All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
243 Chapters
Spin-off part 41
Could you look up about Olivia and Zachary did that day? though any satellite imagines or whatever tools you have, I know the NSA can do anything," Noah said after they head finished nearly five plates of sushi."Can't you wait until I finish my desert please? besides I need a more private place to work with my laptop Lily said, scooping the matcha pudding into her mouth in by mouthful."Okay," Noah gave in, he needed and Lily's help so much he hid n choice.After finishing their dinner, Noah and Lily walked out out of the restaurant."I need a safe place," Lily said, looking around them. Noah pointed to a hotel he had also recommend to Rachel earlier, "we can work there," the said. Lily shrugged, okay!"Have you found your birth parents yet?" Lily asked casually. Aren't you always watching my phone? why are you asking if you already know?" said Noah half jokingly.Lily rolled her eyes, seriously, I don't always keep an eye on your phone, I only do it when you're doing something unnat
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Spin-off 42
"Uh, sorry......"Rachel said as she removed her arms from Noah's body which immediately confused Bob."Aren't you guys already engaged, why do you guys feel awkward about each other?" he asked with a curious smile. Rachel cleared her throat softly."Um, Bob,this guy isn't my fiance. His name is Noah, not Max, sorry I lied to you......." Rachel said, brushing her hair awkwardly.Bob glared at them In surprise but in an instant, he understood the situation where they had to pretend to be a fiance."I know for sure you must be a private detective?" guessed Bob with squinted eyes.Noah and Rachel looked at each other then Noah nodded because he doesn't want Bob to ask further questions about him."Yeah, that's how it is, alright then we have to deliver this evidence to the police station thanks a lot for your help, Bob,"Rachel got up and hugged Bob warmly."I owe you forever Bob, thank you so much!" she said sincerely. Bob nodded with smile his eyes glistening with tears."Punish those
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Spin-off part 43
Noah had just landed at LAX airport with just a backpack. He left his suitcase at Rachel's house and intended to pick it up when he came back from California.He quickly got into a taxi waiting in line in front of the airport and mentioned an address he got from Zachary.The taxi drove at a moderate speed though California's traffic which was quite busy although not crowded as New York.Twenty minutes later the taxi pulled up in front of a modest apartment. After paying for the taxi Noah jumped down. Without hesitation, he entered the apartment and looked for unit number 27 where the person he was looking for was living.He pressed the bell one when he arrived at the unit. Nothing showed up. He pressed the bell again once, then a moment later the gray door opened and man in his sixties appeared with a curious face."Who are you?" asked looking at Noah from head to toe.Noah cleared his throat slowly"Zachary told me to come here, Mr James Brandon," Noah replied, noticing the change in
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Spin-off part 44
"Noah is everything okay?"Asked Rachel when she saw Noah came back with a face that looked like it had been crying. Next to her, Lily put the same curious face.Noah plopped down on the chair, still trying to process everything he had just heard. He looked up at Rachel and Lily in turn."The DNA test result are out, Greta just called me," he said stiffly.Rachel looked very surprised while Lily looked confused."DNA test? she muttered, looking at Rachel and Noah with furrowed brows."Rachel will tell everything have to leave for New York night away," Noah waving to waiter for the bill."Let me pay the bill just go! sorry! I can't come with you I have the Specters!" Rachel said quickly, pulling something out of her bag."Give this to Greta, the last time we met, she asked about the perfume I was wearing.Noah who was already standing on the edge of the table received the perfume box from Rachel put it in his backpack.Good luck with the trial, talk to your father, he needs more attent
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Spin-off part 45
For a moment Gabriel and Emily were silent as they stare at Noah with trembling hands. Until finally Emily got up from her seat and walked with limp steps towards him."My Aaron, are you Aaron my beloved son?" Emily said, her hand raised to hold Noah's tear- soaked face.Noah wanted to jump unto his mother's arms but he held himself back. He will not overreact until DNA test is done.Gabriel was seen standing stiffly, "Greta, tell Ralph to get the car ready we're going to the Lab right now!" he said, his whole body shaking violently.Seeing her father's reaction, Greta became perplexed. She approached for father."Dad, calm down, take a deep breath and exhale slowly," she said as she gripped Gabriel's hand tightly. She was afraid her father would get sick from being too shocked by what she and Noah had just said.Noah let go of Emily's hand took a step back. "Um, I'm sorry Mrs Specter, I'm feeling awkward with all of this stuff. Let's do the test and wait for the results to come out b
