All Chapters of Imperfect Husband: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
254 Chapters
Caraline felt her face heat up after saying that. Her body shook violently from a feeling that could not be described with any words. She might be labeled as crazy for saying that, but she didn't care as long as it was for Deric.Deric, on the other hand, was silent as he looked at Caraline closely. The shock was still visible on his handsome face. His hands clenched into fists and soon relaxed again. "Are you sure? I think... that's too much.""Are you running away from your responsibilities?" snapped Caraline with her arms folded in front of her chest. The woman could feel her heart pounding madly. She couldn't imagine Deric doing that to her. Would she faint or act out of control? Hopefully not."It's a little hard for me to explain," Deric said, scratching hair that wasn't itchy at all. "Didn't you say that you didn't want to be touched by my dirty hands?"Caraline rolled her eyes, trying to find the right answer. "Forget about it! I just want you to take responsibility for what y
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Caraline woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. The woman quickly sat up, scanning her surroundings."What happened to me?" Caraline tried to remember. When the woman saw the glass on the nightstand and that she was wearing the same clothes as last night, her eyes rounded and her consciousness returned. "It wasn't a dream."Caraline moved to the dressing table. She examined her neck, chest, and other limbs. Her face turned tense for a moment. There was no trace of anything left there. "Where's Deric?"Caraline pressed a button on the left side of the window, and the curtains opened. It was still dark and quiet outside."What happened to me last night?" Caraline closed the curtains again, examining her body in the mirror more carefully. "Did Deric and I do 'it' last night? But why aren't there any marks?"Caraline looked around with questioning eyes. She sat down on the vanity chair, letting time march on with the memories she was trying to unearth. Her body suddenly shook violen
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"What do you mean?" asked Deric, "and what choice are you referring to?"Caraline suddenly fidgeted, trying to find a plausible answer. She couldn't afford to make Deric think anything. "You … you ... should have changed my clothes first before putting me to bed. You went too far. It could have been because of your stupid actions that I caught a fever.""I wouldn't have done that when you were unconscious," Deric argued, "wouldn't that be an act of harassment?"Caraline pretended to cough. It's true what Deric said, she thought. However, if she had to be honest, she wouldn't mind if Deric did that to her. "Get me some water!"Deric walked over to the refrigerator, returning with a glass of water.Caraline immediately grabbed the glass, gulping down the contents. Her face screwed up as she realized that nothing had happened between her and Deric. "You have to take responsibility.""Responsibility for what?" Deric asked. "Responsibility... if I catch a fever tonight," Caraline said wit
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Caraline sat on the chair, letting out a long breath. Her head was filled with Deric. From cleaning to changing, to breakfast, to traveling to the office, Deric was the only person who lingered in her mind.Caraline leaned back, massaging her head. "Why isn't Deric tempted to touch me? I'm almost frustrated that he didn't dare to do it to me last night."Caraline scrutinizing her appearance from top to bottom. "I am beautiful, attractive, and perfect. I must admit Deric treats women well, but I hate that he dared not touch me. I've never even acted that crazy before towards any man.""Miss Caraline." Helen's voice came from outside along with a knock on the door.Caraline didn't answer immediately. She opened her laptop and some reports. "Come in, Helen."Helen entered the room."What's wrong?" asked Caraline as she turned to Helen. Her assistant looked beautiful today. The clothes she wore suited her figure."I just wanted to remind you that the product launch event for our partnersh
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Caraline felt like time was slowing down. After returning from work, she spends almost an hour soaking. She used a variety of beauty products from hair to foot care. Caraline also deliberately chose some clothes to wear later that night. She was getting impatient.By the time it was getting late, Caraline was already on the veranda waiting for Deric's arrival. She stood with her arms folded across her chest, occasionally poking her head into the man's path. There was still about five minutes before dinner started. She called someone to inquire about preparations."Everything is ready," Caraline said with a deep breath. She felt her heart beating very fast. The atmosphere was too hot for her. "This is your last chance, Caraline. Don't do stupid things like last night."Caraline quickly checked her appearance when she saw Deric riding along in a wheelchair. Her body was wrapped in a short red dress with a fairly revealing top. " You can do it.""Are you waiting for me?""What would I do
