All Chapters of Imperfect Husband: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
254 Chapters
"What exactly are those people doing?" asked Caraline with an exasperated look. She turned to Deric, then said, "Don't come out until I tell you to. Do you understand?""I don't mind," replied Deric.Caraline rushed out, slamming the door rather loudly, walking hurriedly toward the group of maids and guards in the courtyard. "What are you all doing right now? Didn't I ask you to stay away from the house?""Miss Caraline," the maids said with a relieved look. Their eyes compactly began to scrutinize Caraline's appearance from top to bottom. They stared at each other for some time when they saw that Caraline was only wearing thin sleeping pajamas topped with a long men's shirt."We were so worried about you," Grace said, "as soon as the earthquake hit, we rushed to your room. However, we didn't find you anywhere, including Mr. Deric's whereabouts.""I'm here," said Deric who appeared from the open windshield of the car.The maids were shocked to realize that Deric was in the same vehicl
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The long night gave way to the cold morning air. Birds were seen flying around a house yard. Butterflies were seen circling the small flower garden in the yard.At the Aberald residence, Jeremy and Jonathan were having breakfast at the dining table."James, what are you doing?" Jeremy asked half yelling."Don't be lazy, or I'll drag you out of your ugly room!" snapped Jonathan, "come on out!""Wait a minute," James replied from inside the room. He was adjusting his tie in front of the mirror. His face was still covered in sleepiness. For the past few weeks, the man had been facing a boring office routine. He missed playing games on his phone and partying with girls."James!" shouted Jeremy."Yes, I'm coming." James hurriedly sprayed perfume, grabbed his briefcase, and rushed out of the room. "My two brothers have been annoying lately. I'm forced to work around the clock. Even on weekends, I have to deal with office workers. Damn it!"Jeremy shook his head when he saw James just coming
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Caraline repeatedly checked her appearance in the mirror. Her face looked bright and shiny. Her breathing was light as her chest and shoulders seemed to lose weight. She had never felt this happy before. However, every time she closed her eyes, flashes of last night's events instantly filled her mind."Oh my!" Caraline pounded on the dressing table. Not out of emotion, but out of an unstoppable feeling of happiness. Her face was red and hot at the same time.Caraline let out a long breath, glancing at the bed. She hurriedly covered her face as last night's struggle came back to her. She quickly moved towards the bed when she saw Deric's shirt still draped over the bed. "This is embarrassing!"Caraline picked up Deric's shirt, inhaling its scent. Her whole body suddenly shook violently. The vibrations instantly reminded her of the man's touch on her body. "Oh my! What the hell is going on?"Caraline hurriedly put Deric's shirt away in the drawer, moving closer to the vanity mirror. She
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The rain poured down heavily shortly after the car carrying Caraline left the cemetery. Drops of water were trapped in the windows of the vehicle. Caraline took a deep breath, smiling as she looked at the photos of her family on her phone screen. Losing three precious people was never easy, and she knew how painful it was."I promise I'll keep moving forward no matter how hard it gets," Caraline said, "I have Deric to look after and be happy for."Caraline leaned back in the chair, looking out the window. Her finger wrote her name, followed by a heart underneath, then ending with Deric's name. The woman chuckled when she realized her actions were very childish. Her hand moved to erase the writing. However, she abandoned the idea and grabbed her phone to take a picture.Caraline looked at the capture. "This is a good picture."The car stopped at a red light. Caraline looked at the photo again. As she was about to turn off the phone, she accidentally swiped the screen. Various pictures
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The rain was still pouring down on Heaventown. A car entered a skyscraper. Several men in black uniforms escorted a man in a dark blue suit into the building's lobby. Several staff members bowed respectfully when they saw Diego.Diego and his two assistants entered the elevator to get to the top floor. The man exited as soon as the doors opened automatically. His two assistants walked him to the door of a room, then chose to walk away.Diego entered the room, smiling when he saw Wilson and Catherine."I apologize for my tardiness," Diego said as he sat down in front of Wilson and Catherine. "The streets of Heaventown aren't friendly to businessmen like us anymore. Maybe I'll consider taking a private jet.""That's a good idea," Wilson said, "isn't it, Catherine?"Catherine didn't hear Wilson's words as she was too focused on watching the rain outside. For some reason, her mind was on Deric. The woman had mobilized a team to find out the man's identity. However, until this moment she h
