All Chapters of Dark Wolf Series: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
303 Chapters
#Chapter121"Dom, Cal!" Addi yelled as she poked her head out of the car window. We were stood waiting at the pack gate for her. Well, Dom was waiting and I was hiding behind him. "Will you stop being a pup and come out?" He growled through the link. "Nope." I deadpanned. He snaked his hand around his back and jabbed my side. "Fuck sake, Dom." I gritted out. I huffed and stood next to him. He glanced at me and smirked. The car slowed to a stop and Addi jumped out. She ran towards us and wrapped her arms around us both. "Goddess, I missed you both so much." She muttered. "We did too," Dom answered. She pulled back and glanced between us both. "Any progress?" She linked me. I raised my brow, confused. She rolled her eyes and chuckled, "I hope you've been keeping each other out of trouble." She playfully scolded, pointing her finger at us. "You're kidding, right? Trouble's his middle name." Dom groaned. I winked at her and laughed. "No, I've been a good boy, I promise." I held my han
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#Chapter122Thomas sent Lindsey home late last night. She's not allowed back in this pack unless she leaves me alone. I haven't seen any of them yet, I've been hiding in my bedroom, wallowing in self-pity. I'll be fine in a few hours, this is how it goes: he gets mentioned, I spiral down, I lock myself away for a day or so then I'm fine. I just want this Chapter of my life to be over, I want the day to come, when someone mentions him and it doesn't hit me like a truck. I sighed and rolled out of bed. I went over to the window and stared out at the sun rising. "Are you ok? Are you coming out today?" Dom asked through the link. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I don't know," I replied. He didn't reply but I knew he didn't have to. If I needed any of them in the pack, they'd be straight here. I headed back to my bed and crawled in. I pulled the cover-up and snuggled against the pillow, sighing. I'll get a few more hours sleep and then I'm getting up and sorting myself out.I
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#Chapter123"How many warriors do we have?" Dom questioned, looking up from the pile of paperwork in front of him. I glanced at him, "20 give or take, I'll speak to Cory." I answered. "So, we'll leave in 2 days." He mentioned. My eyes went wide and I frowned. "2 days?" I glared. "No, we to leave... like now." I insisted. He sighed and shook his head. "You know the protocol for what the council is asking for." He stressed.  The council come to this pack for help because of Amaris and Alex. They use the Dark Wolves as a threat because no one can beat them. Over the years, I've realised they only call when something is bad, something they are struggling to contain. So, whatever happened at my old pack is serious. "Yeah." I huffed, "Train for a full day and set off the next to the location." I grumbled. He nodded before standing up and coming towards the sofa. He sat next to me and grabbed my hand, I sucked in a breath and my eyes darted between ours and his face. "Listen, this is per
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#Chapter124"What?" I blurted. A pleasant chuckle filled the air: "Look around you, Caleb." I looked around slowly, my eyes went wide when I took in what was in front of me.A magnificent white wolf was stood in front of me. His eyes were white with silver swirls. I gazed at him in awe. He had a scar over his left eye, matching mine. I turned my head around, my eyes and mouth open in shock. "Is that-" I whispered. A radiant smile appeared on her face, "Yes, my boy. He's your wolf." She announced. I whipped back to the wolf and he bowed his head.'I'm Conan. It's nice to finally meet you in person. I've been watching over you.' His voice appeared in my head, it was deep and strong. What I would expect from an Alpha wolf.1"Why now?" I choked, keeping my eyes on the wolf... My wolf."I had to make sure you wouldn't end up like Carson." She replied. "You knew all along?" I muttered. She appeared in front of me and placed her hand on my wolf's head. He leaned into her, "I did. But I n
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#Chapter125Dominic's POV.I shoved Damon to the back and took full control. Whilst the rogues are distracted, I'll use it to my advantage. I jumped forward and swiped my paw at the rogue's neck and face, killing him instantly. I latched onto another's top leg and dragged my canines down, shredding his flesh. A rogue lunged at me but was flung across the clearing when the white wolf crashed into him.A rogue jumped at me and his claws sunk into my side. I howled out in pain and jumped back, dislodging his claws from me. I saw the white wolf look at me and I panicked, his gaze was intense. He was a stunning wolf, I can't believe he's a white wolf although,  he wasnt very white anymore, he was covered in blood.I fell to the floor and wheezed. I saw mum and my Uncle Alex jump in front of me. A protective barrier appeared whilst mum licked at my wound. It wasn't healing as quickly as it should have. I watched as the white wolf took down another 5 rogues before charging at the protecti
