All Chapters of Dark Wolf Series: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
303 Chapters
#Chapter1518 years later.I groaned and rested my head against the desk. "Have you spoken to Mason and Leon yet?" Dom asked. I mumbled a reply, one he obviously couldn't hear with my face pressed against the desk. "I'm not even sure that was English." He chuckled. I lifted my head and playfully glared at him, "You've known me twenty years, you should understand my mumbling." I chuckled. "Twenty years... How have I coped?" He groaned then smirked at me. Twenty years have passed and I'm still besotted with him. I'm obsessed with him as much as I was when I was younger, nothing has changed. "So your reply... In English please." He scoffed. I chuckled and leaned back in the chair. "I... Haven't... Spoken... To... Them..." I relayed slowly. "Ok, smartass." He rolled his eyes. "You love my ass." I retorted. "Yes, I do." He remarked. I chuckled and opened the drawer and pulled out the first file. "Ok, before you jump on me... I'll link Mase and get him to bring Leon down." I mentioned,
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#Chapter1522 years later - Leon's POV."The Dark Wolf Pack... Your new Alpha and Luna." Caleb resounded to the pack. Everyone clapped and cheered. I peered down at my Luna and beamed. I held my hand out and she placed hers in mine. Everyone bowed, showing they accepted me as their Alpha. I bowed in response. "Well, we'll be going... You've got this Alpha." Dominic smirked. "You're not staying for the party?" I questioned. "Nope, I have a hot date." He grinned. "Oh, let me know how it goes," Caleb smirked. "All I'll say is... don't expect me home." He winked at his mate as they strolled off together. "They're so happy together," Amelia breathed as she watched them shove each other before shifting into their wolves. "Yeah, so are we." I chuckled. She smiled up at me before resting her head on my shoulder. "We are." She sighed happily. "Alpha," Wade bowed at me then smirked. I shook my head and grinned, "Beta," I greeted with the same greeting. "I can't believe this. I mean, di
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#Chapter153I shove my clothes in my suitcase, not bothering to pack them neatly. I need to get out of here quick before he realises what I'm doing. I stop and wipe my face which is meaningless because the tears keep coming.6How did my life turn out like this? I was so excited about finding my mate, granted the thought terrified me but I was overall excited.The one wolf that is supposed to be yours, is made for you and will love you through anything... It sounds too good to be true and before, I would have said it wasn't but now, it is.Just because they are supposed to love you, doesn't mean they won't destroy you.I had everything planned, I was going to continue with the pup handling and work my way up to becoming a pack midwife. I was going to meet my mate, fall in love and have everything my parents have.But he had to ruin that...He broke my heart and then broke my soul.One week ago.I yawned, leaning over and switched my alarm off. I snuggled back into my blanket fo
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#Chapter154"I'll see you tonight," I called out as I pulled my coat on.I opened the door, stepping out of the house and pulled the door closed behind me.I always leave a little early for work, I like the bustle of the pack first thing in the morning. Everyone starting their morning, whether it's going for a morning run or taking their pups to school. There's always someone around.I hummed to myself as I strolled along the sidewalk."Good morning, Ayla," Mavis, an elderly wolf, waved from across the street."You caught me this morning," I chuckled as I waved back.She stands in her garden every morning, waiting to wave to me. She's done it ever since I was a pup when my mom used to walk me to school."Have a lovely day at work, Ayla," she smiled before she went back inside.My phone rang in my pocket, I pulled it out and grinned at the caller id. "Why don't you mind link me? Why do you insist on ringing me just to ask where I am?" I chuckled as I answered the phone."Becau
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#Chapter155I whimpered as my dad laid me on my bed. My mom came rushing in and shooed my dad out. "Baby, how are you feeling?" She asked as she sat beside me."It hurts..." I whimpered. I pointed to my abdomen and scratched at myself. "Stop, you'll hurt yourself," She pried my hands away and sighed.My body itched, it felt like thousands of insects were crawling on me. My heart was beating so fast, I thought I was gonna die."What else hurts?" She asked.I dragged in a breath and screwed my eyes shut. "My chest... It hurts to breathe," I wheezed, "there's something wrong with my heart... it's... beating so fast... it feels-" I choked and sobbed."It's just your heat, baby." She comforted."Mom, it's never... Never like this," I choked.She gazed at me before shaking her head. "What? Do you know... what's happening?" I cried.She looked deep in thought, occasionally shaking her head. If she knew what was causing me this pain why wouldn't she say?"It's not possible... Unless
