All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
243 Chapters
Spin -off part 12
"That's not funny you know!" Rachel snapped a little nervously. Noah restrained himself from laughing louder "What I mean is, we should talk about our fake relationship," you don't want to look stupid when people ask us, do you?" murmured Noah more relaxed.Rachel cleared her throat, she took a glass of champagne and sipped slowly. "I have been thinking about that too, okay let's start from where we met, how we met and everything!" said Rachel after she got back her confidence.They spent thier time on the plane chatting about their plan. Now and then they appeared to be arguing over disagreement and after that they could laugh together, laughing at how distant people would think that they are real couple.Two hours later they were in a car heading to Elliot's residence. Noah looked very calm, while Rachel looked even more tenser."Are you sure about this?" Noah asked, while driving Rachel's rented car. "Really we are almost at my parents house and you are still asking that kind of qu
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Spin-Off part 13
"Good evening everyone," Rachel greeted as she and Noah entered the dinning room where her father, her stepmother, Uncle Arthur, his wife and his son who looked quite handsome infact, were sitting and having small talk.All eyes looked up at Rachel and Noah with quite surprising faces. Rachel's stepmother didn't expect Rachel to take her words seriously when she said she was going to bring her fiance home."Rachel!" sit down! you didn't say you're being a friend!" shrieked Rachel's stepmother as she waved to the maid to prepare another seat."No, I have told you before but I'm sure you would have thought I was joking! and this isn't my friend, this is my fiance! Everyone, miximilian Schmidt," Rachel said with a proud face, she didn't know why she should be proud with this lie.Rachel's father stared disapproving. After all having a man on a matchmaking dinner night was impolite.Noah nodded politely to everyone. "Good evening everyone, sorry to interrupt your dinner," Noah said in an
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Spin-off part 14
"No you're!" snapped Rachel in disbelief. "What if I am, will you?" asked Noah looked at Rachel with serious face.Rachel gulped, she felt a little bit nervous but she quickly change the subject. "So how are we gonna do now?" asked her, one eyebrow raised. "Don't worry, there's no reason for your parents to decline me, they will agree then we can buy some time while funding the truth about your mother's accident, can we go to bed now? I'm so tired!" said Noah, stretching both of his arms.Rachel nodded, "yeah you're right let's go!" she finished her wine and rose from her seat. 'Go where? asked Noah, frowned. Rachel rolled her eyes, "Bed of course! you said you were exhausted!" she said while walking ahead of him.Noah just shrugged his shoulder as he followed Rachel though several hallways they finally arrived at Rachel's room.The atmosphere became very awkward when the two were already in the room. Rachel nervously removed her stilettos and stepped closer to the bed.Noah cleared h
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Spin-off part 15
Noah opened his eyes to exactly five in the morning. If he went to bed on time he could always wake up on time too. With eyes that suddenly became very refreshed. He got out of bed and walked slowly to the bathroom. He spent some time washing his face and brushing his teeth. After that, he quickly put on his running shoes to the sofa.While busy wearing shoes, suddenly Noah heard a loud snoring from Rachel's mother. He couldn't help but laugh because Rachel's snoring did resemble a man's snoring. Jillian had once told Noah that Rachel had a habit of snoring like a man when she was too tired but Noah didn't expect her to snore so loudly like that.Noah straightened up, peeking at Rachel who was lying on her back with the blanket she'd kicked fallen to the floor."She really can't sleep normally....." Noah muttered. He drew closer to Rachel's body up to her chin.He studied Rachel's beautiful tired face. Suddenly he felt sorry for the woman in front of him. All her life she must continu
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Spin-off part 16
Mrs Elliot," greeted Noah politely as he met Olivia. "Good morning Maximilian so you and my husband share the same hobby!" exclaimed her lightly. Noah smiled, ''yes apparently," said Noah got up on his feet."I bet my husband has told you already about our decision to accept your proposal," said Olivia. Noah nodded politely, "yes, Mr Elliot has told me and I'm so grateful for it, I promise I will make Rachel happy, thank you very much for your blessing".Noah pretended to see his we watch, "Excuse me, Mr and Mrs Elliot, I have an online meeting in thirty minutes I'm afraid I have to leave,"Olivia looked at his husband then nodded lightly. "Yes sure, you must be very busy with all those five stars hotels!" Noah smiled humbly, he really lived his role as Maximilian Schmidt.Noah walked away from Rachel's father and Olivia who was watching him from behind. There was anger in his heart at Rachel's father indifference to his daughter.How could a parent do that his flesh and blood?"Noah
