All Chapters of His Business Proposal: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
165 Chapters
Chapter 61
The next morning Alex boarded a flight to the Eastern part of the State to attend the general meeting. He was on the plane when he saw someone who looked like Ashley. He met up with the person"Hi, I am Alex. Are you Ashley?""Sorry, I am not" Alex felt disappointed and embarrassed. He was obsessed with her."Okay, what is your name?""It is of no use""Why? Where are you headed?""The same place this plane is heading, to the Eastern part""Okay, do you have something to do in the Eastern part?""Not at all. I base there with my husband""Oh! Sorry about my manners. I never knew you were married""It is okay. Do you base there too?""No, I have a meeting over there""So where do you intend to stay?""Don't worry, I have already booked a hotel""Okay, that's fine. In case you are stranded, I can still help you""Thank you very much""The pleasure is all mine"He went back to his seat. Alex felt very disappointed. He thought he had seen Ashley, but the two ladies looked alike. The only
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Chapter 62
Roland's home was no longer the sweet and peaceful home that everyone knew. It's either one argument or the other. He got fed up with it and decided to travel to make the last money he intended to make to set up his own company.There was no longer couple communication between them and Susan never cared. She went about her business and she was happy. One evening she came back and couldn't find her husband's box.She wanted to ask why but then she saw a written note placed on the table in their room which read that he had traveled again. Susan gave a long his, tore the papers, and trashed them into the waste bin. She was a little bit relieved that she was now free to do whatever she wants. Come back anytime she wants and get whatever she wants to eat. There was nobody to monitor her or shout at her for going to work and coming back in the evening.Susan began to think that marriage was the worst mistake she ever made. She kept on asking herself the reason why she jumped into marriage
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Chapter 63
"Sir, how was today's seminar?""Oh! It was great. We all gave the summary of the last meeting and then we were asked to submit important documents which I told you to compile '' Ashley nodded her head."The submission will be tomorrow and trust me you have to be there""Okay sir, I am well prepared""So how was the meeting with the client?""It went well, sir. We sold some shares to him and he paid a good sum of dollars""That is very impressive. So did he sign any document?""Yes, he will be partnering with us""Okay, that is a good one. So has the accountant received the alert?""Yes sir, everything has been recorded in this file including the receipt of his payment""Oh! That is good. I love that. If you weren't here, I don't think the receptionist would have been able to handle such a task""Thank you sir for the compliments""Alright, you need to go back home, freshen up, and have some rest. Tomorrow is going to be another hectic day. Lest I forget, I will be increasing your mo
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Chapter 64
"Oh! I'm so Sorry," She quickly locked the door. Ashley was very shocked that her boss was having an affair with one of the staff in the office. She caught them having sex and began to wonder if something was going on between them, but she had never seen her boss with that particular staff member. How come she met them in this act?She had to go to the office and sit down to wait. She never felt bad because she had nothing to do with her boss. She believed that whatever she does with anybody in the office will actually bring down her courage and image to the mud.After a while, she had a knock on her door. "Come in"It was the receptionist. "The boss wants to see you" "Okay," She quickly picked up her bag and left to go and see her boss in the office."Good morning sir""Ashley, you are welcome. You are a bit early""Yes sir, because we have somewhere to go" "Oh! That's right. Please, do not mind whatever you saw. I was trying to ease some stress. You know I am not married""No,
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Chapter 65
"Shit! I am late for work" Susan quickly jumped up from her bed. She slept late that night because she was so worried that her husband hadn't called her since he traveled and she couldn't reach his line because it wasn't connecting.Everything does not seem alright. She doesn't know who to tell. The only friend she had to tell was Ashley whom she has distanced herself from because of what happened the other night she saw her husband in her house.She had to pick up her phone to call Tracy. Tracy was the only friend she had now but a very distant friend. She needed to talk to someone and that was when she decided to call Tracy just to pour out her heart before going to work because her mind was so clouded that she wouldn't be able to carry out her work so perfectly for the day and it was too early for her to start making mistakes in the company. "Hello Tracy""Hi Susan""How are you doing?""I am good""But you don't sound like someone who is fine. What could be the problem? Are you
