All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
243 Chapters
Chapter 71
Met Aaron for the first time.Emily walked limply pulling her suitcase towards the Mansion. Dorothy offered to walk her, Emily refused and said she was fine. Ruth kept apologizing because Emily had to go through this terrible tragedy because of her and it made Emily sad. She did everything willingly, and her mother would know that.She wiped her years with the back of her hand, the only thing that could cheer her up was that soon she would be able to carry Aaron, something she hadn't done since she gave birth to Aaron from her womb.Emily pressed the elevator to the third floor, were all the main rooms where located. At the end of the hall, she was greeted by Sara, Sara's face was blank and unsympathetic, the same as Dorothy used to be when they weren't friends."This way," Sara said, walking ahead of Emily into the nursery. Along with her footsteps, Emily heart was beating so fast that it was deafening. Meeting Aaron was something that means a lot to her. They stopped at a white door
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Chapter 72
Offer from BrittanyIn the afternoon after she finish bathing Aaron, she put him in a stroller and pushed him to the door. Apart from the schedule she had to follow, she also felt happy taking Aaron out for a walk.When she came out of the room she met Lindsay who seemed to have just returned from her divorce trial with Darius Specter which had not been completed because of the disputed property.She stepped closer to Emily who was standing still holding the stroller. Fora moment she thought Lindsay would continue her temper, but instead, she bent down and stared at Aaron from a close distance. Maybe she wanted to tease her grandson like a grandmother used to do, but she felt embarrassed and stiffed because Emily was there. So she just adjust Aaron's blanket, then straightened herself up again and walked off to her room without a word.While humming Emily pushed the stroller into the garden area every now and then she would stop and talk to Aaron as if he understood the words she was
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Chapter 73
Suicide Temptations.Emily had just returned from the park after taking Aaron from a walk it's been almost three days since she has not seen or passed Gabriel anywhere in the Mansion, did she miss him? yes, of course but she couldn't do anything about it.At least Aaron's presence would distract her. With Aaron the day has become much fuller and more colourful.When she opening the door to Aaron's room, she suddenly heard the sound of glasses being thrown and shattered from Lindsay's room. She hurriedly laid Aaron into the crib and then went back down the hall to check if the sound was still there.A few moments later the noises started repeating and she could hear Sara squealing loudly.Subconsciously her feet moved quickly towards Lindsay room and opened the door without even Knocking.She was surprised to see messy room with broken glasses scattered everywhere and what surprised her even more Lindsay who was holding broken flower vase made of glass and pointing it at her wrist, a f
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Chapter 74
Let's StopThe door, opened few maids came in and cleaned up Lindsay's messy room. Soon Gabriel emerged panting, staring at his mother With worried face,while Brittany followed behind him.Emily got to her feet, returned back the first aid kit to the bathroom and hurried to the exit.Her gaze fall on Gabriel who being cradled by Brittany. There was a real stab in her chest but she chose to leave immediately. Gabriel wanted to chase Emily but he has to go and see his mother.Finally, as always his mother took the number one priority.Emily went into Aaron's room and closed it lightly. She didn't understand why Gabriel was always together with Brittany, didn't Gabriel tell her that he would never marry that woman? or did Brittany succeed in making Gabriel fell in love with her?As her mind was filled with all kinds of bad thoughts, Aaron's cry echoed through the room, startled her she rushed over to Aaron and rocked him. Looking into his clear eyes, made Emily's heart feel much calmer fo
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Chapter 75
Emily to the Rescue.Gabriel's jaw tightened, he looked at Emily with teary eyes. "your excuses make me even more unable to separate from you, but you must know one thing, even if you're tired of waiting for the right moment to come, I will stand by my words, I will by my words, I will not marry any other woman until we can be together, you have my words!" Gabriel said, then turned around and left the room with a tight feeling in his chest.The tightness arose Because he felt sorry for Emily who had to endure the pain alone. Emily always puts her happiness behind her and let's someone else get it. His powerless to make Emily happy which made him very miserable and sad.After Gabriel disappeared from the door Emily slumped into the floor and wept softly. Maybe it was the time for her to forget everything and moved on. Everything would be fine she was sure if it.Emily patted her back gently. Hugging herself could often make her feel better.*****After the divorce of Lindsay and Darius
