All Chapters of Billionaries's scandal: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
124 Chapters
A chance
Alexander and Kate chuckled at Sebastian's statement, feeling a sense of relief that the tension had been broken. They both knew that Sebastian had been through a lot not having his both parents together as he grew, and they didn't want to make things any more difficult for him."Sorry about that, buddy," Alexander said, ruffling Sebastian's hair affectionately. "We didn't mean to keep you waiting."Sebastian smiled, feeling a sense of warmth at his Dad's gesture. For the first time in a long time, he felt like his family was coming back together, and it gave him hope for the future. Kate rose from the bed and flashed an awkward smile at Sebastian who returned the gesture. She made her way to the kitchen and retrieved the prepared meal, consisting of fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon. As Alexander and Sebastian took their seats at the dining table, Kate served them a delicious meal. They ate in silence for a few moments until Alexander broke it with a compliment for Kate's cooking skil
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Alexander pushed the dining table chair back with a slight screech and stood up, feeling the need to stretch his stiff back after a long meal. He glanced around the dining room, taking in the elegant decor and the remnants of the delicious meal he had just finished. As he walked towards the kitchen, he could hear the faint chirping of birds in the nearby trees.Upon entering the kitchen, Alexander paused to take a deep breath, inhaling the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee that filled the air coming from the next house. He walked over to the counter where Kate's coffee maker stood, a sleek and modern machine that she had recently acquired. He carefully selected a mug from the cupboard, admiring the delicate design etched onto the porcelain.With a confident hand, he measured out the coffee grounds and poured them into the machine, listening as the water began to heat up. He watched as the dark liquid dripped into the mug, feeling a sense of satisfaction as the aroma intensified.
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Waitress back in College.
Caleb's eyes widened in surprise. "Kate Morrone? You mean the bar waitress back then in College, at our favorite Bar?""Yeah, that Kate," Alexander confirmed. "And it turns out, she had a son. You know, the one in the article that Harley Smith published? He's really my son."Caleb's jaw dropped in shock. He had read the article himself and had been amazed by the story of Alexander Sterling being accused of Rape and threatening to kill Harley Smith's Son. And now, to find out that his best friend was the boy's father was almost too much to process."Wow, man. That's incredible," Caleb said, trying to wrap his head around the news. "Congratulations!""Thanks, Caleb. It's still sinking in, you know? But I'm happy. I'm really happy," Alexander said, his voice filled with joy.Caleb could hear the smile in his friend's voice, and he couldn't help but feel happy for him. After all the struggles Alexander had gone through, it was about time he had something good happen to him."Well, I'm happ
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The call
After freshening up, Sebastian made his way back to the kitchen, where he heard his mom's phone ringing. As he stepped into the dining room, he quickly rushed to his mom's room to retrieve the phone, before heading back to the kitchen."Mom, your phone is ringing," Sebastian said, handing the phone to Kate.Kate quickly took the phone and saw that it was Doctor Kingsley calling. She took a deep breath before answering the call."Hello, Doctor Kingsley," Kate greeted him nervously."Good morning, Kate," Doctor Kingsley replied. "I need you to come to my office in two hours. I can't say why over the phone."Kate's heart raced as she tried to imagine what could be so urgent that the doctor couldn't tell her over the phone. "Okay, thank you for letting me know," she managed to say, her voice shaking a little."See you in two hours," Doctor Kingsley said before ending the call.Kate hung up the phone and turned to Sebastian and Alexander, her face looking a little worried. Alexander Sterli
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Alexander Sterling pulled into the parking lot of Samaritan Hospital and found a spot to park the car. Kate stepped out of the car and opened the door for Sebastian, who climbed out and straightened his shirt. Alexander switched off the car engine and joined them on the sidewalk.Kate led the way toward the hospital entrance, her footsteps were quick and purposeful. Alexander and Sebastian followed close behind, their eyes scanning the busy lobby as they made their way to Doctor Kingsley's office.The hospital was a hive of activity, with doctors, nurses, and patients bustling about in every direction. The sound of beeping machines and murmured conversations filled the air. Despite the chaos, Kate remained focused, leading them down a series of hallways until they reached the door to Doctor Kingsley's office.Taking a deep breath, Kate knocked on the door and waited for a response. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she wondered what news the doctor would have for her about her mot
