All Chapters of Enslaved By The Lycan King: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
83 Chapters
CHAPTER 50: Going Back
“Don’t worry about the changes that might happen when people find out about your relationship with the king. I know it will be a transition.” The Beta shifted topic once more. I couldn’t help sighing at that. 'Transition' might be an understatement for what’s about to come. “We’ll be there along the way.” He tapped me on my shoulder. “You will basically be a Luna and Queen that is also mated to the king.” Hearing those words out loud, I couldn’t help feeling nervous. Luna. Queen. I’ve never imagined hearing those words being associated with me. And to be honest, I don’t know how to even feel about that. As of now, I just want to be with Titus. My mate. And after knowing how he truly is as a person, considering how huge his responsibility is, made me appreciate and feel deeply for him even more, not just because of our matebond. “Did Lana confront you?” My attention snapped back to Sebastian when he jumped topic for the nth time. He looked very intrigued and curious about it.
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CHAPTER 51: Doubts
People watched us as we all took our bags down from the truck. I helped some of the cadets with me unload our things.What was supposedly a few more days of training before going back to Vamos for the Choosing Ceremony, turned into a half-day trip when the king decided to make us all go back to Vamos.“Too bad we had to get back. But people were hurt.” One of the trainees said as we continued unloading the truck.Packmates who had friends or family from the trainees started coming in, making the place quite noisy and a little bit welcoming with all the greetings. But one could not mistake the tension that was in the air.I was made to follow the warriors and the Council when Titus called me. I thought he was going to be with me along the way home, but they all gathered us first for the official announcement of the shortened training and what we were dealing with as of the moment.That what they all thought was a mere rogue incident, became a spark that could light a big fire that coul
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CHAPTER 52: Insanity
Benjamin chuckled as he led me inside his office in the infirmary.“They for sure had barely any idea what they signed up for. I’m pretty sure the king and the Council won’t have much of a hard time picking the top 14, considering they wouldn’t have much of a choice once they start backing out.”I smiled as I sat on the chair in front of his table. He took a stethoscope and some other things he needed to examine me for the day.“You think they’re backing out?” He asked, despite already observing some things amongst the cadets.“Maybe some. But some may also have strengthened their resolve because of that. It’s either they get motivated with the challenge or back out from it.” The doctor immediately nodded at me. “True, indeed. I can see you’re at the latter part of it.”I smiled. “This would prick a little,” he said as he took a large needle to get blood from me. He chuckled as he placed the needle on my arm.“But I doubt this pain would affect you after you’ve been through those bi
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CHAPTER 53: Unlucky
I didn’t know what to say nor feel.I felt numb and my mind was going everywhere, going through so many questions all at once. It was the same way with my heart. It went through so many emotions that it couldn’t pick up which to process first.“All your vitals are good and there’s really no trace of venom inside you even when it has just been 26 hours when you were injected with it.” Ben nodded to himself as he finished with everything he needed to do for his monitoring of me.“That’s great. But are you fine, my dear? You look… a little unwell.”I stared at him for a while, processing his words as my mind still couldn’t grasp everything I just heard.“N-No, I’m fine.” I shook my head and forced a small smile on my face.“T-Thank you, Ben,” I continued and sat up. My chest was starting to constrict and get heavy as I controlled whatever emotion I felt inside. I felt heavy, and yet my mind was blank, unable to register anything at the huge dump that I felt on me.“Okay,” the healer s
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CHAPTER 54: Respect
“Sabrina,”I looked behind me when someone suddenly disrupted the silence that filled inside the kitchen of the Omega house.Helen was standing at the doorway of the dirty kitchen, holding a couple more dishes from the dining area after the people ate for dinner. She just stood there, looking at me, shocked.“I didn’t realize you still need to do that.”“I still live here,” I just told her. This is my first time seeing her since she was hospitalized after that rogue attack in the market. She just continued watching me with her dark eyes, not moving from her spot. I reluctantly smiled at her, forcing the act out to be polite, when she didn’t say anything more and just turned my back and opened the faucet.The sound of the flowing water immediately occupied the place and I rinsed off the bubbles on the plates. I did that for a couple of minutes. I didn’t have dinner yet, but I voluntarily did the chore just so I could take my mind off of things and calm down. “I…” Helen suddenly spoke