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Chapter 76
Old friendIt's was a beautiful morning, Emily woke up early because she wanted to see the surprise, Lately she often looked for small pleasure to make her happy. It wasn't easy to get Gabriel out of her mind, especially since they were in the same place even though Emily had avoided him as much as possible.She put on her coat, pocketed the baby monitor so she could hear Aaron woke up, she will then ran fast to the room later. But it looks like will be asleep for a long time because she'd just him earlier and he'd been up for almost all night.She walked leisurely towards the artificial lake while rubbing her palms together because of cold air. No one has up, because usually everyone started their activities by 6:00 am.As arranged by nature, she passed Gabriel I the middle of the garden. Gabriel looked disheveled his shirt were rolled to his elbow but that didn't detract from his handsomeness at all.Emily's heart was was pounding hard but she tried to act normal. She nodded politel
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Chapter 77
She's Out!"This is a total surprise! I didn't expect us to meet here! I mean, the last time w met was at the granduation ceremony in the high school right?" Trey muttered as he looked at Emily in amazements, while in front of him Emily just grimaced from bing too surprised.Emily nodded,. "yeah, you're absolutely right. Umm, can we start now?" Emily asked, looking down at Aaron who was still busy playing with his fingers. Trey seemed to immediately realize what he was doing in the Mansion, "Ah, of course, come on in!" he took a step back and watch Emily push the stroller quickly into the room."So are Mr Specter junior's parents coming here? or are you the only one representing them?" Trey asked, washing his hands in the sink."Just me,"Emily answered, she hoped Trey would soon work professionally as a doctor and stop talking about the past or about what Emily did I the mansion. "So you have been working here for a long time?" asked Trey pulling up a chair In front Emily and sitting
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Chapter 78
Burning DesireEmily paced back and forth after Dorothy have left the room, Lindsay must not be feeling well right now, after Brittany had told everyone she tried to commit suicide, so many times now no one would see her the same way again.Honestly, Emily was worried about her condition.She slowly opened the door, peered out of the room and Lindsay's door was still open. She could faintly hear Gabriel's voice, which seemed to be persuading his mother not to be sad and do things she would regret.Maybe Emily should have been happy that Brittany had finally left the mansion, but she was surprised she did feel that way and instead felt sad about Lindsay's condition now.While he was still peeking, Gabriel suddenly came out of the room and close the door, he saw Emily rushing to pull her head into the room.A few seconds later, he was sitting on the sofa in Aaron's room with Emily sitting next to him."I'm sure you already know what happened ," Gabriel said looking down at his fingers.
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Chapter 79
Old wounds"Emily?" Sara's voice sounded so loud. Emily took Gabriel clothes and motioned for him to hide in the closet, while Emily quickly tiptoed into the bathroom silently and wrapped herself in a bathrobes."Yes, Sara? What's wrong? I'm about to take a shower," Emily said, looking through the connecting door. Sara turned to look at Emily her bathrobe. "Mr Darius Specter wants to see you," Sara reply took Emily by surprise."Me? okay, I will be there after I'm done showering," Emily said lightly. Sara shrugged, "okay then, I will take take care of Aaron," Sara said as she plupped down on the sofa. Emily graced, having no reason to go refuse she racked her brain, thinking about how to get Gabriel out there because Emily's bedroom door was looked from beginning so the only access was from Aaron's room. Emily opened the closet door "Sara will be staying in Aaron's room for a while, you won't be able to come out until she is out of there and by the way your father wants to see me, I
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Chapter 80 Press Conference.
""You don't understand anything! and stop talking like you know it all, so you think still I'm not good enough even though I made you the CEO of my company?! you and your mother are the same! unthankful!" cursed Darius, Emily understood for the first time to understand what it was like to Gabriel, to be among parents who each had their own obsession."If it weren't for Mom, I would never be a part of Specter family!" Gabriel hissed disdainfully. He was sick if seeing his father's face that he wanted to get out there."Leave Specter whenever you want, if you don't want to work there! But first, clean up the mess you have made Darius heavy his body."Tell the world what actually happened! tell them how were forced to marry Olivia because your mother urged you to start a family and how Olivia. made you to do sexual relationship with your Emily until you have a child. This will reduce public sentiment towards our family," he explained flatly.Gabriel and Emily fell silent because they wer
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