All Chapters of Carrying A Baby For The Billionaire CEO: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
90 Chapters
Vacation to Iceland
The Gray family was in a frenzy. It was time for Stephen and Anna to leave the city, and they were running behind schedule. Mrs. Gray was barking orders at the maids, who were frantically packing suitcases. Zach the butler was trying to keep everyone calm, but it was no use. The tension was thick in the air."Where is Stephen?" Mrs. Gray demanded, her voice echoing through the sitting room. "He should have been back by now.""I'm sure he's on his way, Ma," Zach said. "Surely, he wouldn't miss this flight."But Mrs. Gray wasn't so sure. She had a bad feeling about this. Stephen had left to run an errand with his father in the company earlier that morning, against her better judgment. He was traveling today, so why not leave work and focus on the trip? He was just as stubborn as his father and for him, the company always came first.** ** **Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Stephen arrived. He didn’t look like he was worried about his late arrival and that met disapproving l
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Private Jet
Inside the cozy cabin of the private jet, Stephen and Anna find themselves engaged in a light-hearted conversation, their voices carried gently by the hum of the engines.Stephen's eyes sparkle with a mixture of amusement and affection as he observes Anna's nervousness. He reaches out to gently squeeze her hand, offering reassurance. "Are you scared, Anna?" He asks, his voice filled with tenderness.Anna's eyes meet his, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Not scared, just a bit nervous," she admits, her voice tinged with anticipation. "This is my first time flying on an aircraft."Understanding her feelings, Stephen leans closer, his presence providing comfort. "There's nothing to worry about, my dear," he says soothingly. "I'll be right here with you."Curiosity sparkles in Anna's eyes as she looks at Stephen, her voice filled with intrigue. "When did you learn how to fly?" she asks, genuinely curious about this unexpected skill of his.A nostalgic smile tugs at the corners of Stephen
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The plane crash
As Anna is abruptly pulled from her slumber, the urgency in Stephen's voice slices through the air, causing her heart to leap into her throat. She takes in his wide-eyed panic and senses the gravity of the situation. The once steady aircraft now lurches and sways, sending waves of unease coursing through her body."Anna, brace yourself!" Stephen's voice trembles with fear and urgency, his eyes darting between the malfunctioning controls and her trembling figure. "Put on an oxygen mask! We're experiencing a mechanical failure. I've lost control of the engine. We're going down."Anna's hands shake uncontrollably as she fumbles to secure the oxygen mask over her face. The reality of their predicament crashes over her, engulfing her in a tidal wave of terror. Her mind races, thoughts of their future and all they had hoped for swirling with the imminent danger they face.Her wide eyes meet Stephen's, seeking reassurance amidst the chaos. Fear etches deep lines across his face, but there is
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Anna's eyes flickered open, greeted by a throbbing headache that pierced her skull. Blinking away the haze of sleep, she found herself cocooned beneath a weighty blanket, its warmth comforting yet unfamiliar. Confusion etched across her features as she scanned the room, realizing she was in an unfamiliar place. Her brows furrowed with questions."What am I doing here?" she murmured, her voice soft and filled with bewilderment. “Uhh!” She groaned and held her head as it hurt.Pushing aside the ache in her head, Anna determinedly swung her legs over the edge of the bed, the floor cold beneath her feet. She stared at herself and noticed she was dressed in a hoodie sweater that smelled weird, she didn’t recognize it either and she had never felt more confused.Steadying herself, she ventured forward, exploring the cabin that surrounded her. Its worn and weathered appearance told stories of neglect and abandonment. The place was silent if not for the sound of the wind slapping outside.As
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Memory loss
Stephen gently guides Anna back into the house, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and sadness. Arriving back at the bedroom, he makes her sit down on the bed and wrap her with extra clothing to fight the cold.He carefully chooses his words, aware of the fragile nature of the situation. "Anna, please try to think, remember," he implores, his voice laced with a hint of desperation as he squats down at her foot and gently places his hand on her thighs.Anna furrows her brow, her eyes searching his face for familiarity. "I'm sorry, I still don't remember," she confesses, her voice tinged with frustration. The realization that she has lost her memory weighs heavily on Stephen's heart, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their once promising future.With a heavy sigh, Stephen realizes the gravity of the situation. Memories, once cherished and shared, have become distant fragments of the past. He must find a way to bridge the gap and help Anna regain her sense of self. "Anna," he
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Are we in love?