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#Chapter156"Ayla, can I come in?" Owen knocked on my door.It's been four days since I felt that pain. My heat has come and gone so Owen has come home. Everyone has been trying to get me to talk but I have nothing to say. I won't leave my room and I have started locking my door so no one can get in."Ayla, please, unlock your door and let me in." He sighed.I ignored him and buried my head under the blanket. I feel like I've had the life sucked out of me. Yes, I wanted Ethan to be my mate but knowing my destined mate didn't think much of his, tugs at my heart more than I expected."You either unlock this door or I'm gonna kick it down." He warned. I groaned and tossed my blanket across the room.I went towards my door and unlocked it. I swung it open, "Owen, I just want to be alone," I sighed.He looked uncomfortable. He was shuffling on his feet and wouldn't look me in the eye. "What?" I shrugged."Ethan and Mateo have just arrived home." He answered. I paled and backed awa
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#Chapter157My eyes felt heavy, and it was like my heart was physically hurting. I was in the comfort of my own bed and, I could feel Owen next to me."When will she wake up, mom?" Owen whispered, his voice laced with worry."The doctor said she's in shock," mom replied with a sigh, "she needs time to come to terms with it." She added.I opened my eyes slowly and glanced at them. "Oh, you're awake!" Mom blurted. "Are you ok?" She asked.I sighed and nodded my head. "Is there anything you need?" She asked as she sat next to me. I shook my head and closed my eyes again."We'll be downstairs if you need us." She consoled, placing her hand on my shoulder and squeezing gently.She gestured her head at Owen to follow her. He stood up, glanced at me with a sad expression then followed mom out of my room.I dragged a breath in. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. I never expected this to happen. I don't know how to deal with this. My head is a mess, and nothing makes sense. I d
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#Chapter158I ran home, with tears streaming down my face. I needed to get home; I needed my parents. The bond was making me feel things I didn't know how to deal with. I wanted to rip her throat out when she called herself his mate. I've never been the violent or jealous type, but lately, that's all that is running through my mind.I ran around a corner and bumped into someone causing me to fall back. “Shit, Ayla, are you ok?” Mateo asked, rushing towards me. “Mila, she’s over here!” He yelled over his shoulder.“S- sorry,” I gasped.“No, don’t be sorry. It’s ok.” He comforted. He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me up. “Oh, Ayla!” Mila blubbered, throwing her arms around me.As soon as my head rested on her shoulder, the tears spilt out. “Shush, it’s ok.” She cooed, stroking my hair.“I-I met h-her,” I stuttered, “she’s... stunning.” I choked.She pushed me back and shook her head, “Don’t do that. Don’t belittle yourself.” She scolded.“She called herself his mate
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#Chapter159My eyes sprung open at my door flying across my room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as my dad and brother came waltzing into my room."She had earphones in... That's why she didn't hear us," Owen groaned.I laid back down and curled up. "Are you getting out of bed today?" My dad asked as he came towards me. I shook my head."Ayla, you need to, baby." He sighed.I ignored them. What I needed to do was find the courage to go and reject Ethan. But I couldn't. No matter how many times I siked myself up, I always end up a blubbering mess.They both left the room, and I stayed where I was. I spent the full day in bed. I didn't eat or drink. I only got out for the toilet, which wasn't often.My parents and Owen keep coming in and out, but I don't acknowledge them. I know they only want to help, but I just want to be left alone.I was spiralling further into a depressive state, and I couldn't pull myself out. Everything seemed dark, I was sinking deeper into darkness. I'm afr
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#Chapter160I braced myself against the wall as pain stuck in my chest. Ethan hunched over and gripped his chest."You... Know what you need to." I panted. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain from his rejection."I'm not doing it." He snarled.My eyes shot open, "why?" I choked.He's going to mark Jasmine, he needs to reject the mate bond with me. How can he mate with someone else when I'm still here? His wolf won't allow him to."But I will accept the rejection on one condition." He remarked.I held my breath, waiting for him to tell me what it's going to take for him to let me go. I'd do just about anything to get rid of this pain and heartache. I don't think I can cope much longer, it's destroying me."Spend the night with me." He stated, "We spend the night as mates than in the morning, I will accept your rejection." He added.20My eyes went wide and I choked on my breath. He wasn't serious, was he? That would only make it worse, the rejection could kill me.1"So w
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