All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
243 Chapters
Greta's Story part 21
I was just...." Kate paused when she felt like someone was watching her at the edge of the living room, she squinted and was so shocked to find Greta standing in there with the same surprised face.Greta scratched the back of her neck nervously, she waved at Kate and said 'Hi' quietly.Suddenly something crossed Ryan's mind he could use the situation to convince Kate about his relationship with Greta."Why are here?" asked Ryan once again."I brought you some breakfast......" answered Kate softly she was still trying hard to digest the situation she was in. She really thought that yesterday Ryan and Greta was just a fake couple but seeing them there, together in the morning made her realize that there might be a real relationship between them.I told you to stop doing this. Bedsides, Greta had cooked some breakfast for me," lied Ryan, Greta's eyes widened when she heard that. Cooked some breakfast for him? Suddenly she realized that Ryan was using the situation to make Kate jealous.K
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Greta's Story part 22
Greta waited for Uber by standing in front of the building where the restaurant was located. Every now and then she looked around, afraid that a stalker would follow her. But she didn't find anyone except a car that parked on the side of the road. "Is it allowed to park the car there?" she muttered to herself.The sky began to cloud and lighting began to appear, soon the wind carried clouds containing rain and water droplets began to fall on Greta's head."Shit!" she ran back to the lobby, took out her cell phone and was ready to call the Uber driver but her cell phone suddenly died. She ran out of the battery.Suddenly she felt scared because it seemed that all the restaurant employees had all gone home. Seconds later it started raining so hard that Greta couldn't get back to the curb to wait for her Uber. Not long after, an SUV that seemed to be the Uber ordered by her, appeared. She shouted for the driver of the car but the driver didn't hear her call because her voice was competin
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Greta's Story part 23
"The first show of the Daily Restaurant will premiere tomorrow," said Ryan while driving the car at a moderate speed Greta grimaced, "They really changed my name didn't they?" she asked anxiously.Ryan shrugged, "I don't know, I guess so....."Greta heard a sigh of relief, she wasn't overly confident or anything. But her ex- boyfriend is the son of the president of the USA who was still in charge till that day. It's not impossible that people would recognize her plus she was the daughter of Gabriel Specter who was quite famous in the business and art world."Have you thought about where to build your restaurant?" asked Ryan who had been busy building a conversation. He's really weird, sometimes here looked so weird that it seemed liked he's closed off, but other times he looks like someone who didn't have burden of life."Um, I don't know maybe in this city, maybe in another city, I'm thinking about it......" Greta said honestly. Ryan nodded," Are you thinking about Australia in your
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Greta's story part 24
Greta spent the whole night searching for all information about Ryan Lewis. She was quite surprised to see that he was indeed quite famous among the Australians.His mother, Irina Dunne who also know as Irina Lewis, was married to a rich man named Adam Lewis when he was he was still in marital status with his wife. That was the reason why both of his sons called Ryan's mother a 'slut'. Greta could understand why, they had a every reason to be mad at him.As Adam Lewis died a year ago, the families started to fight over the inheritance. Even though each of them had to the same share, they were still chasing after Ryan, forcing him to sell the Art Theater and share the money with them because they thought Ryan didn't deserve to get the property. All of the information was on the news.And even the gossip news spreading a rumor about Irina Dunne, they said Irina was a stripper who met Adam Lewis in the striped club.Greta let out a long sigh, it must be very difficult for Ryan to face su
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Greta's Story part 25
"You read my message?" Ryan asked casually. Greta glared in complete shock, "I didn't, do it on purpose! your phone is next to me of course I can read what's on there easily!" is babbled cheeks flushed with embarrassment.Ryan looked down to read the message from Kate, he put this phone back on the table without wanting to reply to the message.Greta cleared her throat, she thought of the right words to ask Ryan about Kate's message but before she could ask Ryan had interrupted her."Yeah, Kate did have an affair with Gaston, she had an affair with my stepbrother. Isn't that amazing?" Ryan's face looked flat when he said that, his hands were even busy picking up dumplings with chopsticks.Greta listened with her mouth half opened, "I'm speechless......" was the only word that came out of her mouth."So what's the story behind it?" Greta asked with a looking hope that Ryan would tell her because she was so curious.Ryan snorted, "Eat your Lamina! it won't taste good when it's cool," he
