All Chapters of Luna who hated her Alpha: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
158 Chapters
Sexual tension
It wasn't much the fact that I wanted to sleep with him that made me ask such a proposal. No, what drastically decided me was the fear I felt just to imagine that he would hate me when he found out about my background. At that moment, I wanted to convince myself that it was not possible, that I could and should trust him with everything in me. And since I couldn't test him by revealing the truth, maybe I mistakenly thought it would be best to sleep with him. Certainly, our bodies forming one, he would know how much I care for him and I need him. That his love is crucial to me and that I can no longer live in a world where I will not have him on my side. I know it may sound immature or even far-fetched, but right now, in my desperation, I want to feel him in every cell of my body and I want him to feel me. I want to immerse myself in him as much as I want to leave the same feeling in him. I want him to become so addicted to me that he will never think of leaving me or betraying
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A passionate night
I don't know why but I felt like the mood had changed at those simple words from my alpha. Whether it was the noises around me, the light seeming dim in the room or the smell that surrounded the room and covered my senses, everything was an ode to carnal pleasure. I felt my lover's lips on my neck as he placed hot, frenzied kisses along my tender flesh. He took his time seeming to want to permeate his every move deep within me, wanting to mark me with his touch as I could feel his feverish fingers running under my garment. Gently, he ran his fingers over my belly, pulling them up to my chest as I arched my back in the face of so much erotic voluptuousness. His breathing, sported on mine, was heavy but not laborious, he seemed to be holding himself back at the same time as he wanted to give free rein to his excitement. His tongue playing on my skin coupled with his fingers seemed to sing lustful music combining stupor and intoxicating lust as the words I heard in my mind made me
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Greg's mood
Greg waited until Sophia was sound asleep to sit up slightly. He looked at her small, bent figure and raised his hand to caress her frail shoulders marked by their recent passion. How he loves this girl.! When he came to see her tonight, he never imagined that she would make such a tempting request. But it was not to displease him. He liked her request so much he had been addicted to her, to her smell recently. Her burning touch and the sensations that sex with her gives him. He leaned down slightly and kissed her shoulders feeling her stir slightly before leaning back on his elbow to gaze at her in her sleep. He started playing with her hair, wrapping it around his finger and finally, he saw her turn to rest her face against his chest. He sighed as he realized earlier that she would have liked to know what he looked like, even while they were doing it. She tried to get a distinct glimpse of his face despite his locks but he didn't allow her to do it. Why is he doing this exact
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Driver and blackmail
I don't know how long I stayed looking for these clues but finally, I felt my alpha move like he was on leave. I could feel him a little hesitant and I knew by these gestures that it was obvious, he had to go even if the desire was not there. I smiled, it would be extremely childish to require him to stay with me knowing that he is a busy man. He must have a job that allows him to offer me everything I want like yesterday, a little like a business. And if I believe his look, he must be a senior executive, a president, why not a CEO of his group? I sighed, it's not like we won't see each other again, since he comes to see me every night. So I pulled my body slightly away from his, giving him tacit permission and he slumped his shoulders. It looked like he would have liked that I make some whims, but I'm not that kind of person, well, a little bit. He had already spoiled me enough so I don't have the right to ask him more." It's almost noon, I've taken advantage of you enough as
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I looked at my driver not knowing what I should say to him to divert his attention and leave for the meeting place indicated by Jessy. I just couldn't afford to ask him to take me there, I'm not stupid and I know my driver isn't just there to take me where I want. I've watched enough movies and read enough novels to know that when a girl's super-rich boyfriend gives her a driver, he also serves as a liaison between his master and his boss. He will report all my trips to him, especially if they are suspicious. So I can't tell him to just leave me in the middle of the street knowing that I'm going to work. He would find that suspicious What do I need to do to get there, no matter how bad the way, Jessy is right to remind me why I'm in this town. And if I can get the information I'm interested in faster than just relying on Elsa's connection to her pack, I'm up for it. It gives me a big case of conscience to smile like this while I feed for their Alpha and by extension their pac
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Is it real ?
