All Chapters of Billionaries's scandal: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
124 Chapters
Plot twists
William felt a sense of unease as he sat on the step outside Alexander Sterling's house, still shaken from his encounter with Mrs. Thompson. He looked around, taking in the impressive exterior of the mansion and the well-manicured lawn that surrounded it. "What was that for? Does she know me from somewhere?" William wondered to himself.After a few minutes of waiting, William saw Alexander's car pull into the driveway. Alexander Sterling's car pulled into the driveway, the engine purring softly as he parked it neatly. He took a moment and looked around his eyes fell on William's car parked nearby."Ah, he's here already," Alexander said to himself and got down from his carWilliam watched as Alexander got out of the car and walked towards him. "Why are you sitting outside?" Alexander asked, a hint of concern in his voice.William stood up, brushing off his pants. "A middle-aged woman wouldn't let me in. She said I might be one of those people who framed you in an article scandal a mont
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it's Her!!
William Jones continued " Bella Smith became pregnant for her husband, while she was pregnant Bella Smith, got into a heated argument with another woman over money which resulted in a physical altercation. Bella Smith emerged victorious in the fight, leaving the other woman severely injured and hospitalized. What Bella Smith was unaware of was that the injured woman's brother was a gangster who subsequently organized an attack on Bella Smith with his cohorts in a nearby alley close to her house. They viciously beat her up to the point of unconsciousness, and she is currently receiving medical treatment at the hospital." William said.Alexander expressed his disapproval, "That's terrible. Must she resort to fighting every time? Some situations can be resolved with words". Alexander said"How is she doing now?" he asked"She's recuperating well at the hospital," William answered.Alexander sighed as he sifted through the pile of documents in front of him. He dropped the first pile and pi
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Low Profile
"Let's go have lunch, Mrs. Thompson might have finished preparing it by now," Alexander suggested to William, his smile still beaming with excitement."Yes, sir," William replied, matching Alexander's enthusiasm.As they left the study room, they walked down the hallway towards the dining room when Mrs. Thompson, the housekeeper, met them halfway with a warm smile."Oh, I was on my way to tell you lunch was ready, Mr. Sterling," she said, her eyes gleaming."We were just on our way to check," Alexander replied politely."Alright, I've served the meals on the dining table. Enjoy," Mrs. Thompson said before turning and heading back towards the kitchen."Thanks, Mrs. Thompson," Alexander called after her before turning to William. "Shall we?" he asked, gesturing towards the dining room.William nodded, and they both walked towards the dining room, ready to enjoy their lunch.As they sat down at the dining table, Alexander opened the serving pots that contained the delicious home-cooked me
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Can't wait to Meet Her.
After Caleb had left, Alexander retreated to his study room and uncovered every detail he could about Kate. He spent hours poring over the documents and information that William had given him, leaving no stone unturned. Alexander delved deeper into the documents, his expression grew somber. The life that Kate had lived since their breakup ten years ago had not been an easy one. It was clear from the documents that she had faced many hardships and challenges.Alexander's heart sank as he read about Kate's struggles to make ends meet. He learned that she had worked as a cleaner in several hospitals just to pay for her mother's medical bills. Her mother was suffering from arthritis, and Kate had taken on the responsibility of caring for her, while also raising her young son.Alexander Sterling lay in bed, tossing and turning throughout the night as he thought about how to approach Kate after ten long years. He couldn't shake the nagging feeling of uncertainty, wondering how she would rea
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Hiding her Son Behind
Within seconds, the photos appeared on Alexander's phone. He took a moment to examine them closely, mentally noting the layout of the surrounding area. With the images now ingrained in his mind, he got ready to embark on the journey ahead.Alexander made his way to his luxurious car, unlocked it, and slid into the driver's seat. As he settled in, he opened the information documents in his hand, double-checking the address of Kate's house. It read: 370 Sheer Road, Averill Park, NY 12018.Satisfied that he had all the information he needed, Alexander started the engine and pulled out of his driveway.Alexander Sterling revved up his luxurious car and zoomed out of the city, leaving the bustle behind as he hit the open road. His destination was Averill Park, a quaint and idyllic small town that Kate Morrone had relocated to ten years ago.As he drove, Alexander felt a sense of anticipation building within him. He had always been a city boy, but the charm of small-town living was starting
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Just Leave!!!
