All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
243 Chapters
Chapter 81 Heart To Heart
"Sonia Mendez and I have been in a relationship for decades. We to love each other deeply, back then until now. So rumors about her only wanting my wealth are very, very false. Ms Mendez has always been in the most difficult times of my life, I don't mean to say that my ex-wife was the cause of all the trouble I'm going through, but it's certainly not easy for me to live life with the frequent suicide threats I experienced with her,""I also want people to understand the condition of my ex-wife, Lindsay Cooper, she acted that way because of her unstable mental state for a long time. I expect the media to stop making bad assumption about Lindsay and start giving her full support as I did. And most importantly, we hope that people with stop bringing both Ms Mendez and Ms Cooper into conflict because in reality their relationship is fine and Ms Mendez was in no way the cause of the mental disorder that Ms Cooper had suffered.'Lastly, I would like to address the rumors that were spreadin
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Chapter 82 Fight Back
"So what?!" Do you have any suggestions?' Lindsay asked impatiently, flicking cigarettes ashes into the ashtray. Emily was silent for a moment, putting the words together in her head, then she cleared her throat softly."This is just a suggestion, you can accept it or not, it all depends on you if you are comfortable with what I suggested then.....""You talk too much! can you go straight to the point" Lindsay snapped, interrupting Emily's words.Emily gaped for a moment but soon she regained her composure. "First, Let Gabriel hold a press conference and tell the world the true story of what happened in the past, Do you agree?" Emily asked carefully."Will anyone believe that?" said Lindsay, who has lost her confidence."Of course! Gabriel is Darius's son! He couldn't have brought down his father for no apparent reason! people would believe him, just as I believe in him. They wouldn't buy it if you're the one who tells story, how?" Emily asked full of hope.Lindsay stared at the windo
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Chapter 83 New Mansion
"So Mr Specter is going to fire most of the mansion's workers? Dorothy asked as Emily told her about their plans to move elsewhere. Emily shook her head? there is nothing like firing anyone Dorothy, he just gonna take a few workers because the new house isn't as big as the one we are leaving, so we will left others here, the mansion is going to run as usual anyways," Emily replied, staring the minestrone in the pot."Are Dorothy and I among the ones to be invited to the new mansion?!" Ruth asked anxiously. Emily chuckled, "of course! we are Aaron's gang, wherever Aaron goes will we go with him!" Ruth stroke her chest in relief, for a moment she panicked because she thought Gabriel would only take Emily with him."So how about your relationship? is there any progress?" Dorothy asked her hands were busy peeling potatoes.Emily shrugged, "I don't know, I forbade Gabriel to talk about it anyway, not until his mother's mental state improves," she said, then turned off the stove and poured
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Chapter 84 Authorization Marriage
Gabriel's hands moved to let go of Emily's bra and pants, this made Emily stand naked without a single thread covering her body.She knelt on thee floor,her hands outstretched to unzip Gabriel's jeans. She brought her lips closer to Gabriel's stomach, then kisses him down until she reached to the sensitive part of him which immediately made Gabriel to tensed and gripped Emily's hair tightly.As they stepped into the Jacuzzi their eyes stared at each other with burning desire. Gabriel held out his hand to Emily to come closer and sit on his lap.Emily closed her eyes as Gabriel's hand began to explore her breasts and his lips began to kiss her slender neck. She let out a stifled sound as his touch reached down and met something between her things getting warmed Unable to contain here desire, Emily crouched down and allowed Gabriel to pull her waist and penetrate unhurriedly. She sighed as she felt something hard entered her body.With her eyes half-closed, Emily started swaying on top
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Chapter 85 Dinner Night
It felt a long time ago since Emily had last dressed up like this. The last time was prom night at high school, where Trey Cole picked her up in his grand father's old car.Emily looked at herself once again in the mirror, she was lucky to be back to her slim nature soon after giving birth, so the black Dior dress that she was wearing looked really good on her body."Wow! you look amazing!" said Dorothy who suddenly appeared from behind the connecting door holding Aaron in her armsEmily blushed, she looked down at Aaron. "Baby,Mommy is going to have dinner with Daddy be kind to Dorothy okay?" she gently touched Aaron's cheek, then lifted Aaron's finger and kissed it gently."Look at you, soon you will find your happiness, I'm so happy to be a part of the process," Dorothy said with tears In her eyes."Dorothy, don't make me cry! I'm grateful you're going to ruin my makeup, you have no idea how much I'm grateful to have you in my life!" Emily hugged Dorothy warmly, she blinked, trying
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Chapter 86 The proposal.
