All Chapters of Bad Girl Reborn: Chapter 671 - Chapter 680
813 Chapters
Chapter 670: Open it and take a look
Suddenly, a spark ignited in one corner of the room. Soon, the entire room was ablaze. The young man's eyes widened in panic as he pushed against the window, trying to get in. But no matter how hard he tried, the glass in front of him remained unmoved. He stood in place, watching helplessly as the woman inside the room merged with the flames... John's eyelids trembled violently. The next moment, he snapped his eyes open. His almond-shaped eyes filled with fear. But in less than a second, they quickly regained composure. The dream again... John massaged his forehead, letting out a deep sigh. Coming to his senses, he noticed his phone vibrating on the bedside table. He lowered his gaze. Seeing Diana sleeping soundly in his arms, he breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. He didn't wake her up. Bending down, he gently kissed Diana's hair and smelled the fam
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Chapter 671: I've also wished I wasn't your son
John paused, his voice turning colder. "But let's look on the bright side. You don't have much time left. You might not even make it to the trial before you are dead." With each word he spoke, Max's complexion grew uglier. Sitting on the bed for a moment, Max suddenly chuckled. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Fine, I'll transfer." At his words, Eva, who was standing by, turned her head in surprise, unable to hold back. "Max, are you... are you really going to do this?" Max reached out and grabbed her hand. "If I can't fill this hole, my properties and cars will be confiscated. I don't have much time left anyway. These things don't matter anymore. But what about you?" "Max..." Eva's eyes shimmered with gratitude. Taking the stock transfer document Ethan had prepared long ago, Max held the pen, his hand trembling as he slowly filled out the paperwork. Ethan took it, double-checked, then nodded at John. John's
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Chapter 672: Too many people want me dead
The memories that he had buried deep within him, thinking they were illusions, suddenly became vivid. He remembered a sunny afternoon when Ruby looked at the roses he planted for her and smiled faintly, saying, "I really like them." And when he worked late into the night, falling asleep on his desk, he vaguely felt someone covering him with a blanket. Then, he forcefully demanded her that night, and she, with tearful eyes, said, "I didn't betray you, I just wanted to say goodbye to him..." In his fury, he couldn't hear her. Memories flooded back, the past he had deliberately hidden away, now occupying his entire heart like madness. Max covered his eyes with his hands, tears rolling down through his fingers. He suddenly realized that perhaps, very early on, Ruby had loved him. But at the crucial moment, he didn't trust her. It was his suspicion and sensitivity that ruined her life. And destroyed their fut
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Chapter 673: The deeper the ambition, the more perfect the disguise.
Carl lifted his head slowly, "Family head, did you summon me for something?" However, Yosef remained silent, his eyes scrutinizing him with a faint air of suspicion. Carl stood his ground, keeping his composure. After a while, Yosef uttered a single word, "Sit." Carl nodded and approached, taking a seat on the sofa facing Yosef. The two of them faced each other, a corpse lying between them. The scene was unsettlingly bizarre. Yosef spoke calmly, "I've been reviewing the performance of the territories you oversee in northern Europe this past year, and overall, the profitability has been exceptional..." Carl flashed a modest smile, "Thank you for acknowledging..." "Too... exceptional." At Yosef's words, Carl's smile froze. Behind his glasses, a glint of unease flashed momentarily before fading away. He lowered his head, "Family head, I'm not sure I understand." "Is that so? I've alw
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Chapter 674: Promising not to cause any trouble
Downstairs, Doctor Myers anxiously waited in the living room. Seeing John descend, he reported Diana's condition as usual. "Mr. Matthews, rest assured. Through these past few days of checks and analyses, Ms. Thompson's body hasn't shown any abnormalities. Her physical condition is relatively good, and the fetus in her womb has also been examined. For now, everything seems stable." At his words, John's expression remained neutral, but the tension in his eyes visibly relaxed. "Let's change the frequency of these check-ups to once a week for now," John said calmly. Doctor Myers immediately agreed, feeling a wave of relief. Every time he drew Diana's blood, he felt as though he was being stared at by death. A few more times, and he might be the one leaving before Diana. After a moment of silence, John suddenly asked, "Will her condition, being pregnant, have any impact?" Doctor Myers hesitated before replying, "For now, there doesn't seem
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Chapter 675: When will the drama of two guys fighting over one girl happen?