Kate's heart had always held a special place for Alexander since he was her first love. However, as time passed, she realized that their backgrounds were vastly different. While Alexander came from a world of privilege and wealth, Kate had grown up in poverty.One day, Kate discovered that she was pregnant with Alexander's child. She was only 20 years old at the time, and Alexander had already broken up with her. Kate knew that she had no other choice but to keep her child hidden from Alexander since he had made it clear that he didn't want to be a part of her life anymore.Despite the challenges that lay ahead of her, Kate was determined to raise her child on her own and also took care of her Mom who was constantly sick. She worked hard to provide for her little one and pays her Mom hospital bills, taking on odd jobs and doing whatever she could to make ends meet. Though she missed Alexander and often wondered what could have been, she knew that she had to be strong for her child.Yea
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Sebastian Sterling Morrone
As Alexander Sterling drove away from Kate's house, he couldn't shake off the feeling of regret and longing. He pulled over to the side of the road and rested his head on the steering wheel, lost in thought. "Will she ever forgive me? Will she let me make things right?" he thought to himself, his heart heavy with sorrow.After a few minutes, Alexander pulled out his phone and dialed William Jones' number. William picked up on the first ring. "William, I need your advice," Alexander said, his voice trembling with emotion."What happened, sir?" William asked, his tone concerned."Kate told me to leave. She doesn't even want to hear me out," Alexander lamented, his voice filled with regret.William listened patiently as Alexander poured out his heart, his mind racing with ideas on how to help his boss. "Sir, I think you need to give her some space. Maybe she just needs time to process everything," William suggested."But what if she never forgives me? What if she never lets me see my son?
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Meeting Dad without Mom knowing
Sebastian sat restlessly in the living room on a bright Saturday morning, anxiously waiting for Olivia to arrive. He fidgeted with his watch, checking the time every few seconds, hoping that she would be there soon. As he glanced out the window, he saw the sun shining down on the streets, and the birds chirping away, enjoying the beautiful day.Sebastian had prepared for that today. It was the day he was going to see his dad, Alexander Sterling. With his mom, Kate, gone to work, it was the best opportunity to go without her knowledge. He couldn't wait to spend some quality time with his Dad Alexander Sterling and get to know him.The minutes ticked by slowly, and Sebastian felt his impatience growing. He wondered what was taking Olivia so long, and if he would ever get to see his dad. Suddenly, he heard a car horn honking outside, and he jumped up from the couch, eager to go.Sebastian impatiently opened the window and peered outside. To his delight, he saw Olivia's smiling face as sh
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Sebastian's Plan
"How did you get here?" Alexander asked, still trying to process the shock of seeing Sebastian standing before him."I pleaded with Aunt Olivia to bring me here. She's my mommy's best friend," Sebastian said, his eyes fixed on Alexander.Alexander turned to face Olivia, his expression stern. "Wait, Olivia, you knew I had a son, and you never told me?" he asked, his voice tinged with surprise."I had no choice, I couldn't tell you. Kate pleaded with me. She even made me promise not to tell you," Olivia explained, her tone apologetic.Alexander nodded, his shock subsiding. "I understand," he said, turning his attention back to Sebastian.Sebastian walked closer, his eyes fixated on Alexander. "Are you my dad?" he asked, his voice faint with uncertainty even though he had heard it, he wanted to hear it from his Dad to be more certain.Alexander knelt and faced Sebastian. "Yes, Sebastian. I'm your dad," he said, his voice gentle.Sebastian's face scrunched up in confusion. "Why did you aba
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it's up to me to make it happen.
Alexander, Olivia, and Sebastian were sitting in the living room when Suddenly Sebastian said."Dad, where's the toilet? I want to ease myself," Sebastian asked, looking around the Living room."Oh, sure. That area, before the end of the hallway," Alexander pointed in the direction of the bathroom."Okay, thanks," Sebastian said and stood up, heading towards the hallway.As Sebastian left, Alexander turned to Olivia. "Is Caleb aware that I have a son?" he asked."No, I never told him about it," Olivia replied."I thought he knew," Alexander said, surprised."No, he didn't," Olivia confirmed."Thanks," Alexander said.Sebastian walked down the hallway and found the bathroom. As he entered, a gasp escaped his lips as he took in the stunning design."How can a bathroom be this beautiful?" Sebastian asked himself in amazement.The tiles were a perfect shade of blue, and the light fixtures added to the ambiance. He reached out to touch the sink, and his fingers brushed against the smooth ma
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