All Chapters of Bad Girl Reborn: Chapter 611 - Chapter 620
827 Chapters
Chapter 610: Aren't you having a meeting?
“This bad man is just too sensitive.” Diana silently complained, sizing him up. The man sat in the chairman's seat not far away, his handsome face, as usual, calm and collected. But those narrow eyes exuded a chilling intensity, sharp as ever. After glancing at her for a moment, John paused for a few seconds. Then, he slowly turned his head. Looking down at the executives below, he slightly parted his thin lips. "Continue." Diana: ...Ignoring me?! Damn. This bad man has some nerve. First, he hung up the phone, and now he's ignoring her?! Frustrated, Diana rolled her eyes. Well, considering how good-looking he is, she was willing to bow her head for the sake of this eye candy. At this moment, the people in the office were on edge. Gazing at the man sitting at the head, whose demeanor was as cold as frost, a wave of fear and unease swept through them. The oppres
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Chapter 611: Being jealous and being aware aren't mutually exclusive
A sigh escaped Diana as she started explaining, "Wesley recognized me as the gaming legend Z-God. He's just a devoted fan, no ulterior motives. Don't misunderstand." "He grabbed your hand." "The video was blurry; he actually grabbed my sleeve." Diana rolled her eyes inwardly. "He wanted my contact information." "And you gave it to him?" John raised an eyebrow. "...Yeah." Why did she have to bring this up voluntarily? "...I gave it because he genuinely admires me. He's not interested in me; he likes Leah. His attitude towards me is just admiration. You can see he doesn't treat me like a girlfriend..." Diana hurriedly clarified herself. Upon hearing this, John's eyes narrowed slightly, and he uttered three words, "I already knew." Diana: ??? "You knew?" "Yeah," John replied. The moment he saw the video, he had someone investigate Wesley. Diana was utterly bewildered. "If you knew, why did you act j
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Chapter 612: She had received training in fighting skills?
Bernard couldn't help but say, "John, you should be aware of Kismet's feelings for you. If you let them go like this, I'm afraid your fiancée will be mistreated." "Whatever happens later, I won't mind. I hope Mr. Butler won't mind either." "Of course." Bernard agreed. Kismet grew up around him, externally gentle but internally strong, not someone as delicate as Diana could compete with. Later, Diana might come back crying. ... Kismet walked with Diana onto the golf course, handing her a golf club from the side. "Go ahead and play on your own," she said. "But didn't you say to play together?" Diana tilted her head innocently. "You don't even understand the rules; how can you play?" Kismet frowned. "If I don't understand the rules, you can explain them to me," Diana squatted down, drawing circles on the ground. "Are you afraid you'll lose to me later if we play?" What?! Hearing this
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Chapter 613: She seems to be hiding some impressive techniques
"The rules for wrestling: whoever's back touches the ground first loses," Kismet explained, ready to attack. Diana stood still, unmoving. After a while, Kismet couldn't wait any longer and cautiously approached. She wondered, does this woman really know close combat? With no signs of defense, Diana seemed nothing like someone knowing fighting skills. Kismet, finding an opportunity, swiftly moved, grabbing Diana's neck and trying to trip her legs. But to her surprise, Diana's legs stayed planted like they were welded to the ground. Kismet was shocked. She increased her strength, but it had no effect. What's going on?! Perplexed, Kismet suddenly felt a tightness around her waist. Diana had caught her. She tensed up, distancing herself slightly, watching Diana warily. But the girl's eyes shone with brilliance on her stunning face. With a hint of mischief, Diana remarked, "Mis
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Chapter 614: Were her future sisters-in-law arguing?
Unable to resist, she puckered her lips and lightly kissed the corner of his mouth. Colin's calm expression suddenly faltered. "Someone's watching." "What's there to be afraid of? The lights are dim." "There are too many people." Colin spoke slowly. In the dim light, Leah saw the fair-skinned face of the guy slowly turning red. Embarrassed. Damn... Knowing he was a bit reserved in crowds, Leah became more eager to tease him. She leaned in and blew a breath into Colin's ear. Colin: ... Now his ears turned red too. "Colin Darling, you're too cute~" Unable to control herself, Leah put her hand on his thigh. And then, moved suggestively. Ha. What would his reaction be? Leah was full of anticipation. Colin lowered his eyes, silent for a while. Then suddenly stood up. He was leaving. Leah: !!! "I'm sorry, I'
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Chapter 615: His voice sounded somewhat familiar?