"Well, that makes us friends too." With that, Diana reached out and grabbed the hand Neo was holding, pulling Jenny out of the chair. With a tug, Jenny was lifted into Diana's embrace, who was half a head taller than Jenny, especially with her heightening insole. The two of them looked quite compatible. Diana reached out, wrapping her arm around Jenny's slender waist, casting a mischievous smile towards Neo. "Sorry, Neo, but Jenny and I have something to attend to. We'll be heading out now, hope you don't mind." Though phrased as a question, her actions exuded possessiveness. With Jenny in tow, Diana turned towards the exit. Jenny glanced back at Neo. "Um...Neo, I'm leaving with my friend! If there's anything, we can catch up later..." Diana held Jenny tighter against her side. "Stay put, sweetheart. Your time is mine now." Passing by the waitress, Diana casually handed her a card.
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Chapter 676: Not to cause any trouble?
Jenny rushed over, excitement written all over her face. "Wow! That was incredible! You totally knocked that jerk out cold! You're amazing!" she exclaimed. "He was just weak," Diana replied nonchalantly. Meanwhile, the girl whom Diana had saved approached, gratitude written all over her face. "Thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done without you..." "It's nothing. But this kind of guy can be troublesome. You should file a police report, and if you need a lawyer, I can help you find one," Diana offered. The girl nodded fervently. "Yes, I will. Thank you..." Diana smiled at her before turning to Jenny, and together they gathered their belongings, preparing to head to the hospital to check on Frank. But just as they took a few steps, they were hailed by someone. Turning around, Diana saw the girl she had saved looking at her nervously. After a moment of hesitation, she stammered, "Um... is she your girl
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Chapter 677: John, do I have a terminal illness?
His voice trembled slightly, carrying a comforting tone, "It's okay..." Diana's eyes widened in surprise. "John?" This call seemed to pull John out of his nightmare. His gaze flickered slightly, and the emotions in his eyes gradually stabilized. Turning his head, he glanced at Jackson in the passenger seat. "Inform Doctor Myers, have him bring someone to my place." Ethan drove back to John's residence at lightning speed. As soon as the car door opened, John picked up Diana and rushed into the villa. In the backyard hall, Doctor Myers and two other expert doctors were already waiting with instruments. Seeing John carrying Diana upstairs, they quickly followed. After gently laying her on the bed, John glanced back at Doctor Myers. "You said she was fine before, didn't you?" Doctor Myers stuttered, "I, I checked earlier, there didn't seem to be any issues, but..." "What's hap
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Chapter 678: That Neo again!
"Still one-sided?" Hearing this, Mrs. Getty turned her head, glaring at Frank on the bed. Such a clueless boy! She comforted Jenny, "Jenny, it's alright. Initially, I pursued my husband too. Look at us now..." Mrs. Getty turned to Mr. Getty beside her. Mr. Getty also looked at her with a gentle gaze. They locked eyes for a moment. Mr. Getty spoke tenderly, "Meeting you was the luckiest moment of my life." "Hon, don't say that. Being with you is the greatest happiness of my life." "Silly, actually, when you were chasing me back then, I was already smitten." "In fact, the moment I first saw you, I thought you must have fallen for me too..." Their emotions intensified as they spoke. Their gazes met, full of tenderness. The air around them suddenly became thick with emotion. Frank tapped the edge of the bed. "Could you two calm down a bit? There are still people here!"
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Chapter 679: You hopeless blockhead!
"Yeah, you're always restless," Mr. Getty remarked. Frank: "...damn, I got kicked, kicked!" After applying more medicine and bandaging, the doctor left. Seeing this, Mrs. Getty immediately spoke up. "Jenny, Mr. Getty and I have something to attend to, could you stay here and watch over Frank? He's restless even with a leg injury, so keep an eye on him." "But won't I be disturbing Frank by staying here?" Jenny hesitated. "No, you won't," Mrs. Getty turned to Frank with a smile, "Right, Frank? You'd like Jenny to stay, wouldn't you?" Frank felt his scalp tighten, instinctively nodded, "Um... Jenny, if you don't have anything urgent, could you stay?" "Sure!" Jenny instantly agreed enthusiastically. Frank was puzzled. Strange, she's not going to find that Neo guy now? Seeing her successful intervention, Mrs. Getty's face lit up with anticipation. "Honey, look at Jenny's innoce
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