I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. It was all good considering that this floor was reserved for a few high-ranking people in the company and that of course there were very few female executives. So I did not find people in the toilets which allowed me to monopolize them. I placed myself in front of the mirror seeing that despite my efforts, I could not hold back my tears. No matter how hard I tried, I told myself that I didn't have to react that way, it was stronger than me. So strong that I do not understand what is happening to me. It was my whole being, my very essence that had been shaken. I don't know how to explain it but even in the back of my mind, I felt something snap again and again yet it's about Greg and not my alpha. How come I feel such pain, that even my wolf side can't calm it yet it's not our Alpha that I caught cheating? It's only Greg, so why is my heart so hurt? It hurts so much my throat is lumpy and I can't breathe. I just want to sit some
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Overwhelming feelings
Nothing about this situation was normal. The fact that I was in Greg's arms crying because I caught him in someone else's arms, that I almost made a scene of it, that Greg ran after me, all that makes no sense cause we have nothing more to do together. Yes, what we shared was marvelous, I would even say magical. I didn't expect to live such a passion in my life and so young, but I met him, and I desperately fell in love with him wanting to give him everything. I was the happiest girl when he returned my feelings to me and I told myself at that moment that, I had found the man of my life. But still, it was just a sweet dream, a summer love at the beach with a handsome surfer with beautifully tanned skin. All this lasted only for one dream time and reality caught up with me when we had to part ways, and he refused to give me his contact details. Deep down, I knew it shouldn't be as important to him as it was to me, otherwise, he would have done everything to keep us in touch. I t
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Sophia lied
I should have thought better before opening my damn mouth. What does it matter to me what Greg can do with other women? I shouldn't give a damn, but I guess it bothered me so much that I couldn't help but ask. Either way, what's done is done, so I'm waiting impatiently and above all with apprehension for the answer. Greg sighed deeply before running his hand through his hair. " She took me by surprise and threw herself on me, but I promise you that nothing more happened. She didn't even manage to brush my lips. Of course, I intend to take drastic and strict measures against her but the most important thing here is that nothing happened between us." I was back to him while he was talking to me, he seemed sincere and his words honest so without me realizing it, I sketched a small reassuring smile delighted. Damn, why should I be delighted? Again, that's none of my business. " Well, I did not ask that for a particular reason, think again. I just wanted you to stop taking m
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Jessy's macabre plans
I arrived at the meeting point indicated by Jessy but he was not there. It is well worth making a fuss and making me hurry to come when he is not there. What weighs me even more in this story is the fact that I not only lied to my boss but right after, when my alpha came to inquire about my condition, I dared to lie to him as well. I feel really bad, but I had no choice. I have a very specific goal and even if his way of telling me it is not correct, Jessy is right about one fact. I have to focus on the real reason that brought me to this town. For my parents, I have to act like a dignified daughter. It was daytime but the forest behind me was so spooky that it was scary. Last time, I didn't notice it but now that I'm alone and have nothing else to think about, not like when I admired Jessy, I can see how gloomy and scary this forest looks. The wind whistling through the treetops gives it even more drama as I wrap my arms around my body in fear. Where the hell is Jessy? I
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I couldn't believe it! What was Stacy doing here and why did she have to run into Jessy? What should I do now? I was deep in my thoughts, in a panic, when Jessy started talking again." As I said, these humans will be useful to us, to serve our cause…" I was shaking all over but I had to know how and why Jessy and his fellow partners needed humans to achieve their goals. Humans consider the mystical world like urban legends without really believing in it, so how could humans and creatures be tied? Aren't they playing with fire by letting certain humans know about our existence? What happens finally?" What are you going to do with them? I don't understand how humans could help in a fight with alphas, especially the Soul Moon Alpha that you say is so powerful. It's a little nonsense there, humans are weak beings compared to creatures so explain to me." I said, while my mind was in turmoil with this discovery. Jessy smiled, coming to put his hand on my shoulder. This action
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