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Kate nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. She knew that she had to do everything in her power to ensure that her mother received the surgery she needed, but she has no money. Tears streamed down Kate's face as she sat in the doctor's office, clutching the papers in her hand. "I don't have any money," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.Doctor Kingsley looked at her in shock, realizing the gravity of their situation. Sebastian moved closer to his mother, patting her back as he wiped away his own tears.Alexander Sterling, who had been listening intently, observed Kate's distress, And shifted his gaze to Doctor Kingsley, a serious expression on his face."I will take care of the bills. When will the surgery be carried out?" he asked, his tone firm and resolute.Doctor Kingsley's face lit up with relief. "Mrs. Grace Morrone will be transferred to Mount Sinai Orthopedics Center for joint replacement surgery. The surgery can be carried out today if the payment is read
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Mount Sinai
"Of course, Doctor. We'll send an ambulance right away," the operator responded."Thank you. Please make sure that the ambulance is equipped with all necessary medical equipment and personnel," Doctor Kingsley said, his voice firm and authoritative."We understand, Doctor. We'll make sure everything is in order," the operator confirmed.As the call ended, Doctor Kingsley turned to Kate and Alexander. "The ambulance is on its way. Your mother will be transported to Mount Sinai Orthopedics Center as soon as possible."Kate's eyes filled with tears of relief. "Thank you, Doctor. Thank you so much," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.Alexander squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Your mother is going to get the care she needs. We're all here for you," he said, his voice filled with compassion.As Doctor Kingsley made arrangements for the ambulance transfer, Nurse Nelly and the team of nurses and doctors at Kate's mother's hospital ward sprang into action. They knew that Mrs. Grace Morro
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Joint replacement surgery
The Orthopedics Doctor met them at the entrance and escorted them to the operating room, where the surgical team was already preparing for the procedure. Kate watched as they wheeled her Mom into the operating room, feeling a sense of relief knowing that she was in good hands. She knew that Mount Sinai Orthopedics Center had a reputation for excellence in joint replacement surgery, and she was confident that they would provide the best possible care for her Mother.Kate, Alexander, and Sebastian sat anxiously at the front of the operation room, waiting for news on Mrs. Morrone's surgery.Mrs. Morrone was given two types of anesthesia to prepare her for the surgery – general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia. The medical team carefully explained the process to her and made sure that she understood what was happening every step of the way. The anesthesiologist started by administering general anesthesia, which put Mrs. Morrone into a deep sleep. This type of anesthesia is used to ensure
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Billionaire Black Card
Mrs. Morrone smiled weakly and replied, "I'm feeling better, dear. The surgery went well, and I'm on the road to recovery."Upon seeing Alexander, whom she had not met before, Mrs. Morrone motioned for Kate to approach her."Who is he?" she asked Kate, nodding her head towards Alexander. "Besides, he looks like Sebastian."Kate took a deep breath before speaking. "He is Sebastian's biological father," she said quietly, bracing herself for her mother's reaction.Mrs. Morrone looked at Alexander, then at Sebastian, taking in their striking resemblance. She sighed and shook her head before turning back to Alexander. "Why did you abandon my daughter while she was pregnant?" she asked, her voice laced with anger.Alexander hung his head in shame. "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I never knew Kate was pregnant, and she never told me. After our breakup, I asked around about her, and I was told she stopped working at the bar."Mrs. Morrone's expression softened sligh
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Staying Over.
As they continued to talk, a nurse walked into the recovery room and interrupted their conversation. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but visiting hours are over now," she said kindly. "Mrs. Morrone needs to get some rest."Mrs. Morrone, Kate, and Sebastian all looked disappointed but understood the need for rest. "We'll be leaving soon," Kate assured the nurse. The nurse nodded and left the room, leaving the Morrone family and Alexander alone. "Well, I guess we should get going," Alexander said, standing up from his seat. Mrs. Morrone, Kate, and Sebastian all stood up as well, preparing to leave. "Thank you again, Alexander," Mrs. Morrone said, tears welling up in her eyes. "You've done so much for us, and we'll never forget it." Alexander smiled warmly. "It was my pleasure," he said. "Take care, and I'll check on you soon." As they prepared to leave the hospital, Mrs. Morrone turned to her daughter Kate and grandson Sebastian. "Where will you stay? It's already dark outside," she ask
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