All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
243 Chapters
Greta Story part 11
Greta and Ryan looked at each other, she suddenly felt the tightness in her chest, she took a deep breath and then rubbed her face frantically. Everything would make more sense if Liam did that bad thing to her, but Amy? How could it be......"I will talk to Amy," Ryan said flatly. "Don't!" Greta looked up in surprise. Ryan looked at Greta with a questioning look. Greta squeezed her fingers in confusion, "We don't know for sure yet....." Ryan snorted, "Are you blind? isn't the person we saw on the CCTV not her? I have to talk to her, I won't let this kind of people work for me," he muttered, from his face, Greta could see that he didn't want to be denied. Greta looked down massaging her forehead which suddenly felt dizzy."Prepare the cake for brunch you don't have to work until closing today, go home at 4:00am," Ryan said as he turned and walked away from her."Chef!" called Greta as Ryan was almost out of sight Ryan turned his head, looking at her with a very obvious 'don't stop me'
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Greta's Story 12
Greta was stirring her black coffee when her cell phone rang loudly, a video call from her sister in-law Rachel Specter. She pressed the green button then stuck her phone to the refrigerator door so she could talk while making toast."Hey, you haven't left for work yet?" Rachel asked cheerfully."I got the afternoon shift, what are you doing? Are you with Noah?""No he's at the office, I'm taking a photoshoot break, I have something to tell you!" Rachel's voice sounded so excited it made Greta stop her hand that was spreading peanut butter on the bread. She looked at Rachel with a curious face, "What is it?" Rachel seemed to move something out of her handbag and then showed it to Greta. "What's that?" asked Greta with a frown."You really don't know what this is?" Rachel shook her head in disbelief. Greta just grimaced while scratching her head."You're going to be an aunt!"Greta shrieked as she threw her toast on the marble table,"You're not joking,are you?! Did the other already
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Greta's Story part 13
Greta looked up the sky was cloudy but it had not started raining yet. She pulled here coat close and walked down the sidewalk at her leisurely pace. Lately, she preferred to walk than ride a vehicle. By walking there were more things she could see and that could make her felt more at peace.Minutes later when she was just walking few meters away, it raining heavily, she looked up, surprised. She rushed to the nearest bus stop and stood in a corner so she wouldn't get splashed by the rain. Usually, she would feel annoyed but she didn't know why she felt peace in her heart. Her feet stepped to the front of the bus stop and then she reached out slightly pale from the cold that hit her skin.There was a feeling of tightness in her chest, a tightness that appeared at times that were often unexpected. For some unknown reason, Greta always felt lonely, maybe it's because her subconscious was still hit by betrayal that Mike did to her. As if rejecting the trauma she experienced, the other si
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Greta's Story part 14
"Have you heard about Liam?" Terry asked as he met Greta in front of the locker room. "Yeah, how bad is he?" asked Greta stopped her step."pretty bad, he broke his right ankle, he's out of work for a while but I'm sure Ryan is looking for a replacement.Greta nodded, "okay I will change first," she said and then entered the locker room. She let out a long sigh, the absences of Liam meant she will have to work alone until they got a new pastry chef.Greta felt hesitant when she stepped into the kitchen especially with Ryan's presence standing near her work section."Good morning, chef," Greta greeted without looking at Ryan.Ryan looking up, "Good morning I will help you to dot the preparations after that we will spend two hours before lunch, rehearsed for the the show," he said quickly as if he didn't want to be interrupted by Greta.Yes, chef," Greta replied quickly looking at the list of desserts she had to make. When she and Ryan were both crouching I'm front of the storage cabine
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Greta's Story part 15
"Um, no thanks chef, I'm fine," decided Greta at last Ryan shrugged off then turned around, leaving Greta who stood in front of the giant glass window in silence. "I have the right decision! yes, I could conquer my own feeling, I won't fall in love that fast again! Never!" mumbled Greta to herself. After managed her breath, she walked hastily to the locker.But Ryan was right, the rain wouldn't stop pouring even after Greta reached the ground floor. She opened her cellphone tried to order some online taxis but none of them accept her order. As the rain got heavier and the wind blew harder, Greta became very scared. She looked around the entrance lobby, there was no one because the mall ha been closed since 6:00 in the evening. From a distance she could see some of the securities guards in their room, probably drinking their hot coffee. She started to right her decision to rejected Ryan's offer."What should I do, I don't know anyone except Amy but she hated me......" mumbled Greta sa
