. I'm sure that's where he'll be headed to and I bet inside there'll be lots of incriminating evidence against him."I snapped my fingers."That's not a bad idea at all, but would they still be there if Antonov didn't make it. It's been hours.""They'll be acting under his orders for sure and he's been inside a holding cell. The only call he's made was to his...""Lawyer."I gulped."That's why his lawyer was in a hurry to see him. Antonov gave him the coordinates to tie that end!"I rushed back to our car."Wait, Antony , you're losing me now. What are you talking about?""I think Antonov called Mr Howard, not for any le
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Working A Case [II]
**AGENT MICHAEL**"I think it's illegal to point your weapon at a civilian simply because you're an officer of the law."He gritted his teeth. I took the safety off."Alright. Call my bluff and move, I'll shoot you in just the place that'll hurt you but still keep you breathing long enough to throw your ass in jail."I was assured.Antony rushed back to me.After speaking with him, he went back to the restaurant. My instincts told me to check them first, if I listened to them instead we wouldn't have six people dead and one in critical condition.Ugh. Anyway, it's done now and what I can do is look towards the future. The simple future that entails nailing this bastard for all he's done."I guess you heard him. We have confirmation of you walking out from a restaurant that six people died in. Those gloves might mean we won't find your prints on them, but you're going to have a field day explaining why you were there, I'm sure if that man survives he'll testify that you are responsibl
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Working A Case [III]
**ANTONY SANTOS**. THE NEXT MORNING.Today must be day twelve. I've lost count since the abduction is over, Half of it at least. Tracy is back and safely recuperating in the hospital.I'm going to pretend like that bastard isn't still by her side and focus on the good side of things. Tracy is getting better. She will be fine. She'll return home soon.By soon I mean in a few hours.I'm holding off on leaving, I just want a glance at her before I do.The director is outside giving the press conference now, he's explaining ever so vaguely how things are going now.Once he's done, the reporters will swarm him with tons of questions. While they are preoccupied, Tracy and I are supposed to leave the building.In separate cars.I took a shower then changed into a fresh set of Clothes. Now I'm standing by the side and waiting for her to come out.Mr Scott arrived early this morning, he's taking her home and while this might be th
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Closing A Case [I]
**AGENT MICHAEL**"There is no more to tell, I mean that's all there is. He kept secret communications between him and some of the men he hired. That's all."I scoffed and got up."No. You don't understand, it's golden. It's important, just wait and listen to me so I can explain.""Anyone can send text messages if you are going to get any deal at all, it has to turn into something Worthy since we want to add to the already solid case we have. It's clear you have nothing like that.""No. You don't understand, those conversations will help. They contain specific times and orders which date back to years ago. He maintains one type of communication and you would have access to all the people he's had taken care of and they are quite a number. You might even find proof when they were the important kinds."I held the chair, acting as though I would leave. He can't figure out that I'm in dire need of this.After a two seconds gap, I returned to the seat with the file pressed over the table.
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Closing A Case [II]
**AGENT MICHAEL**"What do you mean the subpoena wasn't granted?"I slammed the file across the deskThe lower agent winced at my tone. He better be playing a very bad joke on me or is talking about the wrong file because the district attorney will get an earful from me if it turns out that the subpoena was indeed declined.A breakthrough in this case, I'm not about to let anyone come into this and ruin it."You can go."I waved him off and grabbed the nearby phone.Punching in the number, I placed it over my ears listening to its ring and awaiting a voice."This is Agent Michael from the FBI, I'd like to speak with the district attorney. Tell him it's urgent."I tapped repeatedly over my desk. There was a short delay, I hope she's switching it to his line."He'll take you now."She announced, there was a beep then another voice sounded."Agent Michael of the FBI, to what do I owe this phone call."He chirped, his tone not giving me any bad vibes, but he's also not signing off on the
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Closing A Case [III]
**ANTONY SANTOS**. "I know you said to stay back and spend some time with my family, but I don't think that's possible and I might be way in over my head, but I think Agent Michael and I have spent so much time together that I might know him better than most people. For that reason, I'm in the best position to go after him, that's what I'm doing. Just giving you the heads up."I dropped the cell and kept driving in the direction of Clinton and associates, that's the building where Michael went to.The burner began ringing again. The director.He's probably calling to talk me out of it. I don't think ignoring the call of the Director of the CIA will be good for me but taking it is not an option either.Oh, God.I clicked the answer then placed it on the speaker."Sir, I told you that I won't be talked out of.""God now I see why you and Michael have some connection, both of you do not listen to me before going out of your
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Tracy Scott .
**ANTONY SANTOS**. "Tracy, let me explain. Let me.""Get out."She demanded. Her voice was cold, her arms wrapped around her chest sliding to her waist and her head turned away from me and facing the door instead. I assume she was covering her eyes away from me, so much so that I wouldn't see the tears slowly dropping out"I'm not going."I replied bravely."I'll call security and have you thrown out then. Get out."She yelled loudly."You can do whatever the hell you want Tracy Scott , but I'm not leaving you now. Not like that.""I don't even want to see you. This does not make you better than him or gets you points that somehow reduces the gravity of what you did. It does nothing. I'm grateful that you told me, but things stay the same between us. I just want to stay alone which means I'd like you to leave, so please..."Her voice failed her in the middle. She
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Post Case Crisis [I]
**ANTONY SANTOS**. "I'm not sure how I can ever look at you the same way, let alone forgive you or move past it. I am not certain of anything, but at this point, I'm allowed to act a little selfish. It'll be the first in two weeks and although I'm being strongly advised by my inner self to throw you out, I want you to stay by me. I think I need you to stay by me."She stopped talking, her hands high up in the air followed by a frustrated groan."Please stay."She released yet another groan just as I was about to leave.I squeezed my eyes and turned, shooting a finger at her."What do you want me to do?""Nothing. I don't want you to do anything, I just want you to stay here."She slapped her hand over the bed, it made a sound echoing around the room."You want me to sit with you on the bed?"She nodded repeatedly.First, she doesn't want me two feet close to her and now I get to sit on the same bed with her? Must be nice.
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Post Case Crisis [II]
**ANTONY SANTOS**. The kiss started quick and fast. There wasn't any tilting head or gliding tongue against each other tenderly so much so there wasn't any love.There was just desire and passion and I wouldn't have had it any other way.She stayed on my laps, dropping her head lower then planting her lips over mine, it's a shame since I couldn't really do much in this position, I just sat back and enjoyed what was being done tome.****"Tracy, you're mad at me. You're mad at everyone, it's making you do things"She dipped her head, aiming for a kiss. I carefully dodged, holding both hands of hers in place."Does that make more sense to you than its ringing at the back of my head that you're not actually married to anyone so I can do thiswithout an ounce of guilt and that realization just makes me thirsty."She dropped her head a second time, a successful attempt since I let her kiss me.A part of what she said was right
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