All Chapters of My Boss is Sheik Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
94 Chapters
Chapter 31 Pizza and José
Diana Rodrigues "What happened upstairs, Diana? Did he hit you? Did he try to abuse you?" - Jose gets worried."No, he didn't do anything like that, but he did something that hurt me, and that really wasn't meant to hurt, because that's what I am.""But what did he do? I'm going to go up there and get my hand down on him." "He asked me to marry him," he stops and looks at me with the widest eyes I've ever seen."Hello? Marriage?" - he puts his hand on my forehead - "You've got to be sick. I know you're not well, but girlfriend, are you delirious? The owner of the hotel asked you to marry him? Where did you get that from, Diana?" - he spoke in astonishment as we headed towards the hotel entrance."From here," I show the envelope - "it's not a normal wedding." "What about those fake weddings? I'm shocked.""I'm shocked too, why would a man like him want to marry me?""Not that you are not perfect, but I am also left wondering, what does this filthy rich man like him want with you?""
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Chapter 32 Where is Alex?
Diana Rodrigues"I called you yesterday, but you didn't answer. I know you were working, daughter," I felt like a horrible daughter."What happened?" - I sat with her on the couch and Jose on the other side. She was crying and couldn't say what had happened - "Why are you like this? Have you been here all night?" - Her dark circles under her eyes gave it away."Your brother, my child. I don't know what he's got himself into this time.""Where is he? I can't believe he..." - Was Alex already getting into trouble?"Daughter listen to me" - She didn't let me finish."Are you going to defend Alex, again mum? You have no idea what your son is in for.""He told me everything.""And yet you can't see what that reckless bastard is up to, can't you see that I give up living my life so I can fix your darling son's things?" - I stand up and look at her with tears in my eyes."Last night he was with me, sitting on the couch in the living room and watching TV, a movie on that thing there that you
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Chapter 33 Towards my destiny
Diana Rodrigues"Yes, it's me." - I stopped for a minute and asked the question, "Is he alive?""He's alive, but he needs urgent care.""We've already called the ambulance, miss. It's coming." - A woman holds my shoulder and looks at me with pity.I kneel beside the body lying on the ground. I knew this was going to happen. And I fear for Alex's life. Fear consumed me in that moment, knowing his mistakes and that they are taking us along. The hole he has dug with each passing day has more dirt on us. His face is bruised and swollen. He is breathing, but with difficulty. The sound in the distance of the ambulance siren.I had the feeling that the clock had stopped and people were in slow motion. I saw someone pulling me away from him and the paramedics doing first aid. The people around us talking and Joseph coming towards me and calling me. Everything was so fast I didn't realise what had happened."Diana, they're taking him to the hospital.""To São Vicente, take him there and talk t
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Chapter 34 Fired
Diana RodriguesI took a taxi when I left the hospital and I was extremely nervous. I had so many debts and I had no doubts of what to do, I went on to my destination. I already had everything in my mind. The car stopped in front of the hotel where I work, I was late and Jose wouldn't even come to work today to help me with those two members of my family that only give me work, but I love more than anything in life. I took a deep breath and walked through the front door. Some guests looked at me and whispered among themselves. I was in plain, dirty clothes in a luxury hotel."You know employees aren't allowed in here, not to be a pain, but you know the rules," the guy covering Jose told me, "Why didn't you call me in the back and I'd come to you?""Hi Patrick, I didn't come to talk to you but to someone else.""Here from the hotel? Diana, that manager of yours is going crazy today, wanting to kick everyone's ass. And when I warned her you weren't coming, my God, that woman turned into
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Chapter 35 will not be able to do
Diana RodriguesWhat do you mean, fire me?" - I look at him indignantly - "Are you crazy?""I am the owner of the company, I decide who I want out of my staff and you are no longer part of that staff."His lines gave Sonia a smile on her face so big it makes me wonder how much this woman hates me, since when I joined to work here, she always gave me the worst jobs. And on top of that together with Sirlene, she always put us to work together, even knowing that Sirlene did practically nothing. Always to punish me, she put us on the same scale and in the end I had to do the work practically alone."I agree with you, that employee was always rude and left a lot to be desired. So she should be fired" - she pretends to dry her tears - "I'll ask the hotel Human Resources to draw up the dismissal papers and I don't know if you know, she owes a high amount of money because she burned the suit of one of the customers". - she didn't know about the watch."Deduct the values of the suit from her,
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Chapter 36 blue Thunder
Aslan MurabakOf course someone would follow Diana's every move, for her safety and mine. When she signs that contract, she will be my wife and she will no longer be able to talk to men who are not from my family. If I want to lock her in the house and not let her go anywhere, she won't. This is my culture, and this is how she will live in my country. Aisha, my sister, will be able to help her. My mother, who must already be planning the most pompous wedding for me and Bern, will be surprised at my choice.In fact, she and my father are extremely angry. I don't know what their reaction will be. He will probably want to remove me from the front of the country as an authority, but I have already guarded against that. Of course my lawyers have looked everywhere, searched every line of those papers, and there is nothing to stop me marrying the woman I want. The only thing that would stop me from marrying Diana would be if she had a child. I know how much she will suffer, for in her countr
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Chapter 37 Didn't you read the contract?
