All Chapters of Dark Wolf Series: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
303 Chapters
#Chapter161Alpha Miles was looking at me with a strange expression. Does he know Ethan is my mate? I know he knew about Mateo but has Ethan informed him who I am to him?"Ayla, are you ok? You don't look well." He asked.Maybe he doesn't know... I won't be telling him. I could get out of here without Ethan knowing."I'm just not sleeping well," I mumbled.He nodded and smiled at me. "So, what can I do for you? You sounded pretty urgent through the mind link." He raised his brow as he asked my dad."Miles, we've been friends for years... I'm trusting you will help my daughter." You could hear the pleading in his voice as he replied. I glanced at him and shook my head."Ayla, he needs to know. He can help." He whispered. I sighed and nodded. I stared at his desk keeping my eyes focused on the pile of papers on his fax machine.I could see a brochure close to falling onto the floor. I leaned forward and grabbed it. KS Guidance. I held it in my hand and looked back at my Alpha.
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#Chapter162I shove my clothes in my suitcase, not bothering to pack them neatly. I need to get out of here quick before he realises what I'm doing. I stop and wipe my face which is meaningless because the tears keep coming.How did my life turn out like this? I was so excited about finding my mate, granted the thought terrified me but I was overall excited. The one wolf that is supposed to be yours, is made for you and will love you through anything... It sounds too good to be true and before, I would have said it wasn't but now, it is.Just because they are supposed to love you, doesn't mean they won't destroy you.2I had everything planned, I was going to continue with the pup handling and work my way up to becoming a pack midwife. I was going to meet my mate, fall in love and have everything my parents have.But he had to ruin that...He broke my heart and then broke my soul."I wish I could take time off work and come with you," Owen grumbled.I sighed, wiping my eyes an
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#Chapter163"What are you doing here?" I asked, furrowing my brows."We're a team, you and me," Mila smirked.1"I'm here because my mate wants to go to another pack... Unmated." Mateo grumbled.10I chuckled as my eyes welling up with tears. "Oh, Ayla... Don't cry." Mila rushed over to me. She placed her fingers under my eyes. I snorted, throwing my head back laughing.When we were younger, if either of us ever started crying, we would hold our fingers under the other eyes and catch them before they fell... We didn't think we were crying then because nobody could see our tears.2"This is your pilot speaking. We will be setting off in five minutes. Please remain seated for the takeoff. We will be arriving in Devon in approximately twelve hours. Thank you for flying with Toronto Private Jets."12 hours? This is going to be the longest flight of my life.4I fastened my seat belt as I took a deep breath. I glanced over at Mila and Mateo. They were smiling and giggling at each other.
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#Chapter164We darted through the forest. Mila and Mateo were hanging back, running together, occasionally stopping to lick at each other. The pull on my heart was still there, but I ignored it to give Athena a good run.Caleb skidded to a stop, causing me to crash into him. I rolled down a little dip towards a lake. I clawed at the ground, trying to stop myself from rolling, but it was useless; I was going too fast.I took a deep breath and stopped fighting the inevitable. As I rolled, I saw the water straight ahead. One more roll, I'd be in it. I took a deep breath as I made contact with the water. I paddled up to the surface and gasped as much air as I could.I paddled towards land, shivering. When I emerged from the water, I shook out my fur. I glanced up and saw Mila, Mateo and Caleb all back in their human forms. Slowly members of the pack came into view and were gaping at me.1Mila manoeuvred her way down the little dip and giggled. My eyes were glued on everyone that was
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#Chapter165"Well, this is you," Caleb announced as he pushed the door open. I stood in the corridor of the Alpha's floor, looking around. I could feel eyes on me, but I couldn't see anyone.It made my skin crawl... Just not in the way you would expect if you knew you were been watched. I felt excited and drawn to this feeling.I sighed and turned to Caleb. "Thank you," I replied."Everything you need is in there." He mentioned.I took his hoodie off and handed it to him. A low growl passed through the corridor. I whipped my head around, trying to find the source of the sound. I glanced at Caleb, he shrugged, but I could tell by his face he knows who it was."How long until the tour?" I asked, yawning. He chuckled and smiled at me, "we'll do the tour tomorrow, don't worry." He replied.I smiled and nodded. "Thank you," I answered."Listen, I don't know what's happened, but I heard you and Mila." He took a deep breath, "if you need someone to talk to, someone who doesn't know wh
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#Chapter166His gaze was harsh. He was grimacing at me, his face full of revulsion. I could feel his eyes burning into me. I feel uncomfortable and slightly aroused... What the fuck is wrong with me?"I'm here for the training," my voice was merely a hum.He took a step forward before stopping himself. The look he gave me nearly floored me. I could see him battling with something inside of him, possibly his wolf. Hurt and pain flashed through his eyes before he quickly composed himself.His eyes darkened as his nostrils flared. He shook his head and scrunched his brows together; he looked repulsed by me. I've just had a shower... Surely I don't smell.4I took a deep breath and was hit by a strong vanilla scent with a hint of nature. My eyes went wide as his scent engulfed my senses. It was making me tingle in forbidden places.3I edged back slowly, glancing down and making sure my towel was still covering me. I looked back up at him. His eyes were skimming up and down my body.
