All Chapters of Bad Girl Reborn: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
837 Chapters
Chapter 580: How did it turn out like this overnight?!
Poly turned to Tullia. "Do as Charlotte suggested earlier: buy the media, suppress opinions, and blur everyone's judgment. No matter what, we need to quell this issue!" "Alright." Tullia nodded and went to work. Poly leaned back, making herself a cup of coffee. She wanted to see what kind of trouble would arise if she didn't apologize. Throughout the day, Poly's PR team worked tirelessly, buying off articles, deleting comments, spending a considerable amount of money. It did have some effect; the public opinion wasn't as harsh as expected. After all, her established image, though tarnished by recent events, still had some credibility. Many uninformed people believed the conspiracy theories and thought she might be framed. Poly felt a sense of relief. In the hotel, Poly raised her glass to Charlotte. "Charlotte, thanks to you. I knew I didn't make a mistake in choosing you. With an outstanding student lik
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Chapter 581: Fate brought you here
Diana patted his shoulder, "Just take the photo and show us afterward." "Sure," Jackson replied uncertainly. Diana dashed back to John, grabbed his hands, and stood on tiptoes, puckering her lips as if about to kiss. John's eyes sparkled, and he bent down, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. Diana froze for a moment, then burst into laughter. "John, not like that! I was posing for a kiss, not actually trying to kiss you." John looked slightly awkward. Diana continued to laugh, "Why are you so adorable? I love you so much!" Jackson, still holding the camera, felt awkwardly stranded, regretting his decision to follow them. Diana dragged John into various poses, then turned to Jackson. "How did it turn out? Did you get a good shot?" "Uh, should be decent." "Let me see." Diana rushed over, grabbed the phone, and glanced at the photos. Upon seeing them, she was instantly taken aback. "
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Chapter 582: Why do you believe in these things?
Then John walked away with Diana. Suddenly, a delighted voice came from behind, "Sir, you are truly handsome and kind-hearted. How about I give you another free fortune-telling? Let's see your future financial luck..." However, Diana quickly walked out, linking her arm with John's to escape the old woman. Afterwards, Diana couldn't help but ask, "Why do you believe in these things?" "Better to believe than to dismiss," John looked at her. "Did you hear her? She said you should be with me." I knew you would think that! Diana sighed, "She even said I willl have a disaster of bloodshed." Upon hearing this, John's expression changed slightly. Seeing his reaction, Diana immediately reassured him, "It's all nonsense, don't believe it..." "You're bleeding." Huh? Diana was startled, then felt a warmth in her nasal cavity. She reached up and touched it. Nosebleed. Diana: ...
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Chapter 583: What kind of performance is this?
Leah turned away without saying anything. Offending Wesley wouldn't benefit her in the long run during the shoot. She picked up the script and approached Amelia. "Alright, let's begin." It was a confrontational scene between the female lead, Mireille, a top graduate from the best art university, and Nolwenn, a wealthy heiress. Amelia, holding the script, started her lines. "Mireille, right? I heard you're the student representative this time. Where did you learn the piano?" Leah remained calm. "I'm sorry, I don't know you." As she uttered the first line, Amelia immediately frowned. "Leah, are you acting or just reading lines? There's no emotion at all. Are you paralyzed or something?" She then looked at Wesley beside her. "Wesley, look at this acting; it's beyond salvation! How did she land the lead role?" Wesley, with a hint of surprise on his handsome face, coughed lightly. "Leah might be nervous; a fe
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Chapter 584: Leah is going to be a star!
