All Chapters of Bad Girl Reborn: Chapter 691 - Chapter 700
813 Chapters
Chapter 690: I've already arranged a training plan for you
Under Tony's guidance and Ramingo's watchful eye, the previously rowdy trio became much more cooperative. Their coordination was better than expected, and they wrapped up around four in the afternoon. Ben and the others returned to the rest area. After changing his clothes, Ben picked up his phone and noticed two missed calls. Both were from Liora. He quickly returned the call, and she answered promptly. "Done with your busy day?" Liora's voice came through slowly. "Yeah, been shooting for the magazine cover all day, didn't have much time to check my phone," Ben's voice softened, dripping with charm. "What's up, Liora? Anything urgent?" Liora cut straight to the chase, "Was the Dunk thing your doing?" Ben hesitated for a moment before admitting it. "Yeah... Do you think I was too impulsive?" "A bit."  Ben anticipated a scolding. But before he could say he'd be more cautious next time, Liora asked, "
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Chapter 691: We're just not meant to be.
The video clearly showed Amelia's ugly face, not only was her language rude and lacking manners, but she also splashed coffee on herself, threatening to frame Leah. With this bombshell, both Amelia and her fans were heavily criticized. With her reputation in tatters, all her endorsement deals were canceled one after another. Under immense pressure, Amelia's studio issued a statement, apologizing, and announced her indefinite withdrawal from the entertainment industry, essentially forcing her out. Thus, Leah succeeded. Emily looked at Leah. "So, with tomorrow morning's rare half-day break, what are you planning to do?" As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them. Sure enough, Leah didn't hesitate: "I'm going to find my darling Colin. I'll go tonight. Heh heh, I'll see if he's available." Leah pulled out her phone, about to make a call, when a male voice suddenly came from behind her. "Hello."
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Chapter 692: Enjoying yourself?
But the reality seemed quite the opposite—she appeared to be the more proactive one. And the young man with her had a calm demeanor, almost bordering on coldness. Wesley felt an unexplainable surge of frustration. This guy... his attitude was far too aloof! Where was the romantic spark? Leah linked fingers with Colin, waving at the nearby Wesley with a complex expression on his face. "See you later! I'm heading home with my boyfriend!" Wesley nodded stiffly in response, his grip tightening slightly. As his gaze shifted to the young man beside her, he was met with a cold, piercing stare from Colin. Studying Colin's refined features, Wesley furrowed his brow. Why did he seem familiar? Before he could ponder further, Colin turned away, leading Leah along as they walked away. Wesley stood there, seething with unspent frustration. He clenched his fists and threw a few punches into the air in anger. Behind him, Wesley
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Chapter 693: Hurry up, I'm waiting for you~
Leah pouted, "Did you just express your love? Say it again, I want to hear!" Damn it! Who would have thought that tonight's events would bring out his domineering side! Totally worth it! Leah's excited legs were turning to jelly, but the person behind her remained silent.  Frustrated, she muttered, "If you're not going to speak, I'll just go find Wesley tomorrow. Then you'll be without your stunning girlfriend, don't come crying to me... ouch!" She took a sharp breath, feeling the pain radiating from her shoulder, she twisted her petite face. "You bite me!" "Mutual," he replied flatly. Leah blinked. Was this payback for biting him in the car? Her gaze shifted, surrendering automatically. "Okay, I'm sorry, I was just teasing you." She whispered softly, "I love you to death, how could I possibly have feelings for someone else? Don't you know that..." Her voice was gentle, tinged with a hint of coquett
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Chapter 694: I've never been so mad like this!
Wesley: "Can't you be a bit more comforting?" Yvaine: "Let me tell you something." "What?" "About that Hollywood movie," Yvaine said slowly, "the role I was originally fighting for you, guess who got it?" "I don't care about that now," Wesley sounded dejected, "She rejected me, I'm feeling extremely down, let's talk about work later, Yvaine." Yvaine's voice came softly, "That role, went to Ben Thompson." "What?!" Wesley kicked open the car door, sending the bottle of beer crashing. Fury blazed in his eyes. "How could it be that idiot? Damn it!" Wesley pounded the steering wheel, his temples throbbing with rage. Anyone but him, why did it have to be that idiot?! Last time, losing everything but his underwear at the music awards was bad enough, now he's being overshadowed by Ben in the film industry too?! Wesley felt like hanging himself on the spot out of sheer frustration.
