Semua Bab His Business Proposal: Bab 71 - Bab 80
165 Bab
Chapter 71
Ashley didn't know where to start as she just resigned from her job but she had the money to do something. She thought of what to do to avoid the embarrassment she got lately in her place of work. She decided that wherever she gets a job she had to act as a married woman because soon her stomach will start being noticeable.She enjoyed the new apartment and the environment. Nobody cared about her. She didn't have a family anymore. The one she thought she was about to build crashed. She felt that Clara was a nice person. She just needs to learn how to bridle her tongue because she talks a lot. Her phone rang and it was Tracy who was calling. "Hi, Ashley, how are you doing?""I am doing fine""I am back in the city. So can we see?""Okay, just give me the location. I will be with you there in the evening""No just tell me where you are, I will come out there and find you"Ashley gave her the address to her place and by evening Tracy was around. "Nice to meet you""It's been a while. S
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Chapter 72
"Why are you looking so disturbed? You don't seem happy from your countenance""Felix sincerely speaking, I am beginning to get tired of so many things""Why is that?""How can a woman I left in my house to take care of my home bring in another man who was having an affair with her without respecting me knowing fully well that the house belongs to me?""I don't seem to understand what you are saying. Do you mean Lisa brought a man into your home?""Exactly what I am saying""How did you find out?""I came back from my trip very late in the night. I noticed that my door was not locked. I had to move in and then I kept moving closer to my bedroom when I heard people laughing and gisting. I walked towards Lisa's room where she normally stays. I opened the door only to find both of them naked. It was very obvious they had finished their sexual escapade and started discussing. She wasn't aware that I would be coming back that day""But how could she do such a thing?""I don't know. I was
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Chapter 73
Alex thought of opening the door but he wondered why the outside lights weren't on. "Maybe it's because I am inside or maybe the window is restricting me from viewing the lights" The doorbell continued and this disturbed him. He had to go and open the door. Alex was surprised to meet a very pretty lady. Fair in complexion and elegant. Alex tried to speak but was short of words. He wondered what she was doing at his place. The lady stretched out her hand for a handshake, her face beaming with smiles. He slowly accepted the greeting after looking at her from head to toe. "Good evening""Uhmm, you are welcome. Who do you want to see?""I am sorry for disturbing you. I have a meeting tomorrow and unfortunately, I arrived here late and I do not know this city at all. I have been trekking and I came to this place and decided to see if I could get help. Please just tell me if there is any hotel around here"Alex was surprised to hear that. This has never happened to him before. He though
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Chapter 74
Susan arrived at the meeting and was welcomed. The owner of the company thought she was the boss herself and he kept admiring her throughout the meeting. Susan acted like she was the boss because that was what her boss advised her to do. She was told not to make them notice that she was sent. That was the first time their company would be going for a meeting outside their city and so they couldn't recognize if she was the boss or not. After the meeting, Susan was about to leave when the owner of the company asked to see her urgently. She was perturbed because of fear that he might have found out. Susan got the boldness to stay back till everyone left. "You are Susan""Yes, I am" "I am very pleased to meet you. I was surprised to see a woman that owns a company attending our meeting. You saw for yourself that you were the only female in our midst. You are welcome once again"Susan smiled. "Thank you so much" "I would love you to be our speaker tomorrow during the meeting and also
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Chapter 75
Susan did not understand the reason why there were decorations everywhere in the office. She wondered who was celebrating a birthday. The inscriptions and the write-up depicted that someone was actually throwing a big party.She walked into the office to go and see her boss only to meet the entire staff singing a Happy Birthday song to her. She became very confused. Susan brought out her phone to check the date and discover that truly it was her birthday but because of the work, she couldn't even remember. She felt so honored and hugged almost every staff member that was present including her boss. "Happy Birthday to you once again. You have made us proud. I know that everything went so fine. You don't need to tell me what happened today because I got every report"Susan was so surprised about how the boss got every report that happened from the beginning of the meeting to the end and it was discovered that he sent someone to watch what was going on and also to know if Susan was act
