All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
243 Chapters
Spin-off part 32
Wait a minute! this isn't a joke is it?" Greta said still trying to digest everything. Noah didn't even dare to answer because he didn't want to sound like someone who wanted that to happen.Rachel took a deep breath, "Greta, let's talk outside, Noah is still too shocked by everything hee saw," she said pulling Greta's hand to leave Noah alone.After Rachel and Greta left Noah rose to his feet. He looked at the room once again with a completly different feelings. He touched all of those things slowly. His chest was filled with mixed feelings that he never felt before.He became even more emotional when he saw the picture of Aaron with his parents. Was it possible that he was Aaron? But what if it turned out everything was wrong? would everything remain the same?Thirty minutes later, Rachel came back to the room."Hey," she came closer to Noah when she saw him sitting on the couch with a can of beer in his hand."Hey, you're back?" Noah smiled faintly at Rachel."How do you feel?" Ra
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Spin-off part 33
All done very quickly. The lab staff told them to come back for the result two or three weeks later."Tonight we will have dinner with your parents, can you promise to keep this a secret from them?" Noah asked as he and Greta parted ways down the hall to his room. Rachel had already entered the room because she wanted to give the two of them free conversation.Greta nodded slowly."Thanks," Noah said before finally walked away. "wait!" called Greta, stopped Noah in his tracks."Yes?" Noah asked with a straight face. Greta gulped, "Are you living well? I mean have you ever suffered?" she asked then bit her lips.Noah shook his head, "Not even once, why do you ask that?"Greta cleared her throat softly, hesitantly to say what was in here head. She was silent for a moment but Noah waited patiently."I don't know, I just, I just felt sure that you might be Aaron......"Noah froze, he didn't know how to react."Okay, I will go to my room! Greta said nervously and walked ahead of Noah his r
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Spin-off part 34
"Aaaaaaaaaa!!!Rachel shouted in surprise when she realized that she and Noah were both completely naked and only the thick blanket was covering their bodies. They had fallen asleep on the carpet under the sofa.Noah opened his eyes slowly, "Why are you screaming in my ear?" Noah muttered, scratching his head. He hasn't fully awake.Suddenly Rachel punched his arm quite lightly, making Noah fully awake. He was about to grumbled but immediately gulped when he realized the situation, something must have happened last night."Noah? was us?" Rachel waved her hand, indicating whether they had sex last night or not.Noah narrowed his eyes, trying to remember. Suddenly seemed so clear, he immediately rose to his feet nervously, struggling to cover his lower body with the sweater in his hands.Rachel was getting nervous too, "Gosh! so we......" she covered her mouth and hurriedly snuggles into the blanket againNoah walked briskly to the bathroom, avoiding the awkward atmosphere that was evid
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Spin-off part 35
Rachel kissed Noah's lips so gently that Noah could not resist and chose to kiss her back."Do you have different feelings for me?" Rachel asked after they finished kissing.Noah cleared his thought, nervously. "I'm sure it's t all clear without me needing to explain," he replied his eyes unable to leave Rachel's sensual lips."Tell me if you're really in love with me!" Rachel demanded, bringing her face closer to Noah's.Noah cleared his throat again, his excitement starting to explode. But doubt still dominates his mind. Rachel was about to give up and turned around when Noah finally said,"I'm in love with you......" which immediately made Rachel Starr at him in disbelief.Seeing Rachel not reacting grew even more nervous. "Do you feel the same way?" he asked looking into Rachel's eyes who were still staring at him.Seconds passed, Rachel still didn't say anything.Noah was on the eye of despair and wanted to ask Rachel to forget everything but before he could say anything he saw
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Spin-off part 36
The car entered the villa in the green area of Ubud Bali. The place was quite far from the crowd. Luckily previously Noah and Rachel had stopped by at a supermarket to buy groceries."I love this place!" Rachel said as she stepped into the villa."Wait till you see what's up there, come on!" Noah took Rachel's hand leading her to the second floor."Are you ready?" Noah asked before he opened the door. Rachel nodded impatiently."One two three!" the door opened, a stunning sight greeted Rachel.A swimming pool with a beautiful green forest background and a nice interior was able to make Rachel stunned."Oh my dear God, this is beautiful I can't!"Noah smiled,.staring at Rachel who was walking in front of him."I'm glad you liked my choice......." he mumbled folded his hand in front of his chest."Did you purposely prepare this nice place to please me?" Rachel asked, sitting by the pool and dipping her feet into the water.Noah walked over, "Um, that could be," he replied sitting down n