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#Chapter126"I'll leave you two. But we do need to talk." Amaris mentioned. Dom hummed but didn't break eye contact. She chuckled before walking out. My body aches, I'm cold and Dom is looking at me like I'm a damn 5-course meal. I know I shifted, I left the packhouse in my wolf form but was ambushed by rogues as I left. I remember trying to fight one but I couldn't get my footing. Been on all fours isn't as easy as it seems, especially when you've been walking around on 2 legs for your whole life. I don't understand why my wolf is white, I thought they were legends... Make belief. But then I thought that about the Dark Wolves. I'm hoping she comes back at some point, I have more questions for her. I know Amaris brought me back around. I heard her, she triggered the shift. I was mentally and physically exhausted from the shift that I must have passed out. What I wasn't expecting to happen was finding out Dom was my mate. As I tried lifting myself, I touched his leg and the sparks
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#Chapter127I glanced around the room, giving Ezra evils now and again. I know it's not exactly his fault, he was following orders from Rhydian but I have to sit here knowing I could be fully marked and mated by now. This is 3 years worth of tension, lust, wanting and I'm ready to boil over. My wolf isn't happy, I've not had him long and he's already pissed off with me that I didn't finish what we started. He wants his mate. I still can't believe I have a wolf though, I never thought I'd be blessed with one, not at the age of . Now, my life can really start."Dominic, what's wrong? You've had a scowl on your face since you came in here." Rhydian questioned. Dom glared at me as I snorted. "What?" Rhydian asked. "Nothing, dad." He shrugged. I bit my lip and winked at him. "Fuck off, Cal." He groaned through the link. I chuckled causing everyone to look at me. "Ok, something is definitely going on." Rhydian deadpanned. "Dominic, tell your father or I will," Amaris warned."Funny story,
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#Chapter128My heads jumbled. Nothing makes sense. My mum is the Alpha of the rogues? When? How? Why? "What the fuck does she want?" I snarled, gripping hold of the bars. "She wants revenge." He answered. "She's our Alpha, we don't question her." He added. "She's not a fucking Alpha." I sneered. Dom placed his hand on my shoulder and I took a deep breath, "Beta Caleb, go." He ordered. Conan growled in my mind at the command."Caleb." The rogue pondered before his eyes widened. "Your Carson's brother. You're twins. Of course, that's why you look like him." He nodded to himself. I growled at him and shook my head. "I'm not getting out of here, am I?" He asked. "Not likely," Dom responded. "You'll be sent to the wolf council." He added. The rogue took a deep breath before looking back at me. "Carson and your dad need you. Alpha Malia has destroyed the pack." He mentioned. A constant low growl was rumbling from my chest. "Stop calling her Alpha," I grumbled."Where are they?" Dom aske
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#Chapter129He walked backwards with our lips still connected, pulling me with him. He pulled away breathlessly and looked sheepish. I raised my brow as he stepped away. I heard a click and light filled the little cave. I glanced around with wide eyes. "What is this place?" I asked. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.There was a makeshift bed in the corner of the cave with a little wooden table next to it. To the right of me was a little chair that had seen better days, I chuckled to myself. There was a rug that filled the floor. Hanging lights were hung around the cave. It looked quite... Homely. "Um, I used to come here when it got too much back home." He answered, I furrowed my brows at him. "I came here to get away from you." He admitted, glancing at the floor. I nodded, that I can understand. "You were good at keeping it hidden... Not this place, your feelings." I chuckled. He shrugged and looked uncertain. "It's where I used to think of you." He mentione
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#Chapter130I reached up and crashed my lips into his. He moaned, I slipped my tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. I pushed my finger against his entrance, I felt him stiffen. I moved my finger slowly until I felt him relax. "Do it." His voice was hoarse, I kissed down his cheek. I kissed, licked and sucked until I reached the place where he would have my mark. I sucked causing him to moan and his cock jerked. I pushed my finger in further. I thrust my finger in and out as I felt him opening more to me.I bit down on his neck and sucked, pushing another finger in. He was tight and it was a snug fit but he didn't tense. I thrust my fingers in and out, feeling him squirm beneath me. "I've been waiting for this." I moaned. "To feel my fingers inside of you." I breathed. He moaned and spread his legs wider. "Harder," He moaned, capturing my lips and sucking my bottom lip.I thrust my fingers in and out harder, he moaned and his eyes went wide and I knew I'd found the spot. I ru
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