Semua Bab Bad Girl Reborn: Bab 641 - Bab 650
823 Bab
Chapter 640: Genetic testing
John's eyes flickered, his gaze falling on the letter in Jackson's hand, emitting a hint of coldness. Jackson felt a bit uneasy. John: "Burn it." "Yes." As Jackson turned to leave, he was suddenly called back. "Wait." Diana put down her fork and reached out her hand. "Give it to me." Jackson hesitated for a moment, instinctively glancing at John sitting by the table. Seeing John's expression unchanged, Jackson hesitated slightly before slowly passing the letter to Diana. Diana took it, opened it, and scanned through a couple of lines, her surprise evident. "Max is sick... And, Christopher took advantage of our previous collaboration, causing significant damage to the company. We're in big trouble. If this continues, we'll be bankrupt soon," she said, looking up at John. He remained calm, his handsome face betraying no emotion. Diana was puzzled. "Do you know about this?" "Yeah," he replie
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Chapter 641: Don't worry, there must be something going on.
Jacob got up. "Let me get you a glass of water." "No need to trouble yourself. I wanted to ask you something," Diana said. "How's Jenny been lately? She hasn't been to the studio for days. Could she be secretly dating someone?" Jacob shook his head. "I've been quite busy lately, so I'm not entirely sure, but... dating? I doubt it. Jenny already has someone she likes." He sighed slightly. "She's quite stubborn. Once she sets her sights on someone, she doesn't easily change her mind." "I see..." Diana sounded disappointed. Because Diana might not get to witness Frank's jealousy drama. "Anything else?" Jacob asked. Diana shook her head. "No, it's nothing. I just felt Jenny's behavior was a bit unusual these past few days, so I thought I'd ask you. But never mind." Diana stood up, ready to leave. At that moment, someone pushed the window nearby. It suddenly swung open, and an unidentified object rolled in.
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Chapter 642: Let's collaborate in the future instead.
"Yes, instead of keeping Leah, who's uncertain, it's better to go with someone more popular. It's foolproof." "Wesley and Amelia's pairing marketing has been so successful. If they play the lead roles, the ratings will surely be stable." Upon hearing this, Wesley, who had been sitting there with a sour expression, finally reacted. "Pairing marketing?" he snorted. "What kind of pairing marketing am I with Amelia? It's all just the company's one-sided marketing. Between me and her, we're not even acquaintances." He said it without hesitation. In front of everyone, Amelia's face turned pale, feeling like she had been slapped in the face publicly. Utterly embarrassed. For the sake of that Leah, Wesley actually publicly humiliated her!? She was about to speak up when Campbell couldn't help but speak first. "This is the company's marketing strategy, beneficial to both of you. Wesley, mind your words!" "Oh? Wha
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Chapter 643: Apologize to Miss Phillips!
Amelia's heart skipped a beat, suddenly sensing a foreboding. Then, Amelia heard Vince say, "For the role of the female lead in 'Music of Love' this time, it will be Leah. At Hudson Entertainment, there are no objections." The room fell silent for three seconds after his words. When everyone snapped back to reality, their faces registered astonishment. Amelia looked as if she'd been struck by lightning. "What... What?!" Campbell was also dumbfounded. "What are you saying? Weren't you here to cast Amelia as the female lead?" Vince completely ignored him. He nodded to Brand, the director, and Wood, "Sorry for the inconvenience, let's continue with the shoot as usual." Then he turned to Leah. His attitude took a 180-degree turn. He slightly bowed, full of apology, "Miss Phillips, I apologize for this matter. Hudson Entertainment has no objections to you playing the female lead role. I hope there are
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Chapter 644: I'll throw myself at him
Nighttime at the Thompson residence. After finishing dinner, Diana lounged in the bathtub, enjoying the warmth of the water while squeezing the rubber duck floating beside her. In the midst of her relaxation, her phone suddenly rang. She reached for it and saw Leah's name on the caller ID. Diana tapped the speakerphone button and placed the phone beside her. "Why are you calling now?" "Oh, just finished shooting all afternoon, you know, lead actress, busy." Leah sounded cheerful, then couldn't contain her excitement, "Girl, I have to say, your man's mojo is really something. Watching Amelia with her dad today, I almost burst out laughing." Diana couldn't help but smirk, "And how do you plan to thank me for that?" "Thank you? If anyone deserves thanks, it's John. I should just tie you up and deliver you to his bed to express my gratitude." Diana snorted, "Tie me up to go to his bed? All he has to do is sh