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#Chapter167Leon's POV.4I shut her door behind me and took a deep breath. What the fuck is going on with me?I took a deep breath and leaned against the door. She's not my mate... I have a mate, well, had a mate.When she arrived at the pack, my wolf, Linus, stirred for the first time in three years. Losing Amelia destroyed us. Lila is the reason I'm still here, but Linus, it's like he died along with her. I lost my mate and my wolf.5I haven't shifted since; he doesn't come out. The only reason I'm still Alpha is because of Wade and Dominic. Dominic took the role of Alpha while I grieved and cared for my newborn pup.10Caleb mind linked me when he met them. He said whatever reason Ayla was here for, it was bad. She looked broken and fragile. I had to see her for myself. I knew she was coming with the Alpha's son and his mate, so I thought I'd greet them as they entered the pack land.What I wasn't expecting to see was a brown wolf rolling down a hill, plummeting into the water
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#Chapter168I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes, it's like I'm plagued by Ethan. All I can see is him, his voice, his scent... I just want him out of my head. I groaned internally and pulled myself up into a sitting position on the bed.I don't know what time it is... There's no clock or anything; I don't even have my phone. I could do with a drink of warm milk, which always settles me when I can't sleep. I just don't feel comfortable walking around the packhouse.I sighed and decided to just go for it. I stood up and went towards the closet to find something to put on my feet. I searched through my suitcase for my slippers, but I couldn't find them so I must have left them.My mindlink was being poked at again... My head felt like someone was constantly punching me. I paused my search to wait for the headache to fade.Ah, fluffy socks! I picked them up and looked at them; little wolves were all over the socks. I chuckled as I thought back to when I got them. Owen bought m
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#Chapter169After having warm milk with Lila, Alpha Leon took her back to bed. She made me promise I would watch Frozen with her. I couldn't say no to her; she's just so cute!I rinsed the mugs before heading to bed. I feel a little brighter than I did. My head isn't hurting anymore. I think he's stopped for tonight."You didn't have to do that," Alpha Leon's voice startled me. I glanced at the door. He was stood, leaning on the door frame."It was no problem," I muttered, "I'm going to go to bed now," I mentioned.He nodded, stepping towards me. "I accidentally broke your phone," He whispered. My eyes went wide, "how?" I asked.He looked embarrassed and a little guilty. "I was taking your phone out of my pocket, and you received a text from Ethan," He started explaining. I drew a sharp breath in as he mentioned his name. "I wanted to know what he said to you, so... I read the texts," He murmured, glancing at the floor."What did they say?" I whispered. I'm not sure I want to
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#Chapter170We made our way to the pack dining room for breakfast. I agreed to have breakfast with them because I was heading there too. Lila insisted on holding my hand, so we're walking behind Alpha Leon.He keeps peeking back at us, fixating his eyes on our hands. His facial expression gives nothing away; he's like a damn closed book I can't read.We reached the dining hall. Alpha Leon signalled for us to go in. "You need to come and sit with me," Lila chirped as she pulled me along.I looked around the dining hall... It was huge. There were two long tables pushed together in the centre of the room. All different kinds of breakfast food were scattered all over the table. Everyone that was seated at the table was watching me. Their eyes following as Lila tugged me to the end of the table.We reached the table, and Lila sat down, motioning me to sit next to her. I looked down at the table and noticed Mila and Mateo sat a few seats down. She was grinning at me. I really need to
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