All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
243 Chapters
Greta's Story Part 31
"Um, well, shouldn't you be doing that to make amends!" Greta said curtly, of course, she didn't want to sound as though she was very flattered by Ryan's offer. She opened the door to her apartment and let Ryan in."You know where the kitchen is, right? I'm going to take a shower now," Greta said as she turned to her room. After closing the door, she rushed to the bathroom. She took her clothes one by one while looking in the mirror, she couldn't hide her excitement even after the bad things she had experienced earlier. People who saw her might think she has a serious mental disorder because her mood could change so drastically.Greta took a quick shower, she stood in her closet long enough to choose what to wear. At first, she wanted to wear a slightly sexy outfit but Ryan would notice that she was trying to get his attention. Finally, she close a pair of short with a loose light yellow T-shirt. She kept her face bare without any make up.Stepping out of her room the cooking aroma i
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Greta Story part 32
Ryan returned with a bottle of wine in his right hand and a bag of almonds in his left. Greta waved her hand, couldn't wait to drink more."Almonds?" Greta muttered as she snatched the package from Ryan's hand. Ryan nodded, "Yeah, I think you might want to have a snack," he said casually, his hands numbly opening the wine caps and pouring them into their glasses."So you were betrayed too......" Ryan muttered after finished the wine in his glass. Greta's eyes seemed to be half closed. Combination of drowsiness and wine effect."Yeah, everyone in the world knows that......""How does it felt?" Ryan asked, he leaned back against the sofa and closed his eyes."It felt your chest was being stabbed by a serrated knife and your bones were being ripped out of your body, I think you know how it felt too......." Greta said in a hoarse voice.Ryan opened his eyes, his eyes stared blankly."Yeah, I guess that's how I felt too but in my case, it was a little different," he took a deep breath befo
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Greta Story Part 33
The apartment doorbell rang, Greta scrambled to her feet and headed for it half running. She peeked through the small hole in the door and was very disappointed that it wasn't someone she expected before."Just after the delivery man left, she turned to Ryan's room and hoped that Ryan would come out of there and say something like, "Sorry i was in a hurry Soni didn't have time to talk to you or whatever sentence that at least could comfort your heart.But up to five minutes of waiting no one came out of there. Disappointed Greta returned to her room. She out her cell phone and texted Emma who seemed to be online. She might be on her lunch break.'Hi, Em, sorry I bothered you. Is Ryan at the restaurant?''Yes he's here, he's taping a program with Terry and Kate. What happened? Do you want me to call him for you?'"No! sorry, I mean not necessary and please don't tell Ryan that I asked your about him. Thanks, Em,bye!"Greta threw her phone on the sofa in annoyance."So he actually thoug
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Greta Story part 34
Consumed by her own feeling, Greta decided to go out of her apartment. She looked around the lobby and felt relieved when she didn't see anyone but the security guard."Good evening miss Specter, looking for taxi?" greeted the security guard politely."No thanks, Mr Baker, I have already ordered an Uber," replied Greta with her friendly intonation that table to make anyone wishing to be her friends.Before long an Uber appeared, Greta waved to Mr Baker and jumped into the car. She has a place to visit. She looked at the window and suddenly felt the emptiness filling her chest. That big question mark kept running in her head, 'Does he love me?' She knew she could just ask Ryan directly about his feeling but she didn't want to repeat the same sad story. When she starts her relationship with Micheal Mayer years ago, she was the one first make a move and their relationship didn't end well. She didn't want that to happen again, she always thought that Micheal might be betrayed her because
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Greta Story Part 35
"Is that's your Son?" asked Greta in a stiff voice, her eyes staring widely at the picture frame on the corner of the table. Louise smiled, "yeah, he's my loving son, he's very handsome isn't he?" she said proudly.Greta tried hard to smile, "well he's very handsome........" she looked up at Louise's face, she just realized that her face looked very familiar."You look a lot like your son," she said honestly. Louise laughed, "yeah, everyone say that," said her, she looked teary, it seemed like she missed her son so much.Daniel dear! can you help Greta to see the interior of the SUV, she can't wait to take the car!" shouted Louise suddenly. Greta was surprised, she turned towards the door and saw Daniel standing there in shorts and loose sleeveless t-shirt. He looked quite different after showering. She could tell that he was quite handsome."You want to see it now?" asked Daniel scratching his half wet hair."Yeah, sure Louise, may I?" Greta turned to Louise who immediately nodded wi