Emily had finished her desert but she had yet to the surprise Or proposal she was expecting from Gabriel. "Emily, I need to go the toilet," Gabriel whispered then hurriedly walked to away.Emily leaned back, she punched herself forcing not to be disappointed that things weren't what she had imagine.She took another sip of wine and looking around her. All the guests seemed busy chatty with each other. She let out a long sigh, forget how long it was since the last time she felt the outside world like this.Gabriel come back from the toilet he rushed to pay the bill then reached out his hand taking Emily to get out of the restaurant with him.Emily glanced at Gabriel secretly, slightly surprised that Gabriel seemed to be in such a hurry but she chose not to ask."Ralph will be a bit late, would you like to take a walk with me?" asked Gabriel when they were outside the building. Emily shrugged "Sure," she replied somewhat surprised.They walked down the busy side walk heading to Time Sq
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Chapter 87 Wedding Plan
The next few days felt very different to Emily. She's busy doing whatever Lindsay told her, wedding dress fittings, skincare at a famous beauty salon in upstate New York and many other things that take up her time. Emily didn't like that kind of thing but she felt bad to refuse because Lindsay's sentiment was still rigid towards her. Even Emily still has to call Lindsay a Madam.Emily had just returned from a wedding dress boutique when Sara suddenly approached and said that today was Aaron's schedule for vaccination shot."Okay, I will take Aaron to meet his pediatrician in which room?" asked Emily as she removed the earrings from her ears in hurry.The main guest room, which is near the swimming pool," replied Sara, who became more polite after she learned Emily would be Gabriel's wife.After taking a shower and changing clothes, Emily moves Aaron into a stroller and pushed him to the main quest room, where Trey Cole, his pediatrician was waiting. Emily was a bit nervous to meet Tre
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Chapter 88 Wedding Day
All might Emily was nervous because her wedding day was coming soon. She was tossing and turning in her bed until two in the morning. Worried that tomorrow her face would look dull, she finally decided take cough medicine and her decision was right, a few minutes later she fell asleep like a baby.The next morning she awoke very early, at five in the morning, with Aaron crying loudly.She carried Aaron and nursed him until he was full. At six, Dorothy came to help her look after Aaron."Get ready, the makeup artist and the slight are walking for you in the quest room," Dorothy said as she undressed Aaron.Emily nodded, "Okay and where is my mother?" Emily asked nervously. "she's busy changing rooms," Dorothy with a smile.Emily's eyes sparkled, Gabriel was very understanding. Soon they would tie the knot Emily would be very furious if her mother was treated like maid."Dorothy I'm so nervous," Emily said, pacing back and forth. "Take a shower, flush yourself with warm water, you will
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Chapter 89 The Abduction
2years later.Life after marriage was as easy as Emily imagined but she adapted very well, even though Lindsay's requests sometimes didn't make any sense, such as when she told Emily to be active in golf club that she like and when she asked Emily to join the association of old ladies that make Emily the youngest member of all.But other than that, things went very well she and Gabriel were so madly in love with each other that it seemed like they would over come any obstacles. And with Aaron besides them everything seemed to be very complete.Until one day the most horrible thing happened...."Rosie, where is Aaron?" asked Emily to Rosie, the new babysitter who's taking care of Aaron. Lindsay chose her among hundreds of applications because she was smart and fast."He's in his room, the last time I left him, he was still asleep," answered Rosie politely."Okay, Rosie, you may take a break, I will take care of Aaron," said Emily lightly then she walked fast from the kitchen to Aaron's
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Spin off part 1
The BodyguardAlex parker was walking through the woods near where he lives, in west Virginia, when suddenly he approached the source of the sound of a little child crying. Curiously he approached the source of the sound and was surprised to see a little boy hugging his panda doll while sobbing sadly.With compassions, Alex took the little boy to his cabin and gave him biscuits and fresh milk from the cows he had milked himself.At first, Alex wanted to report everything to the police but the baby's presence charged his lonely days. He has been alone for the past two years after his wife died of lymph cancer. He thought living alone was fun until finally that little boy came into his life and gave him the new definition of happinessIn the end, he decided to take care of that little boy alone and raise him like his own son. He called him, Noah parker.*****28 years later"come on Noah, that's all you got?" teased his father Alex parker while occasionally coughing. Noah laugh, he aime
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