All Chapters of The Innocent Housemaid: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
243 Chapters
Greta's Story part 1
Greta pulled a suitcase in her right hand while her left hand held a glass of iced coffee that she occasionally sipped at that time she had just landed at the Brisbane airport after attending the wedding of her elder brother named Noah Specter.Greta's mind wandered all over places because at Noah's wedding yesterday, some people rudely asked her what was like to be cheated on like months before she gets married! At that time, she felt like she wanted to disappear into the Earth instead of having to face those impolite people.While Greta was still busy daydreaming, suddenly someone bumped into her shoulder making her accidentally spill the iced coffee that stained her shirt and the white shirt of the man who she thought was the one that hit her first."Really? can you walk with a little more focus?! said the man while cleaning his white shirt which was stained with coffee.Greta rolled her eyes, "What did you say? those are not the right words to say after you hit someone!" she snapp
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Greta's Story Part 2
"You!" Ryan hissed looking annoyed at Greta. He still clearly remembered the face of the annoying woman he met yesterday at the airport.Greta tried hard to look normal, she even tried at Ryan who obviously won't smile back."Okay guys, so today we're going to cook beef Wellington, as we know cooking beef Wellington requires special skills, because we have to make sure that the steak in the puff pastry is cooked well and we also have to make sure the pastry that we make is cooked perfectly," chef Ryan Lewis began his cooking demo."So today I will be accompanied by what is your name? he asked Greta curtly."Greta, Greta Specter," Greta replied in low voice she was able to be intimidated by arrogant man standing tall beside her.The demo event went smoothly, Greta helped Ryan a little but she stood mostly awkwardly because Ryan blatantly ignored her.After the demo was over Greta immediately returned to her chair, where Amy was still sitting on the chair next to her.I saw something st
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Greta's Story part 3
Finally, Greta decided to jump on Ryan's back and let him carry her into the therapy room. Even being carried, didn't reduce the pain she felt.Greta awkwardly pressed her face against Ryan's fragrant back. It was strange to lean on someone who caused her such an injury.There was an urge in Greta's mind that she wanted to ask Ryan a question about anything. But again her pride refused her to do such thing.In the clinic lobby, they were greeted by an officer who immediately gave Greta a wheelchair to ride. Ryan slowly lowered Greta into a wheelchair."Ouch!" Greta screamed and was about to cry when she felt her tailbone hit the wheelchair.She deliberately sat on her side to ease the pain. Behind her, Ryan looked very guilty, something he didn't show in front of Greta because of his high sense of dignity.After an X-ray, the doctor said to that Greta had a tailbone injury from hitting the marble floor very hard with her arched body. The doctor advised Greta to rest for a few days unt
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Greta's Story part 4
As Greta looked she was surprised to find Ryan stood still in front of her bed."What are you doing here?" grumbled Greta she hid her crying face under the blanket embarrassed."Try to lay sideways, I will help you up," he said with a more soft voice. Might be because he just heard Greta crying.Greta didn't refuse, she let him help her so she could lay sideways. Ryan sat besides the bed, he took the pasta plate then started to feed Greta in silence.Greta who was hungry couldn't help herself from eating fast, partly because Ryan cooked her a very delicious pasta.It's so weird but they are sitting face to face without even talking."Are you always like this to everyone?" asked Greta when she finished her meal."What do you mean?" Ryan asked back without even looking into her eyes."I mean you being rude and silent and kept distance to everyone," said Greta carefully.Ryan held a glass of water to Greta, let's up to you how you're going to judge, me, I act differently to different peo
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Greta's Story part 5
The next day,"I just wanted to let you know that I felt better, you don't have to bring me anymore food."After considering for a while Greta finally sent the message to Ryan's number. From the reaction he was given, it seemed that he didn't like doing that kind of thing for her and Greta didn't want to seem like an ignorant person.She tapped her fingers on the table, waiting for Ryan's reply. She didn't know why she was expecting Ryan's reply so much to say something like,Are, you sure? I will come over there to make sure you're all right,"But until Greta finished her coffee, there was no reply from Ryan at all. She let out a long sigh, then her head a few times. She didn't understand why suddenly such feelings came to her."Come on Greta! clear your head! Don't fall in love easily! look what Mike has done to you!"Unable to stand the debate in her head, Greta limped to the sink and washed her face until the shirt she was wearing was almost half wet.With her face and clothes tha
