All Chapters of Spellbound: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
89 Chapters
Chapter 30: Maeve
I can feel the shift in the people at the pool. Everyone is looking at me, but no one is giving me mean, cruel looks. They mostly seem curious about how a witch has ended up being under the protection of two packs. Even I didn’t realize I had the protection of Xander’s pack. I thought it was just his father. “What does it mean to have the pack’s protection?” I ask Quinn and Malin. I really like them. They are fun and sweet. “Well,” Quinn says, still eyeing Alpha Emerson, “it means that if something were to happen to you, if someone were to threaten you, every member of the pack would protect you.” “What?” I ask, astonished. “But, they don’t even know me.” “Doesn’t matter. We’re a pack. That’s what makes us strong. We work together, we fight together, we live and die together,” Malin says. I watch as she nudges Quinn, nodding her head at Alpha Emerson and giving her a look. “I can’t go over there,” Quinn says through gritted teeth. “Why?” I ask. Malin turns, facing away from the
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Chapter 31: Xander
I thought my heart was going to stop when Maeve asked the twins about me finding my mate. When Quinn started to hint to Maeve that I was her mate, I had to threaten her with telling Emerson that she thought he was her mate. That shut her up, even though Emerson already knows they are mates, and so do I. He approached me after he turned 18, letting me know. I’m thrilled my sister and best friend will be mates. And Quinn can already feel it. But still, she needs to butt out of my relationship with my mate. “You really should tell her,” Quinn and Malin do that thing where they both talk at once in my head. “So, the witch, huh?” Emerson asks me, having seen my reaction to Maeve's question. “Yeah. It’s not common knowledge though,” I tell him. “Make it common knowledge. If you’re not going to reject her, what are you waiting for? The only thing I’m waiting for is a birthday,” he says, looking at Quinn. “I don’t want to scare her,” I tell him. “So, don’t scare her. Just let her know wh
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Chapter 32: Maeve
I blink. Did he just say ‘done’? “What do you mean, ‘done’?” I ask him. “I mean, I won’t let her touch me again and if she does, I’ll push her away or you can, if you prefer.” “I can?” I ask, not sure I heard him correctly. Have I walked into the twilight zone? “Yes, as my mate, no one would fault you for pushing another she-wolf away from me.” He shrugs. “It’s pretty standard in werewolf packs. Well, when you’re newly mated. After that, people realize quickly that it’s a death wish to touch someone else’s mate.” “And you’d be okay with me telling Cecelia that she can’t touch you ever again?” I ask slowly, making sure I’ve got this this right. “Yep,” he says, smiling at me as if I just gave him the best present in the world by telling him I don’t want another woman touching him. Most men would say I was smothering them or being too clingy. The werewolves are weird. “Do you think that’s Sir Alpha Xander?” I hear someone ask behind me. I turn but I don’t see anyone. When I turn
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Chapter 33: Xander
Wow, my mate just handled the sprites like a champ! They aren’t the easiest beings to follow because of that weird group think thing that they do, and I’m secretly excited to know that my mate only seems to be jealous of women who are actually trying to get me to mate with them, rather than the sprites who really just talk about anyone as if they aren’t standing there. As we walk back to the packhouse, I look over at her. “You seem to be handling this whole mate bond thing pretty well. I honestly waited so long to tell you because I was afraid I’d scare you.” “What made you change your mind?” “Emerson. He recognized that I was your mate by how I was responding to you. He told me that the longer I waited, the longer it would take for you to adjust to the idea so I was only extending the time until we could be together.” She stops and looks at me. “What does that mean, ‘be together’?” “Uh, well, we can figure that out, you know, together. But for me, it means that you and I are a m
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Chapter 34: Maeve
To say I’m feeling overwhelmed would be an understatement. I’m mated to a werewolf that wants to get married and have kids. Or, mate and have pups, in werewolf language. I’d probably have told him to leave me alone, but he looked so desperate for me to agree to spend time with him, so I agreed to the date. It’s not a hardship, I just don’t know that I can give him what he wants or expects from me. I still have Meadow and Tate to think about, although, I wonder if he was serious about bringing them here. If they fall under the pack’s protection, that’s better than anything I can do for them. “So, you didn’t tell me, where is it that you wanted to go on our date?” he asks as we continue walking toward the packhouse. I don’t know if I want to risk telling him where I want to go. I remember the first time my parents took me to the Ferris wheel downtown. There were lots of couples of all ages riding it. Some were hiding their eyes, some would scream as the wheel looped over the top and c
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Chapter 35: Xander
As I rush up to my room to put on some clothes, my heart is light. I feel like not only was Emerson right that I needed to be honest with Maeve, but I also feel like opening up to her is giving her space to maybe trust me a bit, or at least, let herself feel the mate bond in whatever way she feels it. I rush back downstairs, wanting to get back to her. Maybe I can take her out for dinner tonight or something. “You’re a play toy to him. He’s an Alpha wolf. You’re nothing more than a human that could never understand what he wants or needs in a mate.” I move to step into the room, hearing Cecelia talking down to my mate yet again, but I stop when I hear Maeve. “I may be nothing more than a witch, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not my mate. That’s what HE told me. And maybe I don’t know exactly what it means to be mated to an Alpha, but I know this. I know that if you ever touch him again, I will blast you with my magic.” Cecelia begins to laugh, and I quietly move into the doorway.