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Chapter 645: It's all your fault from last night
It was... John?!!! With that instant thought, Colin instantly understood what was happening inside. He turned around, quickly walking back to his own room. Because he was in such a hurry, he lost one of his slippers. He didn't have time to care and hurried back to his room. At this moment, he was just thankful that he was the only one at home. If dad or brothers were here... He dared not think about it. ... The next day. Diana was a bit late. With two dark circles under her eyes, she slowly descended the stairs, looking at the empty dining table, feeling a sense of resignation. Luckily, there was no one at home, so she could indulge with John. Last night, she really was on the top, but it was no different from being under him...The one in control was still John. She turned her head, looking at John behind her. The man was wearing a black shirt, with long legs and a
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Chapter 646: Women's intuition is truly terrifying
Spotting Yosef, a smile instantly lit up Marlowe's face. "Yosef!" She called out and then swiftly pushed Kirin aside, saying, "Move!" Marlowe hurried over to Yosef. "Yosef, what was that noise just now? It was so jarring." "Jarring?" "Yeah, it sounded like someone was sawing right next to my ear, terribly unpleasant." Yosef remained silent, a glint of something passing through his eyes. Beside him, Godber stroked his chin. Can't deny, that's quite an accurate description. Seeing Yosef not responding, Marlowe continued, "How are you feeling? Patrick said you were resting." "Nothing serious," Yosef replied flatly. "Do you need something?" "Yes!" Marlowe looked at him expectantly. "Yosef, I'm participating in the finals of the New Talent Design Competition tomorrow. I've chosen two dresses, but I can't decide which one is better. Can you help me choose?" Yosef remained indifferent. "
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Chapter 647: She came here to discuss serious matters!
"It's not that." Marlowe furrowed her brows, thinking of Yosef's indifferent and aloof demeanor. She bit her lip, feeling a sense of helpless despair. She spoke slowly, "I remember a long time ago... he wasn't like this." Since she was young, Marlowe had often been in contact with Yosef. Back then, he wasn't like this. Although his expression was always calm, and he didn't speak much... Back then, he had warmth. One could even say he was gentle. But not like now. His light-colored pupils, deep as the sea. Even standing right in front of her, he felt unreachable. There seemed to be nothing in his eyes or heart, emanating an icy detachment. It even felt... Terrifying. Marlowe subconsciously clenched her lips. The assistant spoke softly, "Miss Marlowe, Mr. Nelson has accompanied you to Cloud City to participate in the design competition. He must have some regard for y
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Chapter 648: The road is too narrow
With Yosef's command, the driver had no choice but to press hard on the gas, driving alongside the Bentley, neither yielding to the other, both speeding forward. Cloud City's renowned art center bustled with activity as the afternoon unfolded, with a steady stream of elites and celebrities arriving at the entrance.  Although the event primarily targeted relatively unknown newcomers, its prestige was undeniable. Many design maestros had risen to prominence through this competition, paving their way to success.  Suddenly, two luxury cars careened through the streets, causing a stir as they screeched to a halt side by side at the venue's entrance. The high-speed collision sparked a cacophony of metal scraping against metal, accompanied by a shower of sparks. As the cars came to a stop, onlookers gradually regained their composure, assessing the situation and the damaged vehicles. Both were exquisitely expensive—a limited edition Maybach
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Chapter 649: Desserts
Diana placed her phone back in her bag and left the bathroom, turning on the tap to wash her hands. As she finished washing, she was about to turn around when she heard a faint voice behind her. "Madam." Diana turned to see a cold-faced little girl. "Little Misoup?" Diana embraced Misoup, rubbing her head affectionately. "What are you doing here?" "The boss sent me to protect you. The investors behind this competition are the Nelsons. You need to be careful." The Nelsons? Diana paused for a moment. What a twist of fate. How did she get involved with that psycho again? "I understand. Let's head to the waiting room." Diana led Misoup towards the waiting room. As they reached the door, she opened it and stepped inside. There were six participants in the final, including her. Inside, three men and two women were already present. Diana's gaze swept over them, pa
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