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Spin-off part 46
Noah and Greta decided meet at a french restaurant that was not far from Noah's apartment."Hi, you drive yourself?" Noah asked as Greta appeared and sat across from him.Greta nodded, "you, I preferred to drive myself, haven't you ordered food yet?" her voice sounded weak.Noah shook his head, "I was waiting for you on purpose," he replied, his raise to summon the server who was soon approaching."I think I need a cabernet Sauvignon please," Greta said to the server who was taking Noah's order.After ordering some food, Greta looked nervously at Noah."Okay, I'm ready now, tell me what you found?" she asked the cold hand she had hidden under the table shaking violently.Noah took a deep breath took his cell phone out of his coat pocket, then held it out to Greta.With a pale face and shaking heads, Greta looked at the picture and video on the screen of Noah's cell phone. Her body went limp instantly, she scrolled through several pictures, every picture she saw made her feel like thro
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Spin-off part 47
There was a long pause after Rachel said these words."Um,you know what? just forget what I said earlier, I know you might feel uncomfortable with it.....""No!No! I mean let's this I know I should have asked you earlier but I'm afraid you can't accept my past....." Noah interrupted before Rachel could finish her sentence.On the other side, Rachel hold her breath because she was too shocked by what she heard."Are you serious about your words?" she asked nervously."Yeah, would be my girlfriend!" Noah said deliberately raising his voice to cover his nervousness.Without even needing to make a sound, Noah knew Rachel was smiling on the other side."Yes, yes, yes......" Rachel replied to Noah's words in a lighter voice."Rachel," Noah called."I know I can seem stiff something but I want you to know that you have all my heart and.....""And?" Rachel, holding her breath from the pounding too much."And I have never felt this kind of feeling before, for anyone, you should know that to me
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Spin-off part 48
One week later, Noah was transfered to the inpatient ward because his condition had improved. Rachel and the rest of the Specters never left him one bit. They were always by Noah's side as if they were afraid that Noah would leave them again."Today is the last screening test, the doctor said you can go home if the test results are good," Rachel said as she poured glass of juice for Noah who just allowed to eat and drink.Noah looked at Rachel with his eyes which still looked a little droopy, "Can you tell me what happened after I got shot?" he asked since he had come out of coma, no one had spoken to him about the accident.Rachel smiled faintly, taking a deep breath. Remembering the day when she heard about the news made her chest feel tight."That day the police officer called me and said that you were shot, I was really confused and scared....." Rachel couldn't hold back the tears that started streaming down her face.Noah was surprised at Rachel's reaction, his hand moving to wip
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Spin-off part 49
A month later,"Greta are you sure about this?" Gabriel asked, looking deeply at his daughter.Greta nodded quickly, "Yeah a thousand percent sure! Didn't I tell you already that I'm not interested in running a company? twenty percent profit sharing is enough for me," Great said cheerfully."Greta come on! you don't have to do this you know I don't want any of this," Noah said earnestly.Greta snorted,"Oh come on! have served for several years running the company, now it's time for you take my place! beside! I have a plan, um, I just about to say it now........." she said, she bit her lip hard.She knew her parents would probably reject her plan.What is it?" asked Emily Specter, looking at her daughter warily. So did Gabriel and Noah who looked at Greta silently.Greta cleared her throat....... I want to move to Australia," Greta replied, closing her eyes, she knew she would be bombarded with protests.Hee guess was right, Gabriel and Emily didn't agree and tried everything to get G
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Spin-off part 50
"Could you spare some time this weekend, Greta will be visiting us for a few days," Noah said, stirring his freshly brewed coffee.Rachel opened her phone, checked the calendar quickly and the replied, "Sure! I miss her so much anyway! Tell her I asked for a koala as a souvenir," Rachel joked.Noah chuckled,"Noah mom and Dad also invited your Dad to join the party in our Mansion," he said casually.Rachel tilted her head."Really? Um, your father already agreed to come," replied Noah who made Rachel frown in surprise."Not me but my Dad," he answer while taking the bread out of the toaster and spread the top of the bread with peanut butter."Ah, no comment then, I didn't expect my father to be so open now, but it's good thing tho........" she muttered then pulled out a stool and sat on it."That's because her daughter is hooking up with right guy," Noah said to joking. Rachel chuckled, her hand reaching out to pinch Noah's waist who standing not far from her."Is there going to be a
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