All Chapters of Bad Girl Reborn: Chapter 831 - Chapter 837
837 Chapters
Chapter 830: I just increased the dosage a bit
“Mind your own business!” Misoup kicked at him, her expression fiery.Kirin quickly released her wrist, catching her ankle with one hand and swiftly tripping her other leg. Misoup, not one to go down easily, grabbed his collar and used the momentum to swing herself up, clinging to Kirin to avoid falling.Kirin, momentarily stunned, instinctively wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her. His hand, however, landed on something soft.For a split second, time seemed to freeze. Misoup’s body went rigid, hanging onto him like a lifeline. Their eyes locked in a moment of mutual shock.Kirin’s eyes darted down to where his hand rested – right on Misoup’s chest.Both of them stared, speechless, at the awkward position.Misoup’s face flushed a deep red as the realization hit her. “What the—”Kirin’s hand trembled as he quickly withdrew it, letting her down gently. Misoup, stunned by the unexpected contact, stood frozen in place, her face
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Chapter 831: I never said I’d eliminate it completely
Under the concerned gazes of everyone, Yosef suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and collapsed against the edge of the tub."Shit!"Kirin's expression changed, and he kicked open the door. A strong medicinal scent hit them, and they instinctively covered their noses and mouths. The fumes were toxic, and inhaling too much could lead to poisoning.Godber quickly moved over and pulled Yosef, who was drenched, out of the tub. Yosef was wearing only a towel around his waist, his upper body bare. Godber immediately noticed the unnatural heat radiating from Yosef's body and how his face was as pale as death, though his lips were unusually red.Patrick grabbed a robe and hurriedly draped it over Yosef. "Get Mr. Nelson to the bedroom and call Doctor Zhang immediately!"A subordinate nodded and rushed to make the call.Godber carried Yosef swiftly to the bedroom. After laying him on the bed, Patrick knelt beside it, anxiously calling Yosef's name.
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Chapter 832: I was just their punching bag
OutsideAfter leaving the bedroom, Kirin struck the nearby wall with a clenched fist, frustration etched across his face."I can't believe we're just standing here watching Mr. Nelson walk to his death... and there's nothing I can do about it.""This was Mr. Nelson's choice. We need to respect that," replied Godber, leaning against the wall and rubbing his brow, looking equally weary.Turning his head, Godber glanced at Patrick. "Did you send out the message Mr. Nelson wanted us to release?""Yes, but it needs to be done gradually. Carl is cautious, so we have to lure him out slowly," Patrick said, frowning. "I have no idea where he's hiding now."Mr. Nelson was nearly exhausted and determined to become a Voodoo Lwa. There was no way he could muster the energy to hunt down Carl, the slippery fox. They could only wait for Carl to surface.Kirin calmed down for a moment, then said, "I don't get it. If Mr. Nelson had decided to deal with
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Chapter 833: Ghosts?!
“When he dies.” Carl reached out and plucked a jasmine flower, twirling it in his fingers. “Even if my dear cousin is on his last breath, we can’t afford to be careless. The moment he dies, we move.”Then, a thought crossed Carl's mind.“Is there any word from Ivana?” he inquired.“No.” Isolde shook her head slightly. “Recently, John left Cloud City, and we suspect Ivana went with him.”She frowned slightly as she finished speaking.“Ivana was never really one of us. Do you think she might betray us?”A flicker of light passed through Carl's eyes, which then hardened with resolve.“Find out where John went as soon as possible.”John's sudden departure from Cloud City was indeed suspicious. Was there someone else out there who could save Diana?...Deep in the ForestNightfall had draped its inky blanket over the forest, casting an eerie silence.In front of the Hag's cave lay a large clearing, where
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Chapter 834: I must save her
"Yes, I have. Nothing serious," John replied, his voice softening slightly. "Thanks for all your hard work."Jacob, feeling a bit guilty, responded, "It’s no trouble... When do you think you’ll be back?""I can't say for certain, but we'll return as soon as possible," John said coolly. "Just get that song translated quickly.""Understood."…Jacob was efficient. Early the next morning, John received the file from Jacob. It contained the translated lyrics of the Hag's song:“Tonight, I wait in vain. Yesterday, you held me close. Now you’re gone, my love. Where are you now, my love? You said you'd be here tomorrow...”As he read the translation on his phone, John's brows furrowed, deep in thought. He scrolled down further, finding the song's origin and explanation.While he was engrossed in reading, there was a sudden commotion near the cave. John turned slightly to see the Hag, carrying a basket and wrapped in a headscarf, totte
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Chapter 835: Heart's Desire
But John didn't move.Instead, he stepped forward.“For my wife, I’m willing to give up everything, but that doesn’t mean I’ll make a foolish sacrifice.”His voice was calm and steady. “Just because you were betrayed, you think all men are liars and all love is fake. You hide in this dark cave, but what are you really running from?”A flicker of surprise passed through the Hag's eyes.“I don't know what you're talking about!”John didn't reply.He continued to slowly advance towards her. “Everything I’ve told you is true. For my wife, I’d give up everything, including my life.”He stopped right in front of her, his eyes full of emotion, radiating an irresistible presence.His piercing, unyielding gaze made the Hag freeze for a moment.His eyes were sharp, firm, and fearless.“As long as I see my wife safe with my own eyes, you can take my life if you want it.”The Hag's face darkened.“Why sho
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Chapter 836: She was consumed by hate.
Inside the cave.The Hag sat listlessly next to a tattered bronze mirror, her gnarled face reflected in its tarnished surface. Her lips trembled as she stared at the grotesque image before her. With a sudden snap, she slapped the mirror down onto the table, as if to suppress the painful memories it evoked.Every glance at her own face reminded her of the deep betrayal she had suffered.Her lover, Poma, had betrayed her.She remembered how her father had disapproved of their relationship. She had threatened to end her own life, leaving her father with no choice but to relent. On their wedding day, her father gave her a pot of flowers, saying that this "Heart's Desire" could test a person’s true feelings. He wanted Poma to water it with his own blood to prove his sincerity.But she couldn’t bear to see her beloved hurt. She trusted the sweet promises he made, so much so that she taught him the long-lost secrets of voodoo medicine herself.And
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