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Deric scanned every corner of the room. He looked up at the transparent dome adorned by stars scattered in the sky."This place is still as beautiful as the last time I was here," Deric said, "I'll stay here a second time?"Caraline suddenly coughed at that remark. Deric was insinuating that the incident a few months ago had happened to him."This place is a hundred times better than your shabby shack," Caraline snapped with her arms across her chest. She followed behind Deric.Deric circled the fountain with his hands deliberately touching the water. "I... am reminded of my old home.""I never saw a water fountain in the Aberald family's rundown shack," Caraline snickered, "you've got to be kidding.""I mean... my house in Summertown," Deric interjected, "I still remember that my mom and I had our picture taken in a lounger with a fountain in front of it.""I know." Caraline rolled her eyes. " You were still a kid, and damn it, you were still as handsome as ever. I remember you weari
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Caraline made sure her plan went perfectly. She went back to enjoying the meal when Deric returned."How long are we going to be in this place?" Deric asked.Caraline rolled her eyes. "Unfortunately, we'll be staying here overnight and returning in the early morning."Deric was silent for a moment. His hand that was just about to pick up the spoon and fork instantly stopped. "That's... a pretty good idea. I suddenly remembered the time when you picked me up in the early morning in your sleeping pajamas barefoot.""Stop it!" Caraline pounded on the table. She remembered everything clearly. "It was embarrassing and I don't want to remember it anymore!""You looked funny back then, but I didn't dare laugh because you must have struggled to get to this place. Honestly, I feel grateful."Caraline tucked her hair behind her ear, turning her head to the other side to hide her heated face. Deric made her fly to the high heavens. "I-I... I... don't want to hear that nonsense from you.""So whe
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"Why did you bring me to that place?" asked Deric.The smile on Caraline's lips suddenly faded. The woman snapped in annoyance. Deric was the most insensitive man she had ever met. Compared to all the men who had tried to get close to her over the years, why was she infatuated with Deric?"You're good at ruining things," Caraline snapped."I'm just a little confused." Deric shrugged his shoulders."Shut up!" Caraline clucked, moving behind the wheelchair, and pushing Deric forward. Her current destination was her room. The woman had prepared everything she needed to carry out her mission.Caraline pressed the password. The door automaticcaly opened. The room, which had been dark, became light. It was spacious with a king-sized bed, a large TV, a sofa, a closet, and other amenities.Caraline placed Deric in the center of the room facing the sofa. The woman picked up the guitar and placed it on the man's lap, while she kept the bottle of water on the small table near the chair.Caraline
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Caraline waited for Deric to continue. However, after several seconds of waiting, the man did not speak again. "Don't keep me waiting.""Actually... I get lost easily on the road, especially in my current condition." Deric chuckled. "I'll be a long time coming back to your house. Isn't that funny?""No!" Caraline chuckled. Deric was freaking her out. There wasn't a hint of funny in his words. "But, weren't you able to return to the Aberald family's hut after a year away?"Deric was suddenly silent. His fingers moved away from the guitar strings. "Return to the Aberald family after a year away? What do you mean?" Caraline reflexively straightened up. Her eyes rounded as her mouth half opened. She spoke without realizing it. "Forget about it!""Alright.""I need to go to the toilet." Caraline quickly got up, rushing to the restroom. She started walking back and forth while tapping her chin with her finger. "Gosh, what exactly did I just say? How could I have spoken without thinking fir
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The music stopped as Deric's fingers began to move away from the guitar strings. However, the pounding in Caraline's heart grew louder. For a few moments, the room was held in silence."You have a great voice," Deric complimented, "thank you for singing with me and warming up the atmosphere tonight."Caraline rolled her eyes. "I don't want to hear compliments from a man like you. I don't want your ugly voice to keep hurting my eardrums. So, I thought it wouldn't hurt if I sang."Deric chuckled. "I think this room is a bit too hot. I'm getting sweaty from it."Caraline raised the corner of her lips. "Too bad, I don't feel the same way you do.""Can I step outside for a moment to wash my face and hair?" asked Deric."I'm... not a bad person. So, I'll give you two minutes." Caraline glanced at the clock on the phone, turning to Deric with the corners of her lips raised."Alright." Deric hurriedly left the room, entering his empty room, and washing his face and hair in the toilet.After D
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