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Chapter 36: Maeve
I’m shocked that Guardian Angel isn’t upset that her son is mated to me, and as I look around, I realize that none of them are surprised. “Do you want to join us for dinner at our place?” Angel asks me. “I’m taking her out,” Xander says. I turn to look at him. “You are?” “I am. I thought I could show you around the pack lands a bit more.” “Where are you taking her?” Quinn asks. He looks at me. “Ethereal.” Both Quinn and Malin begin ohhhing and ahhhing. “Wait, what is she going to wear?” Malin asks. “What kind of restaurant is it? I only have jeans,” I say. “Jeans are fine,” Xander says. Both Malin and Quinn roll their eyes, shaking their head. “Did you make a reservation?” Alpha Liam asks his son. “No, I was hoping since it’s a weekday that we could get a table." "I would call if I were you," Alpha Liam says. “This sounds very fancy, I don’t have any fancy clothes,” I say. “We do!” the twins say together. “We’ll go get something for you to wear and come back. You showe
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Chapter 37: Xander
I’ve been on dates before. Well, I’ve been on dates with human girls from college. To me, they don’t really count. In my mind, that was merely practice for tonight. And other than everyone staring, tonight is fantastic. I’m used to the staring. I’m an Alpha, my father and brother are Alphas, my mother and sisters are Guardians, so everyone stares when any of us walk into a room. I’ve grown up with it, but Maeve hasn’t. So, I told them to back off. I didn’t realize that it would be so obvious to her. I hadn’t planned to tell her what I had done. I will say, it was fun to show off a bit. Knowing that she was surprised that I can speak low enough that she can’t hear but everyone else in the room can, I definitley showed off a bit. When she asks about the council, I begin to explain to her that there is something off about them. It’s not the only reason, but it’s definitely one of the reasons that I’m going with Maeve. If there is something underhanded going on, I need to make sure that
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Chapter 38: Maeve
Xander and I head downstairs to the spell room. When I woke up this morning, my first thought should have been that I was tangled up in bed with a man. A very sexy man that seems to really like me. But no. All I could think about was that these shifters have senses much more heightened than I even realize and what if he can smell my morning breath. Yep, that’s what was running through my head, morning breath. Not the massive hard on that was pressing against me, not the fact that I slept better than I have in years, not even the fact that I desperately didn’t want to get up and leave Xander’s warmth. Morning breath. That’s what my brain latched on to. I practically scrubbed the enamel off my teeth trying to make sure that they were sufficiently clean before I opened the door and there he was, once again looking like he just stepped out of some surfing magazine. I mean seriously, the man is ridiculously gorgeous. When we get to the spell room, I can see that my spell is ready. I wa
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Chapter 39: Xander
I’m glad my mate seems fine with me kissing her all the time. I can’t get enough of her. I’m starting to understand why my father is always touching my mother, always kissing her, always…well, you know. My little mate just brightened the day of every sprite in our surrounding forests. Not only that, she showed them that not all witches are bad. I have to admit, I was as amazed by her magic as the sprites were. Who pulls light out of thin air? Literally, out of the air. As we’re headed back to the packhouse, I have an idea. “I know you want to go to the Ferris wheel, and I have every intention of taking you there, but would you like to have a picnic at the top of the falls with me tonight? I’d like to share my favorite place on the pack lands with you.” “I’d like that. Quiet is probably better for me tonight. I’m worried about going in front of the council tomorrow. It sounds an awful lot like going in front of a judge in the human world,” she says. “But you’re not in any trouble.
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