All Chapters of Enslaved By The Lycan King: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
83 Chapters
CHAPTER 70: Cause of Death
I stared at him for a while before I spoke.“Do you promise not to get mad if I tell you?”“Where were you besides the clinic?” He asked, his face curious and serious. I pouted a little, getting a little nervous over what I did when we already had a talk about this.We were finally having some time together without thinking of anything besides each other. But that has to be ruined. “Sabrina,” he called, sounding a bit impatient now.I sighed and surrendered.“Promise me first you’d see the reason for this and not get mad. At least not with Sebastian.”“Sebastian?” He sat up with the realization, looking a little mad with his brows still furrowed. Oh my. “Why–I told him not–“ I took his hand to stop him and sat up as well. “Promise me, please. I have a reason.”Still frowning, Titus looked right into my eyes and nodded briefly. I heaved a deep breath and sat properly on the bed, still holding his hand.“I–ah…” I looked down on our joined hands and exhaled one final deep breath.
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CHAPTER 71: Nightmares
I woke up hearing weird noises.I slowly opened my eyes, feeling my bed shake slightly. I turned my head to the side, and immediately knew where the movements and noise was coming from.“Titus?” I called. He shook his head and mumbled something in his sleep.“Hey,” I touched his arm, but he continued mumbling incomprehensible words.I looked at my window and saw that the sun had already peeked through the horizons of the sky. The sky was starting to become light blue but the breeze of the wind remained cold.I looked at my mate again and saw how sweat was trickling down his forehead as he continued flinching and moving around the bed, as if he was battling with something in his dream.“Titus, hey.” I shook him again.“N-No… don’t.” He mumbled, more comprehensive now.I touched his cheek and tapped him slightly. “Titus, you’re dreaming. Wake up.”I shook him once again, but he suddenly gripped my hand, holding it so tightly.“D-Don’t go, Mom.” My heart raced when his voice cracked, an
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CHAPTER 72: Signs
I inhaled the cool breeze of the wind as I stood beside the huge tree in front of the Omega House.I woke up with the sun already on my face, and with a note on my lamp that said: ‘Good morning, my love. I’ll be missing you again for the entire day. I have to go to work. I don’t want to disturb your sleep so I just wrote this note. I’ll see you this afternoon. Let’s have lunch together. See you.’My heart was still thumping real fast when a knock suddenly came on my door. Before I could open it, Maddie came in with a bright greeting. She noticed I was reading something, and my heart thumped for an entirely different reason that time. I immediately created an alibi and acted as if it was nothing.The situation made my mind go back to my thoughts last night. When can I talk about Titus and I freely? I’m not his secret, am I?I leaned away from the tree and put the broomstick I was holding earlier. I had just finished sweeping the yard. I insisted on doing that when the Head Matron d
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CHAPTER 73: Lunch
“Hi.” I almost flinched when I was pecked with a kiss on my lips as I sat in the middle of the lunch hall. It wasn’t my first time coming here, but it’s probably my first time eating in this place. Most probably eating with Titus in public, alone. “H-hey,” I greeted back when he rounded towards the chair in front of me. I looked around consciously, my mind still in a haze after what happened in the clinic. “Are you okay?” He asked, seeing me look around. “Are… you sure you want to eat lunch here?” I asked when people were also starting to arrive. I couldn’t help thinking about what Ben said. “Yeah,” Titus nodded casually, already looking at the menu in front of the counter while we sat. “Why not?” I just stared at him. All the things I heard were blocked. An epiphany came in my head. Had I just been overthinking about his thoughts about keeping me a secret? About us? About all of these? Am I just getting in too much in my head? Why would I suspect Ben of something? He
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CHAPTER 74: Birthday
“Happy birthday, Your Majesty. Enjoy your meal.” “Thank you,” Titus replied as soon as the chef walked away from our table that had the nicest smelling food I’ve ever smelled. “I can’t believe you managed to sneak this one out on me.” Titus shook his head in amusement. Sebastian, who was in front of him around this long table, grinned. “Well, am I not an awesome wingman?” He held the wine glass beside his porcelain plate. “Cheers to another year for our King, to Vamos, to defeating those stupid rogues, and to me. Cheers!” Shake to the head and chuckles came in before the clanging of the wine glasses came at Sebastian’s toast. “To Sebastian,” Titus added, smiling, before he sipped on his wine. I smiled at the both of them grinning at each other. It was so nice of Sebastian to prepare a celebration for his bestfriend’s birthday. And it was so nice seeing how genuine their relationship is. Sebastian led us to the Andreyev mansion. I have been to this place once, and I have din