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Greta's Story part 36
"The car is ready!" Daniel suddenly appeared with sweat dripping down his forehead, he was surprised he saw house was wiping her tears."Are you crying over that selfish pink?" he snapped with an annoyance face. Greta turned to Daniel with furrowed brows, not understand at all about what he trying to say.Daniel, you can't say that Ryan, he's too angry because I'm too weak," said Louis in a trembling voice."Daniel snorted."You're the one who had to through all this misfortune, why should he be so angry? wasn't his act of ignoring his mother worse than anything!" he shouted angrily."Daniel, that's enough! He never ignores me once a week, he sends complete groceries to fill my fridge! He sends a clear to ease my work! He said a the therapist to relieve my body aches and he sent you to take care of me and thank you Daniel because you are willing to do that for him......." Louis half shouted but at the end of her words she became soft.Daniel waved his hand,"Whatever, Greta the car is
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Greta's Story part 37
The Next Day,Greta got dressed in a hurry, getting ready to work, since returning from Louis's house, she had not met Ryan at all. Today she was both excited and scared because they would meet at the restaurant. After making sure her appearance was perfect, she stepped quietly out of the apartment. She glanced briefly at Ryan's door, wondering if Ryan had left or not.She walked towards the parking area of thinking about how she would react if she met Ryan later. Could she just act normal after the extraordinary night they had experienced together?She pressed the elevator button which took her to the basement where her car was parked. Just a few seconds later, the elevator doors creaked open. She stepped out and straight away about thirty meters from her someone seemed to be staring at herself.Who is that? she mumbled? as she realized to walk slowly, when she got a little closer she realized that it was Ryan Lewis who stood in front of her car.From five meters away she pressed the
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Greta's Story part 38
"Shit! why did he have to say that! It just makes even more unable to get him out of my head!" "Did he just say that he loves me? or am I just overconfident.Greta kept rambling on in her mind while wearing her work uniform. Suddenly someone patted her on the shoulder made her yell in surprise.Emma! you surprise me!" shrieked Greta, she stretched out her hands to pinch Emma's wrist. Emma chuckled, "you look very happy, you don't realize that you have always been smiling, do you?" she teased, poking Greta in the ribs gently with her elbow. Greta snorted in laughter, "me? smiling all the time? No, I'm not! you should go to ophthalmologist!" I think there is something wrong with your eyes!" replied her lightly. She didn't want to be too happy because she was afraid it won't last long, just like before. Because Ryan was too unpredictable."Too bad you weren't here yesterday, you know what? Kate kept clinging to Ryan like a parasite! what exactly does that woman want! How can she be so s
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Greta's Story Story 39
Just in time for lunch, Greta headed to Ryan's office feeling uncertainty. She tried to think positively that Ryan might be going to confess his feelings to her. She fixed her hair then knocked on the door twice."Come in!" yelled Ryan from inside the room. Greta," legs were shaking when she went in, she tried so hard to balance her move so she wouldn't fall.Sit down!" said Ryan without standing at her. Greta pulled up the chair across him then sat on it. After examining Ryan's expression she became even more terrified, it seemed like he was going to deliver bad news."How long have your been working as an intern in this restaurant?" asked Ryan, still looked down at the paper in his hands."Um, two months maybe......" answered Greta unsure."Well, usually I would only give this piece of paper to the intern who had been working at least for four months but this time I will give it to you in your two months of the internship program's said Ryan.Greta's body stiffened, she looked at Ry
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Chapter 1
Ava's P.O.VIt wasn't till the wee hours that my eyes began to droop. I was physically tired, every part of my body ached but still sleep wouldn't come my way. My legs and feet had this irritable tinkling accompanied by a slight burning sensation. Every attempt to stretch my muscles and limps got countered by the slight pain that arose.My mind and my body refused to coordinate, each one of them working on it's own. Yes my body needed rest, but my mind kept on moving, forcing thoughts and memories to run in cycles.I had tried all the tips doctors wrote about getting good night sleep. I avoided caffeine before going to bed. I'd also tried listing to music, hoping that my brain system would slow down finally let my eyes droop. But no, every little thing had left me even more awake.The day had been a busy one, all the cleaning I had done during the day was catching up with me. l cleaned everything that was in that house, the kitchen was stainless, the bedroom were well dusted and left
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