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Greta's Story Part 6
" What are you doing her?" Greta repeated her question with a panicked face."What do you mean? this is my restaurant of course, I'm here," Ryan replied casually. He pulled out his chair and sat on it.Greta covered her mouth with her hands. "What did you say? your restaurant? you're not kidding are you?" her voice sounded louder than she intended to."If you want to work as an intern here, you better lower your tone of voice when you talk to me!" said Ryan firmly and curtly.Greta swallowed hard, her eyes landing on the black jacket with The Food Theory engraved on it."Oh my God! I should have realized from the start! you wore this jacket during the cooking demonstration at the college, didn't you?" shouted with eyes widened."I'm counting to three if you still can't control your tone I will look for another candidate! one, two......""Okay, okay!"Greta interrupted before Ryan finished his count.She sat up straight in her chair, the interview was very important to her."You're twe
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Greta's Story part 7
"Greta? why do you look so surprised? I know you must be so upset that he injured your tailbone but he's so handsome that I can't stop thinking about him......"Amy muttered as she changed into her kitchen uniform.Greta grimaced,"Do you like him?" she asked as she opened her locker and put all her things in there.Amy smiled shyly, then she nodded her head with a blush on her cheeks."I don't know how to explain it, but my heart beats so fast whenever he is near me!"Greta raised an eyebrow, "Whenever he's near you? How many times have you meet him?" she asked curiously."Um....." Amy held up two fingers, grimacing. Greta glared, "Twice? you have only seen Ryan Lewis twice and you could tell your heart was pounding every time you're around him?" she couldn't believe what she was hearing.Amy scowled."That could happen! Even people could fall in love at first sight! Urgh! you said that because you were jealous, do you? she accused, her squinting at the change in Greta's face.Greta
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Greta's Story Part 8
Greta's cell phone rang after she arrived at her apartment, it was from her mother. She clicked the green button and put the phone in loudspeaker mode."Hi, Mom!" greeted Greta lightly, tried so hard to hide her tiredness."Gret, are you home now?""Yeah,I just arrived, what are doing? Is Daddy with you?" asked Greta while she took her chef shoes. She was grimacing when she saw redness on both of her feet."I'm here baby, how was your first day? it was father's voice."Hi, Dad! Um, it's good, I have a very kind partner and the restaurant was crowded though," said Greta, she stood up and walked to the fridge. She took out a can of beer then plopped down on the couch."That sound fun! And who is the Executive chef? do we know him? I mean usually we recognized some of the Mechlin stars chef," mumbled Gabriel Specter, Greta's father.Greta could see with her sense that beside her father, her mother must nod her head in agreement. Because they were indeed a goodies couple who went to all t
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Greta's Story 9
"Are you mad at me just because I told chef we're dating?" Liam teased as he brought his face closer to Greta who was busy kneading, this was the fourth time Liam had asked the same thing."How time do I have to answer that I'm not mad at all, if you ask me one more time, I will probably get really mad!" Greta said, throwing the eggshell in her hand in annoyance."Whoa, easy! so dare to be rude to me now? Greta, I'm your senior here the value of your apprenticeship depends on me, so you better be nice or else I won't hesitate to give a bad impression!" Liam hissed, his face looking very annoying. How could Greta ever think that Liam was a good partner? she really couldn't read people character.She looked at Liam for a long time, then shrugged off "okay is that so," she replied then continued with her work. There's no point in fighting or been tough on him. Since Greta has decided to live independently and purse her goals, she must accept all the consequences, including being experien
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Greta Story part 10
Greta bit her lip hard, trying desperately to keep the tears from falling.Don't you dare cry, I won't soften just because you're a woman, Ryan muttered with his arms folded across his chest Greta swallowed, her eyes stared intently at Ryan she swore in her heart that she would never shed a single tear in front of that arrogant man. Even though she didn't turn her head, for some reason she knew Liam was smiling slyly beside her."Liam, you're in charge of this, you know very well about it don't you?" Ryan said turning his gaze towards Liam's."Yes chef, I take full responsibility! Liam said, straightened his back. Greta frowned, suddenly she felt strange with the situation she was in now, was someone deliberately did that to her?"And you," Ryan turned his gaze to Greta, "If I caught you once again mess up an important event at this restaurant, you should immediately find another internship place with your work routine like that you will never be a good chef," said flatly."You both w
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