All Chapters of Dark Wolf Series: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
303 Chapters
#Chapter191"Leon... I know... What are you doing." I groaned as he pushed his fingers inside me deliberately slowly while lightly licking up and down over my clit.3As soon as we set the lanterns off, we were both itching to get back to the room. Amaris offered to watch Lila. You could see it in her face... She knew where we were going. As soon as we walked into the room, we were on each other. Ripping at each other's clothes and kissing anywhere we could reach.We've spent the last fifteen minutes with him going down on me... As much as I love it, I want him to fuck me, and he's doing everything else but."Yeah, I'm making you cum again," he moaned as he sucked on my clit. My toes curled as the promise of another orgasm climbed higher."You're... You're stalling," I gasped."I'm making sure you're wet enough." He groaned, sending shivers up my body. "Leon! It'll be like a slip and slide. I don't think my pussy could get much wetter!" I shrieked, bucking my hips up."Shall we
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#Chapter1926 months later..."Lila, are you ready?" I shouted from outside of her bedroom door. It's Lila's fourth birthday today.I've been told not to go in while she gets dressed. My mom took her shopping for a party outfit, but I'm not allowed to see it until she's got it on. My parents treat her as their grand-pup; they spoil her rotten when we go around to their house.I was expecting Leon to be sad and quiet today... Maybe even a little withdrawn, but he's not. I guess he's used to it, having to be strong for Lila. He's not pulling away from me or shutting me out, which I'm grateful for... I wouldn't hold it against him if he did, not today."Come in," Lila's little voice squealed from the inside of her room.I opened her door and peered around. "Oh, Lila, you look beautiful." I cooed as I went towards her. She had on a red dress that stopped just above her knees with white tights and red shoes. She looked so cute."Will you do my hair, please?" She asked.I nodded th
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#Chapter1935 years later..."Elias, Levi! Stop running around the kitchen." I groaned. "Lila, stop chasing them," I shouted.I leaned against the kitchen counter and lolled my head back as they ran outside to the backyard. We moved into our own place just after Levi was born. Leon surprised me with a house not far from where Addison's house is. She moved into Dominic and Caleb's house... She didn't want to at first, but her parents said it was going to waste otherwise; they'd want her to have it."Are you ok, baby?" Leon chuckled as he walked into the kitchen. I glared at him and shook my head."I don't remember Lila being like this when she was Levi's age." I rolled my eyes.I gave birth to Levi five years ago. The whole pregnancy was traumatic, to say the least. Leon spent the last few weeks of the pregnancy pushing me away... He wouldn't come near me. He was scared... He was worried that he was going to lose me, so he pulled away. It wasn't until little Levi came out scream
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#Chapter1947 years later...I sat on the patio in our backyard as Leon and Lila played around in wolf form. Lila turned sixteen today and shifted. She didn't want a huge party, much to my disappointment; I wanted to spoil her. She only asked for us to be there when she shifted, which I can understand, and she wants to spend the day just us. Most sixteen-year-olds want to spend the day with their friends, going shopping... Doing whatever teenagers do.Her wolf is a replica of her dad... A stormy grey with deep brown eyes. She's smaller but so much faster than him. It's funny to watch. Leon tries tackling her, but she moves out of the way before he can get to her. When she first shifted, she couldn't walk properly... She was like a baby deer; she reminded me of Bambi from the film.We're telling her about the prophecy today. We probably should have told her before, but we kept delaying it for as long as possible. We didn't want it playing on her mind, the thoughts of who she was d
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#Chapter1956 years later... Lila's POV."Are you sure you want to do this?"Dad has asked mum this question about ten times since we left the pack. Her answer is always the same..."Yes, Leon, I'm sure."I sat in the back of our car next to Levi and Elias. I can tell mum is nervous; I can feel it through our bond. From what she's told me over the years... I don't think I could do it."Elias, don't go to sleep. We'll be there soon." Levi poked Elias on his forehead. I snickered and glanced at them.Levi got his wolf two years ago. No one was surprised to find out they were mates. As they got older, their relationship grew... They became more than friends before they both turned sixteen.12Levi will be taking over as Alpha when he turns twenty-one. I was offered the Alpha position, but I'm a warrior... It's what I want to do."We're here." Dad turned around in his seat, glancing between us. I looked out of the window, frowning. "This isn't the pack," I bleated.We were in th
