All Chapters of Carrying A Baby For The Billionaire CEO: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
90 Chapters
Back to Las Vegas
The sleek black car with tinted windows came to a smooth stop in front of the Gray house. As soon as the engine stopped humming, a well-trained servant came quickly up to the door and opened it with a gloved hand. Stephen got out of the car looking calm. He was wearing a well-fitted suit.Stephen thanked the servant with a small nod of his head and walked quickly to the other side of the car. Anna was sitting inside, and he looked at her with eyes that were both warm and protective. He reached for the door handle and opened it with just the right amount of excitement. He put out his strong hands, ready to hold her and their three-month-old baby.Anna looked at Stephen. She was wearing a dress that was both flowy and practical, which was good for her new job as a mother. As she carefully held the baby in her arms, she had a mix of tiredness and love in her eyes. She gave him a small but grateful smile, and her thanks for his help were clear even though she didn't say anything.As she c
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What is your plan, son?
Stephen descended the staircase, his footsteps echoing softly through the grand foyer of the house. His gaze shifted to the sitting room, where he found his father engrossed in the news. With a quirked eyebrow, he approached, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "Is that me on the news?" he asked with a wry grin, his tone laced with a mixture of curiosity and dry humor.His father's eyes shifted from the screen to Stephen, a knowing glint in his gaze. "Good timing," Mr. Jackson Gray replied, his voice tinged with a hint of fatherly amusement.Stephen took a seat beside his father, his eyes focusing on the television as the news report continued. The news anchor's voice flowed through the room, announcing, "Today, the billionaire son of the Gray family returns home to his city after a trip to Iceland with his alleged soon-to-be baby mama, and speculations have it that he has not only come back with her but with his first child."A barely audible chuckle escaped Stephen's lips. "All
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Let's adjust the contract
In the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window, Anna sat in her room, a serene atmosphere enveloping her as she observed the baby nestled in his cradle. His peaceful slumber seemed to cast a calming spell over the room, a contrast to the whirlwind of thoughts that swirled in Anna's mind.The day's events replayed in her thoughts like a vivid movie. The visit to her parents had been a mix of emotions – a reunion filled with warmth, love, and a tinge of nostalgia. She couldn't help but smile as she recalled the laughter that had echoed through the room, the stories exchanged, and the bond rekindled. Stephen's presence had been the bridge that had made it all possible, the gesture of care and generosity for her parents touching her deeply.Her mind wandered to the changes that Stephen had brought about in their lives. A new house, a newfound comfort, and the assurance that her parents were being looked after. His actions spoke volumes about his character, about the person
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I love you, Anna
As the towel slipped from Anna's grasp, a gasp escaped her lips and her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and vulnerability. Stephen's immediate apology was a lifeline in that moment, and she quickly scrambled to tie the towel back around her, her heart still racing.With her voice slightly shaky, Anna managed to reassure him that it was alright, even though her nerves were still tingling from the unexpected encounter. Her assumption that he had left seemed logical, but she was taken aback as he turned back to her."Sorry for freaking you out," Stephen said, averting his gaze. He was clearly embarrassed by the situation."It's... it's fine," Anna responded, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness. She was relieved that he wasn't looking at her while she regained her composure.Once she had the towel securely wrapped around her, she finally spoke up again. "I thought you had left," she said, trying to sound casual even though her heart was still racing.Stephen's gaze ret
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We kissed
Laura's sleep-addled mind fought against the intrusion of consciousness as a gentle tap on her hand and the aroma of fresh coffee drifted into her senses. Slowly, she blinked her eyes open, squinting against the invading sunlight that filtered into the room through the newly opened windows.Anna's cheerful face greeted her, a smile lighting up her features as she bustled around the room. Laura groaned, her voice laced with mock protest. "Did you have to let all the sunshine in?"Amusement danced in Anna's eyes as she playfully retorted, "Well, I thought you might need a little motivation to get up."Laura grumbled something unintelligible but pushed herself to sit up, raking a hand through her disheveled hair as if to chase away the last remnants of sleep. She couldn't help but smile, though, at Anna's vibrant energy. Their shared laughter echoed in the room as Anna handed her a steaming mug of coffee, the warmth seeping into Laura's hands and soothing away the remnants of grogginess.
