All Chapters of The Alpha's Rejected Mate Is Back For Revenge : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
245 Chapters
BOOK TWOChapter 121(EPISODE 01)Dorian's pov.I was back in the forest with a gang of four friends when I heard a familiar howl of someone calling me and I knew who it was, it was Ashina.Hell might have broken loose that's why she was calling for me. The moment I arrived, I need not be told before grasping the entire situation.As much as I hated the fact about me hurting a woman, I just couldn't control myself around Daciana. I rejected her long ago but. Oh, she was here again causing more chaos than she had done before.I needed to reject her again if it was the only thing I would do to save my pack from her. I don't want to kill her but she was leaving me no choice.The look on her face had such a dilemma buried in it. I already knew it was a fake expression so nothing she do or say will get inside my head.My palace was now destroyed into chunks just because of her.She started walking off to leave the kingdom. I felt lightweight like my pains were plummeting out of me.Turning
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Chapter 122_____Writers pov.Dorian got out, his mind was still thinking of Daciana but his head was trying to shrug off that longing away from his body.He suddenly missed her but his mouth was finding it difficult to tell.He was in a state of confusion but another mindset kept on clouding him whole. He quickly walked off his chamber and head off to the dining. It has already been set up on a massive table for both him and a few guests that have arrived. There was a more pressing issue to address immediately or else the pack's lives would be in danger. 'Sir, all preparation has been made '' Avalon said, grabbing onto a tray that she wanted to serve on the table. "Have another maid to inform the deltas wolves to go get out a few of our visitors. The important ones" Dorian ordered. Immediately after he ordered she quickly ran to go convey the order.He moved to the head seat and waited for the guest to arrive.Avalon on the other hand conveyed the message before running back to
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Chapter 123_______Daciana's pov.I walked off with my tattered cloth, not looking back nor did I grow a hope of being saved. All have been lost, my title, mate, and even my home.I came here intending to make a change, I never liked the Alpha king but I had to move on with the wedding. My first visit here, the day I met Dorian, and also how he pulled off that scarf from my face all played in my head over and over again. It feels like yesterday but it ain't. Days have passed, a month or maybe years nevertheless.I am left with nothing and my only choice was to go back to where I thought I won't have to go back to.This was too cruel and wicked. This life inside me needs to be saved so for that purpose alone I need to strive to survive even if it would mean going down a shameful lane.I reach the boundary. A memory flashed in my head again. It was that day, the day Dorian brought in the wounded Ashina to the pack saying she was too injured to be left alone.I even falsely put up a pr
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Chapter 124_______Daciana's pov."And why is that?" She scoffed and adjusted herself properly on the door like I wanted to trip in unexpectedly.My stomach grumbled again, this time louder than expected that she was able to hear the sound. Her eyes trailed down to my stomach but all she could do was smile.I was dying right here and she wasn't helping. Even the kid in my stomach was sad at this moment and I could tell. "Please, just let me have some" I pleaded, in form of a threat, my next move would be to burn her ass off if she still wanted to be adamant.I can't possibly believe that people were supposed to be selfish concerning stuff like food, it's just to quench our hunger so why not help others? "Well, come in and have some but there will be payback afterward," she bargained. She was being barbaric and I knew it. Her smirk told me something but for now, my head wasn't up for speculative thoughts.I didn't even wait for her to adjust before I jumped in with widened eyes. She
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Chapter 125________Dorian's pov.I was still seated at a round table of men and drunk on my ass. This day, this night wasn't like others. I felt so good and light weighted that I might even pass out here laying flat with no worries growing inside me. Just then, I remembered Ashina offered to go get me a refill but till now she wasn't back yet, was something wrong? Or was it that she hasn't found it yet? I wondered. "Alpha Dorian, when do we start the renovation of the damp?" A sky pack member who was seated by a side asked.That issue needed to be addressed quickly to not put lives in danger. "I say we start as soon as possible, let's say tomorrow or next" I presented."That's a good idea but we need to have a rest also for this tiring journey. How about we start this up four days from now" he pleaded. "Is that supposed to be a request? We formed this alliance because we need this crucial matter to be addressed with immediate effect, what more are you saying?" I questioned with