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Chapter 76
Ashley was taking her lunch when suddenly her friend Tracy walked into the house. "Oh, I came at the right time. Do you still have some in your pot?""Sure, why not? You are free to go and take""Alright," Tracy walked into the kitchen happily, took some food, and came back to the room. They were eating and gisting together."Guess what?""What is it?""You won't believe that I called Susan and she told me that she has reconciled with her husband""Wow! That's very good of her. I just hope the man has changed""Honestly, I hope so too because men who cheat are very difficult to be faithful""You are right, no man can be faithful overnight. It only takes hard work and self-consciousness""Wow, that's her cup of tea. Please I need us to be going for shopping""When are we going?""I think by tomorrow we should try as much as possible to leave on time so that we would be able to get the good ones before they get finished but meanwhile I will be going to Susan's house to invite them to
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Chapter 77
Ashley didn't know how to start handling this whole situation. She quickly followed her friend. It happened that Tracy was rushing down to Susan's house. When they finally arrived. Susan was shocked to see Tracy crying."What is the problem?" She was crying uncontrollably. Ashley didn't know how to start explaining. Susan became so confused. "Ashley, can you please tell me what is wrong with her?""She caught Peter her husband to be with another woman""What?" Susan was so speechless and shocked. "How could a man do such a thing?" This was actually the case she just settled with her husband. Does it mean there is no faithful man out there?Why do men derive joy in cheating on their wives? "Ashley, please just come, I need to ask you some questions"Susan took Ashley to her room. "Tell me the truth? Who is that Peter? Is it the same one we know?""Yes and I knew he was cheating on her but I didn't know how best to tell her. I have seen him countless times and that was the reason w
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Chapter 78
When they finally left her house, Ashley went to the window to watch them as they left. She saw the two lovebirds and she shook her head. She wondered what could have made Tracy want to continue with the wedding.Ashley concluded that these are the kind of mistakes young ladies make when getting married. They are so carried away by the wedding ceremony not minding what will happen after the wedding."I wish her all the best in her marriage," She said. Susan went home and began to think of many things. She wondered why Tracy would be looking at her marriage and conclude that she would go ahead with the wedding. If Susan still had her way she would still leave Roland but this was something she had to live with.When Roland came back, he saw the countenance on his wife and began to question her but she never said a word. He insisted. "Can you please talk to me? What is the problem? Your face is not looking cheerful the same way I left. Is there any other thing that came up?""Why are y
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Chapter 79
Tracy's wedding was almost drawing closer. It was already in a week and everywhere was blooming. Ashley was also busy with Tracy doing some rounding up on the wedding preparation. Tracy was so excited. It was all over her. Anyone who saw her would know that something was actually going on but wouldn't know the reason why she was so happy.She never cared about what happened two weeks ago. She couldn't wait for that day to come. Anytime she comes to Ashley's house, The discussion was all about different colors, how the dancing steps would be, and how many guests they were expecting for the event. Ashley couldn't even have time for herself.Ashley was so busy arranging a whole lot of things that moment when she came over to her place and told her they would be going to the market to get the souvenirs that will be given to the invited guests.Ashley had to quickly prepare so as not to delay her friend because going to the shopping mall was just like a whole day's job. She quickly dressed
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Chapter 80
"I am here to tell everyone that Peter ran away with my money. You were supposed to service me one certain night but after paying a huge sum of money you ran away with your friend here Roland. He linked you up with me. I never knew that you were the one who used another number to call me" "Were you not the one who Roland linked me up with that night? You are looking at me. You don't have to deny it because this is your wedding day. I have been tracing you all around and I heard your wedding was today. Do you know how much I gave to you and you think I am going to forgive you and leave it like that? I am sorry everyone if I disrupted this wedding but he needs to pay me my money before I leave here" Everyone was so surprised. Tracy couldn't take it anymore. She fainted immediately. Ashley didn't know how to handle the whole situation. Susan on the other hand stumbled out of the church and went home. The whole church was disorganized and the parents of the bride held Peter and told him
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