All Chapters of Dark Wolf Series: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
303 Chapters
#Chapter171After Carson took me inside the building, I was immediately engulfed in a hug from Lillian, Carson's daughter. She's stunning... She's got the body of a walking figure model from a magazine. Her hair is jet black, long and curly. Her eyes are a deep brown. She's got a fun energy surrounding her. I could tell we were going to get along."I can't wait to be able to do placement training," Lillian burst as we sat in one of the rooms.We've been sat for the last an hour and a half, listening to a woman talk about the basics of being a midwife. It was intriguing. I wish I had brought a notepad and pen with me. I wanted to remember all of this. She gave us a little quiz to fill in, most of the stuff I knew because of my mom.1"I have a long way to go before I can do that," I chuckled."You can shadow a midwife if the she-wolf allows it. You can watch, gain knowledge and experience first hand while still training." She mentioned, "That's what I'm going to do," She replied."
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#Chapter172He let go of me and stepped back, shock written all over his face. I whimpered, bending over, clutching my stomach as the pain came back.His eyes widened as he quickly embraced me again. As he drew me into his chest, I grabbed his shirt. He numbed the pain... He took it completely away. I breathed out in relief and hid my face in his chest. I could feel eyes on us, it was embarrassing, but I would take embarrassment over pain any day.4"Alpha, take her inside." Dominic, Caleb's mate, whispered. "We'll look after Lila." He added. He went to move his arms, and I whined."I'm not letting you go." He whispered, squeezing my waist.I breathed out in relief. He kept his hand on my waist as he shuffled me backwards towards the house. No one spoke. I could feel eyes on us, though. They'll all have questions just like us."Beta Wade, take Mateo and Mila back to the packhouse. I'll be there soon." He ordered.3"Yes, Alpha." The Beta answered. I looked to where he was but co
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#Chapter173"What are we going to tell your pack?" I muttered.I was resting my head on his chest as he brushed his hand up and down my back. The feeling was ecstasy. He blocked out everything... All the negative thoughts and the self-loathing. The only thing running through my head was how close we both were."We'll tell them you're my mate and their Luna." He remarked, "but we'll do it when you're ready." He appended as he sighed.I sat up abruptly. "Oh my goddess, Luna? I can't be a Luna." I shrieked.A deep husky chuckle rumbled from his chest, and I nearly combust at the sound. He lifted his brow at me, and his eyes glowed black. I took a deep breath to calm myself."I need to go back to my pack," I sighed. A deep grumble vibrated from his chest, and he clutched my waist. "I need to speak to my family and my Alpha," I clarified.His eyes darkened as he pushed me off of him. I fell back onto the sofa as he hovered over me. "Your Alpha?" He raised his brow, smirking at me.
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#Chapter174"Mind link your dad. Tell him I need to talk to him urgently." Leon urged.I glanced over my shoulder at him. His eyes were focused on Mateo. His lips curled into a little smile as his eyes found mine. His eyes softened as he gazed at me. He reached his hand up and twirled my hair before curling it behind my ear."He's in his office waiting for your call," Mateo replied.He gave me another smile before regaining his stoic expression and nodding at Mateo. He picked up the phone on his desk and leaned forward, pressing the numbers. I heard the ringing tone and waited for Alpha Miles to answer."Alpha Miles," He greeted. I focused my hearing so I could hear their conversation."It's Alpha Leon. Ayla will be returning to your pack to gather her belongings. I will be accompanying her." He announced. I sucked in a breath as I felt him circling his thumb underneath my teeshirt."I don't understand, Alpha Leon." I could hear the confusion in his voice. Leon kept moving his
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#Chapter175Lila came running into the office and threw herself at me. I knocked into Leon because I wasn't expecting it. "Are you ok? I saw you hurting, and I was scared." She wailed.I bent down a little. I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and gazed at me. "I'm ok now." I grinned."Promise?" She begged, her voice small and croaky."Promise," I brushed my nose against hers, and she chuckled.My dad used to do that to Owen and me whenever one of us was hurt or upset. I'm not sure why, but it always used to make me feel better... I think it was more of a mind over matter situation, but it helped, and I'm hoping it does the same for Lila."That tickled," She giggled. I did it again, and she laughed, squirming in my arms."My dad used to do it to me and my brother when we were upset," I explained, "It used to make me feel better... Did it help you?" I asked, raising my brow.She nodded her head and beamed at me. "Will you do it all the time when I'm upset?"