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#Chapter196Lila's POV.I raced along the trail, pushing myself faster and faster. I'd been cooped up on a plane, in a hotel room, which made me feel like I was suffocating then I was in a car for an hour... It felt amazing to run free and for Lola, my wolf, to focus her energy on running rather than projecting her feelings onto me.I usually don't mind been away from home, but I hate that we came to The Twilight Moon Pack.The Alpha's son, Damon, is irritating! I mean, he's relatively harmless; I could beat his ass if needed. I can't deal with the way he continually flirts with me. Emma, the Beta's daughter, I have never disliked someone as much as I do her. There's something about her that makes me want to throat punch her every time I see her.The Beta is the worse. I have no time at all for him. Beta Ethan was my mum's, first mate... He fucked her up big time. I don't know if I know the full story, but I get the gist of it... He fucked someone else, got her pregnant and th
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#Chapter197Lila's POV"Lila?"I groaned out loud, gritting my teeth together. Out of everyone, why did it have to be him?I peeped down, making sure the hoodie was covering me the best it could. Butterflies exploded in my stomach as I realised he gave me his hoodie... I know I probably only got it because I was naked in front of him, but the simple gesture warmed my heart.From what I could see of him... He looked taller than me, so his hoodie should have covered me nicely... If I wasn't curled in an inconvenient position.I had to fight against every impulse not to lift the hoodie to my face. I could smell his scent all over me and the hoodie... The hoodie is my new favourite thing."Go get my mum, Damon." I sighed."Why? I can help you." He chortled as I heard him moving forward. I snarled in warning, twisting my head to stare at him.He held his hands up in surrender and snorted before jogging away through the gates.He'd carried me back to the pack. I felt relieved he
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#Chapter198Levi's POV"If I ever see him, I'm going to kill him!" I snarled.I was pacing back and forth in the room Luna Mila has set up for Lila. Elias and I are waiting for her. She's going to say she needs to be alone, but I know her... No matter what she says, she doesn't like being alone. She doesn't want to seem like a burden."Baby, how's your magic coming along?" I whipped my head around and lifted my brow at him.He furrowed his brows at me, "It depends on what you want?" He shrugged.I groaned, pushing my hand through my hair. "Anything is good at this point," I snorted.I hate that Lila is hurting... I can sense it through our bond. She never shuts her bond down no matter what, and I'm grateful because then I know if something is wrong even when she says she's fine."If he wants to act like a little fucking-" I smirked at him, and a wicked grin smeared across my face.He bounced off the bed with a smirk on his face. He rushed over to me and paused in front of me
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#Chapter199Lila's POV."What the fuck is this?" Beta Ethan roared.I skidded to a stop and glanced over at him. Fucking Ethan... He usually stays away when he knows we're here; Alpha's orders. I love how he puts mum before his brother."An icerink... Courtesy of Elias." I smirked.He looked like he was about to pop a vein. He was fuming. His hands were in fists at his side, his nostrils were flaring, and he was scowling at me. I lifted my brow at him before giggling. I couldn't stop the laughter from erupting from my mouth."Emma! Get your ass off that ice." He commanded. Emma grimaced but quickly obliged. "I'm going to speak to the Alpha... By the time I get back, I want every single one of you out of the lake." He snarled."But... We aren't in the lake." I frowned.He growled, and his eyes glowed black. I growled back and brought my wolf ahead so my eyes would resemble his. Disrespecting another pack member isn't exactly setting a good example, but I have no respect for hi
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#Chapter200Alarix POV5I can't focus.I can't stop my fangs from extending randomly.I can't sit still.I feel like I can't fucking breathe.Ever since I saw her in the forest... She's all I can think of. I knew she was my beloved. I know it was foretold... That is all I know. My parents ordered me to leave after the seer began speaking. I was intrigued that a wolf is my beloved; my parents soon put a stop to that.They forbade it... They said I wasn't going to disgrace their bloodline with a wolf.I know what happens when you don't listen.Her wolf was stunning. She was bigger than I expected, not that I expected much as I haven't really seen a wolf before. But her human side... Fuck, she was something else altogether.When she jumped out at me, I couldn't believe it. I knew she hadn't taken a chosen mate. I could smell her innocence which only fucked with my head even more.My father told me she would... ′A werewolf will not accept a vampire into its pack... She will ta
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