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Greta's Story part 26
I want to increase the rating of my show!" Kate answered lightly. Ryan frowned, so did Greta. Raise the rating? was it because Greta is pretty?"You don't know anything, do you? so are you and Greta actually dating or not?" Kate teased in an annoying voice. Kate wanted to make fun of him further but she was afraid that Ryan would get angry cancel his plan to come to the restaurant for the tapping program."What are you talking about? asked Ryan confused"."Greta! explain to him!" yelled Kate making Greta's face redden, did she already know about Greta's real identity? What are you trying to say? I don't understand......." replied Greta carefully.Kate chuckled."Ryan did you know that your beloved girlfriend is the daughter of one of the richest men, in America? and she is the ex-fiance of the United States president's son! Micheal Mayer babbled Kate deliberately dramatizing her words she knew Ryan really didn't like rich people, she hoped Ryan would stay away from Greta after he kne
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Greta Story part 27
"They took pictures of us together!" shrieked Greta warily."Why? you don't like it muttered Ryan, his hands were busy driving the car. Greta shook, "No, it's just...... I think you won't be comfortable with that......"Ryan let out a heavy sigh,"Listen, this news is gonna be everywhere and you're ex-fiance may gonna see it. You can't look so lonely, heartbreaking and pathetic! you have to show him that you're okay and survived well!" he sounded so sincere that Greta felt like crying immediately but she held it of course.Greta looked away to to the window,"Yeah, you're right...... I wanted to be seen as a happy person, the media kept asking me very weird question. That's all wrong and don't know who the was," murmured her in annoyance."Don't you hate me?" asked Greta hesitantly.Ryan snorted."Obviously yes! But I need you to be working in my restaurant at least until I could get Liam's replacement!" lied Ryan. He tried so hard to sound careful but Greta could sense his sincerity.
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Greta Story part 28
As predicted, the internet became really I'm an uproar. Most notable in the United States, several memes about Greta walking with Ryan while Micheal Mayer weeping next to them circulated all over the internet in just a few hours after their photo went viral."I didn't expect this news to be this big," muttered Greta as scrolled through her cell phone, she was taking a break in the locker with Emma. She purposely didn't go out for lunch and ordered a burger through a delivery service so he wouldn't run into a report who might still be hiding somewhere."Are you kidding me? if I knew you were that famous and rich, I wouldn't have to compete with you for Ryan's attention from the start, I know I will lose," said Emma half jokingly.Greta snorted, "Why do you need to compete, I'm not his type anyway, he said he doesn't like women who came from the rich family......." she mumbked while chewing the french fries in her mouth."Really? Ah! it bec he's having problems with his step fam
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Greta's Story Part 29
If normally Ryan would offer a ride, tonight Greta asked him first. She didn't want Kate to get ahead of her. She approached Ryan who was looking down in front of his laptop in the VIP room. She cleared her throat and managed to make Ryan turn his head towards her."May I come in?" Greta asked carefully. Ryan nodded, then his eyes returned to the laptop again."Um, could you give me another ride tonight?" she asked with a worried face,. afraid of rejection."Sure," Ryan said curtly without looking up.Greta sneered, yesterday he was being friendly enough to her, why now he's back like when they first met. So cold and stiff."Want to eat something before going home?".said Greta, her fingers crossed under the table."I'm full," just like before, Ryan kept his intonation flat and stiff. Greta took a deep breath, if everything kept like this, she could lose to Kate. But at least they would go home together Ryan might be just tired."Okay, I will wait in the lobby......" Greta said as she
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Greta's Story part 30
Greta was running fast as the Van was speeding up the road beside her, the sound of lighting suddenly sounded loud and within seconds it was raining heavily in Brisbane, soaking Greta who was still running fast looking for a crowd where she could avoid the Van that following her suddenly she tripped over something and fell the pavement, the Van stopped right next to her.Greta got up on her tired legs. She would face whoever was behind the Van no matter what. She opened her wet bag, took out the pepper spray. But in expecting, the Van just droved away, leaving Greta standing in daze.The Van was just trying to terrorize her? This was absolutely ridiculous! who would have had the time to terrorize her that? she didn't been in Brisbane long, how could she already have enemies?With her tired legs Greta continued on her way, the rain was pouring down harder and lighting continued to stroke. She folded her arms in front of her chest to block the strong worried that felt very cold through
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