Stephen carefully feeds Anna, gently coaxing a spoonful of food into her mouth. She pouts playfully, pretending to gag. "Oh, Stephen, you're a terrible cook," she teases, her eyes sparkling mischievously.He chuckles, a warm sound that fills the room. "Well, maybe you can teach me your culinary skills once your memory returns. But for now, let's focus on surviving and making sure we don't become a wolf's next meal," he replies, a hint of humor dancing in his voice.Anna smiles, savoring the lightness of the moment. Then, her smile fades as she gazes at Stephen intently. "But tell me, were we in love?" she asks, her tone both curious and vulnerable. She searches his face, longing for a definitive answer.Stephen's eyes briefly dart away, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. He takes a deep breath before meeting her gaze again. "It's complicated," he confesses, his voice laced with a mix of tenderness and hesitation.“Oh,” she said softly. With a playful glimmer in her eye, s
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Breaking news
In the somber atmosphere of the Gray family's sitting room, Mr. and Mrs. McCurry, accompanied by Mrs. Gray, sat together, their faces etched with worry and anguish. The weight of uncertainty pressed upon their hearts as they grappled with the inexplicable disappearance of their beloved children.Tears streamed down the faces of the women, their cries echoing the depths of their despair. Mrs. McCurry clutched onto her husband's arm, seeking solace in his comforting presence. Mr. McCurry, his own eyes brimming with unshed tears, wrapped his arms around his wife, offering what little comfort he could in this time of immense sorrow.Meanwhile, Laura Gray, recently discharged from the hospital, sat close to her mother, Mrs. Gray, her voice trembling as she tried to offer some form of solace. Their hands intertwined, a silent display of their shared anguish and the unyielding bond between a mother and her child.As the news report flickered on the television screen, the room fell into an ev
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Stay with me tonight
As the moon cast its gentle glow upon the room, Stephen tenderly tucked Anna into the plush comfort of the bed, his hands moving with a delicate touch. A soft smile played upon his lips, his gaze lingering on her as if she were a precious treasure. He couldn't help but be captivated by her presence, her vulnerability stirring a protective instinct within him.With a feather-light touch, he brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his fingertips tracing the curve of her cheek. "Goodnight," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and affection.Anna's eyes, gleaming with a mix of curiosity and longing, followed his every move. Her heart yearned for his closeness, for the comfort of his embrace. As he turned to leave, a flicker of hesitation overcame her, and she called out to him in a soft, hopeful voice."Wait… Where are you going?" Anna's question hung in the air, a plea for his presence.Stephen's steps faltered, his hand hovering over the doorknob. He turned back, his eyes me
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Memories back?
The sun was just beginning to peek through the frost-covered windows as Stephen slowly opened his eyes. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he realized that something was amiss. He turned his head to the side, expecting to find Anna beside him, but the bed was empty.Panic coursed through his veins as he sat up, scanning the room in a state of confusion. He called out her name, his voice filled with concern, but there was no response. Frantically, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and reached for his robe, hastily slipping it on.With each step, his heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing with worry. He hurried out of the bedroom and into the quiet stillness of the cabin. The wooden floor creaked beneath his weight as he moved through the dimly lit room, his eyes darting from corner to corner."Anna?" he called out again, his voice echoing in the silence. But there was no sign of her. Panic turned into a surge of adrenaline as he rushed towards the front door. He swung i
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Good news!
In the midst of the anxious silence, Mr. Gray's phone suddenly rings, piercing through the heavy atmosphere. His eyes widen with anticipation as he hastily reaches for his phone, answering the call without a moment's delay. It's Domenic, the bearer of potential news and answers."Hello?" Mr. Jackson Gray's voice trembles with a mix of hope and trepidation. "Have you found them? Is there any news on their whereabouts?"Domenic's voice crackles through the receiver, a lifeline connecting two worlds. "We've located the jet at Hesteyri, Mr. Gray, but Stephen and Anna are not there," he reveals, his words tinged with a sense of urgency.Mr. Gray's heart sinks, the weight of disappointment bearing down on his shoulders. His grip on the phone tightens as he listens intently, hoping for any clue that might lead them closer to their missing loved ones.Domenic continues, his voice filled with determination. "There are footprints near the jet, indicating that someone was here a while ago, it is
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