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Greta's story part 16
Greta was eating her burger verociously when when suddenly someone sat across from her. She looked up and he face became surprised. "There are no empty tables," Ryan mumbled as Greta looked at him with furrowed brows. She looked around the room and what Ryan said was true, all the tables seemed to be full of people enjoying the lunch."I don't know a mechlin star chef would eat the kind of burger too," Greta muttered half joking she opened her mouth wide and continued to bite her burger."The mechlin stars chef are human too," replied Ryan in with his usual flat tone. Greta sneered but agree to his words. She looked at Ryan as she munched on her burger, contemplating asking about what was going between him and Kate. But suddenly she would sound like someone likes to meddle I. other people's business."Excuse me, are you chef Ryan Lewis?" suddenly two girls appeared Ryan. From their appearance, they seemed to be around 22 years old. "Yes?" Ryan looked at the two girls with a straight
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Greta Story part 17
Suddenly a car pulled over and someone out of the car, he ran over and catch Greta in his arms. "Hey, hey Greta! what happening?" It was Ryan who stood in front of her. With relief she hugged him tightly and cried on his chest. Ryan's body stiffened, he just tapped her back gently several times to calmed her down.When she felt better, just realized what she was doing, she hurriedly pulled herself away from Ryan's arm."I'm sorry, was so panicked someone followed me but where's he? she looked around tried to find anyone but there was no one there. Ryan walked around location where Greta was standing and also found nothing but a swiss army knife that was still warm. Somebody must have runaway in a hurry and accidentally dropped that knife from his grip. He put that knife in his pocket and decided not to tell Greta anything, he didn't want to Scare her."There's no one there, let's go In the car," said Ryan, his voice sounded so gentle that Greta felt secured. "But I swear to God there
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Greta's Story part 18
"That's not the point, can you just do everything without asking? If you agree, I will make sure everything in the restaurant goes smoothly for you......."Ryan replied after thinking for a while.Greta frowned, "Isn't that a bit unfair to me? I mean shouldn't I know everything before agreeing to work together with you?" she said a little annoyed because Ryan had put up a barrier between them.Ryan fell silent, he took of the chicken and shove not into his mouth. He chewed the chicken in silence made Greta stared at him impatiently."Okay forget about the plan if you won't tell me the truth!" exclaimed her, she folded her hands in front of her chest."Why is it so important to you?" asked Ryan looking at Greta curiously."Because, because I need to know the truth before I decided to help you or not!""I know but the question is why?"Greta lost for words, what should she say? she couldn't just tell Ryan that she had feeling for him. "I just need to know whether it's the right thing to
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Greta's Story part 19
Haha! that's so funny, you have not my type! Not even closed!" replied Greta at last she bubbled but thank God her face was reddened because of the beer she had drink before so Ryan couldn't catch her reaction."Good then," said Ryan without turning his head. They were walking side by side crossing the road to the apartment."Which one is your tower?" asked Greta while she looked up at all the four tower in front of them."No way?!" she yelled when she saw Ryan pointed his finger at the same tower where she lived in. Ryan didn't reaction and kept walking in silence."Wait! wait!" Greta blocked Ryan's way when they have reached the pavement."So all this time we were neighbors and you never told me about it?" said her, she remember the time when she had an accident that made Ryan has to come to her apartment. At that time thought that Ryan lived quite far away from her place."Why should I?" answered him casually which immediately made Greta felt ashamed. She chose not to say anything
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Greta's Story part 20
After pondering for a few minutes, Greta got up the courage to ring Ryan's doorbell. A few seconds later Ryan appeared only with white towel wrapped around his waist. It looked like he was just finished taking his shower. Greta immediately lowered her face, she couldn't stand the sight of Ryan's muscular chest."What?" Ryan snapped with a fierce face.Greta cleared her throat softly."I'm, left my bag inside....." she replied still looking down at the floor.Ryan frowned, he looked into room then his eyes fell on the dark blue handbag on the sofa. He took a bag and held it out to Greta who immediately accept it without looking up at him.Ryan turned around and was ready to close the door without saying anything but Greta's voice stopped him."What?!" Ryan asked with an annoyed face."Um, I can open my bedroom door......" said Greta hesitantly."Can you help me to open it?" Greta asked,this time with a bolder intonation.Ryan was silent for a moment, causing Greta to Wave her hand impa
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