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Caraline was ready to spend the night with Deric. The woman seemed to be busy observing her appearance at the dressing table. She was uncomfortable with the outfit she was wearing. However, she was willing to do so to surprise Deric."Deric made a fuss of me. He also forced me to go on such a cold night," Caraline said as she arranged her hair. The woman took a step back, strutting in front of the mirror. "Perfect."Caraline grabbed her bag after confirming her appearance once more. She exited the room with a deep breath. For the umpteenth time, she was nervous just to see Deric. The house had been quiet since earlier. The maids had left the main building."Where's Deric?" Caraline rolled her eyes, sitting on one of the dining table chairs. "He always keeps me waiting. And somehow he often surprises me by suddenly appearing near me."Caraline stomped on the floor, turning to the main door. In the few minutes she had been there, she had found no sign that Deric would be arriving. "I wi
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"I don't want to talk to you anymore!" snapped Caraline with a sideways glance.The car slowly drove away from the residence. Caraline closed her eyes as she pinched her thigh. She was too embarrassed to even look at Deric right now. That man seemed to be skinning her alive."You're doing it right now," Deric said."Then don't talk to me!" Caraline chuckled."Okay." Deric pressed a few buttons on the car."What are you doing?" asked Caraline, who was suspicious of Deric's actions. The man seemed adept at operating the buttons on this vehicle.Deric was silent, leaning back into the seat.Caraline half-turned around, looking at Deric with an annoyed look. She was silent for a moment before she finally understood what to do. "You can talk to me again. Now tell me, what are you doing?""I'm just sending the address of the location we're going to," Deric replied calmly."How did you come to understand the function of these buttons?" probed Caraline."That was easy enough. First, I observe
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Caraline suddenly got out of the wheelchair, walking quickly through the crowd of people. Her arms were folded in front of her chest, staring at Deric for a moment with piercing eyes."What's wrong?" asked Deric as he turned the wheelchair around. "Why are you suddenly getting off?"Caraline stopped on the other side of the road, stepping back onto the beach. Her face pouted until her cheeks puffed up like balloons. "Deric is such a jerk. How dare he keep a picture of a woman without my knowledge. He doesn't respect my feelings. How annoying."Caraline continued to grumble until she sat down on a lounger overlooking the beach. She saw many couples enjoying the view of the beach and the food around them. Her stomach was hungry, but she was suddenly reluctant to eat with Deric.On the other hand, Deric with his limitations was trying to find Caraline's whereabouts. He couldn't call her by name because it would raise suspicion. His gaze scanned the surroundings as he crushed the road, cu
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Caraline stiffened with rounded eyes. Deric's words just now continued to occupy her mind like the buzzing of bees. Her face quickly turned crimson, not because of the rage that boiled up, but because of the overwhelming feeling of shame. She had made the wrong assumption about the woman. Caraline quickly turned her head to the side, her eyes closed with her hands on her thighs. Gosh, she was so burning with jealousy that her mind was not normal. She was so embarrassed that she shivered when she remembered her childish behavior. Caraline cleared her throat, sipping her drink as she gazed out at the sea. She was suddenly relieved to know that the beautiful woman was Deric's mother. All she had to do now was go back to her normal behavior and pretend it was a dream. "Oh." Caraline could only respond with a short word. She did not know what to do now. "My mother has always loved the beach and the sea," Deric said, "whenever we go on vacation, she often takes me to play there. Building
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Caraline and Deric soon entered the photo booth. "I sometimes die in front of the camera," Deric said. "It's the camera that would die if it took a picture of you," Caraline snapped while looking at the colorful ornaments in this place. Honestly, this was her first time visiting a photo booth. Back in school, she had only heard of her friends taking pictures with their friends or lovers. Although with the power and money she had now, Caraline could afford to buy dozens of these things, in reality, she was unfamiliar with almost all types of entertainment. Her busy work schedule prevented her from enjoying even the slightest bit of fun in this kind of environment. "That's a good joke," Deric said as he got ready. He looked at the small camera in front of him. "Get ready because it's going to take a picture of us." "What's going on?" asked Caraline in confusion. She took off her hat when Deric took off his hat. "Hey, I haven't." A flash of silvery light photographed them. "Oh my."
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