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Chapter 126_________ "What??" I asked, flinching my brow.Her words sounded like being electrocuted by an immense source of electricity. " yes, you heard me right," she said not batting an eye or hesitating so it might seem as if it was a joke, but as serious as her expression was I finalized she was saying the truth. I shifted back to the end side of the bed, her hands that were patting mine were shrugged off, for this one I would object to her saying.I am the Alpha and should choose a mate I like who would become the Luna, but me choosing her would be like jumping in a sea full of snakes and frogs.I can't do it and I could feel it, she can't possibly be my Luna. Moreover, I never harbored any feelings toward her."I.." I stammered, my mouth couldn't spit out the words to her, I wanted to reject her offer but I couldn't. "Say something Dorian" she insisted.My brain seemed to be in turmoil before but after hearing her words it all balanced inside my head and I suddenly knew wh
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Chapter 127______"Become your luna?" She asked with widened eyes to be sure.My hips were still in between her thighs thrusting hard inside her but that doesn't mean I wasn't in control of myself. "Yes Ashina, become my Luna. I just realized you were the one for me all along and I failed to notice that" I concluded, glinting love and affection deep inside my eyes. "Wow, that's it. I will surely do my best and make you smile" she accepted. "I know because you love me", I replied and crashed my lips on her again making the kiss more heated than before.What was now left for me was to announce her as my Luna but before then I still had to ravage her body even for a little while. It has been a long since I felt this way, this surplus ecstasy revolving around my body. My hands were now at her waist, In just a swift turn I made her face backward, slammed her face in the bed, and positioned her ass towards me.I inserted my rod inside her and went berserk, there was no stopping as I st
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Chapter 128_______ "My love" she replied with pure emotion. Even her voice alone became the sweetest melody I have ever heard. "What?? Alpha are you sure about this" a senior said, making my happiness subside into a frown. My head twirled back to his side in annoyance, how dare he say sure here and right now? "What does that mean?" I asked, flinching my brow. My reply was cold and I expect him to sense the danger right here and now or else his life would be in danger. "That's not it Alpha, just a few days ago you were happy with Daciana, you guys have lasted for years so why crumble it up because of her" another elder chipped in unfazed by my emitting a deadly aura."That must be me under her spell but as you know I am free from it and none other than this woman here helped me get through it all" I reasoned out fluently, high off my horse as I steadily grabbed Ashina making sure she walked up to my side and stood by me."I present to you my Ashina as my luna from today hencefort
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Chapter 129______________ Writers povDorian stood his ground and wasn't letting go, he even went on and grabbed her hands tightly to show them that there would be nothing that would stop them from being together. "That's all I have to say, Alpha Dorian, any consequence that may befall would be sole because of you" the beta concluded before walking off angrily muttering some words in whispers with his fellows as he walks. "I can't believe that these people can be pathetic sometimes," Dorian muttered after watching how the betas walked away. "Nothing to worry about I'm sure they will come off it" Ashina who was by the side finally voices out.Her voice was shaky before and she was having doubts if Dorian would stand his ground and hold on to her, luckily he did and she felt lightly weighted.She knew she had Avalon to thank for, if not for that magical portion none of this would have worked. She wouldn't have slept in his arms, held him, or kissed him at all.To her, this was a pr
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Chapter 130___________Writers povConri and the others were still refusing to back down and had turned the situation back into a threat since Dorian wasn't paying attention to them."Did you just threaten me? Do you know who you are talking to?" Dorian asked. "No, I wouldn't say I know you because now I don't know if it's your talking or some witch but we opt to find out even if it's the last thing I do, despite you being the Alpha you are still my friend and I can't just let you go astray" cone poured his emotion out with a squeezed face but him alone knew the pain he was feeling down his chest."So what do you intend to do after threatening me?" Dorian asked with a smirk creeping on his face."Haha just wait and see what's gonna happen" Kaden interrupted with a chuckle that was so creepy, it made Dorian roll his eyes multiple times like he was trying to sense the danger lurking around. After a while, there was nothing except for the four of them. Knowing them, they could do craz
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