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Chapter 695: Let me first improve things between him
Liora teasingly adjusted her nightgown. "Come here." Ben immediately approached. Before Liora could say anything, he pounced, pinning her down on the bed. One hand lifted her long leg, wrapping around his waist. Right at the peak of the intense atmosphere before, Wesley suddenly returned. He was forced to halt the moment ago. The fire in his heart was being suppressed, unable to withstand such teasing. Now, he had to make the most of his time to properly cherish his crush. Just as they were about to kiss, his phone alarm suddenly went off. Ben, startled, quickly got off Liora. He reached for the nearby phone, furrowing his handsome brows at the displayed time. Regretfully, he said, "Liora, I have to go." "Oh? So urgent?" Liora leisurely got up from the bed, somewhat puzzled. "Aren't you staying here tonight?" "Well... I promised Ramingo I'd be back before m
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Chapter 696: Sis, why do you like that idiot Ben?
Wesley: No wonder I felt an immediate urge to punch that guy's face when we first met. Now it all made sense! Ben's brother? How could Wesley not want to punch Ben's brother?!!! Ben shrugged. "Think about it positively. You'll get to see her often in the future, and with family ties, you'll become closer, right?" A twitch appeared at the corner of Wesley's eye. "I'll kill you!" He lunged at Ben, and the two of them tumbled to the ground in a scuffle. Ben, not wanting to fight, quickly pushed Wesley away with a foot and dashed downstairs, clutching his jacket tightly. Wesley chased him downstairs, grabbing onto Ben's jacket at the doorway. But just in time, Liora restrained him. "Silly boy, you go first!" "But..." Ben was worried. Once he left, would Wesley start arguing with Liora? "Don't worry, he's no match for me." Liora calmly extended a hand to restrain the furious Wesley, then tripp
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Chapter 697: It could be a win-win
Then Ben spoke seriously, "I want to do well. After all, I can't stay a regular pop idol forever. I want to be an excellent artist who not only creates great music but also acts well." "Remember what you just said," Ramingo said, looking at him. "Tomorrow, you and I will go to the training place together." "Alright!" "Wait a minute," Leo, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up. "Ramingo, you haven't explained why you didn't handle the rumors between Ben and Wesley." Ramingo gave a smile. "Ben's auditioning for a role where he plays a convict. Not only that, but he also has an intimate relationship with another man in prison." Anthony's eyes widened. "Is he supposed to be gay?" "Something like that." Ramingo took a drag on his cigarette and continued, "When I spoke to Wesley's manager Yvaine this morning, she mentioned that Wesley might take on the role." Ben responded, "So?" "So, since the media wants to stir
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Chapter 698: Are you in a platonic relationship?
"Huh?" Leah paused, subconsciously raising her head to look at the guy in front of her. "Colin Darling, what did you just say?" "Nothing." Colin remained calm. "If you want to cook, I think you can." Leah was stunned. Was he... promising her a lifetime together? It was really... so sudden! Leah's lips curled up happily, her annoyance instantly dissipated. She leaned over and planted a kiss on Colin's handsome face. Then she sat back in her chair, resting her chin on her hand, looking at him with an ambiguous expression. "Colin Darling, what I want to do isn't just cooking, also..." Colin raised an eyelid. But Leah hooked her lips, softly saying a word, "Love." Colin: "I gave you a chance last night, and you didn't take it." Leah blinked her pretty eyes. "Then when's my next chance?" Colin didn't say anything but picked up a piece of scrambled egg and put it
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Chapter 699: Alright, I have a job for you
Mitbahl slid two meters on the floor before he quickly got up. "Now I believe you're fine!" Diana sat down nearby, curious. "What are you doing here?" "You know the answer. I'm still following the boss's orders to keep you safe~" "Is that how you protect me, jumping out unexpectedly and scaring me?" Diana looked at him, feeling a little speechless. His unpredictable comings and goings could easily scare someone to death. Mitbahl poked his fingers together, looking a bit hurt. "Now I know. I won't scare you again..." As Diana watched him, she noticed something different. "You look different today." He was wearing new clothes from head to toe and carried a new bag. His usual scruffy appearance had been replaced by a more polished look. Diana asked, "Did you get a raise?" "No, it's our annual bonus!" Mitbahl said cheerfully. "Our monthly salary is low, but the annual bonus is the main event." "How much did
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