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Spin-off part 37
"Um, Are you sure it's Zachary?" Rachel asked slightly embarrassed at having misjudged Noah's. kiss earlier. Even though Noah had confessed his feelings to her before, she still had doubts about him.Noah nodded."One hundred percent, I'm sure who I saw earlier was him, we have to find a strategic place to observe his movements. I need your eyes to be honest your face is much less recognizable because your disguise is perfect, especially with those thick lips of yours," said Noah pointing at Rachel's lips.Rachel shrugged, "Okay, whatever it is!" she said still feeling a little annoyed at her own thought before. She kept grumbling to herself and guessed that Noah might really fell in love with her.They walked back hand in hand then Noah spoke to the waitress asking to change tables to where they wanted. Luckily the waiter allowed them."I want you to sit on my lab so I can hide my face," said Noah when they got to thier seats. "Easy," Rachel replied flatly. She sat on Noah's, her arm
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Spin-off part 38
"What's with that face? is my guess right?" Rachel asked, her eyes slightly wide. Noah cleared his throat, confused. But luckily he was saved by a car that had came to pick them up."Come on!" Noah said opening the door for Rachel who was still looking at him questioningly."You haven't answered my question!" Rachel snapped impatiently. Noah pita finger to his lips telling Rachel to be quite.Rachel frowned, she wanted to protest but she understood that Noah didn't want to talk about such things in front of anyone other than them.The car did not return to the villa in Ubud and instead headed to another beach club which was not far from the previous place."Are you going to keep quite like that?" Rachel chirped in exasperation that Noah was as silent as a statue. Noah pointed at his airpod silently, gesturing that he was listening to Zachary and his team's conversation."Why are we here instead of going back to the villa?" Rachel asked walking briskly after Noah."We have to be near Z
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Spin-off 39
"She didn't say anything to me other than she will give me a lot of money. My job is easy, just cut the brake wires of Mrs Elliott's car......." Zachary sobbed fearfully.Noah pulled up a chair and sat across from him."How is your relationship with Olivia, your mother?" asked him.Zachary snorted, a look hatred was appearing on his face."She hates me ever since I was born in this world and she hates my father too! The only person she loves is herself!" Noah was a little surprised but he hide his amazement very well and consistently put on a stern face that made Zachary afraid of him."You know you can't get away with this, don't you? if the court doesn't bring you to justice, then I will be the justice myself! you know what I mean, right?" said Noah pointing the gun to Zachary forehead once more.Zachary his face away, "please keep that gun away from me! I will do anything! I beg you!" he sobbed. His body shook violently.Noah, sneered he didn't expect Zachary to be such a coward.
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Spin-off 39
"She didn't say anything to me other than she will give me a lot of money. My job is easy, just cut the brake wires of Mrs Elliott's car......." Zachary sobbed fearfully.Noah pulled up a chair and sat across from him."How is your relationship with Olivia, your mother?" asked him.Zachary snorted, a look hatred was appearing on his face."She hates me ever since I was born in this world and she hates my father too! The only person she loves is herself!" Noah was a little surprised but he hide his amazement very well and consistently put on a stern face that made Zachary afraid of him."You know you can't get away with this, don't you? if the court doesn't bring you to justice, then I will be the justice myself! you know what I mean, right?" said Noah pointing the gun to Zachary forehead once more.Zachary his face away, "please keep that gun away from me! I will do anything! I beg you!" he sobbed. His body shook violently.Noah, sneered he didn't expect Zachary to be such a coward.
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Spin-off part 40
The plane landed smoothly in Washington DC. Since setting off the plane Noah has been greeted by several fellow marine who he asked for help to escort him to the Washington DC state. Just in case something unexpected.Rachel hadn't spoken to Noah after their heavy chat last night. She was still too shaken by Noah's confession. By the car, they headed for the Washington police Department. Next to Noah, Zachary sat nervously and frightened."Be honest and tell the cops everything, I quarantee you will get a tantalizing cut In your jail term," Noah mumbled casually. "What if they keep pushing me? Zachary said, his eyes twitching with fear."You can negotiate with the police, if I were you, I would gladly accept you feel guilty?" babbled Noah, trying to get into the mind of the young man next to him. But the words that came out of Zachary's mouth after it, made Noah has killed for more people than me who only killed one and I didn't kill her directly though!"Noah fell silent he turned h
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