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#Chapter176We arrived at a private airstrip... So, it's not exactly an airport, but at least it's more than a random field. I chuckled to myself.I climbed out of the car as Leon held the door open for me. A car pulled up behind us. Mila and Mateo appeared from the back seats. Wade, Leon's Beta climbed out the front seat; he waved at us when he saw us. I watched as the passenger door opened and a Brunette she-wolf stepped out.I watched as she grinned, strolling towards me. "I don't think our beloved Alpha has introduced us," she rolled her eyes, "I'm Sapphire, Leon's sister," she greeted. My eyes went wide; I didn't even know he had a sister."Figures he didn't mention me," she chuckled, "I know how shocked you both must have been." She replied, smiling at Leon.She wrapped her arms around my back and pulled me towards her. "Thank you for bringing my brother back to life." She whispered. I tightened my arms around her and sighed. "You don't know how long it's been since I've s
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#Chapter177Leon wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against his chest. "We still have a way to go, so get some sleep." He murmured as he kissed my cheek.I sighed and snuggled into the pillow. "I'm never letting you go. No one will ever hurt you again." He whispered. I sighed contentedly and quickly fell asleep.3"Wake up, Ayla... We're nearly there." Leon shook me gently, placing little kisses on my cheek. I fluttered my eyes open and yawned. "Already? That was the best sleep I've had in ages." I sighed."You slept for eight hours... You obviously needed it," he chuckled. I opened my eyes wide, "eight hours?" I choked."I woke up hours ago," he chuckled."And you've just been sat in here? Waiting for me to wake up?" I asked. He nodded and smiled, "when I said I wasn't letting you, I meant it." He bubbled. "I also wanted to be near you and hold you," he replied. He blushed; a slight pink tint appeared on his cheeks.I grinned, my stomach somersaulting at his words.
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#Chapter178Beta Jace met us at the airstrip to accompany us to the pack. I can't focus on anything; I'm too nervous."How have you been, Ayla?" He asked, glancing in the rearview mirror at me."I'm good, thank you." I beamed, "how's Eli?" I questioned."He's ok. He's enjoying going to big school as he calls it," he chuckled. I giggled and nodded.We continued the ride in silence. Leon was quiet; he was staring out of the window. He occasionally looked at me. I reached over and laid my hand in his. He joined our hands together and smiled at me. I breathed out and watched out of the window.As we neared the pack, my heart started beating quickly. My breath caught in my throat, and I struggled to breathe. I could feel the bond with Ethan pushing its way into my system. Leon unbuckled his belt, moving closer to me.3"Ayla, look at me," he urged, holding my head to keep my gaze on him. "Breath, baby," he pleaded. I gasped for breath and clung to his shirt. "We shouldn't have come,
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#Chapter179"Your parents are so welcoming." He muttered as we were sat on the sofa in my living room."They like you," I whispered as I watched my parents quarrel about the correct layout for the dinner table."Joe, he's an Alpha. He should be at the head of the table." Mom hissed."Let's ask him." Dad groaned, "Alpha Leon... where would you like to sit?" He smirked."Anywhere is fine. Next to Ayla?" He raised his brow as he answered. Mom's eyes twinkled, and she nodded.The front door opened, and Owen walked in awkwardly with Wade behind him. I smiled at them both. "Mom, dad... This is Wade... My mate," Owen proclaimed.Mom's face lit up as she made her way over to them. "I'm so glad you found your mate." She beamed, pulling him in for a hug. She stepped back and grinned at Wade before pulling him into her. Dad embraced Owen patting his back."Welcome to the family, Wade." I chuckled."Thank you, Luna." He smiled radiantly before covering his hand over his mouth.All eyes
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#Chapter180I whimpered and backed away. I knew it was too good to be true. There was no way he would want me.I kept moving until my back hit the wall. I choked back a sob as my back slid down the wall. Leon was straddling Ethan's waist; I could feel the anger radiating off of him."Joseph, grab Leon, get him off." Alpha Miles ordered.My dad grabbed Leon's shoulders and tried pulling him away. But it was no use... Leon had one goal, to destroy Ethan, and no matter what anyone said, he wasn't going to listen.3I couldn't move; I was frozen against the wall. All I could hear was Ethan's words repeating over and over like a broken record.You don't look like a Luna.You're too fat to move.His pack will never accept you.He won't love you."Stop! You're going to kill him!" Luna Emily screamed. Her scream brought me out of my state of shock. She was furious, waving her arms about everywhere."Do you not care? Ethan is your mate!" She yelled at me.3I could see his back musc
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