All Chapters of Dark Wolf Series: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
303 Chapters
#Chapter141I growled and before I knew it, I was stood over Malia's body. She was staring at me with wide eyes. "How... How did you do that?" She choked. A constant low snarling growl was coming from me. "I've got him, Cal. I'm healing his wounds." Amaris shouted through the link. But all I could see was red, she tried killing him! She tried killing my mate. Anger was bubbling through my veins. "You teleported... that's not possible." She wheezed as I pushed my paw against her chest. "He's awake, he's asking for you." Amaris placed her hand on my fur and I snapped at her. She pulled her arm back and growled back at me. I recoiled and let go of Malia. "I'm sorry. Don't let her go." I apologised through the link. I glanced around, Rhydian was sat on the floor with Dom's head resting on his lap. The rogues were all on the floor, with the warriors stood over them. I went straight to Dom and nudged his arm, whining. "I'm ok, baby." He choked, "Just sore." He added with a weak smile. "
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#Chapter142"Baby, we're home," Dom whispered before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes and sighed. I don't remember getting back to the car or the pack. I've just blocked everything out, my head hurts. All I wanna do is sleep. "I need to speak to the pack members that we brought back, do you wanna come or go up to our room?" He asked, holding a hand on my face. I smiled at him, "What?" He chuckled. "You called it our room," I answered. "It might as well be, I'll be coming there later." He shrugged. "Yes, yes you will." I groaned. "Can't you come now?" I smirked. He shook his head, "You've had a tough few hours, go relax or something. I'll be there once I've dealt with the pack." He chuckled. I climbed out of the car and watched as Carson climbed out of the car a few down from us. He stared at me, I felt sick. He was my twin brother, but we couldn't be further apart. We should have been close, we should have what Addi and Dom have. But instead, he's a stranger to me, I
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#Chapter143I bolted out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. I fell next to the toilet and gagged as the sick feeling was burning my throat. "Caleb, what's wrong?" Dom asked as he kneeled next to me. I shoved him away and turned away from him. I didn't want him to see me like this.1My full body was shaking and I was covered in sweat. My eyes felt heavy. "Baby, look at me." He murmured. "Caleb, look at me." He demanded. I turned and glanced at him. He gasped and grabbed my face gently. "What's wrong?" He panicked. I shook my head and gagged again, leaning over the toilet. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me tightly against him while I heaved. "I'm just going to get you some clothes. I have asked the doctor to come." He mentioned as he stood up. I whimpered and glanced at him, my eyes going wide. I didn't want him to leave me. "I'll be right back, you need to put something on... at least boxers." He explained as his eyes turned black. I nodded slowly and rested my head o
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#Chapter144"I'm sorry for what I did," Carson whispered. I took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling but kept hold of his hand. "I don't think I can forgive you," I whispered. I felt his hand shake and a sob escape him. "Cal, I'll be outside. I'll give you two some time to talk." He mentioned. I sat up and panic set in. "Don't leave me," I whined. "Baby, I'll be right outside." He sighed and came over to me. He gave me a short kiss and stroked my face with his thumb as he pulled back.He walked out of the room and I sighed. "So, he's your mate?" Carson asked. I took a deep breath and pressed a button on the bed to raise it. The pain was there but wasn't as bad. Being near him was working. I nodded and glanced at him. He'd raised his bed and was staring at me. "You... You look good." He muttered. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "I didn't look good." I snarled.He winced and took a deep breath, "I have no excuse for what I did, I shouldn't have done it. One minute I was fine, I wa
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#Chapter145The pain vanished as soon as we decided to give ourselves another chance. I don't like what he did but I do understand... I would have definitely done the same thing for him if the shoe was on the other foot."So, you have a wolf." He lifted his brow and smiled at me. "And you're white and have powers." He nodded. "Just the teleporting. I don't remember doing it though, but I guess I was too focused on getting Malia away from Dom." I sighed. "When did you shift?" He asked. "Not long ago at all, a couple of days ago," I replied.I told him everything. He listened and never interrupted once. We spent hours just talking and catching up. He's learned how to control his wolf, although he's calmed down since Lillian came into the world. I can feel how sincere and shocked he is about everything that went on. Dom left to sort something out with the pack but kept checking in on me now and again."So, what about dad? Can he stay?" He asked. I snapped my eyes to him and shook my