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Was she the one?
Stephen's office seemed to shrink around him as he paced back and forth, lost in thought. The events of the previous night played like a filmstrip in his mind, each frame vivid and charged with emotions he had long buried.The memory of their kiss, the taste of her lips against his, still lingered like a sweet melody in his senses. It was a kiss that had taken them both by surprise, breaking through the unspoken barriers that had kept them at a distance. He couldn't shake the feeling that it was a turning point, a door swinging open to reveal a world of possibilities.His mind drifted to the past, to all the flings and superficial relationships he had engaged in. He had been with many girls, but with none of them had he felt the way he did with Anna. It was more than just attraction, more than just the physical pull. There was a connection, a bond that he hadn't anticipated.The realization hit him like a thunderbolt. He had fallen in love with Anna. It was a feeling he hadn't acknowl
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A candlelight dinner date
The evening air was crisp as Stephen and Anna stepped out of the car in front of the five-star restaurant. The gentle breeze rustled Anna's red gown, making her hair dance around her shoulders. Stephen looked at her, his eyes softening with admiration. "You look stunning," he said, his voice a mere whisper.Anna's cheeks flushed a faint pink, and she smiled shyly. "Thank you, Stephen. You clean up pretty well yourself."He chuckled, offering his arm for her to take. "Shall we?"They entered the restaurant, and their presence seemed to ignite the surroundings. The place was adorned with glittering lights and opulent decorations, casting a magical ambiance that perfectly matched the occasion. Stephen and Anna were led to a secluded VIP section, where a table awaited them adorned with fresh flowers and flickering candles.Anna's eyes widened in awe as she took in the romantic setup. "Wow, Stephen, this is incredible."He smiled warmly, pulling out the chair for her. "Only the best for yo
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They made love
The Gray mansion was silent when the newly engaged couple arrived home, probably because everyone had gone to bed which was quite surprising. They weren’t even out that late, so why did everyone go to bed so early?Anna led the way to her room while Stephen followed behind. Of course, things were awkward again, and Anna was so nervous. He was coming to her room, probably because he hadn’t said goodnight and it would be ungentleman of him to leave her behind at the doorstep rather than walk her to her room, but the thought of that didn’t make her any less nervous.In the soft glow of the dimly lit bedroom, Stephen's arms encircled Anna's waist, pulling her close to him while her heart raced, she tried to distract herself by saying something, saying anything at all. Curiosity was the first to occupy her mind, her question hung in the air, laden with the weight of uncertainty. She looked up at him, her eyes searching his, seeking reassurance beyond words."Do you think your family will a
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The early morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. Anna shifted slightly, her head resting on Stephen's chest. As she stirred awake, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear filled her with a sense of contentment that she had never known before.Yet, amidst the warmth of the moment, a shadow of doubt crept into her mind. She couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led them here. Her thoughts drifted to that fateful night when their paths had collided in the most unexpected and painful way.The memory of that night was a stark contrast to the love and happiness she now felt in Stephen's embrace. She remembered the fear, the helplessness, the trauma that had marked her. But she also remembered the subsequent moments, his apologies, his sincere attempts to make amends, and the gradual transformation of their relationship.Anna's fingers traced invisible patterns on Stephen's chest as sh
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Stephen Gray weds
The grand mansion was alive with a flurry of activity. Vibrant flowers were being arranged into elegant centerpieces, and soft candlelight was being strategically placed to create an enchanting ambiance. Stephen and Anna stood at the center of it all, their eyes reflecting a mixture of excitement and nervousness.Anna twirled a strand of her red hair as she stood before the mirror, her reflection adorned in a stunning wedding gown. Her heart raced with anticipation, the reality of the day finally sinking in. "You look amazing," Stephen whispered, catching Anna's eyes in the mirror. She turned around and blushed, surprised to see him, her smile radiant as she replied, "And you look incredibly handsome."Meanwhile, Laura darted around like a whirlwind, ensuring every detail was perfect. Her phone buzzed constantly with messages from vendors, and she managed the chaos with remarkable finesse."Anna, your bouquet is here!" Laura called out, appearing beside her with a stunning arrangemen
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