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Chapter 66
Susan felt so ashamed of herself. She came to confront her friend and at last, she got the shocking news she had never thought of all this while. She used to see Ashley as someone who had something to do with her husband thinking they were having an affair. Now she was aware that she misunderstood everything. Ashley was right. She didn't even know how to stand up and go back to her house. She felt like the whole world was crumbling on her. Ashley kept staring at her friend. She noticed the hot tears rolling down her friend's eyes. She understood that kind of disappointment but she kept quiet because Susan pushed her to the wall which made her expose everything. Finally, Susan found her feet and left the place. While driving home she was absent-minded. She only managed to get back to the house. Ashley picked up the phone and called Tracy to inform her of what happened. "How can she come to your house and confront you?""I was very surprised myself," Ashley said."Or maybe she thou
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Chapter 67
Roland has been in shock since the wife exposed everything to him. He has never seen the boldness to stand and talk to his wife because he feels so ashamed of himself. Susan on the other hand decided to find a place to stay instead of staying with the man that has caused her so many pains. She couldn't even go to Ashley for help because of the way she treated her and also she felt jealous that Ashley was very fertile while she that has been married for a year has not conceived. Finally, she got an apartment and moved her things to the new house. "This place is better for me. At least I can be able to forget about Roland. I am very sure that it is because of his infidelity that is why I have not conceived yet" "How can men be this mean and wicked?" She asked no one in particular. Ashley prepared for work and was about to leave when Roland visited. She was surprised to see him but she got ready for any confrontation from him. "Ashley, please is my wife with you?" "Are you lo
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Chapter 68
Ashley walked into the office to greet her boss. "Good morning sir" "Wow! Always looking great. This is why you will always be different from others that have worked with me. You know when to dress so well and represent us. I just hope the receptionist is learning from you" Ashley just smiled because her boss didn't understand the reason behind her outfit. She knew exactly why she did that. She wasn't bothered if the receptionist was dressing well or not but she knew that Alex will not leave her for a fat woman. "Thank you very much sir for your compliment" "Please get the documents ready. I guess he should be on his way coming by now" "I will do that sir" Ashley quickly left the office and headed to hers. She was so optimistic about seeing Alex. At about 9:00 am that morning, the office phone rang. "Ashley, please bring the documents. The visitor is right here with me" "Okay sir" Ashley quickly dropped the phone and hurriedly arranged the documents in a file. She stood u
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Chapter 69
The receptionist later dragged Ashley by her hand and drew her to the kitchen. "Don't you understand the sign that I was giving to you?""No, I don't understand""I think my boss likes you. Don't you think you need to give him some green light so that he can be able to propose? My boss needs someone like you and you are also rich" Ashley opened her mouth to talk but words failed her. "Come on, say something. I know you like this idea but you don't know how to go about it, right? Don't worry I will help you out""Can you please just stop? I am not interested in our boss""But why don't you have an interest in him?""Can you just hear yourself? He is my boss. I am the Secretary. I should maintain my position and not cross the boundary. I have a limit you know. There are so many other women out there he can fall in love with, besides he never told you he was in love with me""Who told you that? I have seen it. He really loves you but it seems you are not allowing him to say his mind"
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Chapter 70
Ashley finally prepared for work the next day. She attended to some things and her boss also helped her so that she won't stress much. Ashley thought she had found a friend in Clara. It was after that week that Ashley began to hear some rumors.She got to the office one certain morning and most of the workers were looking at her. It was very suspicious but she never bothered. Finally, her boss invited her to his office. When she arrived, he offered her a seat.Ashley was wondering what her boss wanted to tell her. "How are you doing?""I am very fine sir""I am hearing some rumors about you and I would like to confirm" Ashley was surprised and wondered what kind of rumor he must have heard. "What kind of rumor sir?""Are you pregnant?" That question sent a cold chill down her spine. She was glued to her seat and was staring at him with so much shock. "I asked you a question and I am waiting for a response"Ashley didn't know what to say. She was so shocked. How did her boss find ou
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