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CHAPTER 75: History
The cold wind breezed through us, but ironically, it felt like warm caresses for us in the midst of the cold memories the day brought.I looked at Titus who was beside me as we trekked along the other side of the woods of Vamos. On the other side of the cliff I once discovered was a grassy slope. And that was what he said where his mom was.“She used to bring me here all the time,” Titus said, breaking the silence between us as he held my hand while walking.He turned to me. “This was where most of my happy memories with her happened.” I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what to say since he told me his birthday was the same day his mother died.I just walked closer towards him and hugged his arm.“I know you want to ask many things.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed the side of my head.“So ask away.”I sighed to myself.We all finished with our lunch celebration with huge smiles and talks of doing it again soon. It may have been our first time hanging out, but it
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CHAPTER 76: His Reason
“There was an attack in the pack that night. Mother and Father were fighting prior to that, because of me. She wanted to celebrate my birthday with him, but he never showed up until Mom decided to clean up the food she prepared for us. He eventually arrived later, smelling like alcohol. He was drunk, he could barely walk straight.”“My mother tucked me to bed that night, and that was the first time I saw her crying in front of me. She apologized to me over and over again for failing to have a nice birthday celebration. It was also the first time I saw them fight. It was always just them and I could hear them from afar. But that day, they talked back and forth, and that’s when I knew about their issue. That Father held on to Grandfather’s words about their matebond being a curse, and that Mom was sick of him not trusting their connection when it has already been years since they found out they were mates.”He paused for a while again and arranged the flowers he must have brought with h
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CHAPTER 77: Captive
”I'm sorry if I couldn’t tell you much about my life before.”I hugged his arm. ”It’s alright. I understand.”Titus smiled and held my hand tighter. We had just gotten down from the hill after staying there for a couple of hours. We talked more and shared more about our lives before we met each other. I told him about my Mom, how she was also gone early; and my Dad, who was nothing but good and loving. He once again apologized for all the consequences his predecessors have caused that damaged lives–for taking away my Dad from me. But I told him it wasn’t his fault. It was never his fault. And my anger at him when we first met was misplaced.I also told him more about my life when I lost my Dad. My life with Nathan and the De Lunas, and the life I had when I was taken into the House and met Maddie. Our conversation went on from our backgrounds until the moment we met. It was funny looking back now, how we kind of held so much back and just basically showed anger to each other. Whe
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Chapter 78: The Freedom
“... woken up yet. Run another one on that boy and we’ll start with this subject.”I shifted on my side, feeling so heavy and nauseous.“This boy is not going to survive another one. It’s clear he isn’t the right subject for this. We’re going to throw away some mixtures on him.””Just do it!” I flinched when someone screamed.My eyes were still closed, but my lids pushed further down when his voice echoed around the room. It rang loudly in my eyes.”I don’t care if he dies! We will not touch her until the master says so.””As you wish.”The voices around stopped, but the ringing in my head continued. I groaned, feeling so heavy--exhausted. I could barely move myself.“Primary subject has woken up.”I attempted opening my eyes. But it feels like I’m lifting a heavy weight metal and I was being pulled back to unconsciousness. I couldn’t seem to do it.”That’s good. That indicates she is indeed perfect for this. Almost everyone died with that mixture.”Mixture? Died at what?Confused, I
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CHAPTER 79: Torture
The mad rogue smirked. He walked closer. “We are going to replace that pretty king you have. And we will bring back what made Vamos so great for centuries past! Which he stupidly put a stop to! The bastard thinks he can still be the greatest wolf without all those markets we made? Stupid golden boy!”He shook his head, as if he was truly disappointed by Titus. ”Which market?” I already have an idea what he was talking about, but I want to double confirm it. I want to hear it from him.The mad rogue laughed at me. “All the markets that made the Andreyevs so wealthy! To be more specific, the ones working underground. How else would make them this stupidly rich? We did all of that! Yet they were the ones who claimed all the money and glory!”The switching of his emotions was so quick it was unsettling. He continued pacing the room, his hand on his chin as he thought of something. I just continued lying on my spot, feeling how the chemicals they put on me were slowly washing away.I di
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