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#Chapter146After we left the hospital, we went back home to the packhouse, straight to our room. He was insatiable and he was proving his point that he was always hard for me as he said. "Dom, we need to go downstairs or something." I groaned as he stared at me from the end of the bed, his eyes hooded with lust. "Fuck no, Dom. I'm sore everywhere." I hissed. He chuckled and nodded, "Same, but I wanted to fuck your negative thoughts out of you." He replied, "Did it work?" He lifted his brow smirking. "I think you fucked everything out of me, honestly." I sighed. He chuckled and reached up. I backed away, chuckling. "Relax, Cal. I just want a cuddle." He whined. I held my arms open and he laid across my body, tangling our legs together. "Are you happy?" He asked. "I am, babe. I was afraid I wouldn't ever feel this happy but the fates are on our side." I sighed happily and scratched my fingers through his hair. He made a sort of purring sound as I did. I chuckled and kissed his hair
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#Chapter147I strolled into the office, Amaris was sat on the sofa with some files spread out on the table. "Hey love," She greeted as she glanced up. I smiled at her and looked down at the files. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Sit down, Cal," Dom replied, I turned and looked at him. He patted a chair next to him behind his desk. I went over and took a seat. "Can I ask you something?" I looked at Amaris. She nodded and smiled at me, "Is... Is Malia dead?" I muttered. She took a deep breath, "Yes." She whispered. "I'm sor-" I shook my head and gave her a small smile. "No need to be sorry. I was expecting it, I just wanted to be sure she couldn't hurt anyone else." I answered. I took a deep breath and decided that I wouldn't waste another second on my past, it's time to move forward.  "So, what's going on?" I asked, glancing between them all. "We've been looking for someone to fill your position, Caleb," Rhydian explained. I nodded slowly, "You're going to be Alpha with me, we
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#Chapter148I stood in front of the pack with Dom by my side. Mason and Ruby were on the other side of Dom and I felt content. The pack meeting was the first thing on the agenda today, he's got a whole fucking day planned. I don't think he realises we actually need to do some work for the pack, not just do each other.Everything was finally coming together, no more questions that needed answers. I was happy for once and loved, I was loved by so many people, at times it was overwhelming. Sometimes I think this is all a dream and any minute now I'm about to wake up. But it's not a dream, everything is real. My life is good."Thank you all for attending this pack meeting," Dom spoke clearly, getting the attention of all the pack. "As you all know, Caleb is our Beta but because he's my mate, he deserves a higher position." He started. The pack nodded and hummed in agreement. My chest swelled with pride, looking around at the crowd. I could see Henry stood in the back with a serious
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#Chapter1494 years later.I pulled on the blazer and straightened it out, looking in the mirror. I don't understand why I have to wear a suit, it's not like I can fight in a suit. It's been 2 years since I took the Alpha position with Dom. Everything has been quiet, there have been no rogue attacks in about a year and a half. We have settled into a nice routine together. "You look fucking amazing." Dom groaned. I grinned at him through the mirror, he was stood in the doorway with his arms crossed. "Why do I have to wear this though?" I grumbled. He chuckled and walked towards me. I spun around and held my hand up, "Oh, no, get back." I warned. His eyes darkened and he chuckled. "I was just going to straighten your tie out." He shrugged. I shook my head, "You have that look in your eye that makes me want to drop my trousers, we can't be late for this." I rolled my eyes as he threw his head back laughing. "You shouldn't look so good in that outfit." He breathed, scanning his eye
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#Chapter1505 years later.I groaned, pacing back and forth. "If you don't hurry up, I'm going to leave without you!" I yelled. "Come on, Addi will be at the hospital soon." I groaned. "I'm here, chill ou- why the fuck are you naked?" He growled. I turned and chuckled. "We're shifting, I'm not getting dressed just to shift and shred my clothes." I rolled my eyes. "We live in the middle of nowhere, away from the pack, no one will see." I grinned. He rolled his eyes and moved towards the door. We both shifted. I glanced over at him and rubbed my fur against his before we darted off through the forest. We reached the packhouse quicker than I expected. I shifted back and pulled on some clothes that had been left for me. I turned to see Dom staring at me, "What?" I shrugged. "Do you remember this tree?" His voice was thick with lust and I could smell his arousal. "No, Dom. Not know." I groaned. He chuckled and nodded his head. "If Addi wasn't about to give birth, I'd take you back o
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