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Spin-off part 17
"Come on, my friend is waiting inside," Noah said after he turned the car engine. Rachel quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car without speaking. Noah stood by the passenger door waiting for Rachel and soon they walked side by side into the bar not far from the capitol building.The bar was filled with several capitol employees that we're drinking during the day. Noah looked around, looking for his friend's location.Before he could find it, not looking after someone bumped into him and hugged him tightly.Rachel glared at the woman that was hugging Noah. There was no way she was his friend who worked at the NSA, she was too beautifully and fashionable for someone who worked In an institution like the NSA. Rachel kept arguing with herself while watching Noah stared at that woman in surprise."Lilly?" you look so different! I almost didn't recognize you!" Noah said has he looked at his friend from head to toe. Lily laughed cheerfully, I'm no longer the tomboy Lily you u
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Spin -off part 18
"She did charge her face look at this, she was registered in one of the plastic surgery clinics in south Korea," Lily pointed out something on her laptop screen. Noah and Rachel bent down, reading that data Lily had found."How did you do that?! I mean, I have been trying to found out about that woman for the past few years and haven't found anything," Rachel muttered in admiration.Lily blew her gum into a big balloon, then blow it up with her finger. "There's a reason why the NSA recruited me!" she said with a proper annoyance."Can you find out more about that woman, I want to know everything about her!" Rachel said, her hands clenched on the table.Lily snorted then laughed loudly, "you think I'm a free service provider! I helped you because of Noah asked to, but if you ask for additional services, there's a price to pay....."Whatever it is! tell me I will pay you the right price!" Rachel said impatiently.Lily's one eye rose, she stared at Rachel for a long moment, then she gave
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Spin-off part 19
Noah and Rachel had just gotten out of the car and were about to enter the Mansion when Annie rushed over to them."Annie, what's wrong?" Rachel asked in surprise. "Your father,"said Annie, painting for air for walking too fast. Rachel frowned, "What's wrong with my Dad?" she asked confused. Mr Elliot fell in the bathroom, now he's in the hospital," Annie finally managed to finish her sentence.Noah and Rachel looked at each other with surprised faces. "Which hospital?" asked Noah quickly. "Santa Ursula, Mrs Elliot is there with him," Annie said touching Rachel's hand and nodding her hand. Convinced Rachel to visit her fatherNoah rushed to grab Rachel's hand, inviting her to get back into the car, Rachel was still rooted to where she was standing, "Rachel, come on!" Noah said.After a few seconds of indecision, Rachel finally followed Noah back into the car they had been in."Are you okay? Noah asked, starting the car's engine Rachel nodded then took a deep breath, "yeah, I dunno. He
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Spin-off part 20
They stopped in front of security Post. Rachel cleared her throat softly, glancing at Noah's hand that was still holding hers."Sorry," Noah said awkwardly. They avoided each other's gaze."How can we help you? Oh my gosh! Rachel, is that you?" said a man in a security uniform.Rachel smiled sweetly and stepped forward to hug the man, "Bob! How are you!" The old man called Bob hugged Rachel back tightly "Gosh Rachel, we all missed you so much! why don't you ever come here again!""Max, this is Bob, he is the security leader in this place. Bob, this is Max, my fiance," said Rachel.Noah shook Bob's hand warmly. "Oh my God, my little Rachel already had a fiance! sorry, I have been working for the Elliott's since. Rachel was ten years old," Bob chirped as he reached out to stroke Rachel head.Rachel smiled, her eyes are slightly watery. She has always been close to anyone who works with her family. "Bob always protect me, I always hid behind his back whenever my Dad started yelling and
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Spin-off part 21
"Sorry, I have to work!" said Neville nervously as he rose from the seat.Noah folded his arms across his chest leaning against the back of the sofa. His eyes stared intently at Neville." The woman sitting next to you lost her mother that day, the day you didn't come to work, the brakes of the car she was riding was broken by someone intentionally and the culprit was never found," said Noah which immediately made Neville's hand tremble.Rachel reached out her hand gently pulled Neville back into the seat next to her. "The person who intentionally killed my mother could be the one who took your place the day Neville, I beg you...." Rachel said pleading.I don't know anything I swear I wasn't involved!" Neville's voice sounded frightened.Noah leaned forward, his hands on the table. "We trust you, just tell us who that person was and how he managed to replace you on that event?" asked Noah, he pushed his undrained beer towards Neville, he told Neville to drink it so his hands will stop
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