Amelia muttered, "Got it." After Leah left the stage, she began preparing for the second scene. Emily leaned in, unable to contain her excitement. "Leah, you were amazing just now! It totally exceeded my expectations!" She had been nervously watching Leah from the sidelines, prepared for the possibility of Leah getting scolded by Director Brand. But Leah unexpectedly delivered a flawless performance! Watching the stunning girl in the chair, Emily's eyes sparkled: Leah is going to be a star! Suddenly, a voice from the side interrupted, "Leah." Emily turned around, only to be met with a remarkably handsome face. She was almost tempted to scream. "...Wesley!" Wesley approached Leah, "Leah, what happened just now?" "I said I take time to warm up. I'm a slow starter, and now I'm heated up." Leah was dead serious, leaving Wesley momentarily speechless. Arms crossed, he hesitated before
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Chapter 585: I must be the one on top
Leah looked at Amelia in surprise. "Amelia, doesn't your conscience hurt? You barged in all of a sudden, furious with me without a word, and even laid hands on me. Emily can testify." Hearing this, Emily quickly responded, "Yes, I was resting with Leah when Amelia suddenly came in, accusing Leah of deceiving her and getting furious..." Amelia, angered, interrupted her, "Shut up!" She glared at Emily, then turned to Leah, "Emily is your assistant, of course, she would take your side! Her words are not trustworthy. I'm the one who got hurt, I'm the one she hit!" "Are you still trying to defend yourself?!" Wood cut her off. "I saw everything clearly at the door. It was clearly you bullying Leah!" As Wood spoke, Wesley furrowed his brow. He looked at Amelia. "I saw it too; it looked like you were about to hit Leah while grabbing her hair." "Wesley, it's not like that..." As soon as Wesley frowned at her, Amelia changed her
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Chapter 586: Are you blind?
Wesley lowered his head slightly, looking at the incredibly beautiful girl in front of him, and his breathing became a bit irregular for a moment. Actually... He was lying. She was pretty. More beautiful than any girl he had ever seen. Long, butterfly-wing eyelashes, snow-white skin, rosy lips, and bright, seductive fox-like eyes that traced a slightly upward curve at the corners, extremely attractive. And now, these beautiful eyes were staring at him. Leah lowered her gaze, blinked at his stunned expression, hooked her lip, and then uttered three words. "Are you blind?" Wesley: ... ??? What?! When he snapped out of it, it felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over him from head to toe. Damn! She actually called him blind?! Director Brand gave a reminder, "Wesley, Leah, are you ready? Let's start shooting as soon as you're ready." Leah nodded, "R
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Chapter 587: What kind of hacker are you?
"In the entertainment industry, isn't this kind of thing normal?""It might be normal..." Emily paused, then furrowed her brows, "but anyone in this situation would feel upset. And you don't know, Amelia's team has a lot of clickbait accounts, they're experts at controlling public opinion. There was a case before where an actor offended Amelia, and then the actor was nearly driven to depression and suicide.""Don't worry, she won't beat me to that." Leah lay on the bed, smiling lightly, "And haven't you heard a saying?""What?""Good and bad luck go hand in hand. This might turn out to be a good thing for me."...In a dimly lit office, Poly paced restlessly. She had recently received another mysterious document, much like the one before, containing only one message: confess to framing Joe ten years ago, apologize, and retire within twenty-four hours. However, this time, there was an additional condition—she had to relinquish all her a
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Chapter 588: She was utterly defeated.
Charlotte reached out, pushing Poly's hand away, then picked up her bag and headed towards the door. Poly was shocked, "Charlotte, where are you going?!" "Since you've already made a choice, I respect your decision." Charlotte's tone was indifferent, "But after you leave the scene, we won't have any relationship." "What do you mean? Are you going to cut ties with me, not caring whether I live or die?!" Poly's eyes flashed with disbelief. Charlotte frowned, "You are at a dead end now, what can I do to help?" "Your Patel family is influential, Charlotte. Use Patel's resources, help me! If the Patel family does its best to protect me, maybe I still have a chance..." "I'm afraid I can't help with that." Charlotte interrupted her, refusing outright. Now, no matter which choice is made, Poly is ruined. For Charlotte, Poly has lost her value. So why should she use Patel's power to help her? It w
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Chapter 589: The internet is full of negativity about you
Diana decided to distribute part of the money to the designers Poly had deceived over the years and donate the rest to charitable organizations. After finishing everything, Diana picked up her phone, ready to scroll through the online discussions that were currently brewing. To her surprise, she came across a familiar topic after a few glances. ["Music of Love" female lead] Isn't this Leah? What's going on? Curious, Diana clicked on the topic and took a look. The posts were filled with sarcastic remarks about Leah, accompanied by a group of trolls hurling insults in the comments. This is not looking good. Diana couldn't help but almost burst into laughter at the audacity of it all. This momentum, why did it feel like someone was plotting against her? Leah, true to form, had managed to make enemies so quickly. Diana took out her phone, checked the time – it was past nine in the evening, an
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