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CHAPTER 55: Options
What I thought was going to be a brief kiss turned out to be a session. Titus just wouldn’t stop.“Hold me,” he demanded breathily when he noticed how my hands were still just beside him.I chuckled, my mouth still on his when I felt his arms wrap around me harder, wanting for himself to be closer to my body as if he couldn’t have enough.I pulled my face away from him. “I have soap and bubbles around my hands and arms. Look.”I raised my hands while his mouth went to my cheek and chin, not wanting to stop yet.I heard him sigh when he heard that, not even looking at my hands that were up. “I don’t care. I want you closer. I missed you.”That made me smile. I wiped my gloves on my jeans for a while, not caring I’d get wet at this point. He was too adorable for me to decline. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, still making sure his hair and shirt wouldn’t get wet since I hadn’t properly rinsed off yet.Titus immediately devoured me like we never saw each other for days. I
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CHAPTER 56: Preoccupied
“But what if…” I started, not getting over my thoughts. I stared directly at his smooth neck. “What if that option is the most peaceful path to resolve all of these? The path where less hurt will be made, most especially for the people?”I suddenly felt Titus sigh. “You were there in the Office Building.” That made me look up at him.He closed his eyes and shook his head when he confirmed his thoughts. “I knew it. I thought I was just missing you too much that I was sensing your presence around. I thought I'd gone crazy.”I looked down on his collar again. “I was just outside in the hallway.”“What were you doing there, my love?” My heart jumped at the way he called me. I suddenly felt like blushing like a teenager.“W-well…” I cleared my throat and paused, composing myself as I met his eyes.“I wanted to see you,” I said honestly. I heaved a deep sigh after that. I’m just done holding back my emotions for him.I can not not express how much I want this with him. It felt like after
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CHAPTER 57: Infiltrate
“Ready for tonight?”I sighed and chewed on my food at Maddie’s question.We were both seated on the chairs inside the Omega House’s kitchen. Maddie had just finished bombarding me with questions and warm greetings since it’s our first time seeing each other for almost a month. I couldn’t say I didn't miss her chitchats since it's probably the longest we’ve ever been away from each other since we met.“Yeah,” I just said and swallowed.“You’re nervous, aren’t you?” She suddenly said and inched her chair closer to mine.I didn’t answer her and just took another bite from my lunch. “It suits you,” she said, pertaining to the bracelet she gave me that I wore around my wrist. She just changed topics like that."But really, why are you nervous? I heard you did really well in training.” She suddenly pointed a finger at me. Her light green eyes narrowed.“You can’t tell me you’re not nervous. I know that face.”I sighed once again and drank the water that was on the side. “So, I’m really
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CHAPTER 58: Eerie
Our eyes met, and in a snap, the red eyes were gone. Leaving the leaves and branches snapping and swaying.“Rina?” Goosebumps rose on my skin at the sight. I couldn’t seem to comprehend what I had just seen.Because except for the fact that another potential new rogue had just been able to infiltrate the supposedly impenetrable Vamos Pack, especially right after that last attack, the rogue looked afraid when it saw me looking.And most of all, that pair of eyes looked very familiar.“Rina!”I snapped my head back to Maddie when I felt her shake me. “H-Huh?”“Are you okay?” She asked, looking concerned. “Y-Yeah.” I cleared my throat and glanced back at the spot where I saw the red eyes.But they were really gone.“What are you looking at?” Maddie followed where I was looking. But there was nothing for her to see but the trees and leaves in the area.But in the corner of my eye, I suddenly caught something that made me take a step back and freeze.Someone just ran around the area!“Di
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CHAPTER 59: Follow
I looked at the stage, making sure the woman was not there and that I was just imagining things.But in confirmation, Lana wasn’t really present on stage, beside Titus, where she always liked staying.My heart beat faster as I looked at the forest again, still seeing figures moving about.What is she doing there? Why is she talking with a rogue? And most importantly, why is it not attacking her?Not that I want her to be attacked, but the most normal thing to happen when facing a rogue is to be attacked.Unless…“... announcement of the Top 14, the Kingsguard.”The applause that resonated around the area caught my attention. My head snapped back to the stage again and caught Titus looking at me. He gave me a small smile, but he immediately caught up to my emotions when a more serious expression came on his face.‘What’s wrong, my love?’ he immediately mind-linked me. I swallowed, feeling the chill around my neck when the wind breezed through the wide space of the pack. I can still
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