"Wow! Ben looks so handsome. Capture this moment, capture it!" Diana snapped away, suddenly turning to Liora beside her. "Dr. Jephson, do you think Ben looks good in this outfit?" Liora, legs crossed, lips slightly curved, responded with two words. "Very handsome." Observing the radiant young man on stage, her gaze hinted at a deeper contemplation. His physique seemed even better than before, likely due to intensified training during this period. Without his clothes on, he would probably look even better. "Ah!" As the trio appeared, the audience erupted into a deafening scream. Countless people waved glow sticks, shouting the names of the three performers. The previously relatively quiet atmosphere transformed as if a boulder had been thrown into a lake, creating massive ripples. The frenzy of cheers continued unabated, echoing for a prolonged period. Ben extended his slender inde
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Chapter 616: This guy's hand could cut off the other guy's head!
Godber showed a relaxed expression, "Of course, just here to watch the FOT concert." Diana's gaze darkened. She would not fall for his trick! "If you came to find me, we can talk outside." Leaving this guy here is like having a time bomb. But Godber shrugged. "I'm off today, just here to relax and watch the FOT concert. As for kidnapping you or anything, we can discuss that during my working hours." Diana: "Get out." Godber looked innocent, "Are you being unreasonable? I bought a ticket to get in here." "I'll refund you double the ticket price, now get out." "Tsk, sorry, can't comply." Godber said this and suddenly raised his hand, reaching toward Liora's neck beside him. Diana's pupils suddenly contracted. This guy's hand could cut off the other guy's head! Diana instinctively reached out and grabbed his wrist. A crisp sound. The people who were watching t
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Chapter 617: It seems I came at the wrong time
Ben, on the floor, had his pants down to his knees, revealing red underwear. The two men locked eyes, creating an ambiguous atmosphere that seemed to exude a hint of "gay." The expressions on Liora and Diana's faces became increasingly complicated as they watched the scene unfold. After a moment, Diana cleared her throat slightly, bringing the attention back to the two on the ground. "Cough, Ben, mind the occasion." Ben finally snapped out of it and quickly pushed Leo away, scrambling to stand up, trying to buckle his pants. Nervously adjusting his belt, he turned to see Liora at the door. With an inexplicable sense of being caught in the act, he stammered, "Uh, I... I..." Liora clicked her tongue, "It seems I misunderstood your sexual orientation earlier." Ben was taken aback, "Misunderstood? No, no, no, there's no misunderstanding... Dr. Jephson, it's not what you think..." Diana touched her nose, hidi
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Chapter 618: From today on, you're mine...
"What are you... doing?" "A gift for you, just me, silly boy." Liora reached out, teasing Ben's nose. In Ben's astonished gaze, her red lips met his. Covering his. Ben widened his eyes, feeling the softness on his lips, a "boom" resounding in his head. Exploding like a firework. A buzzing in his mind, utterly losing his ability to think. He reached out, pinching his own thigh. Ouch! Not a dream! Ben placed both hands by his sides, clenching and relaxing. Finally, unable to resist. To hell with reason! He reached out, grasping Liora's slender waist, closing his eyes, deepening the kiss. She was too fragrant, too sweet. And too seductive. What he had dreamt of a thousand times was finally coming true, and his heart trembled with excitement. He held the beauty in his arms, fully immersing himself in the kiss. Completely abandoning reaso
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Chapter 619: You have ten seconds to resolve this
Kirin stood still, unmoving. His eyes subtly glanced towards Yosef on the bench, seemingly waiting for him to speak. Seeing his expression, the burly man realized that Yosef was the decision-maker. He impatiently shouted towards Yosef, "Hey, make your people behave and give me the ball already!" Yosef, holding a pen, finally showed some movement. He slowly raised his head, and his narrow eyes swept over the burly man's face. The burly man was slightly taken aback. The man appeared pale and weak, lacking any intimidation. However, the slightly melancholic gaze made him involuntarily uneasy. "What's with that look? Didn't you hear what I just said?" the burly man scowled. Yosef's phoenix eyes narrowed, and he remained silent for a while before speaking, "Kirin." At the mention of his name, Kirin's face darkened as he handed the basketball to the burly man. "Fine, take it!" The burly man, with a triumphant attitude, took the baske
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