Aslan MurabakMy security guard gives a laugh, my desire was to punch him in the face. The drive took a few minutes and when we were getting close to the neighborhood where Diana lived, a tyre of the blue Thunder burst and it was a huge noise that made us almost jump out of the car. Said stops the car on the shoulder to see how the situation of the tyre is. Said comes to the window and tells me."It would be difficult not to burst, it has the wires showing up, I'll have to change it, I just hope there is a spare" - I got out of the car so I could help."Let's change the tyre Said.""You will change the tyre? Of a VW Beetle? I will record this moment to show your brothers" - he took out his mobile phone and took the picture himself."Come on Said help me, I need to get there soon and see what is happening."We managed to change the tyre on the car, in fact Said did all the work, and I'll make a note somewhere that I need to learn how to change a tyre quickly. Having people do everythin
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Chapter 39 Two years will soon pass
Diana RodriguesAs I was writing down my demands, I noticed that he was pensive. In fact, I didn't know what was going on in his mind, nor in mine. I did not know what to do or how to act.I included in my demands the full payment of my bills and a safe place for my mother and brother to live, since I was going to another country and I was afraid that Juninho might do something against my brother. I wanted someone to help me and, of course, I would take José with me. I wouldn't go to another country alone with a man I didn't know. I asked for the right to come and go, without being prevented from leaving the country or kept in private custody. I was afraid of some stories I had heard of women who went to Middle Eastern countries and were forced to prostitute themselves and had their passports confiscated. I knew I would have no rights there unless my husband allowed me to. Although I knew that we cannot generalise, I have heard reports of women who married men from the region and got
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Chapter 40 I am a burden to her husband
"Said, take my wife to the hospital." - I look at him, who looks at me sideways. It was the only reaction he had."Good afternoon, ma'am.""Good afternoon, Said," I reply."Diana, is it?" - We make our way to the lift."Yes, I'm Diana.""You two got married? When?" - He's surprised."Before lunch today. I can't believe it myself.""Do you know what you're getting into?""I don't know, Said. I just know it must be better than what I'm going through, if you want to see my brother there in the hospital and the situation they left him in." - I was talking too much. - "How long have you been working with Aslan?""Yes, long enough to know that you will have many wars in Kudsi. And since you married Aslan and are going there, be careful of people and especially his fiancée.""Is she that dangerous?""Bern is from a dangerous family and they might do something to you.""This is giving me fear."We reached the hotel reception. Me, Said and also my manager, Sonia. There she was, with a smile on
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Chapter 41 Of course I'll go with you
"I know he's rich, but I don't want to be taken advantage of and I asked him to leave my family safe.""Your family probably already has a new house, an armoured car and security guards at the door, of that you can be sure.""Where did you get all this from, Said? Armoured car?" - I give a laugh."All his cars are armoured, except the Blue Thunder." - he gives a sideways smile and shakes his head as if he remembers something."What's Blue Thunder?""Nothing. Never mind. Let's go to the hospital and I'll provide an outfit for you."We headed to the hospital. I needed to be with my family a little longer. I was so worried about my mother, how she would stay here alone and sick. And my brother like that made me more worried by the minute. When I got there I had a big surprise. My mother was sitting next to my brother's bed and apparently she was healthy. She didn't even look like the woman who was lying in bed a few hours ago. I decided not to tell them about my marriage, not yet. What w
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